April 2, 2008 Minutes

1. Meeting called to order at 5:34. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (DJ), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Ellen Barbasso (EB) and Matt Monahan (MM)
representing CNHRPC. Also attending Linda Small (LS), Leon Kenison (LK), Susan
Muenzinger (SM,) and Gene Marcotte (GM).
2. Minutes from March 5, 2008 approved
Minutes from March 26, 2008 approved with corrections
A. Correct the spelling of “property” (on 2A2)
B. Change LCD to PCDC (on 6)
3. Wicked WiFi – Veronica Francis
A. She was on Littleton LDC board when WIFI was installed there
1. Started 3 years ago
2. She bought equipment and became the owner
B. Experience of Manchester
1. 1 hour free then pay
2. Changed to 15 minutes free then pay for time
3. Most people use free minutes
C. Advertising
1. Can offer coupons
2. Promote local businesses
3. Can promote major events (like Balloon Rally)
D. We have already taken first 2 steps-decide we want it, and where to put it
1. Next step get bids from companies that provide internet service
2. Give them until the end of April to give us an estimate
3. Decide which offers best service and fits our budget
4. Make sure the company provides tech support
E. Have a big celebration when the service goes into effect (around mid June)
F. Further discussion on locations of main server and antenna
1. Possibly the library because it is centrally located
2. Union Block (K2Market), Youth Center, Town Hall
G. Have someone locally to help with tech support-possibly high school student
H. Sell ads for $10.00 per month and up to $100.00 per month
I. Liability-Town owns equipment our insurance would cover if anything happened to it
1.Disclaimer on home page that it is not secure
2. Don’t use for important private information i.e. bank statement
3.We may be able to block some sites or track users
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
April 2, 2008
4. Letter from Steve Heavener
A. On page 3 he outlined tasks of CRDC
B. If he consults with businesses privately there is no charge to the town
C. He would like us to give him a broad view of what we want-not too specific
D. A motion was made to accept the proposal and it was seconded.
1. Motion carried
2. It will now go to the Select Board for their approval.
5. Suggestions were made on how to promote the town
A. Interview a new business why they came here
1. Frank Belliveau, auctioneer
2. The recording company
B. Interview a business that has been here
9. Next meeting Wednesday April 10, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.
10. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M.
Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary