September 3, 2013 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman,
Linda Small (LS), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Albert Douglas (AD), Paul Skowron (PS),
Town Administrator, Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth: I passed out copies of my agenda to address tonight. (See attached – his notes pertained to Brian Eldridge, Petition for part-time Fire Chief, Police Log in The Sun, Town-owned properties, drugs in the Town and Food Pantry recipients selling their Food Stamps and utilizing the Pantry for food.

Fred Hast: Regarding Dan’s last statement about meeting with the Food Pantry Director, we have also heard rumors about some people doing this as well as other Department Head criticisms and Ruth is quite put out about it. He explained the statistics of the various users of the Pantry and the costs entailed in keeping the Food Pantry stocked. He related the monies that are needed to supply the Food Pantry and noted it is difficult to get volunteers. (LK) I think all you guys do a great job down there. Fred Hast: He explained that they are inspected by the USDA and rely on donations to purchase some of the food that they need. Why are people saying this? (LK) You are doing a great job. (LS) I do not know where you heard these rumors, but this Board does not feel that way. We have made arrangement to secure the door down there, and are waiting for the signage to be hung. Fred Hast: Welfare spends more money than we do. (LS) The only thing that this Board wanted and addressed was for the Food Pantry to have their own Tax ID number separate from the Town Hall. Do not listen to the rumors.

Fred Hast: You had a problem with the deed on 36 Loudon Road and went with sealed bids, which I disagreed with and suggested auctioning. I asked Paul in June when it was going up for auction and he noted sometime in August. It is now September. The properties that the Town has are getting vandalized – get rid of them. (LK) We are going to auction off the property. (PS) It is going to be on tonight’s Agenda.

Acting Fire Chief Nick Abell: Responding to Dan’s letter, it is his right as a citizen to submit the petition for part-time Fire Chief, but I hope that the people of Pittsfield make an informed decision. If we are not on a call, we are always down there. Come down and see what the Fire Department does.

Cathy Green: Larry, I am glad that you are staying on the Board. I want to thank the Board for reading my letter. This Town needs a task force on drugs to gain a recovery of our Town. Jobs are an issue. She explained what she thought the Town needs to realize this goal. Our justice system ……. My next stop is the Governor. She explained there is one individual in Town who sells drugs, violates people, and thinks he is above the law. We have to start working on this. This is Budget time and we need to figure out how to get a drug task force. Police are trying to do their job. The people want their Town back and it is time to bring the community back. We have so many empty buildings. We need something to do in Town that will bring in the kids and their families. We need to keep our kids safe.

Close Public Input


(EN) Snedeker and Clattenberg Junkyards; (LS) BOS Update, Legal Fees;
(PS) Sale of 36 Loudon Road; (LK) ZBA Update.


1. Reconstruction of Salt Shed Insurance Proceeds

(PS) George has had a discussion with Cara regarding the reconstruction of the salt shed. Looking back through the Minutes, it is noted that quotes were obtained by George, bids were reviewed, and Ray Webber was the vendor chosen. However, there is no affirmation by the Board that he was granted the bid and we are looking for Board to confirm Ray Webber as the vendor so that he can proceed.

(EN) Motion to approve Ray Webber as contractor for reconstruction of salt shed as approved by the insurance carrier. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EN) So this did not have to go out to bid but went out to bid prior to the insurance carrier’s estimate. (PS) Yes.

2. DRA Filing/MS-1 Extension Request

(PS) Cara has advised that the MS-1 was due on September 1st, however not all the required information (utility values) have been received yet.

(GL) Motion to approve filing for extension for MS-1 because of lack of utility values. (AD) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (EN) Extension till when? (PS) About thirty days. (LS) Last year we discussed having the assessors assess utilities. (PS) Question was posed to the assessors and Avitar charges for this service. (LS) Can we get a quote on this? (PS) to do. (LS) The State assessment is usually lower.

3. DRA Filing – MS-4

(PS) This is the estimated revenue for 2014. I have reviewed this with Cara and usually Board authorizes Cara to sign document.

(LS) Motion to approve MS-4, Revised Estimated Revenues and approve Cara Marston to sign document. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Application for Parade Permit

(PS) This application is for Parade Permit for Boosters Club. You will note that we have revised the application so that Police Departments gets/signs it first.

(LS) Motion to approve Parade Permit Pittsfield Middle High School Booster Club for September 20, 2013. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Recruitment for Welfare Director

(PS) We are up to date on this, advertising has occurred for Welfare Director and filing for application closes this week. Is there a special way Board would like to interview these applicants? (LK) Board should receive copies of them all.
(EN) Town Administrator can review and narrow them down. (PS) I will narrow them down to two or three potential applicants and they can come in to interview with the Board. Board agreed. (PS) to do.

6. Appointment of Fire Chief Recruitment Committee

(PS) As of today, Rob Freese has agreed to participate and Nick Abell noted those that would be on the committee to interview but a member of the public is still required. Board agreed to make formal appointments at the next meeting.

7. Sketch of Jitters/Chief Wharem Submittal

(PS) Board had asked for a sketch to be submitted by Chief Wharem of the new location and placement of the sidewalk items. (LS) Have there been any opinions from the Department Heads? (PS) No. (LK) When an individual wants to place items on the sidewalk such as benches, flowers, or signs, it is for the Board to decide.

8. Board to Consider Acceptance of Harvey Marston Scholarship Fund in the Amount of $6,000

(PS) This fund has been provided by the Marston family and they would like Town to accept the scholarship fund and allow the Trustees to manage. (See attached.)

(EN) Motion to accept the Harvey A. Marston Memorial Scholarship Fund for $6,000 to be managed by the Trustees of Trust Funds of the Town of Pittsfield. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. Copier/Printer Replacements/Lease of Canon Solutions Equipment

(PS) As you will note, Cara has prepared a spreadsheet pertaining to the copier lease proposals. What is being recommended is Board approve leasing two new copiers from Canon Solutions; the cost in savings is evident. The Police Department requires a color copier to file reports with the State.

(LS) Motion to approve authorization to purchase leases Canon Solutions America (45 ppm) for Town Hall and Police Department copier/printer. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Snedeker and Clattenberg Junk Yards

(EN) What would the Board like us to do concerning the license for the Snedeker and Clattenberg Junk Yards? Both are operating without a license. Should the Building Department send a notice? (LK) What kind of notice? (EN) It would be a Notice of Violation noting a fine if not addressed within five days – fine is $275 per day. They have been operating two months without a license.

(AD) This would be the first document sent to them concerning this? (EN) Yes, other than renewal letters. Board discussed that five days seems to be a short period of time and perhaps either 15-20 days would be more appropriate. (EN) It would mean that they have five days to contact Town for resolution. This is not a State Statute but is a notice that is utilized for all violations.

(EN) Motion to send Snedeker and Clattenberg Junk Yards Notice of Violation to respond within five days. (LS) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-0. (LK) and (AD) Abstain.

Discussion: (LS) I have no problem adding days to the notice. (AD) I have seen a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 30 days used for this. I would say 15 days; they know they have to do something. (EN) We have sent notices of violation before and have always used five days. (LS) Having five days to contact this office but not to have everything rectified is not bad. (AD) I am concerned about this being the first document they have been sent. After five days they are fined if they do not contact Town? (EN) They can be. (LK) Eric cannot answer that question; he is not the Building Inspector.

11. Sale 36 Loudon Road

(PS) 36 Loudon Road property is now eligible for sale; there is a structure on the property. I have contacted the Town Clerk to see if she could help determine an auction company that could be used for this purpose and she has indicated that the name most frequently mentioned in this regard if St. Jean Auction, which is widely known. Would the Board like to have someone come in and discuss this or have Town Clerk, Cara and myself discuss with the auction company? (LK) That would be ok with me. (EN) Will any of the other properties be done at the same time? (PS) Erica is in the process of doing repeat notifications from past years just to be sure. Only 36 Loudon Road for now; does the Board have days of preference? The auction company usually derives 10%. (EN) suggested a Saturday auction, if possible.

(EN) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to retain St. Jean Auction to auction 36 Loudon Road. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

12. BOS Update

(LS) I have had many people inquiring about this and would like to see it accomplished soon. (EN) to work on update.

13. Legal Fees

(LS) I did a reconstruction of 2013 Legal Fees. She related the amounts utilized for general/Planning Board, labor, employee consultations, and miscellaneous legal fees. It was noted that on some of the labor issues Board chose not to defend their managerial rights.

14. ZBA Update

(LK) A month ago, this Board made a decision about a ZBA issue. How does the ZBA get the information? (PS) I E-Mailed a copy of the Board’s Minutes to Carol Dodge and also Dee forwarded her a copy. We heard nothing from the Chairman of the ZBA. I sent another E-Mail to the Chair and other members of the Zoning Board with a copy of the BOS Motion. (LK) Did you sent the Memo from the Highway Department regarding liability? (PS) I have asked Dee to file George’s Memo with the ZBA. I have looked through my E-Mails but cannot find any attorney comments about the sign. The issue is that it is a Building Code issue. (LK) I want to make sure that the Board gets the proper information. (PS) to make sure that ZBA members have George’s Memo and attorney comments.




1. Policy for Recruitment and Employment – Revised Pending
2. Policy for Employee Total Compensation Pending
3. Draft Ordinance Re: Bicycles & Skateboards Pending


1. Timber Tax Levy Tax Map R43, Lot 6

(EN) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy Tax Map R43, Lot 6 in the amount of $513.50. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Intent to Cut Tax Map R37, Lot 9 (Supplemental)

(PS) This is all in order.

(EN) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R37, Lot 9. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

It was noted that supplemental indicates that a previous Intent to Cut was filed and this is an add-on to that one.


(EN) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second.
Carried 4-0. (LS) Abstain.

(LS) noted that she had several questions concerning Payroll and (PS) to check on them.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of August 20, 2013

(EN) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of August 20, 2013 with corrections. (GL) Second. Carried 4-1 (LK)


(LS) Page 6, No. 8, Paragraph 2 should read: (LS) Motion to transfer from Thompson…….
(LS) Page 7, No. 14 BOS Update, comment should read: (EN) working on it.
(LS) Page 8, No. 16, Under Discussion should read: Discussion: A Board member noted that legal counsel fees…………
2. Non-Public Session Minutes of August 20, 2013

(EN) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of August 20, 2013.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


15. Letter Merrill Vaughan – Concord Crimeline

(PS) read into the Minutes letter from Merrill Vaughan, Representative, Concord Regional Crimeline. (See attached.) Board agreed to acquire more information from Police Department on this and it will be on the Agenda for next meeting.

16. Avitar/Building Inspector: Re: Aubertin Property

(PS) I’m pretty sure this has been taken care of by Building Inspector.

17. Perambulation Barnstead/Pittsfield

(GL) noted that Selectman Bernard and Selectman Preston of Barnstead will do the perambulation for Barnstead. They will also be representing Barnstead regarding joint Fire and Police Department.

(PS) I have given examples of Vision Statements to the Police Chief. (GL) These should also be passed on to the Master Plan Committee. (PS) to do.

18. Police Log

(PS) I have discussed with Police Chief the issue of providing to the public more information than has been distributed in the past. Chief will be looking into some costs for additional software components for this purpose. He has advised me that Hampton uses this software and I am awaiting that information also.
(EN) Surrounding towns all have Police Logs.


Fred Hast: I have a suggestion for Town’s perambulation – use GPS. (EN) When I do the perambulation, I will be using GPS. Fred Hast: When you have to do it the next time, it will be much easier. (AD) When will the perambulation be done? (PS) The best time would be when there is the most visibility in the woods though not during deer season.

Cathy Green: What Bob put in the paper last time was good. (EN) There needs to be more consistency. Cathy Green: He has to keep his sources “under his hat.”

Close Public Input

Break: 7:27 P.M. Resume 7:35 P.M.


(EN) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a), (c), and (e):
RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – The dismissal, promotion or compensation of
any public employee or the disciplining of such employee or the
investigation of any charges against him unless the employee
affected: (1) Has a right to a meeting, and (2) request that the
meeting be open, which case the request shall be granted.
RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Matters which, if discussed in public would
likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a
member of the Board itself, unless such person request an open
RSA 91-A:3 II (e) – Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or
litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the Town
or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof because of his
membership in such body, until the claim or litigation has been fully
adjudicated or otherwise settled.

(GL) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:37 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

Motion made by (EN) to not publicly disclose the Non-Public Minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board. Second: (LS). Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.


(LK) Eric, on the BOS Update, do what you can. I will help you any way I can.


(EN) Motion to adjourn. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Approved: September 10, 2013

___________________________ ______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on September 3, 2013, transcribed and publicly posted on
September 5, 2013.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes