April 19, 2011 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2011 7:00 pm

Present: Dana Sansom, Chairman, Sylvia Wallace, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia/Dana) to accept with a correction the minutes of the March 15, 2011 meeting.

Old Business:

A discussion was held regarding Library Goals and the Public Service Hours. The director explained some thoughts she had in regard to increasing our public service hours. This discussion pertained to the 2012 Budget Year. She felt there has been very positive feedback regarding having hours on Friday again.

Sylvia gave us an update on the Moose Grant and the windows. By the end of April, the big front windows will be completed and Mr. Roeper will be starting on the hallway windows and other windows.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted after discussion explaining line items by the director.

New Business:

Ruth Strickhart, a volunteer at the Library, received an award, the 2011 Joseph D. Vaughan Award from the State Committee on Aging. She was submitted for the award by staff members Carol Grainger and Eleanor Joyce. Ruth will be given the award on May 10th at 1 pm. All the staff will attend so there will be a delayed opening of the Library on that day.

Sanderson Fund for 2012 request: The director presented a quotation given to her by a company, Atriuum. This quote refers to an automated book system for the computer and also for all other library related uses such as financial and other items. The trustees listened to the director’s presentation and made the decision to accept one of the quotes and requested that the director do some research, speaking to other libraries that use the system. One thing is apparent: a new system is needed because crashes occur frequently while staff are using the current system. The quote from Atriuum could be kept active for a year.

A discussion was held regarding the next Family Night Movie, scheduled for May 20th. The director’s goals are to have a movie that is also a children’s book and one that is rated for all the family. Suggestions were considered and will be reviewed.

Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 8:10 pm. (Sylvia/Dana)

Next Meeting: May 17, 2011, 7 pm

Submitted by: Mary Schelble, Secretary