April 17, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman at the Pittsfield Middle/High School Lecture Hall, 23 Oneida Street, Pittsfield, NH 03263.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Eric Nilsson (EN) effective April 17, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. and was seated on the Board at that time, Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth: The reason I am here is I heard grievances were being discussed tonight. In the Concord Monitor, Mark Riel wrote a good letter noting that Pittsfield should keep it positive. (He read a paragraph from the letter into the Minutes.) You have to know what it is like out there. For 25 years, I have been a stone man. Some people pay for the projects but some cannot. I do it because I love it. The Fire Department and the Police Department run like the military. They have a chain of command to follow. We won the vote to stabilize taxes and we gave the directive for the Board of Selectman to move it forward. If this was made with a promise we can’t keep we have got to renegotiate, which usually costs money. We need to look at having a part-time Fire Chief and I would like to see a local person in that position. The Fire Chief position is a big overhead and we need a local guy.

Carole Dodge: First I would like to say as a member of the Town and a taxpayer that I am appalled and upset with the ad that was run in the paper by the employees of the AFT Union. I am not impressed and not pleased. This creates chaos and I am upset that this is not the way to go. It is driving a wedge between the Town and employees. Other people see this and say “OH MY GOD what is going on in Pittsfield?” We need to stop and think. We all agreed to keep the positions. These acts are defamatory, inflammatory and just wrong. It is not fair to the rest of the people in town. We need to work together and do not need ads which cause chaos and upset people. These people should be ashamed of themselves to allow someone to represent them in that way.

Secondly, the Suncook River Nomination – The 250 ft. buffer setback would affect the Town in a big way. There are so many things that would be affected. Every time you want to do something on your own property you have to pay a $250 fee. It would be a bad thing for Pittsfield. They say it protects the water shed, river and pollution, but if you are going to protect the river, you need to go to the source in the mountain. As a taxpayer, landowner and an abutter, I am not in favor of this. The Salt Shed would be affected and that impact would be huge.

Merrill Vaughan: I apologize for not being here sooner. I am upset with what I read in the Concord Monitor. We need to bring residents into Town and cutting back on the Fire Department would affect this. People look at the Fire Department, Police Department and Ambulance response times. These cuts would affect the response time by at least thirty minutes. Who would be to blame if I had to wait thirty minutes in 2007 when I had my stroke? I would not be here tonight if that was the case. We need to be positive about the Town. We do not need to have things on the front page of the paper. HELLO!

Tom Marston: The reason why I am here is concerning the Suncook River Nomination. I have a dairy farm less than one quarter mile from the river. I work seven days a week. We have protection already from the DES. Please vote this down. Gilmanton did. Do not let these people have any more.

Todd Drew: I have a few concerns. I saw the article in the paper. The Board’s intentions are good but went about it in the wrong way. Ambulance, Fire Department, Police Department and Highway – you can’t control all of it. You have got to let the people do what they are paid to do. The Ambulance has to transport no matter what. Finances are tight but you need to let the Department Heads work together. The Fire Department has not had 36 members since the early ‘80’s and now has 18 firefighters. Do not let volunteers walk away because of lack of training funds. You will have a department you can’t afford to staff. Let’s get together.

Eileen Legg: Years ago, people did not move to town because of the school system. Now there is a tremendous amount of positive reaction to the school system. People move to town to develop businesses and raise families and we need to provide safety. Think very carefully before making any changes and do not destroy this positive direction.

George Bachelder: The problem here is that the money was cut on the floor at the Town Meeting. The Board needs to have a solution. There have been no recommendations how to come up with the money. We need to work with them and if people have suggestions should let them know.

Dan Schroth: My recommendation was to go to a part-time Fire Chief.

Pat Heffernan: I want to address the suggestion of part-time Fire Chief. You get what you pay for. These guys are the most qualified guys. We previously were paying an Ambulance Director and we combined jobs when Gary came. We do not need a part-time Fire Chief.

Close Public Input (6:18 P.M.)


1. 6:02 P.M.: Acceptance of $3,000 Grant Gift from Sanderson Fund for CPR Training Materials

(LK) Open Public Hearing

Pat Heffernan: If we accept the $3,000, is there enough money for the guys to put on training seminars. Chief Johnson: Training will be done by people on duty. Mannequins and other training materials are expensive but the grant will cover these costs.

Dan Schroth: I am glad to hear that they will be training on duty. On the job training works. Chief Johnson: This is not for training our people but rather for training for the public and other Town workers. This was taken on as a special project by the staff members.

Close Public Hearing

(GL) Motion to approve acceptance of $3,000 grant gift from Sanderson Fund for CPR Training Materials. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. 6:04 P.M.: State Representative Toni Soltani Re: Redistricting

Mr. Soltani did not appear.

2. 6:15 P.M. Board of Selectmen Vacancy Candidates

(LK) This is not an easy job because of what is going on in town. There have been several individuals that submitted letters of interest but have changed their minds at the present time.

Eric Nilsson and Paul Vien appeared tonight.

Paul Vien: I have organized budgets in the military, am a taxpayer, and would like to increase industry within the Town and get back the positive attitude towards the Town. He noted he served previously with the Ambulance Department in the ‘80’s. He noted that he is retired and would have the time available.

Eric Nilsson: I am self-employed and understand about spending a specified amount of money towards what is being done. He noted that he has been involved in bids for construction. We can find a way to make it work. He noted that since he is self-employed, time would not be an issue as he usually works close to home.

Board noted that Eric served on several committees previously such as Planning Board and for a brief period as Board of Selectmen member but resigned because of personal issues and possibly moving out of Town. Mr. Nilsson noted that this has all been resolved and he is back in Town to stay.

Board noted they would address later in the meeting.

3. 6:25 P.M.: AFT-NH Union Grievance Hearing

Terri Donovan, Attorney, AFT-NH Union introduced herself and noted that Sparky Gordon, Lyle Deane and Jen Tedcastle were all present tonight as well.

Terri Donovan: As you know, the Board of Selectmen has both grievances and there are just some facts I would like to underscore. The employees are concerned about their ability to do their job. Employees have provided services under budgetary restraints and have not had pay raises, step increases and are paying increased health insurance rates. People are taking home less in their paychecks.
This is not just about enforcing the contract. Our word is our bond. There was a $125,000 budget cut and a Board member made the motion with a strong inclination that she had a plan and said she was going to be able to do something. This is not just about enforcement of the overtime provision. The grievances were filed by good people and good people can disagree. If overtime is available, it was agreed that the full-time employees could apply and then others. This is a blatant disregard of the contract. Board of Selectmen issued a directive – no scheduled overtime; shift shall be filled by part-time or per diem individual despite what agreement said. There is a process in place.

There is a clear opposition to Article 16, Section 6 as to how overtime shall be addressed. This is a violation of this article of the contract.

Secondly, the detail rates of the Police Department, the Town sets a rate and can include benefits within that rate to cover costs. In fact, that money does come back into Town. Our Union members took a huge hit on pay and health insurance also. No one said anything about eliminating details.

Our employees have been directed not to speak to the media. They are ruled by these five. Right now, by the actions taken here, this is our recourse. Employees want to join with you in saving money. They have not had raises in three years. You cannot unilaterally change the agreement you made. This grievance is in public so all can know what we are doing. Any private communication between yourselves is improper. There is a Right-to-Know Law in New Hampshire.

Lyle Deane grievance is an overtime issues. The Fire Chief has denied scheduled overtime to Mr. Deane at the Board’s direction.

Finally, our voices will be heard. The level of services decision should be made by the voters. No one can say you are the steward of tax money when lives are concerned. The Ambulance and Police Departments work in conjunction. You are taking a huge step backwards. You people made promises you cannot keep.

Terri Donovan completed her dissertation at 6:50 P.M.


1. Proposal for 2012 Assessing Services

(LS) Motion to approve proposal of Avitar Associates for 2012 assessing services. (LK) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (LS) I have had past experience in working with Avitar. They are professional and have an adequate labor force. The other companies did not have a labor force as large. (PR) I was very impressed with their presentation. They have excellent manpower. (GL) They had more varied clientele. (LK) Yes, I liked their presentation.

2. Letter of Support for the Suncook River Nomination Committee

(LS) Motion to approve letter of support for the Suncook River Nomination Committee. (GL) Second. After Discussion: Motion fails 0-3. (LS) Abstain.

Discussion: (LS) I had asked last week about government regulations . I have my own reservations but I brought it before the Board on behalf of the EDC. (GL) I was concerned about regulation also. (PR) Definitely do not think it is a good idea and I will vote against it. (GL) The DES does the same job. I am afraid of what they are going to recommend to the DES. They are taking 250 ft. now, and later maybe more. Most of what they do is done by DES.

3. Administrative Plan

(GL) Motion to propose Administrative Assistant position at Police Department is a part-time position rather than full-time. (LS) Second.

Discussion: (LS) I did some research and 1,807 hours were worked which works out to be under 35 hours per week. This position could survive being part-time. Police Chief can determine what part-time hours should be. Financially, this would save $7,400 a year.

Chief Wharem: Have you discussed with me what the impact would be to the Police Department? (LK) advised that Memo had been sent and was discussed at previous Board meetings. Chief Wharem: The Department is already down 40 hours of manpower. This is a full time position with retirement. We have to have the doors open from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The Police Department has been cut already and now you are cutting further. Have you cut anything from the Library, Parks and Recreation, Town Hall or Highway Department? The point is people are given sick time and they do get sick. My concern is that I have to supplement another 40 hour shift. As I stated before, the Board cannot keep doing “experiments” to see how it works. He explained the varied duties of the Administrative Assistant and noted that the additional time would have to be supplemented by a Police Officer. I am asking to keep the position the way it is.

(LK) The Highway Department has made a verbal suggestion for his department, the Town Administrative has taken a 5% cut in pay and the Welfare Department has reduced its hours. We are cutting where we can. Chief Wharem: You hare hitting the Police Department harder than any other department. I am asking you not to make any more hasty decisions. I am going to have to put a police officer in to cover these hours and pay more. (LS) This is not a hasty decision. I reiterate that the hours worked were about 35 per week. Chief Wharem: About 80 hours of that time is vacation time. No money was budgeted to cover sick time and if we do not want people to use sick time then we should take it out of the contract. These numbers look very deceiving.

(LS) We are looking at all departments to make things more efficient.

Joseph Darrah, from the audience, requested to speak. (LK) We are not having Public Input at this time.

(PR) If we are going to have any cuts in position hours, we should do it all at the same time and it should be for all departments. We should not continue just doing one at a time. (LS) George Bachelder is willing to cut one position back to part-time, which I would like in writing so we can address. (PR) The taxpayers need to know what the total amount which will be saved with these cuts. (LS) It is not that simple. Do you have any suggestions? (PR) No, not at this time. (LS) This is an ongoing thing to make departments more efficient. We have not done all the research yet.

(PR) I will vote for this as long as that letter is addressed when I get back from my vacation.

Board requested Chief Wharem determine the hours, but he refused.

Chief Wharem: If you are going to make the decision, then make the decision. Do not drop it on the Department Heads to make the decision.

(GL) Withdraw motion to propose Administrative Assistant at Police Department is a part-time position. (LS) Withdraw Second.

(GL) Motion to propose Administrative Assistant at Police Department is a part-time position of 30 hours. (LS) Second.

Discussion: Paul, is it defined as to what part-time consists of? We need to go back and look at the Contract and see what defines full-time versus part-time. You may want to recondition the motion. Is 30 hours enforceable?

Point of Order – Chief Wharem: If the Board remembers right, less than 39 hours is part-time. You would still have to factor in retirement. (LS) I would like to see the position at 35 hours so she can adequately do the position.

(GL) Withdraw Motion. (LS) Withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to propose Administrative Assistant position at Police Department is a part-time position at 35 hours. (GL) Second. Carried 3-1 (PR).

Chief Wharem: Board also has policy that department doors will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. We can no longer do that. When will this take effect? At least six weeks will be necessary for implementation to revamp Police Department schedule. Board agreed.

(PR) We need to look at all departments and maybe close the Town Hall one day a week and/or cut down another position at the Town Hall to a part-time position. (LK) I agree. Any suggestions? (PR) Close Town Hall one day a week.
(LK) The Board has given the new Town Clerk some time to get her “feet wet.” Right now she is still in training and has asked for the month to complete this. Board agreed they would check with Erica to see what her suggestions are.

(LS) Motion that letter from George Bachelder regarding cut in one position to part-time be received prior to next meeting. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Tanker Repair

(LS) Received an E-Mail from Chief Johnson regarding tanker repair, which I did not like the sound of on March 21st. Town Administrator responded on March 22nd and Fire Chief did not reply till March 26th. There was a delay between the corresponding dates but not on the part of the Board. This will be addressed at future Board meeting.

2. Safety Inspection – Electrical Issues

(PS) If Board recollects, a request was made to determine if a quote by Pat Heffernan for Town Hall electrical issues included supplies, which it does. Mr. Heffernan is present tonight and can address this.

Pat Heffernan: “Yes” it does include supplies which were offered a while ago and I do not remember exactly what it was for. (LK) Paul, can you provide us with the paperwork. Pat Heffernan: There is a time limit on the proposal. My costs are going up substantially and I may not be able to honor this price. You need to pick-up the pace here.

(LK) Motion that Town Administrator review proposal and if acceptable, to authorize the work to go forward. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (GL) This is an OSHA requirement and should be completed.

3. Tax Deeded Property

(PS) Board has requested that this item be put back on Agenda with the suggestion to modify the minimum bids on each property.

(LK) There have been a lot of foreclosures and sales are not good. (PR) We should put these properties out for bid noting that any and all bids will be considered. This may open it up more. (LS) I see no problem with that.
(PR) Bids would be subject to approval. (LK) Paul, could you have that available by the next meeting? (PS) Yes. (PR) These properties should have been taken five years ago; we will be lucky to get what we get for them.

4. Board of Selectmen Vacancy

(GL) Motion to approve Eric Nilsson as Board of Selectmen member till 2013. (PR) Second. Carried 3-0. (LS) Abstain.

Discussion: (PR) It should be noted that other applicants were adversely addressed on the street. (LS) noted to applicants that this is a tough, tough year with budgets and it is going to take a lot of work.

Break 7:34 P.M. Board resumed at 7:45 P.M.

During the break, Eric Nilsson was sworn in by Erica Anthony, Town Clerk.
Eric Nilsson (EN) was seated on the Board after the break.

5. Safety Committee Representative

(LK) Motion to appoint Eric Nilsson to Safety Committee as Board of Selectmen Representative. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0. (EN) Abstain.

6. Board of Selectmen Meeting Location

(LK) Motion to approve Board of Selectmen meeting at Pittsfield Middle/High School for the next four weeks. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (LK) If there is not a full audience in attendance, we can move it back to the Town Hall.

7. Department Heads Meeting

(PR) What about changing the Deputy Clerk’s hours to 30 hours for budget reasons?

(LK) We will schedule to talk to Fire Chief regarding changing a full-time EMT to part-time. We will need more information on this. Department Heads will be scheduled to appear for these discussions.

Philip (Sparky) Gordon: The question was seniority versus qualification and we were advised by our Union Rep that if you do this, you have to do it by the contract – last one hired is the first one to “go.” Just enlightening you on that.

