April 24, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Paul Skowran (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Dick Munn related that several days ago at 9:45 A.M. he was looking out his
window at home towards the East and saw two cars come up Concord Hill
Road 75 MPH around the corner. If my neighbor or his wife had been
backing out of the driveway, it would have been serious accident. There is a
STOP sign there and you would think it would not be a problem. I was here
last week concerning this and have not heard from anyone. I did not hear
from anyone. Something needs to be done about this traffic on Concord Hill
Road. How many times does it take to make you understand? As I pulled
out tonight coming here around 5:25 P.M., some guy pulled around me
going fast. I have had no response from the Police Department; no response
from anyone. I am not a happy camper. It is not fair. Someone is going to
get hurt backing out when these cars are driving 75-80 MPH side-by-side.
Come to my house and watch some of this traffic on Concord Hill Road.
Let me know.
Denise Patterson related that this is a problem on River Road, too. I’ve
called the police.
Scott Palmer wanted to know if the Town would give residents some kind of
disaster relief by not charging a dump fee for “wet” sheetrock that many
residents are replacing due to the storm and water damage. Many people are
struggling to pay taxes and then have an issue such as this. I wonder if
Town could not set up some kind of relief agency to waive dump fee unless
you are a contractor. I’ve been talking to homeowners about this and it is a
real problem. Board of Selectman should think about this.
(EV) related that he had talked to Scott about this and then discussed with
Earl Weir about not giving a waiver as it would not be beneficial overall for
the community. When he discussed with Earl, it was related that no other
towns were doing this. It is up to the Town to decide and Town has to be
careful because of contractor’s taking advantage of this.
Close Public Input
(LS) Information regarding Sewer Plan Deficiencies. (PS) Two applications
for Current use, and Board recognizes that Trustee of Trust Funds submitted
resignation and Board needs to appoint someone. Also, E-Mail from Don
Jutton and assembling citizen panel for Town Administrator interview. (EV)
Donation from Church. (LK) House behind Rite-Aide – Health Issue, Town
Moderator and Non-Public at 8:00 P.M. with Police Chief Wharem and
Building Inspector, Mike McLaughlin.
6:15 P.M. – Bill Provencal, Website
Bill Provencal explained the origin of the Website and how visits to the
Website have increased dramatically over the years. The Town Website is
getting a lot of action and should reflect up-to-date information and be well
organized. He related that the Town Website is not spoken of very highly
and has some problems. He related that there are a lot of things he is not
capable of achieving and would like to be part of a Website Committee that
could meet once every one or two months to assist the Webmaster in
updating and providing technical expertise in the administration of the Town
of Pittsfield’s Website. He would still be responsible for the updating, but
felt that there should be an easier way to find out information and offer drop
down menus, which he does not understand how to accomplish. He
discussed DHTML menu structures, Search Engine, Site Maps, Events
Calendar, Virtual Town Hall, Printer Friendly Versions, Maps on Line,
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and other things that could be to used to
modernize/improve Website. He also discussed the various programs that
have already been established within the Library Website as well as the Fire
Department’s Website. He related that he would like to see people on this
Committee that know about Website design.
(LK) Motion to advertise for volunteers for Website Committee with
deadline of June 1, 2007. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0
To be on Agenda of June 12, 2007 for review.
7:00 P.M. – Bob Cox, Interlock Industries (To be addressed later in
Action Items
1. Committee Appointments
(PS) related that he had requested from LGC information on how Board
should appoint/re-appoint members for Planning Board in light of the fact
that at the Town Meeting the Town elected to have members of Planning
Board elected rather than appointed. Atty. Philman, Local Government
Center, related that any members appointed now would serve till 2008 after
which time, it would be the elected members. All members would be
elected at one time and alternates would be appointed by those members.
The following Committees/Boards were appointed:
(EV) Motion to appoint Donna Keeley. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to appoint Nancy Bates. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(PS) Since Ms. Bates is a Town employee, should Conservation Committee
deal with matters concerning the Town specifically, it would be prudent for
her to recuse herself.
Planning Board
(LS) Motion to appoint Peter Newell, Alternate. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to appoint Chris Conlin, Alternate. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-1 (LK).
(LK) Motion to appoint Fred Hast, Member. (LS) Second,
Carried 3-1 (JL).
(EV) Motion to appoint Paul Metcalf, Jr., Member. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Parks and Recreation
(EV) Motion to appoint Scott Palmer, Member. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to appoint Jesse MacGlashing, Member. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Zoning Board of Adjustment
(LK) Motion to appoint Carol Dodge, Alternate.
(AM) Failed due to lack of Second.
(LS) Motion to move Carol Dodge up from Alternate to full time member.
(JL) Second. Yea (LS) and (JL). Opposed (LK) and (EV) – Tie Vote.
(AM) Opposed.
(LK) Motion to appoint Bob Elliott, Member. (EV) Second.
(JL) did not think he should be re-appointed to Zoning Board. (JL) cited
ethics hearings at which Bob Elliott maintained that ZBA members who are
abutters do not have to recuse themselves for any hearing other than a subdivision
Don Chase – Point of Order – In the first place, let me remind you that you
have personal issues.
(AM) declared that Board would not hear him at this time.
(LK) related that Ethics Committee found that he did nothing wrong.
(JL) The Ethics Committee related that no violation was found but it was
willful corruption and he was asked to resign from the Board.
Don Chase – Point of Order –First of all, let me remind you that you have
personal issues.
(AM) declared that Board would not hear him at this time.
(LK) He has donated his time and efforts and has a great deal of expertise. I
cannot see why we would not appoint him. “I would be comfortable with
him being appointed and I do not see an issue here. I disagree with you,
(JL) referred to alleged transgressions of 20004/5 and of malfeasance
hearings of August 2005. Case law mandated a finding of willful
corruption, so malfeasance was not proven, but they were censured by the
BOS for unethical behavior. He related that Bob Elliott had maintained that
he had done nothing wrong so it would be reasonable to expect that he
would behave similarly in the future.
Vote: (LK) and (EV) for appointment. (LS), (JL) and (AM) Nay.
Failed due to lack of votes.
(EV) Motion to appoint Larry Federhen as Member. (LS) Second. (LK)
noted that he had not submitted a letter to this effect. He related that Carol
Dodge has been an alternate longer. (LS) Agreed for consistency sake, if he
is interested, he could have supplied a letter of interest. (AM) I would
consider each alternate becoming a full member without a letter.
Vote: (AM) and (EV) appoint as full-time Member. (LS) and (LK) Nay.
(JL) Abstain.
(LK) Motion to appoint Carol Dodge, Member. (LS) Second.
Carried 3-1 (EV).
(LK) Motion to appoint Bob Elliott, Alternate. (AM) Motion dies because
of lack of Second.
(LS) Motion to appoint Dave Simpson, Alternate. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-1 (EV).
Several openings still exist on various Committees/Boards, and it was agreed
that a letter be placed in paper requesting letters of interest. (PS) to write
Bob Cox, Interlock Industries RE: Town Hall Roof
Mr. Cox related information concerning his company, roof repair, disposal
of old roof, installation, turret installation, timeframes of installation,
durability of the aluminum shingles which he maintains will last for about
100 years, Warranty regarding fading for 30 years, materials 50 years, and
labor 20 years. He discussed maintenance, safety issues, noise factors, snow
guards and Class 4 hail rating. He provided samples to Board and related
the color options. He maintained that the only things not covered are Act of
God, Act of War and Damage done by individuals. He related that the
estimate would be in effect for 30 days. Mr. Cox noted he would provide
MM as well as the Board a list of buildings utilizing this type of roofing in
the local area.
(LK) questioned whether the Historical Society should be notified. (JL)
related that the building is registered as a historical site and the architect was
Butterfield. (This information was confirmed by Fred Hast.)
Break 7:40 P.M. Resume at 7:50 P.m.
2. Highway Safety Grant Application
(PS) Chief Wharem has completed grant application for $2,700 to be filed
with Highway Safety in Concord for traffic safety purposes (speeding),
which would pay for overtime.
(EV) Motion to accept application for Highway Safety Grant. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0. (Chairman to sign.)
Chief Wharem related that it is for 60 hours and is to be used on the
Route 28 corridor or connecting roads only. It will be done in shifts from
6:00 A.M. to 10 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M., which is usually
commuter hours.
3. Acceptance of Check for Welfare from Congregational Church
(Added to Agenda)
(EV) Motion to accept check in amount of $500. from Congregational
Church for Welfare fuel assistance. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Recruitment Issues (Added to Agenda)
(PS) related that there were two issues regarding recruitment for Town
Administrator. One was in regarding whether the Board wanted to provide
an allowance for airfare and overnight accommodations for one of the
candidates, which would be approximately $600.00. The second issue was
that at the suggestion of Don Jutton, the schedule for interviewing
candidates by the various panels be expedited to May 3rd between 8:30 A.M.
and Noon from May 17th.
Board discussed whether to offer an allowance for this candidate.
(AM) related that since MRI is recommending this individual for an
interview, he is probably a good candidate and if this person is “really
interested” that he would be willing to split the cost of travel/
accommodations. Board discussed and agreed that 50% of travel
costs/accommodations would be allowed for this individual. Board also
discussed their availability for the expedited interview schedule as well as
the other suggested panel members. It was agreed that (PS) would contact
these individuals as to their availability on May 3rd rather than May 17th and
if seven members would commit to being available on the third, then the
interviews would go forward on May3rd. (PS) to check on availability of
Community Center and if they are handicapped accessible. (AM) related that
the deadline for finalizing these arrangements would be Wednesday,
April 25, 2007. (PS) to relay this information to MRI.
1. Welfare Department Credit Card
(LK) related that he felt Welfare Department should be issued a credit card
to be used in cases of emergency, such as the recent spring storm, where
accommodations had to be found at motels other than those traditionally
utilized. He stated a limit of $500 – $1,000. would be advisable and would
only be used when absolutely necessary. (LS) “Who would be authorized
to use the credit card?” (LK) Only Welfare or Deputy Welfare agent and
only in emergency situations. (AM) noted that, perhaps, a Debit card could
be utilized for this purpose so that no interest would be assessed/paid.
(PS) to see what alternatives are available.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session according to 91A:2 c
(Reputation) (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
Time: 8:25 P.M. Resume at 8:50 P.M.
2. Letter from Judith McClelland – House Behind Rite-Aid
It was related that the house had been viewed by (LK) on March 8, and April
24th. Bank from Ohio currently owns house. MM related that he has sent a
letter and if nothing done, fines will be forthcoming. (PS) to draft letter to
Ms. McClelland advising her that Board is working on this.
3. Town Moderator
(LK) wanted to know if advertisement for Trustee and Town Moderator
could be done together. (PS) noted that Superintendent of Checklist would
be advertising for Town Moderator. It was agreed that the Trustee opening
would be advertised for separately. Deadline: May 17, 2007. Letters of
interest to sitting Trustees for input and decision on May 22, 2007.
1. Dog Owner’s Responsibility Ordinance
(PS) related that this has not reached final stage for dissemination to BOS.
2. Highway Garage Exhaust Issue
Mike related that he had nothing new to report. “Should I call the State?
State has not responded.” It was agreed that MM should call State to see
when they would come to evaluate.
3. Welfare Department Fax Line
MM related he is still working on this. Verizon to come to check out line.
4. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption (Tabled 4/17/07)
No new information available.
5. Current Land Use Applications
(PS) noted that there were two current land use applications for Board to act
(EV) noted that he had some concerns regarding applications. One was that
everything around house could be current land use. According to Statutes,
applicant can put everything into current land use, excluding house, but
would not be allowed to add additional structures in the future.
(EV) Motion to accept application for Current Land Use for Kevin and Lyn
Omundson. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) related his other concern in regard to current land use was in this
situation, .12 acre is lakefront and other piece of property is across the road.
Again, according to Statutes, a road, river, or town boundary does not
separate it. The lakefront portion is the current land use and applicant, in
reality, cannot even put a dock on this portion.
(LS) Motion to accept application for Current Land Use, William and Mary
Baker, Map R-27, Lot 23. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
(AM) related that somehow, people need to be informed what they
can/cannot do in regard to current land use. MM related that if anyone
applies for Permit, first thing he checks is current land use.
(LK) Motion to accept check manifests. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) questioned two of the checks: One was clarified as being for food for
shelters during storm, Chief Wharem explained. The other check was for
Sports Decals, Parks and Recreation. (LS) noted all requests should be
(LK) Motion to accept Payroll for week ending April 28, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
(JL) Motion to accept Minutes for April 17, 2007. (LK) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Minutes for Non-Public for April 10 and 17, 2007 to be done in Non-Public
Abatement Applications
Since not all members of Board had reviewed the applications for
abatements, it was agreed that members would do so during the coming
week and it would be on Agenda for next meeting.
Agenda for May 1, 2007 was reviewed.
George Booth, 36 Joy Street and I would like to request that Town stop
dumping snow in front of my house. I called George but I have not heard
from him though I realize he is quite busy. This is very vexing to my wife
and myself to have to keep looking at this dirty snow pile. It seems to get
bigger every year and we would prefer not to have it out there.
(AM) related, “I understand what you are saying and I will pass it along.”
Don Chase suggested that the slate presently on the roof could be utilized by
having it screen printed with Town Seal and sell it to interested citizens for
$7.00. Many gift shops have items of hand painted slate and they sell them.
We could charge $1.00 a piece for the slate.
I also would like to know what is happening with my right to know request.
Are you going to act on it or am I going to have to go elsewhere to see the
Non-Public Minutes of April 10th. My last letter to Board is my second
request. (AM) related that the Minutes would be approved in the Non-
Public Session. Mr. Chase related that he had heard nothing and if he did
not hear anything by May 3, 2007, he would be filing a Motion in Superior
Court “though it is not what I want to do.” (AM) related “We are going to
act on it.”
Diane Vaughan related that she has various pieces of slate at home that she
uses for painting and crafters would love to have the roof slate to use for that
Mike McLaughlin related that it is his intention to save the slate, if possible.
Scott Palmer wanted to thank the Board for appointing him to Parks and
Recreation. He related that he did not think it was wise for the Board to
allow for 50% travel expenses for a potential candidate. If the person wants
the job, they will get here. I think it is unwise for BOS to do this.
Denise Patterson related that she felt Town should be careful about the 50%
travel allowance, as it can be open-ended. We should put a cap on it for a
certain amount, say $200. but not do 50%. MRI still has to do an
out-of -state investigation which also is going to cost more money.
She also reiterated that it is the dog owner’s responsibility to dispose of dog
refuse. Many people on River Street do not do this and not in the park
either. (AM) related that it was the Board’s intention that people be made
aware of dog ordinances and dog refuse.
Ms. Patterson also related that there are not only speed racers on Concord
Hill Road, but also on her street, which is a race on River Road. It is
dangerous and there are little kids all over the street. None of the drivers
(kids) slow down.
Don Chase questioned whether the Town is responsible for the refuse
generated by the Rotary-sponsored Balloon Rally. (AM) related that the
Rotary hires someone to take care of this and that dumpsters are rented.
Mr. Chase also related that waivers are available and Earl will give you
waivers to pick up trash around Town. This was verified with Earl as long
as individual gets letter from BOS and he will dump the storm disaster
debris. He related that it might cost up to $72. to get rid of “wet” sheetrock.
Scott Palmer wanted to know what his next step was in regard to Parks and
Recreation. He was advised to see Liz Hast.
Chris Conlin related that he was not sure when he is hiring individuals what
he would do about offering a travel allowance. I think if you offer it to one,
you would have to offer it to all.
He related that he thought to attempt to salvage roof slate for either other
building projects and/or crafts would be a good idea as it is part of Town
history. He also related that when roof is being replaced, a lot of trucks,
dumpsters would be around. He suggested using local sources.
He also wanted to know if Town has ever considered using governmentbased
Website – Pittsfield.ang or Pittsfield.gov.
Denise Patterson related that during the committee appointment process, the
ZBA Chair took some hard hits and that it is painful to have to keep hearing
about this. I would appreciate not having to listen to something that painful
again. I do not want to sit and hear it go on and on and on. Leave it behind.
(AM) I do not feel that the Board was lowered by that. We were discussing
appointments and the Board should do this. (JL) related that everything they
discussed was public information. It is out there in the public record.
Ms. Patterson related that she still did not think it should go on and on.
Close Public Input
Non-Public Session
(LK) Motion to go into non-public session 91A:3. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Public Meeting Adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
After the non-public session Board again went into public session.
(LS) Motion to release non-public Minutes of April 10, 2007. (JL) Second.
Carried 3-1 (LK).
Approved: MAY 1, 2007
_____________________________ ________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date