April 10, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:30 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




(LS) Suncook River Nomination, Administrative Plan; (PR) Non-Public – Employee; (LK) NH Health Officers Conference, Emergency Coverage 24/7;
(PS) FMLA Request – Non-Public, Robert Gauthier – Rescission of Resignation, Security at the Town Hall, Safety Inspection – Electrical Issues, Pat Heffernan, Replacement Page Re: Ambulance Scheduling Alternatives.


1. 5:30 P.M.: Comerford, Nieder, & Perkins – Assessing Proposal

Mary Moses and Cindy Perkins were present. Ms. Perkins offered a brief history of the company and noted that they had done some assessing in Pittsfield previously and were somewhat familiar with the Town. They currently have about six towns with which they are contracted. They noted that they do abatements, pick-ups and the general assessing process.

Ms. Moses and Ms. Perkins left at 5:43 P.M.

1. Proposed Letter from the Economic Development Commission

(PS) The EDC is asking Board to consider maintaining ownership of 79 Tilton Hill Road noting that it is believed that it would be better utilized as a rail trail or adding a protective covenant to protect future rail trail use. (LS) During these economic times, EDC would rather protect the walking trails with an easement through the property. (PR) The problem with granting it for that capacity would include more areas for hangouts and other problems. I am not for it at this time. (LS) The EDC is just requesting this be a consideration in case the property is sold.


2. 5:50 P.M.: Avitar Associates – Assessing Proposal

Gary Roberge and Lauren Martin were present. They noted that they are reasonably familiar with the area of Pittsfield. They currently have about 60 towns under contract with a staff of about 18 – all certified with the State. Ms. Martin noted that the software has been used since 2007 and all assessing done is for one total amount. Other companies charge per parcel or per hour but Avitar offers the assessing at one flat budgeted amount.

Mr. Roberge and Ms. Martin left at 6:04 P.M.

3. 6:20 P.M.: Certified NH Assessing Services – Assessing Proposal

David Hynes and Jared Hynes were present. He noted that he believes he is doing a good job for the 3 towns that he represents and that he and his son, Jared, are involved in the entire process. He related that he had been involved in assessing in various cities and that there is a different attitude when comparing the two.

4. 6:40 P.M.: Municipal Resources – Assessing Proposal

Mr. Scott Marsh and Mr. Joe Lessard were present. It was noted that they have been in business since the early 90’s and currently represent about 15 communities with a staff of 5-7 depending on the involvement. When questioned about abatements, Mr. Lessard noted that there are fewer abatements than in the past as the taxpayer is aware of what is going on. The best way to handle abatements is good public relations.
Mr. Marsh and Mr. Lessard left meeting at 6:50 P.M.

Break: 6:52 P.M. Resume at 6:57 P.M.

5. 7:00 P.M. Chief Wharem/Chief Johnson – Shift Schedules

Police Chief Wharem – Police Department:

(LK) The Board wanted to meet with you to discuss shift schedules. We are considering changing schedule from four ten hour shifts to five eight hour shifts for the Police Department. Chief Wharem: I did a schedule for you. Schedule includes eight people and we only have seven people at the current time; more coverage during certain times of the day is required due to “history of past calls.” The schedule is based on the future and no one knows what is going to happen in the interim. Holidays are a concern because of the overtime which encompasses about 30 hours. The heaviest call time is between 7:00 a.m. and 1 and 2:00 a.m. With the 8 hour shift, it does not implement the part-timers in the schedule and they would be utilized as fill-ins for sick time, vacation, and holidays when available.

(LS) What about the summary for the support staff? Chief Wharem: That has not yet been done. We currently have a secretary that does the transcription for the Court cases and it is vital that these be correct. She now works about 5-6 hours per week and we have had good convictions with this. The Administrative Assistant has important assorted duties including subpoenas to evidence requests, phones and the door traffic. If an officer had to come in off the street to do these things, it would be more costly. (LS) Is the Detective Sargent in the office all week?
Chief Wharem: No, he and I are both involved in patrolling. One of us is working to cover the day shift but there are times spent at the hospital, other locales doing interviews, and testifying at the Grand Jury. We have been working the four ten hour days since 1998. Holiday pay is our biggest liability and with Memorial Day coming up I will need some direction as to how to schedule.

