January 30, 2013 Public Hearing for the 2013 Budgets

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Members Present: Louie Houle Chairman, Mark Riel Vice-Chair, Larry Williams Secretary, Stan Bailey, Helen Schiff, Helen Schoppmeyer, Faith whitter, Ray Ramsey, Paul Rogers Selectman Rep., Mary Paridise School Board Rep., Paul Skowron Town Administrator.

Special Guest: Public invited


Meeting open at 7:04pm in the Lecture Hall P.M.H.S.


School Budget review: Mary paridise


Mary reviewed all the handouts left on the back table in regards to the accomplishments made recently, and current budget highlights. She reviewed the Warrant articles presented by the School.


Call for questions from the public or the Budget committee?


Cathy Corliss, Are you looking at a different kind of siding other than what is currently on the school?


Clayton Woods from the school Board stood up and commented.

The board had assembled a committee of volunteers and school board members to look at the problem, and review suggested solutions. A 50yr siding had been suggested to them by an Engineer. Clayton also encouraged any one who might have knowledge or interest in this project to join the committee and help with these decisions.

No further school items. Ended at 7:21pm


Louie opens town budget for discussion.


Louie ran through the budget page by page  and brought up items that the budget committee had  concerns on.



Line 11, Motor Vehicle permit fees, Selectman request  $420,000.00.  A possible increase of $20,000.00 may be asked for by the committee. Previous years were 2011- $439,723.74 and 2012- $451,093.73 


Line 39, Police special details, Selectman request  $50,000.00. An increase of $20,000.00 may also be asked for by the committee. This is in line with the pattern of revenue typically seen in the year  2011 of $79,614.28



Line 126, repair & maint. Selectman request $300.00. An increase of $200.00 may be asked for by the committee. Current budget doesn’t cover all the mowing.


Ambulance& Fire

Line 223, Secretary, Selectman request $13,000.00. A decrease of $3,000.00 may be asked for by the committee. If a part time chief is kept he will be all Administrative and expected they will handle the majority of the paperwork.


Building Inspector& Housing standards

Line 282, Building Inspector, Selectman request $28,000.00. A decrease of $6,000.00 may be asked for by the committee. 2012 Expended was $21,130.20,  How much building is currently going on?



Line 407, Rental Assistance, Selectman request $60,000.00. A decrease of $10,000.00 may be asked for by the committee. 2012 Expended $35,384.94, 2011 Expended $58,952.94.


Line 408, Electricity Assistance, Selectman request $8,000.00. A decrease of $1,000.00 may be asked for by the committee. 2012 Expended $4,800.62, 2011 Expended $7,726.70.


Recreation, Library& Patriotic Purposes

Line436, Library, Selectman request, $65,867.00. An increase of $1,317.00 may be asked for by the committee. This number represents the requested amount that the Library asked for. ($67,184.00)


Capital Outlay

Line 444, Police Cruiser, Discussions of a Dodge charger VS. the Interceptor do we need a four wheel drive?


Open for discussion.


Q. Robert Wharem, Does the Board of Selectman plan to continue into 2013 with a part time fire chief? If we do away with a full time chief, will the Selectman bring back the Board of Fire Wards? This Board was discontinued with the hire of a full time chief.

A. not sure


Q. Why does the pay in Article 22 double if we stay with a full time Fire Chief?

A. We do not pay any benefits for the part time Chief. A full time Chief would have benefits paid to, retirement, health, F.I.C.A.


Louie, is the town smaller? Should we do a study to see if the job of Fire Chief can be handled by a part time person?


Maurice Wells. Why is the print on these papers so small?

 It’s hard to read.


Maurice Wells. The Selectman transferred $36,000.00 over to the general fund at Tuesday’s meeting. Why can’t this money be used towards the library?


Paul Skowron. The money transferred were to pay for services already received by the town. It was to reimburse    the general fund.


Helen Schiff. Article 15, where is this money going? To one department or several?

Paul Skowron, Several departments will receive a portion of this money. The Budget committee has a report on this.


Robert Wharem. Most departments cycle out there computers yearly. This allows them to bring some things up to date with out changing the entire system over and losing needed older programs. Most systems have a yearly update (at a cost) instead of purchasing a new computer with incompatible programs.


Andi Riel. Article 16, What will happen when we want to put money into this account?


A. A set amount will be asked for in a warrant article, it will go in front of the voters, then the total will be deposited into the account if passed, and it can be expended with another warrant article on any piece of Equipment deemed needed at that time.


Joanne Ward. Is any money being asked for in a warrant article for this account?


A. No


Louie. This warrant can be amended and written to allow us to break down the asked for amount and divide it into specific accounts. Example: Asked for amount $50,000.00 can be divided $5,000.00 into Grader, $5,000.00 into Loader, $10,000.00 into Backhoe ect.


Maurice Wells. Where is the money for the Police Repeater coming from?


A. This cost is figured into the price of the new Cruiser.


Robert Wharem. The importance of a four wheel drive Cruiser instead of a two wheel drive is due to some of the roads in Pittsfield. Some roads can not be passed through with two wheel drive, and it is important that we be able to get out these roads in an emergency. A lot of communities are switching over to all four wheel drive. We have only one four wheel drive that Can be used for every day use.


Helen Schoppmeyer. Article 16. Does George Batchelder have a problems with any of these Trucks? Or do any of them need to be replaced this year?

A. The 99 Sterling is in bad shape but he believes he can make it survive another year. No others


Ed Vien. What is the cost of the Cruiser and the new Generator. Why do we need the generator now? What is the expected running time of this generator?

A. Paul Skowron. It will run once a week for maint. Purposes, and in any emergency that the town crew is need during.

Ed Vien. What is the life expectancy of this generator?

A. Paul Skowron. @ 50 Hrs/yr hopefully 100yrs


Adam Gauthier. Why did they go so big on this generator?

A. Robert Wharem. In an emergency it needs to be lerge enough to run the power to the shop and things like a welder. They need to be able to operate the shop and its normal functions.

Ed Vien. I would like to thank all of you for taking time to do what you are doing. Its time consuming and I like to say Thank You!


Budget Committee next meeting will be on Wed. the 6th of Feburary at the Town Hall 7:00pm.


A motion to adjourn was made by Stan Bailey and 2nd by Helen Schiff.


Meeting adjourned 8:37pm


                                           Submitted by Larry Williams