June 10, 2008 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting

Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
6/10/2008 (draft)

The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on June 10, 2008 in the children’s room of the library.
Present: Director Leslie Vogt
Chair Mary Schelble
Treasurer Bill Provencal
Secretary Sylvia Wallace

Acceptance of Minutes: The motion (Bill / Mary) to accept as written the minutes of May 13, 2008, passed unanimously.

Old Business: CD renewal: After discussion, the motion (Sylvia / Mary ) to roll over any future monthly interest incurred on our CD was accepted unanimously. Bill will take care of this when he looks into the best rates and renews the CD. He will also ask about getting a monthly statement from the bank so we can include this information in our financial report. It was moved ( Bill / Mary) to have the treasurer withdraw $1,000 from our Trust Fund ( money made from equipment and fine income) and put it into our CD. The motion was accepted unanimously.

– Leslie reported on the personnel sessions she attended at the NHLA conference, stating they were beneficial and updating personnel policies was one of her goals in the upcoming twelve months.
-The application to the Jameson Trust has been submitted.
-The carpets will be cleaned the weekend of June 14th.
-Initial estimates for the increase cost for utilities/heat for 2009 total approximately $2500.00. She would like to discuss the possibility of additional insulation and /or an alternate fuel source with the select board. Leslie was told the insulation in the attic was very thin, and thought having more of it would help with the heating costs. Having an energy audit for the building was discussed.
-The Select Board has requested to have a Wi-Fi antenna placed on the library chimney. It was moved (Bill/Mary) and accepted to accepted the proposal.
– SILK (Suncook Inter-library Cooperative) are trying to organize a Trustee night to be held in Epsom, possibly in September. The guest speaker will be Melissa Martin, Legal Consultant to NHLTA.
– Leslie said she has received notice that the town needs to have a capital improvement plan updated before March. We need to submit ours by late July or early August, any major projects ($25,000+) on building improvements and estimated costs. This could be long term projection, but Leslie is not sure until she receives the details. Leslie will look up the list of projected projects the Board of Trustees generated last year for our next meeting.
-Leslie handed out copies of a letter from The Board of Selectmen requesting a level funded budget for the year 2009. It was discussed. The Trustees will consider submitting two budgets.
– The financial report was discussed.

The motion (Sylvia, Mary) to accept the financial and director’s report was accepted unanimously.

New Business: The Board of Trustees did the annual walk around the library.
– Some holes in the black top along top of wall need to be sealed.
– The paint is peeling off some of the tin ceiling tiles. It has been about twenty years since the ceiling was last painted, however most of it looks good. Leslie is concerned because it is lead based paint. It was decided that Bill would get help from Mark Wallace and they would scrape the peeling paint from the damaged tiles and repaint them.
-Above the back door there is a piece of non galvanized steel which is rusty. The custodian sanded and painted it two years ago, but it is rusty again. Leslie thought it was initially put in four years ago.
-window frames on side of building were painted in 2003. If we are not getting new windows, they need to be done again. Windows are in bad shape and need replacement.

Leslie suggested the Board of Trustees meet with the town Board of Trustees to discuss modifying how our money is invested.

Mary and Sylvia reviewed the NH Library Trustees Conference they attended on May 14th.

The Board of Trustees will do a director evaluation at the next meeting, so the meeting will begin half an hour earlier, at 6:00 p.m.

The next meeting will be July 15th , 2008 at 6:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Sylvia Wallace