April 16, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
April 16, 2012
Call to order: 7:05 PM
Attendance: Present Mark Wallace(MW); Bryan Mika(BM), Paul Metcalf(PM);
Absent: Diana Westgate(DW)
Public present: Ted Mitchell

Minutes: Minutes of the last meeting reviewed.
Motion to accept: BM, Seconded: PM; Unanimous (3-0)

Old Business:

1.PCC discussed the purchase of a 6+ acre forest (M&B Greeley property at 71 Berry Pond Road) that borders the town water supply.
The purpose of the property fits the parameters of the PCC Mission Statement and is an excellent opportunity at a fair price.
PM motioned that the PCC spend $30,000 from the allocated “Land Use Fund”. It will be hence forth called the “Berry Pond Farm Forest”
The PCC will get a grant that will cover the costs of a kiosk, improved parking, and/or trail creation.
Motion by PM; BM seconded; the vote in favor was unanimous.(3-0)

2. Black Gum Forest needs to be brought to the attention of the state forester.
MW will consult him ASAP per the best management advice.

3. Thompson Forest has been marked by our town forester in preparation for selective improvement cut.
The previous clear cut years ago has left a low quality stand of wood.
With good silviculture improvement the town can realize the profits of higher grade lumber in the following 15-25 year cycles.
This action is part of the on going Forest Management Plan (copy at the town hall).

4. PCC has copies of the up dated By-Laws, Policies & Procedures for each PCC member and the town office.

New Business:

1. Once again the PCC will plan to be at the Old Home Day explaining what Conservation has and can do for the Pittsfield community. $250 will be budgeted for educational materials. BM motioned and MW seconded; vote was unanimous. (3-0)

2. The Suncook River Nomination Committee(SRNC) has requested a letter of support.
Designation under this program would mean enhanced cooperation and protection for the river.
The establishment of a local advisory that will help communities the length of the river coordinate improvement efforts.
The collaborative planning approach greatly improves future grant opportunities.
The PCC will table the issue until the next meeting.
On April 18th some PCC members will attend the SRNC public information meeting in Epsom for more education.

Adjourned 8:30 PM BM motioned, PM seconded, motion carried (3-0)

Next meeting : May 21, 2012

Submitted by: MW / Chair