April 22, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
April 22, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Ellen Barbasso (EB),
Paul Skowron (PS), and Matt Monahan (MM) representating CNHRPC.

3. Minutes from April 8, 2009 approved and accepted as written. On item 6A TIP stands for
(regional) Transporatation Improvement Program.

4. Wi-Fi
A. Single Digits is not able to do the random sponsor advertising
B. They can give a person access to the server to change sponsors
C. It was suggested that we go with option 3 from Clayton Wood’s letter dated April 8, 2009.
1. See item 5A from meeting on April 8, 2009.
D. Helen Schiff provided a list of possible advertisers
E. EV contacted Metrocast to see if they got our letter, but he did not get a response.

5. YMCA Update
A. There is a new director at the YMCA in Concord
1. MM contacted him
2. MM will send the market research information when he is a little more settled in.
B. MM may send the disc with marketing info to the new owner of the Pittsfield Weave building.

6. Recreational Trails
A. $25,000.00 is available with matching funds
B. Need to get easements from current property owners
C. Application is due this winter. Topic is tabled for now.

7. Discussion on zoning ordinance and site plan review
A. MM provided a table showing percentage commercial/industrial land and tax rates.
1. More than 1 variable affects tax rate
2. There is a need for appropriate zoning
3. Some changes may have unanticipated expenses
B. Need to look at all the components of the zoning ordinance-make sure one doesn’t counteract
C. Need to go line by line to see what is actually said and what is implied.
D. Zoning has to be useful to the town.
E. Planning Board must agree that if majority agrees to it, someone else will not write their own
D. Sharon Wason from CNHRPC has reviewed and rewriten site plan regs and zoning ordinances
for other towns.
8. Next meeting Wednesday May 6, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 7:05 P.M.

Submitted by
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary