April 22, 2010 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Michael Wolfe
Clayton Wood

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Jennifer Kearns, Parent

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.


The following items were added to the agenda:
• Teacher nomination/assignment (Dr. Freeman)
• Teacher nomination (Mr. Kilmister)
• Senior final examinations (Mr. Gremlitz)
• Guidance counselor nomination (Mr. Gremlitz)
• Drake Field (Mr. Wolfe)
• Summer reading program (Ms. Adams)


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.


A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2010 meeting. On page 2, under the topic of graduation, add the sentence, “Mr. Gremlitz will seek alternatives to candles and torches that will not require open flame.” On page 2, change first sentence to read, “…final student projects to authentic audiences.” The motion carried unanimously.


Jennifer Kearns, parent of PMHS student, stated that she has concerns about the direction in which the school is moving. She is seeking information that will help her to decide on the educational future of her daughter. Ms. Paradise suggested to Ms. Kearns that she schedule an appointment with the principal to discuss the issues further.


A. Nomination

Mr. Kilmister reviewed the credentials of a candidate – Sarah Allen – for the fourth grade teaching position vacated by the resignation of Jessica Barry. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation and appoint Ms. Allen’s as teacher for 2010-2011 school year.

B. Sixth-Grade Excursion

Duane Johnson, special education teacher at PES, has obtained free Red Sox tickets for a baseball game on Saturday, May 29, 2010. It is proposed that 20 students and 4 adults will be selected to attend via lottery. The PTO has agreed to support the trip by partially funding the cost of the bus. Ms. Paradise expressed concern about how the students would be selected and stated her agreement with the lottery system. Discussion ensued regarding the issues of selection and other people who may purchase their own tickets riding the bus. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board unanimously approved the request as presented with the clarification that the 20 students and 4 chaperones will be selected by lottery and that transportation will not be offered to others.

C. Spring Music and Arts Festival

Mr. Kilmister explained that due to Ms. Grady’s extended health leave, the spring choral concerts on May 19 and 25, 2010, will be cancelled. PES will, however, hold a Music and Arts Festival during the evening of May 25, 2010. PES art teacher, Lisa Stevens, and substitute music teacher, Ashley Rose, will plan this event.

D. Earth Day Celebration

Mr. Wood thanked Mr. Wolfe for his help to the fourth grade class in planting a tree in celebration of Earth Day.
E. New PES Schedule

Mr. Kilmister reported that a draft of a new PES schedule that will incorporate terms of the new collective bargaining agreement has been unveiled to the staff. The proposed schedule was positively received by staff.

F. Food Inspection Report

On April 2, 2010, the New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services inspected the kitchen and cafeteria. A score of 95, our highest score ever, was received.

G. Calendar

A calendar of PES events was provided by Mr. Kilmister.


A. Senior Examinations

Mr. Gremlitz explained that the senior advisors have presented a proposal that seniors who are receiving an A in a class, be excused from their final examination. This practice would be instituted on a trial basis with assessment of the plan to be made next year. The Board granted their consensus.

B. Nomination

Mr. Gremlitz recommended Carolyn McGuire as the guidance counselor for the final 34 days of the school year. This vacancy occurred due to the resignation of Tamara McGonagle. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously appointed Ms. McGuire as PMHS guidance counselor for the remainder of the current school year.

C. Senior Activities

Mr. Gremlitz reported plans for senior activities: Baccalaureate – Wednesday, June 9, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.; Senior Awards Ceremony – Thursday, June 10, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.; and Graduation – Friday, June 11, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. The occurrence of the awards ceremony will conflict with a School Board meeting. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date.

D. Honor Roll

Mr. Gremlitz presented the third quarter honor roll and honorable mention.

E. Student Representative

Mr. Gremlitz has appointed a PMHS student, Jennifer Tyrell, to serve as the student representative to the School Board for the remainder of this year. Elections for a board representative for next year will occur in the fall.

F. Site Council

Lois Stevens has developed a brochure explaining the concept of a site council. Elections for student seats on this council will be held this spring.

G. Culture Fair

The Culture Fair was held on April 12, 2010. Student Ashley Pence was the winner of the Best Presentation Award for her project on Russia. Students Alyssa Moody and Liam Etchells were the winners of the Best Foreign Food Award.

H. Middle School Activity

Mr. Gremlitz explained that an after-school activity will be organized in lieu of the original overnight proposal.


A. Differentiated Instruction

Ms. Chassie explained that a course will be offered to staff at both schools by two professors from Plymouth State University. Ms. Corliss asked if there was a sense of participation rate, to which Ms. Chassie explained that the deadline for signing up is May 7th. Ms. Paradise asked if the information on Understanding by Design will be redundant for staff. Ms. Chassie explained that instruction will be adjusted and personalized, depending on which teachers sign up for the course.

B. Paraprofessional Training

Ms. Chassie reported that training was provided to paraprofessionals on April 19, 2010. Ms. Corliss asked if training is mandatory for paraprofessionals. Ms. Chassie explained that thirty-five hours over three years is required for the paraprofessionals who are certified by the Department of Education; not all paraprofessionals are currently certified. All paraprofessionals are encouraged to participate in training and many opportunities are provided to them throughout the year.


Ms. Chassie reported that Lois Stevens and Sheila Ward have traveled to Tennessee to participate in the annual conference of the Council for Exception Children. Ms. Adams asked what students are considered under the term “exceptional,” to which Ms. Chassie explained that each state defines “exceptional” differently. NH does not include intellectually gifted as “exceptionally different”.


A. School Board Policies – Approval

Dr. Freeman recommended two policies for adoption: Policy EFC – Free and Reduced Price Lunch and Policy EGAD – Copyright Compliance. On a motion made by Ms. Adams and seconded by Ms. Corliss, the Board voted unanimously to approve Policies EFC and EGAD

B. School Board Policies – Reading

Dr. Freeman recommended four policies for the first reading: Policy EH – Public Use of School Records, Policy EHB – Data/Records Retention, Policy EHB-R – Local Records Retention Schedule, and Policy GBEB – Staff Contact with Students.

Mr. Wood asked if the retention of electronic mail is considered in the policy. Dr. Freeman stated that Policy EH addresses paper records required by the state or federal rules and laws. Mr. Wood asked Dr. Freeman to research the area of electronic mail and to report back to the Board for further consideration.

Ms. Corliss stated concern for the short length of time required for Class Observation Forms. It was decided that instead of one year, the records would be kept for the term of employment.

Discussion ensued regarding the issues surrounding the policy on staff contact with students. The recommended policy was provided by Drummond Woodson law firm, not the New Hampshire School Boards Association. Ms. Paradise directed Dr. Freeman to research the model policy provided by the New Hampshire School Boards Association.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve Policy EH, EHB, and EHB-R for reading. More information will be gathered relative to Policy GBEB.

C. Professional Staff Compensation

Dr. Freeman stated that the 2010-2011 budget includes a 2% increase for non-union professional staff salary lines. The Board was requested to provide
direction regarding non-union professional staff compensation for next year. The Board allowed Dr. Freeman the flexibility to adjust increases from the 2% as he determines appropriate. Dr. Freeman indicated that he would recommend 2% across the board increase for staff in this category.

D. Support Staff Compensation

Dr. Freeman reported that the 2010-2011 budget includes a 3% increase for support staff. The Board was requested to provide direction regarding support staff compensation for next year. The Board indicated that a 3% increase be provided across the board.

Ms. Corliss asked if there has been resolution to the previous issues around the support staff salary schedule. Dr. Freeman explained that he has met with representatives from both schools and has conducted an information-sharing sessions that were open to all employees in this group. The people affected appear to understand and be satisfied with the explanation provided by Dr. Freeman.

E. Nomination

Dr. Freeman explained that when information was shared with Susan Hipkiss regarding the position of high school music being reduced to half time, she chose to accept the half time position, rather than assume the full time position.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Adams, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Grady for the full time music teacher and Ms. Hipkiss to the half time music position.

F. PMHS Gym Project Management

Dr. Freeman presented a formal agreement with Harriman for design and engineering work associated with the PMHS gym renovation project, for which he sought approval. The contract was analyzed by the members of the Board; terms included costs of $18,000 for the gym roof and $10,800 for the gym floor and bleachers. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the contract with Harriman.

G. School Climate Strategies

Dr. Freeman distributed the recommendations made by Dr. Alan Pardy on school climate / peer conflict resolution / anti-bullying strategies. Also included in the packet was a list of strategies being implemented at PMHS.

Ms. Corliss suggested that there should be a graduated transition from PES, where students move through hallways in supervised lines, to PMHS, where

students are allowed to move in a more relaxed fashion. Mr. Gremlitz reported that conversations have been conducted at the Educational Leadership Team (ELT) regarding supervision in the hallway. He stated that efforts have been implemented to make improvement in that area. Ms. Chassie further explained that the PBIS Universal Team has determined, through the analysis of data, that “out of assigned area” is the rule most offended. The faculty and staff have made a refreshed commitment to increase the level of supervision in the hallways during transitions. In the meantime, work continues to repair the bell system, which will help to synchronize the release of students into the hallways.

Dr. Freeman explained the efforts in motion around the work of Stan Davis, a leading authority on inappropriate peer to peer interactions. He explained several of the strategies that have been suggested and that will be considered for implementation. Mr. Wood summarized information from Stan Davis’ book, including anonymous reporting protocols. Ms. Corliss reinforced the idea of anonymous reporting.

H. Quarterly Expenditure Report

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with the quarterly expenditure report.

I. School Improvement Grant

Dr. Freeman explained the work that has been done over the past week to develop a district-wide school improvement grant proposal. Three goals have been established, including one that addresses academic achievement, another that addresses school culture and climate, and a third that addresses career and college readiness. He further explained that the grant will continue to be under development this week and that he would be drafting the grant proposal next week. Final revisions will be made at the beginning of the week of May 3, 2010, and it will be delivered to the Department of Education by the deadline on May 7, 2010.

J. PMHS Gym Renovation

Dr. Freeman presented pictures of possible floor staining options for the gym floor. Discussion ensued regarding the coloring of the “key.” The Board stated that they would like to retain the panther in the middle of the floor. Consideration should be given to staining the out-of-bounds area and the “keys.” Dr. Freeman will contact Architect Dan Bisson regarding cost estimates for these features.

K. PES Skylights

Resurfacing of the skylights will begin during the week of April vacation.

L. 2010-2011 School Calendar

The Board reviewed a draft of the proposed 2010-2011 school calendar. Ms. Paradise raised the concern that the calendar, fashioned after the Concord School District due to our participation in the vocational program, is not the typical configuration. She asked Dr. Freeman to contact the Concord School District to see if they would reconsider, especially since they followed the Department of Education’s original template, which contained an error regarding school vacation weeks that has since been corrected.

M. PMHS Parent Information Meeting

Dr. Freeman reported that a PMHS parent information meeting and meet-the-new-principal reception was held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 19, 2010. One area of concern expressed by parents was the number of seats available for on-line courses. Mr. Gremlitz explained that the administration will make sure there are enough seats for the students who require a course and want to take it on-line.

Mr. Wood suggested that we work proactively to encourage parents to call the administration immediately upon receiving their student’s schedule if they have concerns. Mr. Wood stated his confidence that the changes will be seen as positive once there is evidence of progress. Mr. Gremlitz stated that once the schedule is created next week, by Lois Stevens, Leslie Bergevin, and Kiza Armour, and that when students are notified of their schedule, he will write a letter to parents inviting them to call if they have questions. Ms. Paradise applauded this year’s practice of providing parents with an advance list of the courses that their student(s) had selected.

The Board discussed the issue of rumor control relative to the redesign project. It was suggested that many people are receiving inaccurate information from “Facebook.” A suggestion was made for the district to have a “Facebook” account with a direct link to the district’s website. Mr. Wood agreed to investigate the possibilities.

N. Summer Reading Lists

Ms. Adams reminded the administration that it had been previously suggested to have summer reading lists published by April vacation. This would ensure families the opportunity to look for discount priced books and for the Carpenter Library to have books available to students for loan.


A. Drake Field & Facilities

Mr. Wolfe reported that he and Ms. Corliss walked around Drake Field with
Peter Tuttle and Norman Tuttle to consider improvements. The suggestion was made to eliminate a set of steps and replace them with a ramp. Mr. Wolfe stated that loam is needed. A suggestion has been made to move the swings to the area across from the gazebo. Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons of this idea. Pruning needs to be done. The roof on the grandstand needs to be investigated further to see if work is warranted; Dr. Freeman will contact Architect Dan Bisson regarding an assessment. Rolling out of the ruts was also suggested.

The Tilton Hill field is not ready for use according to Mr. Wolfe. Other arrangements have been made for this spring’s sports.

According to Mr. Wolfe, there is a section of the exterior wood over the PES cafeteria door that is rotted. Mr. Kilmister agreed to investigate this situation further. Mr. Wolfe will accompany Mr. Szelest and Mr. Kilmister for an assessment of the exterior walls of the building.

Ms. Corliss expressed concern about the length of time that has elapsed since the girl’s softball team has had a field to use. She stated her opinion that a more permanent option should be considered if the Tilton Hill Field is not going to be available.

B. Selectmen Liaison – Nothing to report.

C. Budget Representation

Mr. Wood confirmed with the Board that he would not need to start working on the budget until this summer. He has begun familiarizing himself with the expenditure reports.

D. Negotiating Team – Nothing to report.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include Policy GBEB, and calendar.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None

XIII. NON-PUBLIC SESSION – No need for a non-public session.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary