April 19, 2011 Minutes (attachment at end)

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M.,


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard Leduc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




(DM) Safety Committee Representative – BOS, Welfare Fair Hearing Board Representative; (EV) Scrap Metal at WWTP, Highway Department New Truck; (PS) Sander Bids, Reconfirmation of Diana Westgate Appointment, Delinquent Tax List – Tax Collector, Hawkers and Peddlers’ Permit Application, Transfer of $436.63 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund, Transfer of $100. From Ambulance Fund to General Fund, Transfer of $500 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund, Veterans’ Credit Application Tax Map R03, Lot 2, Veterans’ Credit Application Tax Map R41, Lot 6-4, Intent to Cut Tax Map R39, Lot 31, Rocky Ridge Abandoned Dwelling, PMHS Invitation – Nellie Mae.




6:05P.M.: Chris Porter – St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Sign Request

Mr. Porter noted he was here tonight representing St. Stephen’s request for a sign. He noted that there used to be a sign on Route 28 representing the church but the State decided that these types of signs should not be there and the sign was removed. With the rest of the signs now depicting information about businesses in Town, the church is now requesting permission from the Board to resurrect the sign including the necessary “trailblazer sign” within the Town to indicate location. The DOT will not proceed until BOS approval has been acquired. “I am here tonight for permission for this.” (EV) explained to Mr. Porter how the signs for businesses came to be and why he voted against St. Stephen’s initial request and his concerns about “sign pollution” to which (GL) agreed.

(PR) noted he would call DOT to determine if a general type sign could be erected just indicating church affiliations within the Town. He related that he would check with DOT and by next BOS meeting would be able to suggest different options.

6:10 P.M.: State Representative Dan McGuire

State Representative McGuire related he was present to give the Town an overview of what is happing in the House and how it affected towns. He noted redistricting may be happing soon and in May, new Bills will be submitted. He noted that House is advocating not raising any taxes or fees and trying to avoid a downshift. There are no Federal stimulus monies. All departments have been cut to some extent including colleges, highways, school business, catastrophic aid and retirement contributions. It is estimated that all things will stay “flat for 2011, 2012 and 2013.” He explained how redistricting will probably be done in the near future. (See Attached.)

6:15 P.M.: Cable Advisory Committee-Metrocast Franchise Agreement
(6:37 P.M.)

Moira Campbell, Regional Manager – New England, Metrocast was present and gave an overview of the renewal process and the stages necessary to achieve agreement. She explained the various changes that Metrocast has instituted including additional area coverage, customer numbers, franchise fees and percentages, and the potential revenue use of these fees and how imposed, length of contract and other possibilities with the use of Metrocast.

6:20 P.M.: Ted Mitchell Re: Planning Board Training

Ted Mitchell: I originally sent a letter requesting $690 be added to the training line from the line of recording secretary, which is an unfilled position. I have reconsidered and am now asking for additional funds in the amount of $210 making a total of $360 to allow all members and alternates to attend the Spring OEP Conference. He noted that the Planning Board is, on a trial basis, utilizing a member to record and transcribe Minutes. (PS) related that this would affect the entire budget and would work on this to see if funds could be found for this to occur.

7:30 P.M.: Representative from Senator Ayotte’s Office (6:55 P.M.)

Neva Foley, representing Senator Ayotte’s office noted that they are in the process of setting up several offices including one in Manchester. She noted she can be the contact person for any assistance that is needed by the Town.


1. Pittsfield Police Association Request for Use of Town Property

(PS) This entails use of the Police Department property to participate in Town Wide Yard Sale on June 4th which will be manned with association personnel volunteers.

(FH) Motion to approve use of Police Department property by Pittsfield Police Association for Town Wide Yard Sale on June 4th. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Amendment No. 3 WWTF/TTG Environmental

(PS) This is an Amendment (#3) to the engineering contract associated with the WWTP upgrade, the value of which is $3,300. It is the combining of two projects which increases the contract amount. A Motion to approve along with Chairman to sign will be necessary.

(DM) Motion to approve Amendment #3 of theTTG Environmental Consultants, LLC contract and authorize Chair to sign. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Selectmen Action on 2011 Budget Adjustments

(PS) At the last BOS meeting, Board reviewed recommendations of the Police Department, Fire Department and Highway regarding 2011 budget modifications. I have taken the opportunity to review these recommendations and have offered some suggestions to address these shortfalls regarding the different budgets. (See attached.)

As indicated in the Memo, (PS):

1. Transfer $14,999 from Account No. 01-4210-6-190, Special Details, to Account No. 01-4210-2-140, Overtime.

Chief Wharem agreed he was fine with this suggestion.

(FH) Motion to approve transfer $14,999 from Account No. 01-4210-6-190, Special Details to Account No. 01-4210-2-140, Overtime. (PR) Second.
Carried 5-0.

2. Transfer all town building maintenance costs to the Municipal Buildings Expendable Trust. These transfers will periodically come before the Selectmen throughout the remainder of the year. (PS) noted this is not an open checkbook and all departments would have to request funds from the Board over a certain amount ($300).

(DM) Motion to approve transferring all Town’s building maintenance costs to the Municipal Buildings Expendable Trust. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Notify the Highway Superintendent that he will be allowed to spend only $27,127 from Account No. 01-4312, Paving and Reconstruction. (PS) This basically will freeze the balance of $50,000 to cover over expenditures within the Highway Department and offset any shortfalls in other departments.

(PR) These funds were slated for Wildwood Drive which will not be accomplished now and these individuals pay taxes too. This has been delayed for a long time and something should be done. They deserve to have that paving done on their street.

(GL) Motion to approve only $27,127 from Account No. 01-4312-1-731, Paving and Reconstruction to be used by Highway Department. (PR) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-2 (PR) and (FH).

Discussion: (PS) The Highway Department is the only department which has flexibility within their budget. (DM) The Board will be looking at this again and often.

4. Notify the Chief of Police to NOT ORDER a replacement police cruiser until given the approval by the Board of Selectmen. Chief Wharem concurred with this suggestion noting that we have the rest of the year to think about replacement.

(FH) Motion to approve Police Department not replacing police cruiser until given approval by Board of Selectmen. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

The additional suggestions as proposed by Town Administrator:

1. Animal Control Officer: Police Chief noted that it would be difficult to retain an individual on an as needed basis and that the position is only ten hours now. He noted of the 1100 dogs in Town, 800 are not yet registered. He noted that he will be following up with the applicants shortly.

2. Rotary Balloon Rally: (GL) suggested having Rotary representative come in to explain rationale and (PS) to schedule. (PR) All vendor fees have been increased by the Rotary.

3. Curtailment of Ambulance Staffing: (PS) noted that this proposal would be reducing service for not very much in return and it would not be worth the risk. The pending committee could come up with alternatives. Committee to consist of BOS representative, Budget Committee representative, Fire Chief and two residents of Town. To date, no one has volunteered to serve on the committee. Board agreed that they would try to assist in suggesting individuals to serve on this committee.

(EV) to the Fire Chief: Some individuals that get called to participate in the callout for a fire get paid by their full-time employer and the Town. Do they reimburse their full-time employer? Fire Chief: That is at the discretion of the employer.

In closing of these budget modifications, (EV) noted the last paragraph of (PS)’s memo. (See attached.)

4. Granite State Printing Proposal

(FH) Motion to approve accepting proposal from Granite State Printing for handout card as suggested. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) will review final draft which should include Town Hall hours and closings also.

5. Committee to Review Ambulance Staffing and Shift Schedules

(PS) This has been advertised but to date I have had no responses. I think it is a good idea for BOS members to ask citizens to serve. A Board member as representative for this committee should be suggested.

(PR) Motion to approve Fred Hast as Board of Selectmen Representative to Ambulance Staffing and Shift Schedule Committee. (GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (DM) and (FH) Abstain.

Recess 7:50 P.M. Resume 7:58 P.M.

7. Sander Bids

(EV) opened the one bid received from Little Pond Trading, Epsom, NH. Bid was to trade the sander for a 1997 Ford truck. Board agreed that truck should be viewed by (PR) and George Bachelder.

(FH) Motion to accept bid by Little Pond Trading to exchange 1997 Ford Truck for sander after approval by Paul Rogers and George Bachelder as even trade. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

After approval of bid, Mike Gilman, HER&W, Epsom, NH noted that he felt that this was an “in” trade as someone already had their “foot in the door.” He did not think it was fair because someone had already solicited the deal. He noted that the sander which is stainless steel is worth about $1125 as scrap metal. He noted that he had considered bidding on it after review, but did not feel it was worth the amount as advertised in the bid.

6. Delinquent Taxes

(PS) A worksheet by Town Clerk Liz Hast was presented with the request that this Board take action on properties as to whether they will be tax deeded or not before liens can be done for other properties. Board reviewed the list which covers year 2007, and determined that all properties tax deeded owners will be notified, eviction proceedings will be discussed with Town Attorney to begin the process and property insured.

David Griggs – Tax Map R35, Lot 48:

Board has previously made arrangements for a payment plan which they will abide by presently.

Timothy Holton – Tax Map R35, Lot 19:

(GL) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map R35, Lot 19. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Mieko Langevin – Tax Map U04, Lot 13:

Property is for sale now, with several offers having fallen through. (PR) will research as to probability of sale, contact attorney and advise Board by next BOS meeting and Board may decide to deed at that time.

(DM) Motion to table as to Tax Deed Tax Map U04, Lot 13 until May 3rd.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (PR) Abstain.

Lily Pond Road LLC – Tax Map R04, Lot 3:

Since there is a minimal amount owed, Liz Hast will endeavor to procure payment. (PS) to get parcel identified on tax map.

Douglas B. Mackie – Tax Map R11, Lot 15:

Mr. Mackie discussed payment plan with Board but did not sign or follow through with agreement.

(PR) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map R11, Lot 15. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Charles L. Schlosberg – Tax Map U01, Lot 33:

Mr. Schlosberg has been notified several times of delinquent taxes but has not responded. It is noted that individual does not reside at this address.

(GL) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map U01, Lot 33. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

Maureen & John Taylor – Tax Map R20, Lot 12-T04:

Payment Plan has been arranged.

Jeffrey Brooks & Julee Beth Worthen – Tax Map U01, Lot 73:

Payment Plan has been arranged.

David L. Blackey – Tax Map R11, Lot 13:

(FH) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map R11, Lot 13. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Michael T. Bowes – Tax Map R26, Lot 9:

(FH) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map R11, Lot 13. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Patricia Brickner – Tax Map R34, Lot 30-T07:

This is a trailer. (DM) Motion to Waiver Tax Deed R34, Lot T07. Carried 5-0.

Howard & Patricia Carpenter – Tax Map R34, Lot 18:

(FH) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map R34, Lot 18. Carried 5-0.

Dawnmark, LLC – Tax Map R34, Lot 18:

(FH) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map R34, Lot 18. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

Maureen Foss – Tax Map U03, Lot 114:

It is noted that Maureen Foss is deceased. It is unclear as to who is now the owner of record. This information will try to be determined.

(FH) Motion to Tax Deed Tax Map U03, Lot 114. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

Leonard & Norma Gilman – Tax Map R54, Lot 6, Tax Map R49, Lot 4, and Tax Map R15, Lot 21:

(GL) Motion to Tax Deed – Tax Map R54, Lot 6, Tax Map R49, Lot 4, and Tax Map R15, Lot 21, all properties owned by same individuals. (DM) Second.
Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

8. Safety Committee Representative

(DM) I currently serve as BOS representative on the Safety Committee and would like to continue.

(FH) Motion to approve Denise Morin to Safety Committee as BOS representative. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

9. Welfare Fair Hearing Board Appointment

(FH) Motion to approve Martha Booth to Welfare Fair Hearing Board.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Now that the Board has the appropriate number of members, I would like to see this Committee meet just to review Welfare Guidelines and understand the process. (PS) to do.

10. Scrap Metal – WWTP

(EV) There are three vehicles stored at the WWTP that are all junk and I would like to see them sold at bid and removed.

(FH) Motion to approve scrap metal vehicles at WWTP be put out to bid and sold and removed. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) They should be advertised “as is” and other departments should be asked if there are any additional items that could be added. (PR) What about the Fire Chief’s previous vehicle? (PS) to check and do.

11. Highway Department New Truck

(EV) The new Highway truck is finally here. I would like to send them a letter noting that Town is displeased with the length of time it took to acquire this truck for us. (PS) will get the Agreement and Board will review. (PS) to do.

12. Reconfirmation of Diana Westgate Appointment

(FH) Motion to approve Diana Westgate appointment to Conservation Committee to March 21, 2013. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

13. Delinquent Tax List – Tax Collector

See No. 6 above.

14. Hawkers & Peddlers’ Permit Application

(FH) Motion to approve Hawkers & Peddlers’ Permit for Lee Benoit and waive fee. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

15. Transfer of $436.63 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $436.63 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

16. Transfer of $100. from Ambulance Fund to General Fund

(FH) Motion to approve transfer $100 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

17. Transfer of $500. from Ambulance Fund to General Fund

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $500 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

18. Veterans’ Credit Application – Tax Map R03, Lot 2

(FH) Motion to approve Veterans’ Credit – Tax Map R03, Lot 2.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

19. Veterans’ Credit Application – Tax Map R41, Lot 6-4

(PR) Motion to approve Veterans’ Credit – Tax Map R41, Lot 6-4.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

20. Intent to Cut Tax Map R39, Lot 31

(FH) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R39, Lot 31. (GL) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) The cutter did this before the Intent to Cut was approved by Board. They made a mess along the side of the road which George had to clean up He should be notified and make compensation to Town. (PS) to check with George.

21. Rocky Ridge Abandoned Dwelling

(PS) Mark Wallace has contacted the Town regarding an old house which is on Rocky Ridge Forest property and is asking Town to address it and have it taken down. It is a safety hazard and a liability. It has asbestos shingles. (EV) We could ask Conservation if they would fund this. (FH) and (EV) will take a look at it to evaluate it.

22. PMHS Invitation – Nellie Mae

(PS) I have received an invitation from the Principal of the PMHS to be a part of an evaluation workshop that is scheduled for Saturday, May7th. I am unable to attend this and would suggest that a Board member attend. (GL) agreed that he would attend. (PS) to advise school.


See attached list.


1. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation Pending
2. Request of Jesse Pacheco Re: Interest on Tax Bill

After Board addressed the abatement recommendations, Board discussed request of Jesse Pacheco. (PS) It is noted that the interest on the tax bill is approximately $85.

(DM) Motion to deny request of Jesse Pacheco to waive interest on tax bill.
(GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (DM) There are no guidelines by which to determine this without financial records to go by. It has never been done before. It is unclear as to where to draw the line for poverty. He has applied for an abatement which has been recommended. (EV) We do not want to set a precedent regarding this.


1. Selectmen Action on Abatement Recommendations

(PS) Cross Country would like a list of the properties in question and then will come to discuss with Board. (FH) They have not done a good job evaluating Town properties. (EV) I do not like the quality of appraisals. (GL) There
are a large number of abatements. (See attached list.)

(DM) Motion to approve abatements as noted per attached list Nos. 22-44.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) I would like Cross Country to explain Nos. 23, 25, 36, 38, 40, and 41 from the attached abatement list as well as Tax Map R15, Lot 21
(Tilton Hill Road.) (EV) What would it cost for them to come in? (FH) It should not cost us anything. (DM) I do not agree with their rationale. (PS) to schedule.

2. Veterans’ Credit Application – Tax Map R14, Lot 27

(FH) Motion to approve Veterans’ Credit – Tax Map R14, Lot 27.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Veterans’ Tax Credit – Tax Map R21, Lot 1

(FH) Motion to approve Veterans’ Tax Credit – Tax Map R21, Lot 1.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Warrant for Excavation Tax – Tax Map R38, Lot 2

(FH) Motion to approve Warrant for Excavation Tax – Tax Map R38, Lot 2
for $66.04. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (GL) Tillable soil is washing into the road. (EV) The Planning Board should be reviewing and monitoring this. (FH) to bring up at next Planning Board meeting. It was noted that the pond is not deep enough.

5. Intent to Cut – Tax Map R22, Lot 20

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Cut Tax Map R22, Lot 20.
(FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Intent to Excavate – Tax Map R48, Lot 2

(DM) Motion to approve Intent to Excavate – Tax Map R48, Lot 2.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) They are running out of gravel. No one is keeping track of this.
(FH) will review with Planning Board.

ACTION ITEMS – Continued

Gerard LeDuc (GL) recused himself and was seated in the audience.

(EV) Gerard has requested Board approval for use of a dumpster on his property from April 24th to May 3rd for disposal of shingles on his roof. He is in the process of having his roof replaced, both the house and the barn. Gerard noted that he had discussed with the Police Department and they had referred him to the Board.

(FH) Motion to approve use of dumpster at 24 Carroll Street from April 24th
to May 3rd. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Gerard LeDuc (GL) returned and was seated on the Board.


(DM) Motion to approve Account Payable and Check Register.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of April 5, 2011

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 5, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of April 5, 2011

(FH) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 5, 2011.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(FH) offered an itemized list of expenses incurred during the installation of tiles at Town Hall, painting, other supplies, and meals. He noted that the entire “renovation” cost about $4,075.06, but also includes some mileage.

(EV) Fred, thank you for everything. You did a great job. (FH) I think it would be nice if we sent a letter of thank you for all the inmates that worked very hard to accomplish the renovation. (PS) to do.


Heather Brown: Regarding the sign issue for St. Stephen’s, I have seen generalized signs that have been erected and just note churches. You might want to look into that.

On the Gilman property, it is a safety hazard as well as an environmental hazard. There is trash everywhere and oil and chemical spills on the soil. There is a water supply out there and that might be affected.

Also, abutting my property in the back is property that is really horrid. Teenagers hang out there and drink and it is a safety hazard. I have spoken to the owners several times as my backyard abuts it but to no avail. My backyard is used as a cut through and often stolen items are found on my property. The owner of the property is not willing to do anything about this. There are small children in the area. I believe it is some kind of distribution company and there are oil drums leaking substances and it is becoming more and more of a problem. I think it should be questioned and looked into with the property owners. There are dangerous materials up against the building itself with glass, debris, and garbage everywhere. If you would like to see the property without trespassing, please come see me and you can view it from my windows. I even saw the pallet shop fire started which I have explained to the police.


1. Pallet Shop

(FH) Paul, you were going to send a letter to the pallet box shop? (PS) This was done by Fire Chief and to date I have heard nothing. (FH) Could you mention it to him again? (PS) to do.

2. Grants

(EV) I have received a letter from the State and the Highway Safety Grant and the Safe Commute Patrol Grant have been approved.


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91-A:3 II, (a), (b), and (c).
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled
and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 10:05 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 10:35 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of April 19, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


(FH) These Aqueduct increases are they for this year? (PS) Yes.
(FH) They just keep going up and up. PUC is allowing them to increase 2% per year. (PS) to check with Laura Spector to find out how much it will cost.

FH) Mr. Sansoucy will be coming in May to address Board on this.
(PS) Meetings are May 3rd and 17th. (FH) I will try to schedule him one of those days. Board requested if there is any information he can offer that it be sent prior to the Board meeting date so Board has an opportunity to review.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 10:47 P.M.

Approved: May 3, 2011

________________________ __________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I do hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on April 19, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on April 25, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

III Tapes

View Attachments