April 1, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting

DATE: Thursday, APRIL 1, 2010

ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:10 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Acting Chairman.

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present:

Bill Miskoe (BM), Acting Chairman, Don Chase (DC), Selectman Ex Officio, Daniel Greene (DG), Dan Schroth (DS), Ted Mitchell (TM), Pat Heffernan (PH), Clayton Wood (CW), Alternate, and Hank Fitzgerald (HF), Alternate, Recorder.

Members Absent:

Rich Hunsberger (RH).

Clayton Wood seated in lieu of Rich Hunsberger absence.

ITEM 6. Waiver Site Plan Review regarding Prophecy Tattoo, Thomas Pelletier and James Townsend, 16 #1 Concord Hill Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map U06, Lot 3). Property is owned by Sttipfield LLC, 16 Concord Hill Road, Suite 2, Pittsfield, NH 03263.

Mr. Pelletier related, “We have moved into Town and run a Mom & Pop
Tattoo parlor. We have talked with the Building Inspector several times
about what we have to do. He recommended we apply for this Waiver
requesting no Site Plan Review. Our building has had a business there for a
long time and we have changed nothing.”

(BM) As a tattoo business, do you have to be licensed by the State?
Mr.Pelletier: “We are fully licensed by the State.” (BM) Are you up
to date with all State requirements? Mr. Pelletier: “Yes, Kyle has copies of
all our licenses.” (BM) The Board has a request for Waiver of Site Plan

(DG) Motion we accept and grant the Waiver for Prophecy Tattoo.
(PH) Second.

Discussion: (PH) Why wouldn’t we grant this?

Public Input: Fred Hast: “You do not have all the paperwork from the BI –
either a report or copies of the licenses, etc. (BM) I did get an E-Mail from
Kyle asking if he had to attend given the budget restraints. I told him “No,
he didn’t.” We also talked about both Waiver requests and he said as far as
he is concerned, everything is in order.

(FH) You should have a paper trail.

(DG) In the past, we have done Waivers more as a formality. I think we
should vote on this. (HF) What is up on top of your store – no apartments?
Mr. Pelletier: I am not the owner, but I believe it is storage. (HF) It affects
parking requirements. (DG) Since we have nothing from the BI with
negative concerns and since I know these gentlemen ran Prophecy Tattoo in
Loudon for five years with no problems, I suggest we approve this request.

Vote: Carried 7-0.

ITEM 5. Waiver Site Plan Review regarding Dorothy Langevin-Byers, Gift N’Thrift, 30 Main Street, Pittsfield, NH 03261 (Tax Map U03, Lot 70). Property is owned by 32 Main Street LLC,
8 Chestnut Street, Pittsfield, NH 03263.

(BM) No owner representative is present.

(DG) Motion to approve this Waiver for Dorothy Langevin-Byers, Gift N’
Thrift. (DS) Second.

Discussion: (BM) I looked at this last week and I do not see a change of
use. The parking is on the street. (HF) My only concern is the two means
of egress? (DG) That is a Building Inspector issue and not for us. (BM) If
we grant the building Waiver, Fire Department can still require this.
(DG) She was on Elm Street, and now on Main Street and this means one
less vacant spot. I am fully in favor of this. (CW) Bill, your E-Mail from
Kyle said both were in good order? (BM) Yes. (HF) Whatever
information Kyle has should go into our file to keep a paper trail.
(FH) One less storefront.

Carried 7-0.

ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of March 4, 2010.

(DG) Motion to approve Minutes of March 4, 2010. (TM) Second.

(BM) Are we ready to proceed?

(CW) Page 3, third Paragraph from bottom should note Carried 6-0-1 Abstention (BM).

(BM) Item 8 – It notes “It was decided that Bill Miskoe would write a restriction in the Sun…” to clarify his position. I believe that Motion was to “suggest” that Bill write a letter of retraction.” (PH) Yes, I made that Motion.

(BM) All in favor to approve Minutes with revisions as discussed.
Carried 5-0-2. (PH) and (DC) Abstain.

ITEM 3. Welcome New Members and Election of Officers & Alternates

(BM) We have a letter from Hank Fitzgerald requesting re-appointment as

(DS) Motion to appoint Hank Fitzgerald as Alternate. (DC) Second. After
Discussion: Carried 6-0-1 (DG Abstain).

Discussion: (DG) I thought we would advertise for this. It is open to anyone who would like to apply.

Board discussed as to how many alternates for Board and how to accomplish this.

Election of Officers


(CW) I nominate Dan Greene for Chairman.

(DC) I nominate Bill Miskoe.

Vote: Dan Greene 3-0. (TM), (CW) and (DG) voted for Dan Greene nomination.

Vote: Bill Miskoe 4-0. (BM), (DS), (DC), and (PH) voted for Bill Miskoe.

Bill Miskoe elected as Chairman.


(DS) I nominate Ted Mitchell.

(DC) I nominate Dan Greene

Vote: Ted Mitchell 5-2. (CW) and (DG).

Vote: Dan Greene 2-5, (BM), (DC), (DS), (PH), (TM).

Ted Mitchell elected as Vice-Chair.

ITEM 7. New Business

Bailey Park Subdivision – Articles of Agreement & Covenants

(BM) We have a letter from Laura Spector, Town Attorney.

(CW) The Articles of Agreement are all marked up with the wrong dates.

Board discussed and it was decided that Bill Miskoe would write a letter to Laura Spector to request she work with Atty. Rossen to:

1. Formulate final Articles of Agreement and Covenants;
2. Advise that concerning the other five lots, that is a private dispute
which does not involve the Town.

(HF) We should let the Town Attorney handle this. We can make a Motion to instruct Chair to write letters.

ITEM 8. Selectman’s Report – Don Chase, Selectman Ex Officio


ITEM 10. Public Input


ITEM 11. Adjournment

(DG) Motion to adjourn. (TM) Second. Carried 7-0.

Approved: April 15, 2010

_______________________________ ____________________
Bill Miskoe, Chairman Date

I Tape