April 22, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.






(DM) Request for Poster Board Purchase – Drug Awareness Coalition, Results of 2007 Study at HS; (LS) Two Non-Public, Suncook Leathers, LDC Filing, Finalized AFT Agreement, Agenda Packages, PD Update; (LK) Employee of the Month; (LKe) Coin Operated Amusement Devices and Non-Public.


1. Appointment Applications

(EV) Motion to appoint Judith McClellan to the BCEP. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to appoint Nancy Christie to Conservation Committee.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to appoint Susan Muenzinger to Economic Development Committee. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to appoint Thomas Marston as Citizen Representative to BCEP. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to appoint Linda Vogt to Parks and Recreation Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) Motion to appoint Paul Metcalf to Conservation Committee.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to appoint Jesse Pacheco to Zoning Board of Adjustment. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LK) We have an application for the Planning Board for Jim Pritchard, which will be referred to the Planning Board. (LKe) All applicants started by submitting a letter and then completed the application forms.
(LK) There is still an opening for the Budget Representative for BCEP.

2. BCEP Solid Waste District Appointments

See above.

3. Timber Tax Levy – Nancy Dixon (Tax Map R29, Lot 01).

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Nancy Dixon (Tax Map R29, Lot 01) in the amount of $545.30. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Timber Tax Levy – Nancy Dixon (Tax Map R29, Lot 01A)

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Nancy Dixon (Tax Map R29, Lot 01A) in the amount of $752.73. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Timber Tax Levy – Nancy Dixon (Tax Map R29, Lot 01B)

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Nancy Dixon (Tax R29,
Lot 01B) in the amount of $304.40. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Timber Tax Levy – Keath & Patricia Wood

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Keath & Patricia Wood (Tax Map R03, Lot 5E in the amount of $130.02. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Abatement Applications

(LK) We have six abatements before us. Five have been recommended and one has not by Cross Country. (LS) noted that they were all well defined and I would recommend going with those as recommended by Cross Country.

(LS) Motion to approve abatements for Robert Paris, Raymond Chapman, Tessa Behsman, James Pence and William Miller and denied for Harvey MaCauley. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Discretionary Easement – Jennie Gingras

(LKe) explained this is a request for agricultural structure – barn and abatement is for somewhere in the range of 25-75% of tax on structure.
I have copied what was adopted in Bow in a similar situation, though the criteria does not exactly fit. Board can take this to future Public Hearing, meet on site, go through view, and then do hearing. (EV) noted that it was the general idea to help preserve these buildings. Do they have to show that they have done improvements? (LKe) The easement is registered at the Registry of Deeds from 4-10 years and they would have to maintain it. (LS) Once we approve, is there any way we could review? How do we determine between what it should be between the 25 and 75% range. (DM) distributed some printed information put out by the Historical Society in this regard for Board’s review. (LKe) noted that the safest way would be to have a view prior to the Public Hearing. (JL) questioned whether Town has put out anything on this and if anyone knew anything about the property. (DM) questioned whether the burden falls on property owner. After further discussion, it was decided that (DM) and (EV) would view property first. (DM) requested that property owner be contacted that they would be coming.

9. Welfare Lien – Tax Map U03, Lot 74.

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare Lien – Tax Map U-3, Lot 74.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. Welfare Lien – Tax Map R12, Lot 9.

(EV) Motion to approve Welfare Lien – Tax Map R12, Lot 9.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Ethics Committee Training Proposal

(LKe) The Ethics Committee has decided to provide training to new employees, elected and appointed officials regarding the Ethics Ordinances. They would like the BOS endorsement of that with notice to all departments, employees, and etc.

(DM) Motion to approve Ethics Committee training as indicated.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

12. Magnesium Chloride Purchase

(LKe) explained that this is a mix used for gravel surfaces on road, which attracts moisture and helps keep gravel in place for up to two months. It assists in keeping the roads smooth and from washing away, which saves a great deal. George is requesting a waiver of the bid policy.

(EV) Motion to waive the Bid Policy for the purchase of magnesium chloride. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) noted that he had discussed with (LKe) why this was not in the budget and maybe it should be added. (LS) indicated that she believe it was in the Budget. (EV) Do we need to waive the Bid Policy? (LK) related that it is over $2,500. (EV) There is only one place around that sells this so it probably would not need to go through Bid Policy. (DM) noted that this is when a Waiver form would be good.

13. Poster Boards for Drug Awareness Coalition

(DM) These will be used for the upcoming Chamber of Commerce
Business Showcase.

(LS) Motion to approve purchase of poster boards for Drug Awareness Coalition. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

14. Coin Operated Machine Application

(LKe) The application is for two coin operated amusement devices. I have a letter from the Police Chief indicating that he has visited the location and that there would be no issue with traffic. (Letter was read into Minutes.) Board further discussed whether this changes the use of the establishment, when does it go from a restaurant to an arcade and whether Town counsel should be contacted for definition.

(LS) Motion to approve coin operated machine application for one pinball machine and one pool table. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

15. Employee of the Month

(LK) related that he thought it would be nice to recognize individual employees on a monthly basis for exemplary service. Board discussed that though it sounded like a good idea, some guidelines would have to be established as it would be difficult to judge say the Police Department vs. Fire Department vs. Highway Department vs. other personnel. (DM) to put together some criteria for this and will get back to the Board.


1. 2008 Special Town Meeting Minutes

(LKe) This was regarding the Floodplain Ordinance and 60 individuals voted and was passed 59-1.

2. Epsom Police Department Commendation

(LKe) related that Epsom Police Department were very pleased with the assistance they received during a recent issue. They related that the police officers reaction time was excellent and they appreciated their assistance. (Letter of commendation was read into record.) It was agreed that a $30. gift certificate be awarded to Officers DeGeorge and Wilshire.

3. Heavy Duty Truck Purchase

(LKe) Truck purchase is within budgeted amount by about $250.

4. Police Department Arrest Log March 30th to April 3rd and
5. Police Department Arrest Log April 6th to April 13th

(LKe) related that police officers had several incidents during this period of time with individuals hitting their heads in back of police car causing excessive bleeding, spitting on officers and resisting and kicking, which eventually resulted in a broken foot.

6. Liquor Sales Compliance Checks

(LKe) noted that arrangements were made for State to come in for compliance liquor sales within local establishments. Several stores were fined and will require further education and a compliance check will probably be repeated in about two to three months. He noted that at the time of the compliance check the State Liquor Store was closed. (EV) and (LS) noted that they were disappointed with the offenders.

7. Police Department Information “Donning and Doffing” and
8. Fire Department Monthly Report – March

For Board’s review.

9. Highway Department Monthly Report – March

(DM) How much repair was done on chipper? (LKe) Unsure. (EV) noted that there were five items on the list that could be taken care of by a “regional garage.”

10. Budget Committee Composition/Training

(LKe) noted, “We now have a complete Budget Committee.” Many have signed up to complete workshop at LGC. (LS) It should be noted to them that (DM) is the Board of Selectman Representative Alternate.

11. Ethics Committee Composition/Activity

(LKe) It has been questioned whether Hank Fitzgerald is a resident of Pittsfield. He may now be residing in Mass. and they are trying to get him to resign because of this.

12. Youth Risk Behavior Survey

(DM) offered a summary of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey that was taken by 23,406 students statewide. About 186 students grades 9-12 at the Middle High School took the survey. She noted that plans have been for a community forum in May to raise awareness and share results. Letters will be sent directly to parents to advise of upcoming event. Jeff Martel, Guidance Counselor will be assisting in this endeavor.

13. Suncook Leather

(LS) noted that there was a Notice on bulletin board at Town Hall regarding a BTLA Hearing, which is scheduled for Thursday, April 24th. They are seeking a significant abatement and I think someone should plan on going to this hearing. I have contacted the State regarding the necessary criteria and they have recommended that abatement not be approved. It was agreed that (LKe) would represent Pittsfield. (LKe) noted that he could certainly make the hearing but it would be difficult to be prepared. (LS) noted that in the future, she would like to know when notices like this come in and questioned, “What is the date that it was received? It is not date stamped.” She noted that this is a pretty big deal and that the burden of proof is on the taxpayers. This is industrial property, which is being rented out.

14. LDC

(LS) questioned what needed to be done to get approval from them. (LKe) related that a letter of release is required with a copy of the letter from the Secretary of State noting that they do not object. (LS) to do.
15. Finalizing AFT Agreement

(LS) noted that it is all fine except for Article 19, which requires a clause to be added.

16. Agenda Packages

(LS) noted that the agenda information packages are all great though it is not necessary for hers to be mailed. All Board members agreed that they would pick up their particular packages. (JL) will continue to have his mailed to him.

17. Police Department Update

(LS) questioned how the hiring and scheduling process was going. (LKe) related that he had not seen the Chief to discuss.

18. Suggestion Box

(LK) related that it is now on the wall in the front foyer. (EV) Who will be reviewing the suggestions? (LK) indicated that it probably should be BOS members. (LS) to do.

19. Court Update

(EV) related that (LKe), Rich Hunsberger and he had attended the hearing at the Superior Court. He noted that Laura Specter and Atty. Sullivan had done an excellent job.


1. Capital Improvement Plan
2. Space Needs Study
3. WWTP Plan Status

No updates.

4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status

(LKe) noted that CNHRPC has advised that sidewalks can be 100% Federally funded. (DM) noted that the Safe Routes to School is a fully reimbursable grant. She distributed information to Board on this. Board to review.

5. Review of Goals and Objectives

No update.


1. Current Use Application – Thomas Hogan

(LKe) He was here last fall before Board regarding a sliver of his property in current use. He is now applying for another part of his property for current use. (LK) This should be sent to Cross County for their review. Board agreed.

2. Notice of Intent to Cut, Map R51, Lot 7 Supplemental

(DM) Motion to approve Notice of Intent to Cut, Map R51, Lot 7 Supplemental. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Veterans Tax Credit – Daniel Ward

(EV) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit – Daniel Ward. (LS) Second.

Discussion: (LS) noted, “It does not look like he qualifies.” He is still on active duty so I am not convinced that he qualifies. We need to verify with Cara.

(EV) Withdraw Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit – Daniel Ward. (LS) Withdraw Second.

This will be tabled until clarification from Cara.

4. Veterans Tax Credit – Ben Rist

(EV) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit – Ben Rist. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Veterans Tax Credit – Aaron Hoyt

(DM) Motion to approve Veterans Tax Credit – Aaron Hoyt. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second.


(LK) noted that Check #008571 in the amount of $11,598.20 to DL King should be held until a letter from George is received concerning clarification of certain issues. (LKe) noted that he is the Project Manager for the Salt Shed. Further discussion will be in Non-Public Session.

(LS) Withdraw Motion. (DM) Withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (EV) Second.

(LS) “Leon, have you clarified with Cara the retro pay for AFT members?”
(LKe) Yes.

(LS) Withdraw Motion to approve Payroll. (EV) Withdraw Second.

(LS) Motion to approve employee retroactive pay according to spreadsheet given to us at employees’ public hearing with AFT Union. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Public Minutes of April 8, 2008 as amended.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Minutes of April 8, 2008.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.




(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a), (c), and (e). (LS) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Short Break at 7:55 P.M. Board resumed Non-Public Session at 8:14 P.M.


Public Session resumed at 9:25 P.M.

(LK) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of April 22, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

APPROVED: April 29, 2008

__________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date