Chief Wharem: A City Prosecutor might be a consideration to handle all Court matters and would save money. This would be on a contractual level. Crime is not slowing down. (LK) On March 27th there was a shift with no coverage – you were at a convention, two officers were on vacation and one was out on medical. Chief Wharem: Yes, these were all previously scheduled. There is still $15- 16,000 to make up in my budget. Every town is hurting. This is a 24 hour department and frequently people are out of Town. (PR) It would help if there was not doubling up on vacations. Chief Wharem: Up until that night, it had never been an issue. It was because of no overtime. I had some officers that could have come in.
(LK) Out of 7 or 8 people, five were out. Board emphasized the need for better management in the future.

Chief Wharem: I can give it my best but I need the tools to work with.

Appointment with Chief Johnson – Shift/Schedules: (7:23 P.M.)

Chief Johnson: Everyone is not aware of how our schedule works which is 24 hours of service; 336 hours of coverage is needed. I have looked at the alternatives and the current schedule that is implemented now is the most efficient. On the weekends there is a full-time person on every shift and the second person is per diem. The 12 hour shifts would be a disadvantage especially when we transport because of the turnaround time which may cause additional overtime, which does not happen too often. The turnaround time is usually two hours because of the distance to the hospital, paperwork and the protocols involved. The twenty-four shift seems to be the most efficient and produces the least amount of overtime. We are “open” seven days a week/365 days a year. We had talked about reducing staffing and offering a stipend for per diems to be available, and after checking with part-timers, only about two were interested. People are reluctant to do nights during the week because of their full-time jobs and most are more apt to do it on weekends. His recommendation in order to save money would be to eliminate per diem and consolidate full-time coverage to six days per week. This would reduce services.

Chief Johnson offered a scenario as to arrivals at a medical scene and the time factors involved which could make a crucial difference in the final overall well-being of the “victim.”

He noted that generally sick time is covered by calling full-time employees first. We have three people out on FMLA this year and it was suggested hiring a part-time employee to cover the shift. Training is necessary to be maintained in order to maintain licenses.

(LK) Gary, when you were hired, you were a certified EMT, why did you let that lapse? Chief Johnson: During the last contract negotiations, I had no pay raise for six years and I did not have it when hired. I was told that it was not part of my job to be an EMT and it is not in my contract. A couple of the previous Board members did not like me having it. (LK) How long would it take you to become recertified? Chief Johnson: I would have to take a refresher course and retake the certification. You people told me point blank that it was not worth anything.
(LK) You are not on the schedule. Chief Johnson: I work when I am needed, where I am needed. (PR) Is there a way of getting some kind of call log between midnight and 6:00 a.m.? Chief Johnson noted that these stats are included in the back of his report. If these were itemized, it would require a considerable amount of secretarial work.


2. Request for Selectmen Representative to Safety Committee

(PS) Chief Johnson has requested the individual Board member that would be representative to the Safety Committee. (LK) I suggest we wait for our new member to be appointed. Board agreed this would be on the Agenda next week.

3. Transfer to $30,507.08 from Conservation Fund to General Fund

(PR) Motion to approve transfer $30,507.08 from Conservation Fund to General Fund. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Transfer of $3,500 from the General Fund to the Sewer Fund

(PR) Motion to approve transfer of $3,500 from the General Fund to the Sewer Fund. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Transfer of $4,075 from the WWTF Phase II to the General Fund

(PR) Motion to approve transfer of $4,075 from the WWTF Phase II to the General Fund. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Policy for Communication Releases (Formerly Labeled Media Relations)

(PS) There is a DRAFT Policy for Communication Releases before you for discussion. This can be reviewed and rescheduled if you like. It should be noted that the word “should” will be changed to “shall.”
(See attached.)

(LS) Motion to approve Policy for Communication Releases with change.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

ACTION ITEMS – Continued:

6. Emergency Coverage 24/7

(LK) Motion: In an effort to maintain 24/7 emergency coverage to the degree that is practical, I motion to allow department heads within their discretion, after all other more cost effective avenues have been exhausted and permission has been granted by the Town Administrator, to utilize overtime in the event of no coverage. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0

(LS) This will insure coverage. (LK) It is going to cost us overtime and the budget is tight but will maintain 24/7 emergency coverage.

7. Administrative Plan – Linda Small

(LS) Some of these have been done already and some we will need to keep plucking away at. (PR) read into the Minutes the Administrative Plan for Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2012. (See attached.)

(LS) I appreciate both Chiefs coming in to offer their suggestions on the schedules.

8. Police Department and Fire Department Schedules

(LS) Motion to change Police Department shift schedules to five 8 hour shifts effective May 1, 2012. (PR) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (PR) There may be some repercussions there with that. Chief Wharem: I should have eight people and I only have seven. (LS) I realize that but I think it is worth a try. This does not include part-timers nor Chief and Detective Sargent. Chief Wharem: The problem is I am not going to have people to cover the shifts. (PS) I think this is an opportunity to experiment with it for a couple of months and see what happens. (PR) Department is down two full-timers as well as a part-timer. How are you going to implement this schedule? Chief Wharem: With everything going on, I do not think this is the best thing to do now. (LK) If not now, then when? Chief Wharem: Probably the lst week of April and/or the first week of May. (LS) Let’s give it a whirl and keep our workforce. The issue keeps coming up that we do not have a full police force, but this is based on having a full force and we will look at the solutions based on that presumption. Chief Wharem: I am just filling in the blanks. One of the day shifts is not going to be filled.

From the Audience:

Laurie Houle wanted to comment. (LK) checked with Board members to open Public Input, Board agreed.

Laurie Houle: So there is going to be two officers on for 8 hours at night? Chief Wharem: Right now, there will not be an overlap of schedules because the position needs to be filled. (LS) This is based on eight hour shifts and a full force which would allow for eight overlap hours. Chief Wharem: You have to factor in training, Court time, and other matters that all affect the schedule. (LS) This assures 24/7 coverage. (LK) Start as soon as possible? (LS) The new schedule should indicate Chief coverage and Sargent also. (LK) We can try it for a while and see how it works. (PR) I have mixed emotions as I have had no time to really look at it. As long as this will be started in May and we can revisit it the first week of July and with Chief’s okay, I will agree. Chief Wharem: How do I handle holidays? (LS) By law, we have to pay overtime and remember that full-time officers are to be used first. This would be the most cost effective.

Fire Department:

(LS) Motion to change shift schedule from two 24 hour shifts to four 12 hour shift. (PR) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (LS) I would like to try 12 hour shifts rather than 24 hour shifts. I do not want to reduce services because this was not the “climate” of the people at the Town Meeting. We can revisit it also in July.

Chief Johnson: Again, there is the suggestion that with split shifts we will experience more sick time than during the 24 hour shifts because employees will call out two days instead of one day. There are concerns that there will be problems with child care and this is not the most efficient way to do it. (LS) The biggest problem is trying to cover 24 hour shifts. (PR) We can revisit it in July also.

Chief Johnson: You can anticipate some resignations. (LS) At the Town Meeting, the positions were salvaged and now we need to find the most efficient way to cover the shifts. Chief Johnson: There is not enough savings doing it this way. The only way to do it is to reduce services.


Robin Doucette: My understanding the way this would work is a 12 hour shift and 12 hours off but both shifts would be covered? Chief Johnson: There would be 24 hours between shifts. The schedule works best with 24 hours.

Tim Ahern: With the changeover, why would you want to open yourselves up for twice as much overtime?

Chris Ward: What is the actual cost savings between the Fire Department and Police Department? Have you calculated that? (LS) This cannot be determined now, but I believe there will be a long term benefit. Do you realize there was 2,500 hours of sick time in 2011? That is a lot of time. We will explore the cost savings and see how it works. There may not be immediate savings but rather long term benefits.

Chris Ward: What about the impact on the families? (LK) We will revisit it in July. Paul, will you put this on the Agenda in July. (PS) to do. When will we have the revised schedules? Chief Johnson: The May schedule will be available next Wednesday.

9. Suncook River Nomination

(LS) The EDC is in favor of this nomination. They want to know if the Board of Selectmen will also write a letter of approval. (PR) How many people are needed? (LS) This is for a letter of support only. (PS) There is already a committee in existence. It should also be noted that I did talk to Ron Vien about this and he checked and was satisfied with the answers.

(LS) Motion to approve Town Administrator drafting letter supporting the Suncook River Nomination. (PR) Second.

Discussion: (GL) I have a feeling that this will be a regulatory situation and will involve “land grabbing.”

(LS) Withdraw Motion. (PR) Withdraw Second.

This will be tabled until next meeting at which time E-Mail from Ron Vien will be available and (PS) will draft letter for approval.


(PR) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:27 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:45 P.M.

(PR) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of April 10, 2012. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


4. New Hampshire Health Officers Conference

(LK) There is a health officers’ conference at LGC on May 18th, would anyone like to go? (LS) We can pass this information to Building Inspector.


1. Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R41, Lot 7-1

(LS) Motion to approve Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R41, Lot 7-1 for $327.44. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(GL) recused himself and was seated in the audience 8:49 P.M.

2. Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R30, Lot 10

(LS) Motion to approve Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R30, Lot 10
for $351.27. (PR) Second. Carried 3-0.

(GL) returned and was seated on the Board. 8:51 P.M.

3. Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R18, Lot 9

(LS) Motion to approve Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R18, Lot 9
for $1,024.31. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Warrant for Timber Tax Levy, Tax Map R18, Lot 8

(PR) Motion to approve Warrant for Timber Tax Levy Tax Map R18, Lot 8
For $161.42. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Intent to Cut Tax Map R43, Lot 6

(PR) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R43, Lot 6 (Wesson).
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. Intent to Cut Tax Map R15, Lot 8

(PR) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R15, Lot 8 (Elkins).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. Extension to Intent to Cut, Tax Map R47, Lots 2 and 2-1

(PR) Motion to approve Extension to Intent to Cut, Tax Map R47, Lots 2 and 2-1. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PR) The house is actually on the market. Does that make a difference? (PS) No.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Paul, are you okay with the overtime? (PS) Yes.


1. Public Session Minutes April 3, 2012

(PR) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 3, 2012 with corrections as noted. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Page 2, Paragraph 2, Line 2: should read – duplicate costs……
Page 2, Paragraph 2, Line 3: should read – ….just want a timeframe.

(LK) Page 9, Paragraph 1, Line 2: should read – We have put a Memo out to
Department Heads if they have any suggestions or can help us with the
Budget and we will be happy to review their suggestions.

(LS) Page 10, Paragraph 1, Line 2: should read – This is only our third week in
office and we are trying to look at everything.

2. Non-Public session Minutes April 3, 2012

(PR) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 3, 2012.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


10. FMLA Request

To be addressed in Non-Public Session

11. Robert Gauthier – Recission of Resignation

(PR) Motion to approve Robert Gauthier recission of Resignation effective
April 7, 2012. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PR) Paul, will you send a letter of thank you for reconsidering resignation.
(PS) Yes.

(PR) Motion to approve Robert Gauthier as part-time Police Officer.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Ambulance Scheduling Alternatives

See Above.

2. Security at the Town Hall

(PS) I have discussed the keys to access the building with Cara. She has advised that there are keys that are unaccounted for. My suggestion is to rekey the front door and then assign keys accordingly. (LS) This way we can have a list.
(PS) to do.

3. Safety Inspection – Electrical Issues – Pat Heffernan

(PS) At Board’s request, I have double checked with Pat Heffernan regarding his quote to fix all electrical issue at Town Hall and this includes materials.

This is tabled until April 17, 2012.

4. Tax Deeded Properties

(PS) To date, there have been no bids for any of the properties up for sale. This will be on the Agenda next week.

(PR) What is the plan on this? (PS) This is the first time that the Board has encountered this. (PR) Board has right to refuse any and all bids, we could open it up to a minimum bid.

5. Letters of Interest – Selectman

The deadline for people submitting letters of interest for Selectman is April 17th. Do you want to set up interviews? Board: Yes.

6. Three (3) Park Street

(PR) Just for information purposes, it is on the market for $29,000 as of April 10th.


Frank Gatum: I am a retired firefighter after 33 years and served 20 years as an auxiliary policeman. I started working 72 hours at the Fire Station and we got it down to 24 hour shifts. The sick time decreased by 50-60 %. We were allowed 15 days a year for sick time. If you were out sick you lost two days with 24 hour shifts. You mentioned that there were 2,500 sick hours is that solely for Fire and Police Department? (LS) No, that is the general numbers for all departments. I apologize if I led you to understand differently.

Frank Gatum: We were also firefighters and EMT’s. I think it is a shame that when you call because your house is on fire that the ambulance comes. They should all be cross trained. I know it costs money to train but it is worth it. (LS) The Fire Chief was requested to research this. We will revisit this to review his findings.

Mike Wolfe: Other departments are cutting hours; why not shut the Town Hall one day per week. It is a suggestion.

Laurie Houle: Concord does it and so do other towns.

Stan Bailey: Could I have a copy of the Police Schedule? (PS) Yes

Laurie Houle: What about the Sewer Department cutting their hours. I see them go up and down the street five or six times a day.

Stan Bailey: Budget Committee already cut $15,000 off sewer budget by eliminating a part-timer.

Gary Mullen: You should rethink about cutting Ambulance Department. You are going to lose about 75% of the people. Changing hours is not going to fly. Most of them will say we are “out of here.”

Norma Konopka: This is the first time that I have been here since my husband got elected. He has listened and read and I’ve seen him struggle to figure out a way to help the Town. Larry has had a terrible time with this. I am so glad that the Chiefs came in to discuss this. This is a terrible problem and not what anyone wants. We all just need to work together and try to get through this. It is not anything any of us want. It is not pretty and it is not funny.

Marlene Snedeker: What if the employee’s hours do not coordinate with spouse’s hours? (LS) I do not mean to sound heartless, but the Board is looking at the Town’s needs. Marlene Snedeker: But, if we lose some of the firefighters that could be a real problem. (LS) We are really trying to do what is best for the Town.

Rob Freese: I am concerned that the Board is changing hours. You have no statistics and do not know what the outcome will be. (LK) noted that he had discussed this for years and with the previous Board. We have their suggestions and notes and now we are taking action given the information that we have.

Rob Freese: No one has quantified the bottom line. This is something that I would not dare do in my business. (LK) What we are doing will still allow 48 hours of work per week. We are not trying to hurt anyone. Ron Freese: You are increasing commute time for people by 20%.

Marlene Snedeker: When this all began we had cutbacks to forty hour workweeks, but not until all the employees met and discussed and then changes were made. These are human beings and they all have families. (LS) I have a business also and my employees are invaluable so I can understand this. We are doing the best that we can. We are not trying to make this a personal issue. We are trying to impact employees as little as possible and at the same time tighten up efficiencies.

Joseph Darrah: If you try this and people at the Police Department call in sick, will you be allowing overtime? Will you be allowing sick time positions to be filled by overtime? (LS) We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Joseph Darrah: We were informed that the doors would never be closed again. The only one paying for all this is the taxpayer. (LS) We have not set this plan up to fail. We need to move forward in a positive manner. We have a plan.

Close Public Input


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (PR) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 9:25 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:45 P.M.
(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of April 10, 2012.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Town Administrator

(PS) I will not be in the office till next Tuesday, but will be able to be reached by E-mail and I have provided that information.

2. Town Administrator Contract

(LS) Motion to approve Town Administrator Contract Addendum #4, to reduce salary by 5% and extend contract for next six months. This is voluntary as suggested by Town Administrator. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Board wants to thank Paul for this suggestion and helping Pittsfield at this time. This will save about $4,200 a year.

3. Memo Re: Vacation Time

(LS) Paul, draft Memo re: vacation time.

(LS) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to send memo to Police Chief. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.

Approved: April 17, 2012

___________________________ ___________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby testify that these Minutes were recorded by me on April 10, 2012, transcribed and public posted on April 12, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes/Attachments