April 16, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise
Leslie Vogt
Ross Morse
Michael Wolfe

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES (arrived at 6:00 p.m.)

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.


Mr. Morse added a question regarding policies. Dr. Freeman added a resignation and a nomination, health insurance, negotiations training, email, and a non-public session for legal issues. Mr. Gremlitz added a publication featuring students’ work and a planned DOE approval visit.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.


The approval of the minutes of the April 2, 2009 meeting was deferred until the next meeting.



A. Spring Coaches

JV Baseball has been added to the spring roster of sports and will be coached by Kyle Gingras.

B. NEASC Accreditation

Mr. Gremlitz explained that the early release day in May will be the kick-off event as the first meeting of the seven standards sub-committees that will research and write the self-study reports for re-accreditation. The seven standards are: Core Values, Beliefs, and Learning Expectations; Curriculum; Instruction; Assessment of and for Student Learning; School Culture and Leadership; School Resources for Learning; and Community Resources for Learning.

C. Publication

Mr. Gremlitz shared a book entitled A Celebration of Poets in which eight students from PMHS had their work published. The Board commended the students for their accomplishment.

D. Grade Reports

Third quarter grade reports were mailed home on Friday, April 10, 2009.

E. DOE Approval

A panel of six administrators from the New Hampshire Department of Education will be visiting PMHS on April 29, 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to meet key staff, participate in a tour of the school, and have break out discussions with students and faculty. The visit is for the purpose of DoE school approval.

F. PBIS Roll-Out

On April 17, 2009, the Universal Team will be introducing the behavior matrix that has been created in collaboration between staff and students.

G. Panther Pause

Dr. Freeman commended Mr. Gremlitz and his staff on the publication of the Panther Pause. The publication has been widely appreciated by the families.


A. Registration Process

Ms. Paradise stated that she appreciated having a uniform process, addressing the issues of residency, especially.


A. Oil Bids

Dr. Freeman stated that a bid from Fred Fuller for heating oil was received for $1.895 per gallon. A motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Morse to accept the bid from Fred Fuller. Discussion ensued regarding the relationship of the bid with the Town’s purchase. Dr. Freeman explained that Barnstead did not participate in a cooperative effort to purchase oil. The motion passed unanimously.

B. Policies

Dr. Freeman presented Policy ILBA: Assessment of Educational Programs and Policy JLDBA: Behavior Management and Intervention. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve Policy ILBA: Assessment of Educational Programs and Policy JLDBA: Behavior Management and Intervention as a first reading.

C. Summer Meeting Schedule

Dr. Freeman suggested that the summer meetings be scheduled on July 16 and August 20. The Board approved, by consensus, this meeting schedule. He further recommended that the Board vote to authorize the Superintendent to fill any summertime professional vacancies.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the Superintendent to fill professional positions between the second meeting in June through the first meeting in September.

D. Resignation

Dr. Freeman distributed a letter of resignation from Jennifer Jean from her fourth grade teaching position at PES. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation.

Dr. Freeman nominated Katie Lasky to fill the position of fourth grade teaching position at PES. He explained that she has been in a one-year position, filling in for a teacher on leave, and has done a fine job. A motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe to hire Ms. Lasky. After a clarification was made, the motion passed unanimously.
E. Health Insurance

Dr. Freeman explained that the estimate for an increase in health insurance was previously projected as 6.9%. He stated that the actual change is a minus 2.8%. He will provide the Board with the dollar amount that this represents at the next meeting.

F. Negotiation Workshop

Dr. Freeman agreed to investigate the possibility of a workshop for Board members regarding negotiations to be provided by the New Hampshire School Boards Association.

G. Email

Dr. Freeman distributed a copy of Policy BHE: School Board Use of E-Mail. He explained that there were questions recently about the use of e-mail between Board members. The policy clarified the issue for the Board members.

H. Miscellaneous Information

Dr. Freeman stated that he and Mr. Gremlitz attended the Governor’s High School Summit on Friday, April 10, 2009. The Summit was a follow-up to the conference held in the fall and a follow-through on the state’s High School Redesign initiative.

Dr. Freeman went on to explain that the administrative team participated in a discussion today regarding the expenditure of the Recovery Funds that will be available. He stated that there was consensus that the primary use of the funds should be to address the issue of drop-out prevention. Dr. Freeman explained that Literacy Coordinator Chris Teague, Ms. Chassie, and he would be drafting a plan for the expenditure of funds.

Mr. Gremlitz explained that he and Dr. Freeman met with Paul Leather, the Assistant Commissioner at the DOE, to discuss issues around drop-out, the personalization of the high school experience, and high school redesign. Based on the discussion with Mr. Leather, along with his own experience, Mr. Gremlitz confirmed there is strong rationale that a continuation and expansion of the Advisory Program is recommended and read two quotes from reputable sources to support this.