(LK) Now, we just want information. (LS) We need to see how it is going to work.

Philip (Sparky) Gordon: If it is a Union individual that is the way it will go.

(LK) As I said, right now, it is just for information purposes.




1. Intent to Cut Tax Map R54, Lot 11

(LS) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R54, Lot 11. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (EN) Abstain.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second.
Carried 4-0. (EN) Abstain.

Discussion: (LS) There are several questions regarding payroll which I have referred to Paul.


1. Public Session Minutes of April 10, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 10, 2012 with corrections. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0. (EN) Abstain.


Page 2. Paragraph 1, Line 3 should read: (LS) During these economic times, EDC would rather protect the walking trails with an easement through the property.
Page 2, Paragraph 1, Last line should read: (LS) The EDC is just requesting this be a consideration in the event the property is sold.

Page 3, Paragraph 3, Line 4 should read: (LK) …., two officers were on vacation

Page 4, Line 1 should read: (LK) Out of 7 or 8 people, five were out. Board emphasized the need for better management in the future.
Page 4, Paragraph 1, Line 5 should read:….we transport because of the turnaround time which may cause additional overtime, which does not happen too often.
Page 4, Paragraph 1, last line added: His recommendation in order to save money would be to eliminate per diem and consolidate full-time coverage to six days per week. This would reduce services.

Page 6, Paragraph 6, Line 10 should read: (LS)…..workforce. The issue keeps coming up that we do not have a full police force, but this is based on having a full force and we will look at the solutions based on that presumption.

Page7, First Paragraph, 1st line should read:…is going to be two officers on for 8
Page 7, Second Paragraph, Line 3 should read: (LS) This is based on eight hour shifts and a full force which would allow for eight overlap hours.
Page 7, Second Paragraph, last line: (LS)….overtime and remember that full-time officers are to be used first. This would be the most cost effective.
Page 7, Paragraph 4, Line 2 should read: (LS)….not want to reduce services because this was not the “climate” of the people at the Town Meeting.
Page 7, Paragraph 5, Line 2 should read: ….shifts because employees will call out two days instead of one day.
Page 7, Paragraph 6, Line 2 should read: (LS)….and now we need to find the most efficient way to cover the shifts.

Page 8, Paragraph 3, Line 2 should read: (LS) This cannot be determined now, but I believe there will be a long term benefit.

Page 13, Paragraph 1, Line 4 should read: (LS) The Fire Chief was requested to research this. We will revisit this to review his findings.
Page 13, Paragraph 9, Line 4 should read: (LS) We are really trying to do what is best for the Town.
Page 13, Paragraph 10, Line 2 should read: (LK0 noted that he had discussed this for years and with the previous Board. We have their suggestions and notes and now we are taking action given the information that we have.

Page 14, Paragraph 2, Line 5 should read: (LS)…..We are trying to impact employees as little as possible and at the same time tighten up efficiencies.
Page 14, Paragraph 3, Line 3 should read: (LS) delete We will look into it.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of April 10, 2012

Minutes not available.


Carl Anderson: My wife and I came tonight to hear about the cuts in the budget. The Board has taken a fair amount of heat lately. I have lived here all my life and have been waiting for a Board to cut what is necessary to get taxes under control and be able to afford to live in Town. Many have tried without success, but at the end of the day someone has got to get taxes under control and still get the services. Departments need to prioritize. We are in favor of making the cuts the department has to make. This would not be popular with everybody. Pittsfield’s taxes are outrageous and we need to find a way to get the job done.

I run a business and within the constraints of my budget.

Pearl Cheney: The Road Agent is the best one we ever had because he stays within his budget. “What is all the bickering about?” You voted the Board in and let them do their job. If you don’t like them, kick them out.

Merrill Vaughan: The Ethics Committee has been voted “out” and now the same old stuff, there isn’t anybody to oversee the Board.

At the Town Meeting, $125,000 was cut from the budget because someone said they had a plan; I have not heard one yet. You are cutting Highway, Police and Fire Department services. Close down the Town Hall one day a week. Are you considering cutting your salary? You talk about the firefighters and police officers. The numbers you have on a spreadsheet do not tell the whole story. How many of you have done a ride along with a police officer? (PR admitted that he had done this.) It is not an easy job. You shouldn’t cut security or public safety. I had a stroke in 2007 and wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. What happens if there is a fire? Someone needs to do something right. Public safety should come first. I am still waiting for that plan. This is completely opposite of what we were told.

Jeff Freese: Globe is the largest employee in Pittsfield. I’ve come to previous meetings with a lot of animosity toward the Board. A couple of meetings ago, I got after this Board. We need to work together.

I contacted and worked with NHMEP to help my company get rid of waste which has helped tremendously. (He explained the process of company buying a small company and the expeditious making of boots, which has succeeded.) I would encourage this Board to contact them. You want recommendations; you have to work with your employees. You have to have everyone involved. It works.
(He noted he would send the information to the Board.)

Dora Hill: I moved her with my family in 1992 as I enjoy living in a small town. I have enjoyed the peace of mind. You should not cut something that values lives (Fire Department). She explained when her child needed paramedic intervention, they were there in minutes. I would never throw away anything involved in saving a life. I want someone there when I need them and do not agree with cutting safety.

Marlene Snedeker: It does work.

Todd Drew: All departments need to work with Board of Selectmen and they need to work with the departments. You did not hire the last four applicants because of a hiring freeze. Applicants give a lot of time that they are not paid for. When I call for a cop, I want one. When I call for a firefighter, I want one. We need to work together and as a team. Everyone needs to be on the same team.

Jeff Freese: The Town operating budget is $3M, the school budget is $9M. Carl, we gotta go after the school too.

Carl Anderson responded: Yes, there has to be cuts in the school budget.
Jeff Freese: We need to bring new businesses to Town to lower the tax rate and help the taxpayers. We need to protect the people who protect us.

Bob Legg: I am looking to see from the Board a clue as to how they are going to solve the Union issues without paying lawyers.

Ken White: The Board rather than being constructive has caused destruction. If you make a cut you could at least have the fortitude to do that. “I would follow Chief Johnson to he– and back and I would not follow this Board through the drive through at MacDonald’s.”

Helen Schiff: I have been on the Budget Committee for the last three years and it was tough putting three employee’s jobs on us. All Department Heads have to go line by line to help make cuts. We need to keep the employees and find another way. You have to look at everything before you buy anything. No one wants to see anyone lose their income. Budget Committee gets the blame for a lot of things. The Department Heads come to us with their budgets. Of every dollar the school gets 75 cents and the Town gets 25 cents. We should take 5% of the School Budget and move it to the town.

Larry Konopka: Taxes are $30.66 and we are the third highest in the State. We have to work with Department Heads and Department Heads have to work with us. Just so you know, my salary from this position usually goes to some department to either buy paint or something else that is needed. I take offense at previous comments.

Paul Rogers: We need to get more people involved in voting. We really need to encourage neighbors to do their part.

Marlene Snedeker: I would like to thank the Town Administrator on his contract cut. I have an elderly mother and mother-in-law and at the end of the day, it is important that they get the medical services that are necessary.

Diane Vaughan: I was at the elections and we do not have the numbers voting that we used to have. I have lived here seven years and in the past companies came to try and establish in Pittsfield and were told “No.” Somehow we need to get businesses to come. We need to invite these people to come in. I have been paying taxes all my life in New Hampshire. I am not a political person and my biggest thing is safety. When I call that I need them, I want them there.

Close Public Input


(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (PR) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:45 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:10 P.M.

(EN) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of April 17, 2012.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


(PR) Motion to adjourn. (ER) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

Approved: April 24, 2012

_____________________________ ____________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on April 17, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on April 19, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes/0 Attachments/0 Attachments