April 18, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission (PCC)
April 18, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Call to order: 7:09 PM, by PCC Chairman Mark Wallace

Present: Chairman Mark Wallace (MW); Sec. Nancy Christie (NC); Paul Metcalf (PM); Alternate Jon Greenwood (JG); new members Bryan Mika (BM) and Diana Westgate (DW), Alternate

Absent: Vice Chair Nancy Bates

Minutes: PM moved and JG seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the December 20, 2010, meeting
(passed 4-0, with 2 abstentions); NC moved and PM seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on December 30, 2010 (passed 4-0, with 2 abstentions).
Action: MW will post the minutes of the two meetings on the Town’s website as required by law

Financial Report: None

Public Input: None

Old Business

1. PCC Membership and Officer Positions
Action: DW made the motion, and JG seconded, to establish the following officers, effective immediately: Mark Wallace, Chair; Bryan Mika, Vice Chair; Nancy Christie, Sec. (DW motioned, JG seconded; motion carried, 4-1-1, with PM voting no and NC abstaining)

2. Forest Management Plan
Action: MW will contact consulting forester Charlie Moreno for a list of logging operations.
Action: MW will select and then contact 3 companies for bids on selective timber harvests in accordance with the Forestry Management Plan on 2 town-owned parcels: Thompson Road and Dustin-Barker (NC motioned, JG second; carried 6-0).
Action: MW and BM will obtain a list of land surveyors, select three, and ask for bids for surveying and marking the boundary on the town-owned Black Gum Forest (NC motioned, PM second; carried 6-0).

3. NH Invasive Species Report
Action: BM reported that he had completed and returned the survey to UNH, per instructions.

4. Draft of the PCC By-Laws, Policies & Procedures
Action: NC will finalize the draft, incorporating PCC member input, and bring a clean copy to the next PCC meeting for final approval and PCC member signatures (DW motioned, JG seconded; carried 6-0).

5. Presentation of the Forest Management Plan to the Selectboard
Action: MW and BM will develop a PowerPoint presentation of recommendations from the Plan in
preparation for a future presentation to the Selectboard.

New Business

1. PCC 2011 Education Projects
a. Old Home Day
Action: PM will order 200 (or best deal) pens with PCC/conservation information on them for
distribution at the PCC table on Old Home Day (MW motioned, DW seconded; carried 6-0).
b. Rocky Ridge Forestry Walk
Action: TABLED until May meeting

2. Scenic Roads
Action: TABLED until May meeting

3. Mail Review
Action: TABLED until May meeting

4. Other Business (Notebook, Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for NH)
Action: MW and BM will obtain a copy of the above from UNH, spending up to $30, if necessary (PM motioned, DW seconded; carried 6-0)

Next Meeting: Monday, May 16, 2011, at 7 PM

Adjournment: 8:57 PM (NC motioned; PM seconded); motion carried 6-0.

Submitted by: NC, Secretary