April 1, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.
Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison
(LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
(DM) Non-Public – Employee; (LS) Police Detail Rate, Town Clock, Police
Department Schedule, Non-Supervisory Performance Evaluation, and LDC;
(EV) Non-Public – Employee; (LKE) DPW Appointment – Bidding Policy,
Tax Anticipation Note, and Pittsfield Players BTLA Hearing, Teamsters
Dismissal of Grievance, and Police Department Arrest Log.
1. Glenn Amnott – Ethics Committee Report
Glenn Amnott related that he was present regarding the Ethics Committee
findings regarding complaint filed by Dan Schroth in reference to Art Morse
and his recusal as a Rotary member during the discussion on the Balloon
Rally. The Board’s findings indicate that there is no merit to the complaint
and therefore, does not merit an investigation.
The issue was regarding the matter of disclosure as opposed to recusal.
Disclosing an affiliation of some kind does not necessarily mean recusal if
individual feels it would not affect judgment and it is left up to the
individual to decide. Members can be impartial. Disclosure of affiliation
usually results in dismissal of the complaint. Several Board members noted
that it was their understanding that it would the decision of each individual
Board member. Mr. Amnot noted that one would have the obligation of
disclosing but not recusing. He also noted that the phrasing of this
complaint was not agreeable to Board.
As a reminder, he noted that Ethics Committee has the obligation to offer
ethics “training” to any new Board or Committee members and would
appreciate Board arranging these meetings.
2. Interview Candidate for PT Police Office
Cancelled as results of some tests were not yet available.
3. George Bachelder – DPW – Bid Policy
(LKe) At the recent Town Meeting, the purchase of heavy-duty truck (plow
dump truck) was approved for the DPW. The cost would be $130 -135,000.
George has discussed the purchase with a vender noting that the chassis
would be purchased and then the particular specs would be added. He noted
that he was concerned about the lead-time necessary for the vendor’s
installation as specked. He noted that he did not want to wait to have this
done close to the next winter season as in the interim, it would require
financing the old truck for repairs. This is a specific piece of equipment
with specific specs. We are currently looking at August and this is the only
company in the immediate area that works with this type of installation. The
truck itself would be purchased through International Trucks and then the
specs added by this company. One of the reasons for this selection was due
to location should the truck require any repairs. Cost would be $134,178,
which is about $800-900 less than budgeted. He discussed his reasoning for
these particular selections and was requesting that Board waive the bid
(EV) related that his only concern was that the competitive pricing process
would be lost. I would waive bid policy if you had two other company
prices to compare with the one you have noted. This would give us the
option of seeing how close the costs were. George related that probably any
other companies would be in Massachusetts and that would be a long way to
travel and the difference would probably only be in the $100’s. He noted
that the installation of the plow and other specs is a very lengthy process and
is accomplished on a first come, first serve basis. He noted when he called
recently, Town was already No. 4 on their list. (LS) noted that she was
comfortable with the information as provided by George and Leon.
(LS) Motion to conditionally approve the purchase of International truck as
noted by George with the necessary specs to be added and waive the Bid
Policy after George and Leon have compared other prices. (DM) Second.
Carried 5-0.
Action Items
1. Proposed Format: Schedule of Appointments for Town Boards,
Commissions, and Committees
(LKe) related that he wanted to check with Board concerning the current
format of schedule of appointments for Town boards, commissions, and
committees. “I would like to start using this for Pittsfield, which would keep
us organized as to members and terms. Form will be updated to include
beginning and ending dates of terms.
(DM) Motion to accept proposed format of scheduled appointments form
for Town boards, commissions, and committees. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.
2. FD Proposal to Purchase Storage Container
(LKe) related that Board had briefly discussed the need for replacement site
for storage for Fire Department. They currently are utilizing space within
the Public Service Company building, but Public Service would now like to
have the space back. Chief Johnson has investigated several alternatives and
has determined that purchase of a seagoing cargo container, which would be
housed at the WWTP, out of sight, locked and under good control would be
the best alternative. The cost would be approximately $3,000.
Chief Johnson explained that these cargo containers are rugged as well as
watertight and would offer space for the necessary storage of antique fire
apparatus, equipment not currently being used, old radios and etc. The
current rental of space per year is $1,500 and purchase cost of the cargo
container would be about $3,000. He noted that this method of storage has
been used by others and has worked out successfully. It would be better
than the tractor-trailer we currently have and which we would keep, but is
not watertight. The cargo container would maintain its value should we
decide to sell it. (LS) questioned the budget issue and why it was not an
item that was planned for. “I am not willing to spend money that is not in
the budget. This should have been taken care of within your budget.” Chief
Johnson related that the container idea did not come up until after January
1st. (LK) suggested that purchase could possibly be done through the
auction. Chief Johnson noted that rental of the container would cost about
$70-75 per month. (LS) related that she would not like to start out the year
spending money we do not have. Chief will provide more information on
rental vs. purchase.
