April 10, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
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Meeting Minutes – 04/10/07
1) Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. In attendance: Eric Bahr (EB), Merrill Vaughan (MV), Linda Small
(LS), Ed Vien (EV), Ellen Barbasso (EBa), James Hetu (JH), Pat Heffernan (PH), Karen Vanderpool
(KV), Matt Monahan (MM) representing the CNHRPC. Also attending were: Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan
Muenzinger (SM), Dick Munn (DM), John Weinhold (JW).
2) Minutes of 3/28/07 were not reviewed.
3) Restaurant List
a. MM provided a restaurant list for potential inclusion in NHIS marketing materials. (See
b. List was reviewed and changes were suggested
4) Review of NHIS meeting with MM and EV
a. See Attached notes
i. Set cars on Rt. 28 and refer to locations in Downtown
ii. Should plan on NASCAR for 2008
1. Too late this year
i. Pick 4-6 cars
ii. See all cars and get a raffle ticket
iii. EDC provides cars and drivers, businesses provide locations and promotional materials
iv. Need to commit soon
v. MM suggested giving USAC a rough number and we can refine the details later
1. MM will call Brenda Darland for 6 cars
vi. MV suggested posting the event on the town web site and the public access cable
vii. EDC agrees that if we set this event and get people into Downtown we must have
something to show them.
5) Funding Options
a. MM handed out a list of possible funding options
i. EDC needs to decide what we can do and what we want to do
b. EV has access to a CD with maps of all water and sewer through Ron Vien
c. EB suggested meeting with Ralph O’Dell of the Master Plan committee to suggest what they
would like to start on.
d. LS suggested we need a plan before we choose from available projects and agreed that the MPC
should be invited
e. SM commented that the MPC is not ready for such action or to present their current findings
f. EB suggested selecting 2-3 top priority projects, finding the funding for the specific projects
through MM and moving forward with a plan.
a. SM would like an accounting of the time left on the CNHRPC contract and a report on the
status of the remaining projects especially the Marketing Plan
7) Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase
a. EDC should have a booth at this event on 04/30/07
8) Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Submitted by: ________________________________
Karen Vanderpool