April 17, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowran (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Dick Munn related that last Saturday night about 7:00 P.M., two vehicles
came down Concord Hill Road about 75-80 MPH side-by-side. He called
the Police Department to report and still has not heard back. He related that
this happens weekly and though they know this traffic is kids, it just isn’t
fair to people who live on this road. It is a constant battle and if residents
called every time, they might as well have a direct line to the Police
Department. Something needs to be done in this regard. He related that no
one from Police Department called back though he was home and that he
never saw a cruiser around all day. He related that he would get a letter
from all the neighbors concerning this, but wanted to know if something
could be done.
Jay Sydow related that he was present as a representative of the Pittsfield
Players in their quest to be tax-exempt. He related that he realized it was on
the Agenda for tonight and if the Board had any questions, he would be
present to answer them.
Close Public Input
(LS) added article to paper regarding “Doggie Refuse. (LK) Website, Drug
Awareness Issue and Elderly Exception Application.
Action Items
1. Tax Anticipation Note Award
(PS) related that he had discussed with Cara about the Board entering into an
agreement for line of credit with Citizen’s Bank. (EV) related that he, too,
had discussed with Cara and though all three banks percentages were about
the same, Cara felt most comfortable with Citizen’s because of past dealings
with this bank. (LS) explained open/closed line of credit.
Motion to accept Citizen’s Bank line of credit (LK). (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption
(AM) recused himself and was seated in audience.
(LS) Motion to table this request until she has completed research on this
matter. (EV) Second.
(EV) related that he wanted some legal information on this. He realizes that
the Pittsfield Players do a great job for community and are an asset. I think
we need legal explanation first.
Jay Sydow related that he was a member and past president of the
Wolfeboro Players. He related that he had checked with several other local
theater companies and that they all related that they are tax-exempt. (EV)
related his concerns should the Pittsfield Players go “belly up,” and where
assets would be distributed. Mr. Sydow related that he thought the by-laws
indicated that any profits should the Pittsfield Players dissolve would be
dispersed to other non-profit organizations in the area. (EV) related that he
would prefer that the profits remain in the Town. He related that he had read
the RSA’s and the profits could go to a lot of different places. He related
that he thought they were a valuable asset to the Town and taxpayers, though
not all taxpayers partake in the different events presented. (JL) wanted to
know why they requested an abatement last year and now are seeking taxexempt
status. Mr. Sydow related that he is new to organization and related
that at one of their meetings the subject came up and he thought that all
organizations such as this were tax-exempt. He, therefore, encouraged them
to apply for tax-exempt status. (LS) related that before she would feel
comfortable on granting tax-exempt status to them she would like to see
Form 990 which has been filed with U.S. Government for last three years,
Form 1023 exemption application and balance sheet, if possible. Mr. Sydow
related that he would acquire these forms and supply to Cara for Board’s
Motion carried 3-0.
(AM) returned to Board.
(LK) suggested before Board continued with Agenda, he noted that several
Department Heads were present in the audience and since they had been
working a great many hours because of the storm, wanted to know if they
would like to report to Board regarding the condition of Town.
Police Chief Wharem related that Town had sustained considerable damage
on quite a few roads such as Mountain Road, Berry Pond Road, Town Road
and Shaw Road to name a few. He related that not only the roads, but
several bridges and the local dam were also damaged. Because of the
extensive damage, sub-contractors were called in to assist. The National
Guard was also present to assist as was State DOT, local landscapers,
equipment operators and restaurants all contributed. Chief also gave an
update on Water Street situation in regard to telephone pole, benches and
monuments which have either been repaired or missing.
Fire Chief Johnson related that he was proud to be part of this community.
Pittsfield residents all turned out to help. He related that members of the
Police Department, Fire Department, and other agencies worked long and
hard to maintain and fix various situations.
(PS) assured the Department Heads present and would notify other
Department Heads that any expenses incurred during this process would be
reimbursed especially where safety was an issue, instructing them to use
their better judgment.
(AM) related that motorists were instructed to detour, but signs were not
appropriate to guide people after they had made “initial” detour. Chief
Wharem related that unfortunately, sufficient barricades and signs for
detours were quickly dispersed and Town and State ran out of barricades for
this use. He related that he had purchased some supplies to construct
additional ones and these were used and will be utilized in the future when
(PS) related that many people and employees of the Town rallied to assist
and that all should be publicly acknowledged for their volunteerism. It was
decided that Board would acknowledge Department Heads and volunteers
3. BCEP Committee Appointments
Motion to appoint Judith McClelland and Brenda Butterfield. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
4. Reach the Beach Relay
Police Chief Wharem related that basically they are just watched, and no one
is paid to assist them.
(EV) Motion to approve. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. (PS) to write letter to
welcome them.
5. AFT-NH Contract
(LS) Motion to approve contract. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0
6. Sign Assessing Contract
(PS) related State has approved assessment contract as Cross Country has
met all the criteria for general assessments.
(EV) Motion to accept/sign contract. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
7. Highway Garage Doors and Exhaust System
(PS) related that garage doors were approved last week. Mike checking on
bids regarding exhaust system. (AM) wanted to know where we go from
here. Mike is checking on bids for exhaust system and we have not
budgeted for this and do not have the money for it. (LS) related that she
thought a “quick fix” was to be accomplished and then wait for State to
advise as to what has to be done. (LK) related that because it was a health
issue that this really needed to be done. He related that the State has not yet
appeared to evaluate the problem. Board agreed that State should evaluate
first and present “quick fix” would suffice until that time. (JL) wanted to
know when State would be coming. (PS) to check to see when this will
8. Website
(PS) related that he was to get in touch with Bill Provencal for his
suggestions for Website Committee. (PS) related that he has not yet written
letter. This will be tabled until that can be accomplished.
1. Board and Committee Vacancies – 4/23/07 Meeting
It was noted that an ad had been placed in paper with April 20th as a deadline
for responding and by April 24th Board would have list of vacancies and
people who applied for each position. (LK) related the various committee
vacancies. (AM) asked Board to determine how Board was going to appoint
individuals – via interview, which he did not think was helpful, by reputation
as well as how individuals would be selected that were not known by any
Board member. (LS) related that since deadline is the 20th and this is on the
Board’s Agenda for the 24th, that two days notice is not a comfortable
amount of time to review. She requested that list be forwarded to BOS as
soon as possible and then go from there. Board discussed EDC Committee
relating that half the members rarely show up and perhaps a letter could be
conveyed to them reminding them about their participation as a member.
Susan Muenzinger related that a large quorum is required and it is difficult
to get a quorum because of absent committee members.
(AM) had requested (PS) contact LGC to determine how future Planning
Board members were to be elected. Is it a mass election or staggered?
(PS) related that he believed it was to be a staggered election, but LGC
would advise them accordingly. Board also discussed how to fill vacancies
where no one had requested to be seated as member. Susan Muenzinger
related that in the past they had requested names of individuals from the
Chairman of the Committee, BOS suggestions or possibly advertise again.
(LK) related that individuals presently on these committees would remain
until vacancy is filled.
1. Welfare Department Fax Line
(PS) related that he has written memo to Mike regarding this and as soon as
he responds, he will advise Board.
2. Letter from Antioch
(EV) wanted to know if anyone would be attending these four sessions. He
related that if no one else wanted to attend, he would. (AM) related that
Town would reimburse him for cost.
1. Current Use Applications
(PS) related that he had some questions about applications and would not be
submitting them for approval tonight, as they require additional information.
2. Sewer User Warrant, First Quarter 2007
(EV) Motion to accept Sewer User Warrant, First Quarter 2007 in the
amount of $85,437.80. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Excavation Tax Warrant
(PS) One warrant for $962.76, Paul Metcalf, Jr. and Jill Metcalf.
(EV) Motion to accept. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Notice of Intent to Excavate
(EV) Motion to accept for Paul and Jill Metcalf, Jr. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
5. Notice of Intent to Cut Timber
(PS) one application for Catherine Day, Map R-37, Lot 5.
(JL) Motion to accept. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(PS) Three more Notices of Intent to Cut Timber, Nancy Dixon, Catamount
Road, each for 30 acres. (EV) related this is a bit more substantial but that
some of it is wetland.
(LS) Motion to accept Map R-29, Lots 1, 1A and lB. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept accounts payable for week of April 21, 2007. (EV)
Second. Carried 3-0. (LK) Abstain.
(LS) Motion to accept payroll for week end April 21, 2007. (EV) Second.
Carried 3-0. (LK) Abstain.
(PS) related that that notes had been sent to BOS requesting they review
elderly exemption applications filed with Town to either approve/deny.
These applications are here tonight. (LK) had some questions regarding
several of the applications. It was noted that there would be additional
applications in the coming weeks.
(LS) Motion to accept applications for Sandra Baker, Paul Riel, Edward
Cantara, Sr., Sylvia Doucette, Claire Minor, Barbara Bouchard, Betty
St. Laurent, Mary Zirpolo, Richard Filion, Eugene Ladd, Patricia Lank,
Betty Chase, Harriet Black, William Stiles, Carroll Hodgdon, Sr.. (LK)
Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to deny application for Victor Huse because he is outside
income limits. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to accept Minutes of April 10, 2007. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Non-Public Minutes will be done in Non-Public Session.
(PS) presented Certificate of Appreciation for Liz Hast for 25 years of
service to BOS for signature.
(LK) gave an update on the first meeting of NA, which was very successful.
There were about 10 individuals between the ages of 22-28 who were very
thankful that this type of meeting is now available in Pittsfield. It is a
positive for Town.
Agenda for next week was revised.
It was agreed that Susan Muenzinger should have copy of Sharon Watson’s
recent E-Mail.
(PS) to draft thank you letters to Department Heads and all encompassing
letter to volunteers.
(EV) Motion to go into non-public session RSA 91-A:3, 2a and 2C,
reputation and employee evaluation. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0
Public session adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Approved: April 24, 2007
___________________________ ________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date