Dr. Freeman, referring to the email that he sent to Ms. Paradise and Ms. Vogt, clarifying change relative to PMHS, explained that the District Leadership Team recently agreed to participate in a summer institute at The Center for Secondary
School Redesign, to participate in a series of school visits, and to conduct a book study on the revised Breaking Ranks Program.

Dr. Freeman explained that further development of the Advisory Program is in order. Discussion ensued regarding the ideas that are being considered to enhance the Advisory Program. The Advisory Program is central to the idea of personalizing the high school experience for all students. Mr. Gremlitz concluded by commending the faculty who are currently doing an extraordinary job of implementing the Advisory Program.

Ms. Vogt asked if it is necessary to have the Advisory period at the beginning of the day due to some students’ participation in the Concord Vocational Center Program and if it was possible to have it in the afternoon. Ms. Stevens explained that in a previous year, the vocational students were grouped together and the result was not optimal. Mr. DeLois stated that having the Advisories at the same time throughout the school has its advantages. Mr. Gremlitz stated that when the program is stronger, it might be a better time to consider making modifications.

Mr. Morse asked for written information about the Advisory Program. Dr. Freeman offered any Board member a copy of the Breaking Ranks book, which explains the Advisory Program.

Ms. Paradise stated that the issue of a decrease in enrollment provides us with the opportunity to look at a strategic plan for redesign. She stated that she believes the administrative team is in a good position to work out a plan for redesign. Dr. Freeman added that there are several sources of energy for school district development, including a continuation of the Community Forum, the District Leadership Team, and the process now in place following the Schooling by Design philosophy. Mr. Gremlitz added that the NEAS&C re-accreditation process will also be instrumental in the change process.

Ms. Vogt questioned the timeline for making decisions about priorities in programming, budget considerations, and supporting growth and change. Dr. Freeman assured the Board that the administrative team will continue to work diligently to plan appropriately for implementing systemic change and building capacity within the district.

I. Facilities Projects Update

Dr. Freeman reported that Capt. Dan Ward of the Merrimack County Correctional Facility has been at Drake Field with a work crew from the Facility completing many upkeep tasks, such as painting the fence, spreading mulch under the swings, and repairing the benches in the tennis court, among other projects. Previously they had swept the PMHS parking lot and will sweep the PES parking lot during the upcoming weekend. Mr. Morse suggested sending a note of gratitude to Capt. Ward.

Dr. Freeman reported that architects from Team Design visited this week and will have estimates and suggestions for SAU office relocation to PMHS by the next Board meeting.

Ms. Vogt, with support from the remaining Board members, asked Dr. Freeman to approach the Town about locating the SAU at the Town Hall.


A. Adequate Yearly Progress

Mr. Kilmister attended a meeting at the DoE, regarding the analysis of the NECAP data as it relates to the determination of Adequate Yearly Progress. Ms. Paradise stated that she would like the staff at PES to know that the Board is not critical of them and appreciate the hard work that has been done to make the progress that has been made as measured in other ways.

B. Building Vertical Science Literacy

Mr. Kilmister explained that teachers from both schools will be participating in a project that will develop a curriculum and instructional initiative for teaching science.

C. Safety Concerns

Mr. Kilmister reported that the PES Safety and Response Committee have been discussing the issue of a security system. He suggested that the Board consider purchasing a system in next year’s budget. Ms. Vogt suggested that estimates be gathered in order to make decisions about future budget considerations.

D. Space Opportunities

Mr. Kilmister stated that the Team Leaders met with administrators to make a plan for the reallocation of space due to the decrease in teaching positions.
He reviewed the changes that have been decided upon.

E. Proposed Pilot Schedule

Mr. Kilmister explained that a pilot schedule will be implemented next year to include a ninety minute block of time for teachers to use for planning and other tasks, such as analysis of student assessment data.


A. Committee Assignments

• Drake Field & Facilities – Mike Wolfe and Kathy Corliss
• Selectmen Liaison – Mary Paradise
• Budget Representation – Ross Morse and Leslie Vogt
• Negotiating Team – Leslie Vogt and Mary Paradise
• Finance – Ross Morse and Leslie Vogt


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include approval of minutes, special education staffing and special education out of district placement information.


At 7:35 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse to enter into non-public session to discuss a legal matter. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Mr. Morse, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (e).

The board discussed a district matter currently under litigation.

At 7:47 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse to exit the non-public session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Mr. Morse, yes; Ms. Paradise, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to come out of non-public session and re-enter open session.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary