April 25, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
April 25, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Paul Metcalf, Sr., Dan Greene, Carol Dodge, Richard Fowler, Jr., Fire Chief, Jim Dodge, Jen Tedcastle, Pat Heffernan, Ann Emerson, Susan Muenzinger, Charley Mewkill, Pam St. Laurent, Hank FitzGerald, Jesse Pacheco, Ron Vien, Robert Beck, Brian Wittenberg, Philip Gordon, Dave Simpson, Bill Elkins, Toni Scudieri, Fred Okrent, Don Chase, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Laural Collier, John Muenzinger, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Housing Standards Appeal Hearing

Chairman Morse opened the hearing at 6PM and laid out the rules of procedure for the hearing. Jesse Pacheco presented his appeal. He stated that he had been checking on the inspections for months before the inspection of his property took place. Jesse spoke about the inspection that was done and stated that the only thing the inspector had found was that he was missing some smoke detectors. He had corrected that and been re-inspected. Jesse stated that he was told there was a $15 fee for the re-inspection and he questioned the inspector, Doug Cheney, about it. Jesse stated that he had been unaware of the change to the Housing Standards Ordinance regarding the smoke detector requirements until it was cited on his inspection. He felt that he should not have been charged the $15 re-inspection fee because he was not notified of the change to the ordinance on the smoke detector requirements. Jesse stated that he had appealed to the Housing Standards Board. He explained what happened at the appeal hearing. The appeal was denied and so he appealed to the Board of Selectmen.

Bill Elkins, Chair of the Housing Standards Board, stated that the ordinance had been in place since the 1960’s and was last updated in 2005. Bill stated that the code applied to everyone and it was the landlord’s responsibility to be aware of the requirements of the Housing Standards Ordinance.

Selectwoman Keeley asked Jesse if was appealing the re-inspection fee or the imposition of the fee in this case. Jesse stated that it was the imposition of the fee in this instance. Jesse felt that the Town should have notified people of the change. Selectman Konopka stated that he had been on the Housing Standards Board when the ordinance was changed and the HSA had wanted letters sent to the landlords letting them know about the change. Hank FitzGerald stated that the Board had changed its mind and decided not to do individual notices. He stated that the ordinance was on the website and was available at Town Hall. Selectman Vien asked about how the inspections were done. Bill Elkins stated that the Town scheduled the inspection and that the Housing Standards Board had discussed sending out individual notices. Bill stated that notice of the changes did appear in the paper. Fred Okrent stated that the ordinance was amended by a vote of Town Meeting so that people were made aware that the ordinance was changing and voted to approve the changes. Dave Simpson stated that the current ordinance was available at the Town Hall and on the Town website. He asked if Jesse’s re-inspection came before the re-inspection fee was adopted in 2005. The Town Administrator stated that the re-inspection occurred three months after the fee was adopted.

Selectwoman Small asked if all re-inspections were charged the fee. Bill stated yes. Chairman Morse asked about the normal practice is for notifying people about changes to the ordinance. Bill stated that any changes to the Housing Standards Ordinance would have to be made at Town Meeting and he felt that was sufficient notice. Selectman Konopka asked how many re-inspections were done for issues related to the smoke detector change. Fred Okrent stated that 40 to 50 re-inspections had been done. Chief Fowler suggested that notice of what was covered in the inspection be included in the notice of inspection that was sent to people.

Chairman Morse closed the public portion of the hearing at 6:31PM. Selectman Konopka stated that his questions were answered. Selectwoman Small stated that the Town did not provide individual notice for every ordinance change. She felt that the inspection checklist could be included with the inspection notice in the future to address some of the concern. Selectwoman Keeley agreed. Selectman Konopka stated that he felt the landlords were not properly notified because the letters were not sent out. He felt that the number of re-inspections for the smoke detectors showed that the notice was not done properly. Selectman Vien stated that he questioned why the letters were not sent, but he supported the Housing Standards Board’s decision not to waive the re-inspection fee. Jesse stated that he was willing to drop the appeal if the inspection checklist was sent with the inspection notices. Chairman Morse asked the Board if they agreed with the idea of sending the checklist with the notices. The other Selectmen said yes. Chairman Morse asked Jesse to submit a written withdrawal of his HSA appeal. Fred Okrent stated that he would start including the checklist with the notices.

Appointment – Chief Fowler and Town Administrator Lamson

The Town Administrator read a list of changes that were being proposed to the Personnel Policy, which was last updated in 1998. He had met with Chief Fowler to discuss the proposed changes. Chief Fowler stated that he wanted to discuss the schedule because there needed to be some flexibility in scheduling. The Board discussed the scheduling briefly before deciding to take the matter under advisement. The Board agreed to meet with Chief Fowler at 4:30PM on May 2nd to discuss the Fire Chief’s job expectations separately from the policy discussion.

Appointment – Ron Vien

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:53PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (c) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:40PM.

A motion was made to allow Ron Vien to hire temporary part-time help for the Wastewater Treatment Plant for up to twenty hours a week by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

New Business

1. Building Permit Fees – Chairman Morse had a small change to the first page that he presented to the Board. Selectwoman Keeley requested that the asterisk explanation be moved to the first page. The Board discussed the changes. A motion was made to accept the revisions to the draft Building Permit Fee Schedule by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Paving Bids – The Board discussed the process. Chairman Morse wanted to have restrictions placed on the bid qualifications rather than limiting the number of bidders. The Board discussed what restrictions to place on the bid qualifications. The Town Administrator stated that he would draft an ad, have the Highway Superintendent review it, then send it to the Board before placing it in the paper.

Appointment – West Meadow Development (Robert Beck)

Robert Beck requested that the Board of Selectmen reconsider their decision to require a performance bond instead of accepting a letter of credit for the road bond for the West Meadow Development subdivision. Chairman Morse stated that the Board had a problem with the letter of credit that was submitted because it said it could be cancelled with sixty days notice. He said that the Board would consider a letter of credit if the problems with the first draft were corrected. Mr. Beck stated that he would speak to his attorneys and present a new letter of credit.

New Business (Cont.)

Suncook Valley Sno-Riders – The Board discussed the request to allow the Sno-Riders to cross the Dustin-Barker Forest with the snowmobile trail again this year. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to grant the Suncook Valley Sno-Riders permission to have a trail cross the Dustin-Barker Town Forest and to approve signing a grant application for the Sno-Riders to make improvements to the trail in that area, seconded by Chairman Morse. Motion passed 4-0.
State Auction – A motion was made to approve sending the two old Highway Department tractors to the State Auction in May by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 4-27-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of April 18 – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of April 18 – Tabled for discussion in nonpublic session.

Applications and Warrants

1. Discretionary Preservation Easement – The Board discussed the RSAs that governed the easement. Selectman Vien wondered if the assessors should look at the property. Chairman Morse asked Selectman Vien to research the easement prior to the public hearing that was required on the application. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to hold a public hearing on the question of acceptance of the Discretionary Preservation Easement on May 16th after the hearing on the revised Building Permit Fees, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Abatement – The Board tabled the abatement application for William Akins so that further research could be done.

3. TAN Notes – The Board discussed the TAN Note information. A motion was made to approve taking a TAN Note from Citizen’s Bank in an amount of to $500,000, by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Welfare Liens – A motion was made to approve Welfare liens in the amounts of $168.89 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that the roof was still leaking a little and that he was waiting for his contact to return from vacation to address the problems.

2. Moulton Land Offer – The Town Administrator stated that George was now looking into using the Belcastro Lot for the salt shed so this should be dropped from the agenda. He updated the Board on what was happening now.

3. Comp Time – Selectwoman Small read a statement regarding comp time: “the contract agreements clearly stipulate a maximum accumulation of comp time (Teamsters – 20, Teachers Federation – 60). In inquiring with Jeremy, I was told that this has thus far been interpreted as a “per year” accumulation. Cara called Terri (union attorney) for clarification – she does not concur with this interpretation – it means as it implies, “Maximum accumulation.” Cara has accordingly adjusted the comp time accumulation per employee. Terri was floored with the amount of comp hour accumulation that has been allowed and believes it to be a management issue that should be addressed.” Selectwoman Small then motioned that the Board approve the adjustments Cara has made to the accumulated compensatory time in order to bring them in line with the union agreements, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectwoman Small motioned that the Town Administrator meet with department heads and arrange for these accumulated compensatory hours to be managed down as quickly as possible without compromising the efficient operations of the Town, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectwoman Small motioned that any hours worked over a standard workweek as defined in the union contracts by non-exempt salaried employees be approved by the Town Administrator ahead of time, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Economic Assistance Contract – The Town Administrator stated that a meeting had been set for May 9th with the Planning Commission.

5. Held Check – Chairman Morse stated that Chief Wharem had explained that signing the credit application did not mean that the Town had agreed to the lease. A motion was made to authorize Chairman Morse to sign the application for the cruiser lease by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Other Business

1. Selectman Vien suggested that the Board send a letter to Roy Richardson to congratulate him for his business becoming a “Greenyard.” The Board thought this was a good idea and directed the Town Administrator to draft a letter for them to review.

2. Chairman Morse requested that the Town Administrator get more information on the Community Profile program.

3. Jesse Pacheco asked if anything had been done about his concerns about the signs on Route 28 and Leavitt Road. The Town Administrator said no.

4. Fred Hast asked if the Fire Chief was working a forty-hour workweek or a forty-eight hour workweek. He thought that the Fire Chief was supposed to have a forty-eight hour workweek.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:28PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a), (c), and (d) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 10:00PM. The Board adjourned at 10PM.


April 18, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Paul Metcalf, Sr., Dan Greene, Carol Dodge, Christine Topham, Richard Fowler, Jr., Fire Chief, Mark Wallace, Jim Vogt, Jeannie Frenette, Henry Frenette, Robert Wharem, Police Chief, Laural Collier, Susan Muenzinger, Charley Mewkill, Judith MacLellan, Pam St. Laurent, Hank FitzGerald, Jesse Pacheco, Lester Firstenberger, Susan Willoughby, Rich Hunsberger, Bill Miskoe, Tom Marston, Helen Schoppmeyer, Larry Federhen, Don Chase, Beulah Stockman, Todd Drew, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Laural Collier, John Muenzinger, Eric Bahr, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 5:03PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Committee Appointment Interviews

Chairman Morse stated that applicants should give a short statement about their backgrounds and what they felt they could bring to the position if they were appointed. The various committee applicants gave their backgrounds and ideas. The Board then asked questions of the applicants.

Appointment – Chief Fowler

Chief Fowler updated the Board on an incident from the previous Monday when a fire truck got stuck while trying to turn around on Governor’s Road. He listed the damage that had been suffered by the truck and stated that it would be fixed in-house. Selectwoman Small asked what the cost would be. Chief Fowler stated that the cost would be minimal. He then asked the Board about setting up a work session to address what the Board of Selectmen’s expectations were for him.

Appointment – Charley Mewkill

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:09PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (c) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 6:40PM.

A motion was made to release the check to Robin Landry (#4406) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

New Business

1. Building Permit Fees – Selectman Konopka presented his revisions to the Building Permit fees. The Board members gave their thoughts on the changes and presented changes of their own. Selectman Konopka was asked to compile the changes and bring the revised fee schedule back to the Board next week.

Appointment – Chief Wharem

Chief Wharem stated that he was looking for permission to hire a part-time secretary for six or seven weeks to fill in while the Police Administrative Assistant was out on Maternity Leave. Chairman Morse recused himself, as a family member was one of the applicants for the fill-in position. Chief Wharem stated that he had not posted the position, but he did have four applicants. He asked the Board for permission to review the applicants and conduct background checks. The Board agreed that he could go ahead with reviewing the applicants.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 7:26PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (c) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 7:40PM.

New Business (Cont.)

Septage Receiving Project Engineering Contract – A motion was made to approve the contract with TTG Environmental Consultants, LLC and authorize Chairman Morse to sign by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Planning/Zoning Secretary – The Board reviewed the revised job description. The Board decided to list the Planning Board and Zoning Board Chairman separately in the description and to add the website to the ad. A motion was made to approve the Planning and Zoning Secretary Job Description and Ad by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Committee Appointments – The Board addressed committee appointments. A motion was made to appoint Eric Bahr as a full member of the Planning Board for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Rich Hunsberger as a full member of the Planning Board for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectwoman Small stated that she felt that Rich had a lot of experience from having worked as a planner for several towns in the past. Selectwoman Keeley felt that Rich should start as an Alternate first and that the current alternate should be moved up to a full seat. Chairman Morse stated that the alternate should be moved up first and that Rich should serve on the committee as an alternate. Selectman Konopka stated that Rich had a lot of knowledge that he felt would be very valuable to the Board and he agreed with Selectwoman Small. Selectman Vien stated that he thought Rich would be valuable. Selectwoman Keeley asked the other members if they thought that Rich could be a help to the Board even as an Alternate. Selectwoman Small stated that she felt the Rich was a neutral party who could help fix the Town. Motion passed 3 to 1 with Selectwoman Keeley opposed. A motion was made to appoint Merrill Vaughan as an alternate member of the Planning Board for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectwoman Keeley stated that she was looking to appoint people who were not currently serving on other committees. She felt that since Jim Vogt was not serving on committees at the moment. Selectwoman Small stated that she agreed with Selectwoman Keeley’s reasoning. Motion was withdrawn. A motion was made to appoint Jim Vogt as an alternate member to the Planning Board for a term to expire in 2007 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 1 with Selectman Konopka opposed. A motion was made to appoint Susan Muenzinger as a full member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Paul Metcalf, Sr. as a full member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Larry Federhen as an alternate member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Paul Metcalf, Sr. as a full member to the Conservation Commission for a term to expire in 2008 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Mark Wallace and Susan Willoughby as full members to the Conservation Commission for terms to expire in 2009 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Kathy Boudreau as a full member to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a term to expire in 2009 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Thomas Marston as the Citizen’s Representative to the BCEP for a term to expire in 2008 by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Judith MacLellan as the Alternate Representative to the BCEP for a term to expire in 2007 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Town Administrator was to notify people that they needed to be sworn in.
Letter From Merrimack Valley Regional Water District – The Board discussed whether or not the Town was obligated to spend money on this. The Board then passed over the item.
Town Hall Furnace – The Town Administrator was directed to get opinions from local professionals on what to do about the furnace.
Budget Timeline – The Board agreed to set a September 1st deadline for department heads to turn in their budget requests.
Town Manager Study Committee – Chairman Morse requested that each Board member get two names of people interested in serving on a five-member study committee.
Department Head Forms – Selectman Konopka stated that the forms should be given to the Department Heads for feedback.
Frenette Land Offer – The Town Administrator gave the Board the history of the offer. A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:45PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(d) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:00PM.
Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 4-20-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0 w/ Selectwoman Keeley abstaining.


Public Session Minutes of April 11 – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of April 11 – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic session minutes of April 11th by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Applications and Warrants

1. Intent to Excavate – The Town Administrator stated that he had received the documents that the Board had requested. A motion was made to approve an Intent to Excavate for Paul Metcalf, Jr. and Jill Metcalf by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Timber Tax Levy – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the Timber Tax Levy for Paul Metcalf, Jr. and Jill Metcalf ($381.13), Sigmund & Rita Lachut ($728.99), and Cheryl & Robert Perkins ($2,064.10) seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Tax Form – The Town Administrator stated that this form needed to be approved because the Town was now participating in the firefighters section of the state retirement system. A motion was made to approve the Tax Shelter Election Form For Employers Electing to Join NHRS by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Welfare Liens – A motion was made to approve Welfare liens in the amounts of $354.91 and $45.98 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

5. Sewerage Grant – A motion was made to authorize Chairman Morse to sign the application for a sewerage grant by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4-0.

6. Abatement – The Board signed the Abatement for the Pittsfield Players that was approved last week.

7. Audit Letter – A motion was made to approve a letter to the auditors, Plodzik & Sanderson, by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

8. Land Use Change Tax – A motion was made to approve a Land Use Change Tax warrant for Henry Frenette ($7,500) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

9. Discretionary Preservation Easement – Tabled so that the Board could review the RSA.

10. Veteran’s Exemption – A motion was made to approve a Veteran’s Exemption for Shirley Bleckmann by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

11. Intent to Cut – A motion was made to approve a pair of Intent to Cuts for Henry Frenette by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that Therrien Roofing had been working on repairing the roof at the Town Hall and the roof at the Police Station. Selectman Konopka had an issue with how unsafe the workers on the roof appeared to be.

2. Economic Assistance Contract – The Board asked the Town Administrator to set up a meeting with the planning commission by the next meeting.

Other Business

1. Don Chase had questions about what welfare liens and the Town Manager Study Committee were. The Town Administrator answered the first question and Chairman Morse answered the second by stating that the Board felt that the benefits and drawbacks of the Town Manager Plan should be reviewed because of the closeness of the vote at the last Town Meeting on the question of adopting the plan.

2. John Lenaerts brought up a letter he had given to the Board asking Selectman Vien to step down from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Board stated that it was up to Selectman Vien on whether or not he wanted to step down.

3. Pam St. Laurent had several concerns. The first was that the Town Hall and especially the women’s bathroom were not clean. Selectwoman Keeley and Selectwoman Small stated that they agreed with her about the need to clean the bathroom better. Selectman Vien stated that the outside of Town Hall needed to be cleaned up too.

4. Pam then stated that she had concern about the postage machine not being able to track usage by department and felt that the Town should have a machine that could do that. She also asked if the Town was looking into the best deals for vehicle fuel, heating fuel, and telephone service.

5. Pam asked if the Board had job descriptions and goals for all departments. She felt that the Board should get monthly reports from the departments.

6. Jesse Pacheco had a concern about signs on Leavitt Road blocking the view of oncoming traffic.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 9:50PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 10:28PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the April 18, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Selectman Konopka motioned to adjourn the public session at 10:28PM, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


April 11, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Paul Metcalf, Sr., Dan Greene, Carol Dodge, Christine Topham, Richard Fowler, Jr., Dave Simpson, Robert Wharem, Police Chief, Laural Collier, Susan Muenzinger, Bill Elkins, Jim Dodge, Dan Schroth, Don Chase, Scott Mores V, Jen Tedcastle, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Laural Collier, Susan Muenzinger, Eric Bahr, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 4:35PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Chairman Morse stated that the Board would just be discussing items during the work session and the decisions would be made during a regular meeting.

Work Session

1. Town Hall Furnace – The Board discussed what to do about fixing the furnace. Selectman Konopka suggested that the Board get three professional opinions on the furnace. The Board added this to the Agenda for the April 18th meeting.

2. Budget Timeline – Chairman Morse presented his idea of setting a deadline for the Department Heads to submit their budgets by September 1st. The Board discussed the idea and decided to place it on the agenda for their next meeting.

3. Town Manager Study – Chairman Morse proposed setting up a study committee to look at the benefits and drawbacks to the Town of Pittsfield if it were to be adopted. The Board was interested in the idea of a study committee. The Town Administrator was to add it to the next agenda.

4. Office Door Security – The Board discussed installing a security door in the Selectmen’s Office and possibly making other changes. Chairman Morse was to contact Harry Vogt about looking into the situation and possibly making recommendations about what the Town should do.

5. Economic Development Committee – The Board discussed reviving the Economic Development Committee. Chairman Morse suggested that each Board member should write down what they would like to see an economic development committee accomplish then they could discuss their ideas at another work session. The other Board members agreed to draft goals. The Board discussed consulting with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission about setting up an Economic Development Committee. The Town Administrator was to make arrangements for CNHRPC to meet with the Board about putting together an Economic Development Committee.

6. Community Profile – The Board discussed having a new Community Profile done because the last profile was done ten years ago. Chairman Morse was to research who prepared the last profile in 1996.

7. Space Needs Study – The Board discussed how to proceed with the Space Needs Study. The Board discussed setting up a committee to review the space needs then bringing in consultants. Selectwoman Keeley volunteered to check with Canterbury, which had done something similar, to see how their space needs committee operated.

8. Union negotiations – Chairman Morse asked the Board if they wanted him to continue as the representative for the union negotiations or if they wanted to add someone to the team. He explained how he viewed the negotiation process. Selectwoman Small discussed being involved as an observer with the NHFT negotiations. The Board felt that Chairman Morse should continue as the negotiator.

9. Mail baskets – The Board discussed moving the Selectboard baskets into another office and tabled the issue.

10. Goals – Chairman Morse asked the Board members to draft their goals for the year so that the Board could try to work towards them.

11. Salt Shed – The Board discussed the need to determine where the salt shed should go.

12. Selectwoman Small gave the Board a list of issues that she wished to address.

13. Selectman Konopka presented the Board with forms for the Department Heads to use to send questions to the Board and for the Board to send questions to the Department Heads.

14. Chairman Morse requested that the Board members think about ways to streamline meetings.

Appointment – Jim Dodge

Jim Dodge stated that he would be retiring as the Ambulance Director for the Town by the end of October. He thanked the Town and the public for their support over the past nine years. Jim stated that he would give the Board a written notice once he had a specific date for his retirement.

New Business

1. Forester Contract – A motion was made to approve the contract with Charlie Moreno for forester services and to authorize the Conservation Commission to sign the contract by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 2 to 0 with Selectwoman Keeley and Selectman Konopka abstaining.

West Meadow Development Road Bond – The Board discussed the price and form of the road bond. The Town Administrator stated that the amount had changed because the construction bid came in at $364,800. The Board felt that the letter of credit was not enough and they wanted a performance bond as a surety on the road. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to require a performance bond in the amount of $365,000 from West Meadow Development for the road construction, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to send a letter to the Planning Board requesting that they only accept performance bonds as a surety, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
SolarBee Engineering Contract – A motion was made approve the contract with TTG Environmental Consultants, LLC by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Lily Pond Island – The Town Administrator stated that the Board had received a request from Lynda Ricker about the floating islands on Lily Lake. She was looking to meet with the State to get them to address the island that was blocking the public boat access and wanted to know if Pittsfield had any interest in attending such a meeting. Selectwoman Keeley stated that she would be willing to meet with the State to discuss fixing the problem. She was going to contact Lynda Ricker about it. The Board also felt that a letter should be sent to DES about the matter and directed the Town Administrator to draft the letter.
Letter of Resignation – The Town Administrator stated that Anne Taylor had resigned as the Planning and Zoning Secretary. Her last meeting would be the May 4th Planning Board meeting. A motion was made to accept Anne Taylor’s resignation as the Planning and Zoning Secretary and to send her a letter of thanks by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board discussed the draft ad and job description for the position. Chairman Morse requested that Board members have their proposed revisions into the Town Administrator by Friday.
Highway Safety Committee – Chairman Morse volunteered to serve on the Committee. A motion was made to appoint Chairman Morse to serve on the Highway Safety Committee by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the main Accounts Payable Manifest for checks dated 4-13-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Selectman Konopka requested that the Board hold check #4406 for Robin Landry until the Board could discuss it with the Building Inspector. Selectman Konopka made a motion to hold check #4406, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 2 with Selectwoman Keeley and Selectman Vien opposed. The Board then voted on approving the other checks in the manifest. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable Manifest for the cruiser lease-purchase by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectwoman Small wanted the check held until the Board could review the paperwork that Chief Wharem had provided on the lease-purchase earlier that afternoon. Merrill Vaughan stated that the Board should hope that nothing happens to one of their police officers because the purchase was delayed. Selectman Vien stated that only cruisers that worked should be being used. Selectwoman Small stated that there was not a safety issue because the department was down two cruisers; the issue was a financial one. Motion failed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to approve the Payroll Manifests for checks dated 4-13-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of April 4 – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes with the amendment that page 4 be corrected to show that vacation time was a liability that needed to be accounted for, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of April 4 – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic session minutes of April 4th by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Applications and Warrants

1. Intent to Excavate – Tabled.

2. Abatements – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve abatements for JJP & Sons ($30,000), Scott Mores V ($30,000), Merrill Vaughan ($30,000), Liam Moquin ($30,000), Roger Morby ($51,730), and John Beaudoin ($5,510) and deny abatements for Paul Rogers, Teresa Jackson, and Timothy and Elaine Mahood as recommended by Purvis Associates, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. Selectwoman Keeley read a letter from the Pittsfield Players requesting an abatement of their 2005 taxes. A motion was made to approve the abatement for the Pittsfield Players for $3,234 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectwoman Small questioned whether or not the abatement should be granted. Selectwoman Keeley felt that the Pittsfield Players were important to the community and should be given the abatement. Selectman Konopka suggested granting them half of amount requested. Dan Schroth asked if it was the whole bill that an abatement was being sought for. Selectwoman Keeley stated yes. Dan Schroth stated that the Board had granted an abatement for half of the tax bill in the past. The Board discussed following the past practice. Motion failed 1 in favor to 3 (Selectwoman Small, Selectman Konopka, and Selectman Vien) opposed. A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to abate 50% of the tax bill for 2005 for the Pittsfield Players, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Excavation Tax Warrant – A motion was made to approve the Excavation Tax Warrant for Paul Metcalf Jr. and Jill Metcalf ($707.42) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Veteran’s Exemption – A motion was made to approve a Veteran’s Exemption for Robin Allen Miller by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

5. Timber Tax Levy – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the Timber Tax Levy for David & Louise Osborne ($629.37), seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

6. Land Use Change Tax – A motion was made to approve a Land Use Change Tax bill for Bruce K. Bova ($7,500) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

7. Sewer User Fees – A motion was made to approve a Sewer User Fee Warrant in the amount of $71,363.99 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that Therrien Roofing was supposed to start repair work tomorrow morning.

2. Comp Time – The Town Administrator stated that the Board should take a vote to follow the language of the Personnel Policy. He felt that because the Town had not been following the language in the policy regarding comp time, a motion was needed to start following it. A motion was made to start following the comp time policy in the Personnel Policy of the Town of Pittsfield by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Committee Appointments – The Town Administrator was asked to provide the Board with a list of letters of interest by Friday.

4. Pittsfield Aqueduct Company – The Town Administrator stated that Pennichuck had confirmed their availability for the May 2nd appointment.

5. Building Permit discussion – Selectman Konopka presented the Board with some changes that he was looking to make to the Building Permit Fees. The Board discussed making changes. Selectman Konopka was asked to prepare a draft of the revised Building Permit Fee schedule for the Board to review for the next meeting.

Other Business

1. Don Chase had a complaint that the Town had failed to complete an inspection on a garage he had built. He stated that he had asked the inspector to do a final inspection on the permit in 2004 and he was now getting a request to have the final inspection done. The Town Administrator stated that Charley was going through the files and trying to close out the outstanding building permits. The Board discussed how to address the issue. Selectman Vien offered Mr. Chase an apology for the Town’s failure to complete the inspection in a timely fashion.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:38PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (e) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:20PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to seal the nonpublic minutes of the April 11, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Selectwoman Small motioned to adjourn the public session at 9:20PM, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.


April 4, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Edward Vien, Linda Small, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Pam St. Laurent, Dan Greene, Carol Dodge, William Provencal, Judith MacLellan, Lenny Deane, Jesse Pacheco, Dave Simpson, Robert Wharem, Police Chief, Bill Miskoe, Susan Muenzinger, John Muenzinger, Bill Elkins, Larry Federhen, Mark Wallace, Lyn Roberts, Pat Heffernan, Jen Tedcastle, Merrill Vaughan, Fred Hast, Laural Collier, Susan Muenzinger, Richard Munn, and John Lenaerts.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Donna Keeley.

A motion was made by Selectman Vien to appoint Selectman Morse as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0 with Selectman Morse abstaining.

A motion was made to appoint Selectman Konopka as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Selectmen by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Konopka abstaining. Chairman Morse stated that he would only vote on issues in limited circumstances.