3. Consider Approval of Permanent Employee Status – Debra
(LKe) related that Debra Gauthier, Administrative Assistant, has now
completed her probationary period of employment and is now seeking
permanent status.
Chief Wharem explained the process of probation and noted he has
completed his evaluation and she is working out very well. He requested
Board keep her on as a permanent employee and adjust her salary as
appropriate. He noted that in the current contract, her position salary was
not provided for and he would leave it up to the Board’s discretion and
(EV) Motion to approve hiring Debra Gauthier as full-time permanent
employee. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.
4. Award of Agreement for Tax Anticipation Note
(LKe) “We are going to need to look to the bank for help regarding current
expenses versus the future revenue.” Cara has sought information from
three banks for up to $1 M, maturity at the end of year with revolving cred it.
Those three banks would be Citizens Bank at 2.22%, Northway Bank at
2.24% and T.D. Bank North at 2.59%.
(LS) Motion to approve tax anticipation note loan through Citizens Bank,
with revolving credit. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.
5. Central NH Regional Planning Commission Request for NH 28
Study Support Letter
(LKe) related that the information has been received but too late for this
meeting and will be on the Agenda for next week.
6. Proposed Purchase of Entryway Carpet
(LKe) You may have noticed as you walked in, the entryway carpet. It is
not clean, worn and in poor condition. Paul, the janitor, has gotten some
prices from George’s Carpet in Epsom at a cost of $75 for a 4 x 8
replacement rug. Now that we are having the floors replaced in the
conference room, it is important that we have something that can be utilized
at the entryway for this purpose. There are two other rugs that are
moderately worn and should at some point also be replaced.
(EV) Motion to purchase three new runners at a cost no t exceeding $75.00
each. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
7. Pittsfield Players
(LKe) explained that the Pittsfield Players last fall requested exemption from
property taxes. They presented a packet of information warranting their
non-profit status and requested 100% exemption. The Pittsfield Players
have filed with the BTLA for exemption and are scheduled to be heard next
week and someone from the Town needs to be present to present Town’s
case. This would be to determine exemption not a value difference. It will
be up to the State to determine that they meet the criteria for tax exemption.
(LS) will put together all her research papers and (LKe) will represent Town
in this endeavor. (LKe) noted that if Town defaults, it will be necessary that
we pay the legal fees.
8. Police Details
(LS) noted that it was brought to her attention that two different detail rates
are being used, which is impractical.
(LS) Motion to approve detail rates at $31.00 for 2008, $32.00 for 2009,
and $33.00 for 2010. (LK) Second. Carried 5-0.
1. PD Employees on Light Duty Status
(LKe) explained that several PD employees have had or pending surgery and
would be on light duty status and would not leave station. This means
coverage would be accomplished by other employees. (LS) “How long?”
and is there enough for them to do on light duty? Chief Wharem explained
that it would be for approximately 4-6 weeks depending on recovery and
that there would sufficient work. He explained what their duties would
entail on light duty. (LS) “Can the part-time officers fill in the slots?”
Chief Wharem explained that they would somewhat but two or three of them
would be attending the Police Academy soon.
2. Teamsters Union Withdrawal of Unfair Labor Practice Charge
(LKe) As a result of the recent “sit-down” participation, the Teamsters have
withdrawn the charges. They have their copy of this and it is now official.
The next step would be for them to sit down with their local steward and
3. Flood Preparedness Community Visit – March 28, 2008 Minutes
(LKe) About a week ago, a group from the State visited Pittsfield to discuss
possible flooding issues this spring. The goal was to communicate those
things that we could do better/different and help us with these issues. There
is still the potential for flooding. Installation of channel barriers by the State
instead of sandbagging was also discussed. They also visited the areas in the
floodplain and discussed the retaining wall/sidewalk on Main Street. This
will be reviewed by DOT and Town notified as to future input.
4. PELRB Pre-Hearing Conference – AFT-NH vs. TOP
(LKe) There is a pre-hearing on April 9th in Concord regarding complaint
filed by other Union. How would Board like this to be handled? Any
information provided to them would also have to be available here. (LS),
(LK) and (LKe) will attend. (LS) to provide the research materials she has
accumulated and these will be combined with (LKe) findings.
5. FD Chief Memo March 24, 2008 Regarding Hiring of Personnel
(LKe) At the last meeting, a question was raised regarding hiring of
personnel. Chief Johnson has provided a response, which is self –
explanatory. Board members probably have noticed some new names on
paychecks of part-time firefighters. (EV) questioned whether there was a
difference between EMT and Firefighter? Chief Johnson related that
Firefighter is on paid call and EMT would be on shift duty. He explained
the process of acceptance of applications and scheduling of these
individuals. It was suggested that the names of the new individuals could be
included in the Fire Department Monthly Report.
