April 2, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Leslie Vogt, Vice Chairperson
Ross Morse
Kathy Corliss

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Richard Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Vice Chairperson Vogt called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


Mr. Morse added SAU renovations. Ms. Corliss added extra-curricular activities and staff evaluations. Dr. Freeman added adequate annual progress, School Board Association workshop, and the quarterly expenditure report. Mr. Kilmister added a resignation. Mr. Gremlitz added a resignation and course offerings. Ms. Chassie added two resignations.

On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.


A motion was made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Mr. Corliss to approve the minutes of March 26, 2009, as written. Mr. Morse corrected “Mr. Ross” to
“Mr. Morse” on page 2 under “Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes.” The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes as corrected.


PMHS Teacher Barbara Gardner explained a personal situation that is requiring her to take ten days of leave, which she is requesting with pay. She explained the extenuating circumstances surrounding, relative to illnesses of dependent children, the need to take this leave. Ms. Gardner further explained that she had applied for leave to the Sick Leave Bank, but had her request denied by the Sick Leave Bank Administrative Committee. Dr. Freeman added further explanation of the operations of the Sick Leave Bank. Ms. Vogt advised Ms. Gardner that the Board would consider her request later in the meeting.

PMHS Teacher Silas St. James invited the members of the School Board to serve as audience for the culminating presentation of his English 10 Final Project. He explained that the project is designed to guide students through research regarding change in different kinds of communities, including schools and towns. The School Board expressed their desire to participate; Mr. St. James will contact members to schedule specific times that they will be available.


A. Resignations

Mr. Kilmister distributed a letter of resignation from PES Teacher Kristina Mazza. On a motion made by Ms. Corliss and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Mazza.

B. NECAP Analysis

Mr. Kilmister provided the Board with analysis of student deficiencies on last fall’s NECAP math test. He explained that the same analysis was done on the reading test. Mr. Kilmister reviewed some key components of the analysis. Mr. Morse asked if grade two teachers were included in the analysis, to which Mr. Kilmister explained that the kindergarten, grade one, and grade two teachers analyzed the grade 3 NECAP results.

C. Custodian

Mr. Kilmister informed the Board of the hiring of Henry Welch as full-time evening-shift custodian.

D. Curriculum Fair

Mr. Kilmister stated that the annual Curriculum Fair is scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 2009, and invited the members of the Board to attend.

E. 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Mr. Kilmister explained that the Advisory Council for the school’s afterschool program, Kydstop Pittsfield, has reorganized. Michael Taylor is the new director of the program through the Concord Area YMCA and Jean Richards, the Pittsfield Site Director, has returned to her post. Mr. Kilmister explained that the Advisory Council meets several times per year and that he would welcome participation of a Board member.

F. NWEA Testing

Mr. Kilmister reported that the NWEA spring testing has started and will continue through April vacation. He explained that these tests, which are aligned with the NECAP, offer a measure of academic growth for classroom groups and individual students, illustrating how much learning students have gained since the previous testing session.

G. ASCD National Conference

Mr. Kilmister reported on the benefit of attending the conference. He stated that it was a great opportunity to learn new ideas and network with principals from all around the country, including principals from New Hampshire.


A. Graduation Dates

Mr. Gremlitz presented dates including Baccalaureate on Thursday, July 11, 2009, Senior Awards on Friday, June 12, 2009, and Graduation on Saturday, June 13, 2009. On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the dates for commencement related events, as presented.

B. Resignation

Mr. Gremlitz presented a letter of resignation from PMHS Teacher Emilie Smith. On a motion made by Ms. Corliss and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Smith.

C. 2009-2010 PMHS Course Offerings Booklet

Mr. Gremlitz distributed the 2009-2010 PMHS Course Offerings Booklet. He stated that with the new student information system, students will be able to register on-line for the classes of their choice. A protocol will be established to address conflicts and for students to identify a second choice when a course is filled. Ms. Stevens provided information about the parent use component of the new student information system.

D. Spring Coaches

Mr. Gremlitz presented the list of coaches that have been recommended by the Athletic Director.

E. Poetry Out Loud

Mr. Gremlitz announced that PMHS Student Vicky Duquette was chosen as one of ten finalists in the state-wide Poetry Out Loud competition that was held at Keene State College. Although Vicky was not chosen as a finalist, she superbly represented PMHS at this prestigious event.

F. Extra-Curricular Activities

Ms. Corliss stated that she would like to consider offering band and chorus all year to students. Mr. Gremlitz confirmed that the band and chorus courses will be offered on alternating days throughout the school year.

Mr. Morse asked if there was instruction on selecting courses to the incoming freshman, to which Mr. Gremlitz responded in the affirmative


A. Resignations

Ms. Chassie distributed letters of resignation from Lorraine McArdle as speech language assistant and Linda Nazer as part-time preschool coordinator. Ms. Chassie explained that Ms. McArdle’s service to the district has been invaluable and will be missed. She also explained that Ms. Nazer, who retired from full-time teaching two years ago, remained as part-time preschool coordinator and that her expertise would be sorely missed by the special education team.

On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to regrettably accept the resignations of Ms. McArdle
and Ms. Nazer.

B. Paraprofessional Newsletter

Ms. Stevens has published the third issue of the Panther Press, a newsletter for the educational assistants in the district. A copy was provided for the Board’s review.

C. Concord Hospital

Ms. Chassie explained that Special Education Coordinator Lois Stevens, PMHS Guidance Counselor Tamara McGonagle, and PMHS Nurse Pat Serafin accompanied her to Concord Hospital to participate in training for first-year medical residents. Due to the training required on community systems, Pittsfield staff members were asked to demonstrate the workings of the wrap around process that is utilized by the Interagency Team of Pittsfield. It was an extraordinary opportunity to explain the interface between the educational system, the juvenile justice system, child protection, and other agencies with the medical community.

D. Parent Involvement Surveys

Ms. Chassie reported that the second annual mailing of survey for parents of students with disabilities was mailed on Thursday, March 26, 2009. Results will be shared when received from the Department of Education later in the year.


A. Staff Requests for Leave

Dr. Freeman presented the case of Ms. Gardner’s request for a leave with pay. Discussion ensued regarding the options available to the Board including allowing her to make up days this summer and/or using days from next year’s allotment of sick days. On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to grant the request of Ms. Gardner for ten days of leave with the condition that she will make these days up during the summer months, with the scheduling of these work days to be worked out with the principal.

Dr. Freeman presented the case of Ms. Petrovek’s request for a leave without pay for next winter. Discussion ensued regarding the options for providing coverage for the nurse during her absence, especially if the PMHS nurse was also unavailable. On a motion made by Ms. Corliss and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to grant the request of Ms. Petrovek for five days of leave without pay.

B. Professional Staff Nominations

Dr. Freeman distributed a copy of the “Handbook on Teacher Evaluation”. He noted that the document is dated September 25, 1981. He further explained that there have been two related legal cases relative to this document. On both occasions, the Education Agency of Pittsfield (EAP)
prevailed in their claims. Therefore, the document is in place until further negotiations with the EAP. Dr. Freeman reviewed the contents of the document for the purpose of explaining the evaluation process, as requested by Ms. Corliss. He explained that a plan has been established by the District Leadership Team to review and revise the evaluation process during school year 2010-2011, which is based on the district’s schedule of reform. Answering Ms. Vogt’s question, Dr. Freeman explained that the dates of the revision will not coincide with contract negotiations, but can be considered, possibly as a sidebar agreement within a new Master Agreement.

Dr. Freeman presented the nomination list for Master Agreement Contracts and Professional Contracts. He pointed out that Barbara Gardner, Derek Hamilton, Danielle Harvey, Kathleen LeMay, and Laura Smith will be receiving tenure upon renewal. He explained that Jennifer Jean has verbally stated her intention to resign, after being on a year-long leave of absence, but that the written notification has not been received. Consequently, Katie Lasky can be eliminated from the list as she was hired for a one-year position that will not be available until Ms. Jean’s letter has been received. The status of Kristina Mazza and Emilie Smith are changed to the status of resignation, as the Board has previously accepted their letters of resignation. The PMHS assistant principal position of Mr. DeLois is being reduced to a half time position, so Mr. DeLois’s status is changed to renewal for half time employment status. And Mr. Gremlitz is serving as a contracted service provider and the Board had previously approved of Mr. Gremlitz’s employment for the 2009-2010 school year; therefore, his renewal status as noted on the nomination list is not applicable.

At 7:31 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss to enter into non-public session to discuss employment of personnel. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Corliss, yes; Mr. Morse, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes) to enter into a non-public session under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II (b).

The Board discussed personnel issues relative to job performance.

At 8:35 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss to conclude the non-public session and to re-enter into open session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Corliss, yes; Mr. Morse, yes; Ms. Vogt, yes) to re-enter into open session.

On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the nomination list for Master Agreement Contracts and Professional Contracts as revised.

Dr. Freeman explained that the Mercier Group, which has provided audit services for the district for a number of years, has proposed a new three-year agreement at the rate of $7,500 per year. A motion was made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss to approve the three-year contract. Ms. Vogt suggested that the continuity of service at this time would be beneficial. The motion was passed unanimously.

C. Request for Tuition

A request was received from the Academy for Science and Design for the district to forward $3,500 to them in support of a Pittsfield student who is currently enrolled in this charter school. A motion was made and by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, not to grant the request for the tuition. Discussion ensued. The motion carried unanimously.

D. Thank You

A note of appreciation was received from Scott Brown and shared with the Board.

E. Adequate Yearly Progress

Dr. Freeman explained that the adequate yearly progress determination will be announced to the public by the Department of Education at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 6, 2009. The administration will receive prior notification on Friday, April 3, 2009. Dr. Freeman will notify the members of the Board by email on Friday; this information is embargoed until public release.

F. School Board Association

On Tuesday, May 12, 2009 from 5:30 to 8:30, School Board Orientation and Refresher Workshops will be provided by the New Hampshire School Boards Association for Board members who may be interested in attending. Dr. Freeman indicated his intention to attend and invited others to join him. Mr. Morse and Ms. Corliss will attend and Dr. Freeman will contact Ms. Paradise and Mr. Wolfe to see if they are interested.

G. Quarterly Expenditure Report

Dr. Freeman distributed the expenditure report. There is a potential of $107,924.95 fund balance as things currently stand. Dr. Freeman invited Board members to forward questions to him or to discuss during the next Board meeting.

H. Food Services

Dr. Freeman indicated that the food service program concluded January with a -$4,031.99 balance. This reflects an improved condition over our operations in recent years and is on track to finish the year in the black, with the $10,000 subsidy from the operating budget.

I. Jordan Institute Energy Efficiency Assessment

According to Dr. Freeman, Ed Murdaugh, of the Department of Education’s Office of Building Aid, who has suggested more cost-effective alternatives to the proposal made by the Jordan Institute ($27,500). Dr. Freeman suggested gathering more information before making a final decision, to which the Board agreed.

J. SAU Renovations

Dr. Freeman updated the Board on the plans for SAU renovations. The architects will be asked to investigate the renovations of the original space, as well as other options. They will also be providing recommendations regarding the gymnasium floor. Mr. Morse asked about investigating the use of space in an alternate space, such as the Town Hall. Ms. Vogt explained the prior unsuccessful attempts to use the 40% building aide to aid the cost of an elevator in the Town Hall.


X. NEXT MEETING – The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center of the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include SAU renovations, school district development planning, and committee assignments.

XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary