April 12, 2010 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting


April 13, 2010  6:40 pm


Present: Sylvia Wallace, Chairman, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary


Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Mary/Sylvia) to accept as corrected the minutes for the March 9, 2010 meeting.


Old Business:

·         Moose Plate Grant – Sylvia reported that the grant was hand delivered and we should hear from them at the earliest July 1.  She received a memo from the town administrator saying the selectboard would be discussing the library windows at their April 20th meeting and possibly would want to speak to Library trustees at the May 4th meeting.  Sylvia gave us a paper reiterating the proposals received for the windows and the cost of each so we are all familiar with her current information.

·         Building Safety Issues:  Roza reported that the 3 batteries on the alarm system for the library needed replacing.  Capital Alarm completed the work to the cost of $200.  This had not been done for about 7 years.


The wall on the walkway that was leaning precariously has been removed and the town is considering the next action to be taken.  Sylvia will speak to Kyle (Building Inspector) regarding the status of the walkway.


Once again the toilet was backed up and the problem was taken care of by plumbers.  Sylvia will look into the permanent resolution of this problem with the town.  Mention had been made of a review of the pipes via x-ray to see what the reoccurring problem is.


The doorbell on the side door has been installed by Pat Heffernan, electrician. 

He will be returning to reset the prongs so it rings properly.   Mr. Heffernan has ordered the light extender for the front door and is awaiting its arrival.


·         Lawyer review of Personnel Policies:  There has been no response to our request on this so we will inquire at the NH Trustee Association meeting 5/3/10.


Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports:  Reviewed and accepted as written. 


New Business: Roza and Mary gave an update of the work for the Library done by the Friends 

with the promised purchase of a chair for the card catalogue computer, 4 new 

plastic chair floor mats, monies to help fund the Summer Reading Program, and

and  purchase of flowers for our two pots in front of the library.  For all of this,

the director and trustees are most grateful. 


NHLTA Conference of May 3, 2010 will be attended by Sylvia, Roza and Mary.


The budget was reviewed for line allocation adjustments.  Roza explained where

we stand and how we can make adjustments to meet our obligations for the year

and keep our spending to the 2010 budget monies. Discussions will continue

at the May meeting.


Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 8:30 pm. (Mary, Sylvia)


Next Meeting:  May 11, 2010    6:30 pm.


Submitted by:  Mary Schelble, Secretary