6. Police Department Arrest Log – March 22-28, 2008
(LKe) Handout for Board’s review.
7. Town Clock
(LS) noted that the Town clock is not working and $5,000 for repairs has
been approved. (LKe) noted that attempts to fix it have been made. The
church has been contacted, as has the individual who has worked on it in the
past and will be checking it soon.
8. Police Department Schedule
(LS) “Do you have the April schedule?” Chief Wharem related that it has
been modified and has just been completed today. He related that a copy
would be forthcoming.
9. Non-Supervisory Performance Evaluation Form
(LS) “Donna and I revamped the Supervisory Evaluation Form, and I would
like to revamp the Non-Supervisory Performance Evaluation Form, if it is
agreeable with the Board.” Chief noted that he has previously submitted a
suggested form of a more job specific application. He noted that Police
Department evaluation would be a little different than for most jobs.
10. LDC
(LS) requested that (LKe) could get approval from the current LDC. (LKe)
to do.
1. Capital Improvement Plan Status
(LKe) Nothing new on this.
2. Space Needs Study
(LKe) noted original report still not located. Chief Wharem and Chief
Johnson noted that neither of them had ever been contacted regarding this
issue. The Board explained that they are still looking into this.
3. WWTP Plan Status
(LKe) noted that they have had some feedback from Joe Ducharme. A
formal letter has been sent to Rural Development.
4. Towing Company Insurance Status
(LKe) noted that Jon Steiner left shortly after he had discussed this with him.
Additional information will be forthcoming shortly.
5. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status – Copies of Estimates Need
(LKe) The Board now has copies regarding upgrading several road sections
and rebuilding sidewalks as prepared by George three years ago. I will try to
solidify the estimates and get the estimated contract prices . I would also like
to walk the area to see what is needed and also try to determine the priority
from George’s point of view. (LS) noted that some are definite priorities.
(LKe) also noted that if accident occurred and there was no plan in place for
repair/construction, then insurance could be costly. (LS) noted that if we
have them, they should be maintained. (LKe) “We should establish a rating
system for sidewalks.”
1. Intent to Cut – R51-7
(EV) Motion to approve Intent to Cut R51-7. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.
2. Veteran’s Tax Credit Application – Frederick Okrent
(DM) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit for Frederick Okrent.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.
3. Junk Yard License Renewal – Pittsfield Salvage
(LKe) This is for Bruce Clattenberg.
(EV) Motion to approve Junk Yard license renewal for Pittsfield Salvage.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Check Registry. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to release check No. 8310 for $150 to MRI. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.
(LK) noted that he had discussed this with Paul Skowron and they will be
putting together the Teamster contract at no cost. The AFT contract is also
be redrafted by their Union.
1. Public Minutes of March 25, 2008
(EV) Motion to approve Public Minutes of March 25, 2008. (JL) Second.
After discussion: Carried 5-0.
A few minor word changes were noted.
2. Non-Public Minutes of March 25, 2008
(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Minutes of March 25, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of March 25, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LKe) noted that the Special Town Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 15th.
There are five weeks in April, do you wish to have a meeting on that date?
(EV) Motion Board not meet on April 15th. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.
As you will remember Mr. & Mrs. John Topouzoglou had a discussion
regarding their property at a previous Board meeting. Ron and Mike
Sullivan discussed this with him. He invited me down to view his property.
It was noted that the drain in the cellar is not hooked up to the sewer system.
He has a sump pump which pumps water out the cellar window with various
items elevated because of the water in the basement. Mr. Topouzoglou was
very open about these matters during my visit.
Regarding the upcoming audit, they have committed to begin the audit on
May 5, 2008.
I have discussed with the Chief of the Traffic Bureau, DOT, his opinion
regarding changing the STOP sign at Carroll and Main Street. He noted that
the STOP should be on Carroll Street and the other one should be removed.
If Board is agreeable, they will begin this process very shortly including
painting the road accordingly. Board agreed
All the paperwork has been completed for those individuals approved for
various boards, commissions, and committees and is ready to be sent out.
They will be provided the Code of Ethics information and sworn in.
(LK) reported on the progress of the wood floors installation.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91 A:3 II (a), (b) and
(c). (LS) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled
individually and all agreed.
Break at 8:00 P.M. Non-Public Session began at 8:07 P.M.
Board returned to Public Session at 8:35 P.M.
(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of April 1, 2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to extend employment of Leon Kenison, Town Administrator
until contract can be agreed upon. (DM) Second. Carried 5 -0.
(EV) Motion to Adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Approved: April 8, 2008
_____________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date