New Business

1. Committee Appointments – The Board tabled the reappointment form for Paul Metcalf Sr. until the new appointments were discussed. The Board discussed the Selectboard Representative appointments. Selectman Vien stated that he intended to keep his seat on the Zoning Board. The Board discussed Selectman Vien’s decision. Selectman Vien was asked to give the issue more thought. A motion was made to appoint Selectwoman Small as the Selectmen’s representative to the Budget Committee by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0 w/ Selectwoman Small abstaining. A motion was made to appoint Selectman Konopka as the Selectmen’s alternate representative to the Budget Committee by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Konopka abstaining. A motion was made to appoint Selectman Vien as the Selectmen’s representative to the BCEP by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectman Vien abstaining. A motion was made to appoint Chairman Morse as the Alternate Director to the Merrimack Valley Regional Water District by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to appoint Selectwoman Keeley as the Ex-Officio Representative to the Planning Board by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectwoman Keeley abstaining. A motion was made to appoint Selectwoman Small as the Ex-Officio Alternate to the Planning Board by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectwoman Small abstaining. The Board discussing interviewing the people who were interested in serving on Town Committees. The Board decided to interview people on the 18th starting at 5PM.

Appointment – Fire Department
Deputy Fire Chief Lenny Deane presented the Board with the Fire Act Grant application that the department was submitting. The Department was looking to get funding for a new forestry truck to replace the 1954 forestry truck with a cost of $83,000. Lenny stated that the grant would require a five percent match from the Town; however, the Town could use money from the capital reserve account to cover the match. The Town could put the question of withdrawing from the account to provide the matching funds to the voters at the next Town Meeting. The Board discussed the details of the truck and the grant process. The Board thanked Lenny Deane for coming in.

Appointment – Highway Safety Grants
Chief Wharem presented the Board with two Highway Safety Grants that he was applying for. One was for DWI Patrols and the other was a Speed Saturation Patrol. Chief Wharem stated that he also needed a Selectman and a citizen member for the Highway Safety Committee. The Board discussed the patrols. Chief Wharem explained that the grants would pay for an officer to work doing just DWI or Speed patrols on Route 28 and the offshoot roads such as Loudon Road or Concord Hill Road. The officer would be in addition to the regular shifts. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the Highway Safety Grant applications for a DWI grant and a Speed Saturation Patrol grant, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. Chief Wharem stated that he was also looking into applying for a Fish and Game grant to provide funds to patrol trails and Class VI Roads and would let the Board know next week on that.

Chief Wharem stated that he had an additional item for the Board. He had a second cruiser with transmission problems. Both of the vehicles were scheduled to be replaced this year. Chief Wharem stated that the dealership had a 2005 model on the lot with four miles on it. He had planned to wait until the new cars were in, but the dealer was unable to tell him when that would be. Chief Wharem was looking at getting the 2005 model instead of one of the 2006 models to replace the two that were down. He stated that the lease would have the same terms with a $150 deduction in the price of the 2005 model. The Board discussed their preference for sticking with all 2006 models. The public spoke in favor of getting the 2005 model to reduce the likelihood of being shorthanded on vehicles for the patrols. The Board discussed approving the lease-purchase of the 2005 model if it was necessary. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the lease purchase of three new police cruisers so long as the terms of the lease were no worse than those contained in the original proposal, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

New Business (Cont.)

Economic Development Assistance Contract – The Town Administrator presented a draft contract with the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission to the Board. Chairman Morse stated that the Board should discuss what the Town’s economic development goals were first. Selectwoman Small stated that she felt an Economic Development Committee was needed to work with the circuit rider in the contract. Chairman Morse suggested that a work session be held to discuss the situation. The Board discussed having a work session prior to a regular meeting. The Board chose to have a work session starting at 4:30PM on April 11th.
Appeal Letter from Jesse Pacheco – The Town Administrator explained that this would require a Public Hearing because it was an appeal of a decision made by the Housing Standards Board. The Board discussed setting a hearing date. A motion was made to hold a public hearing on Jesse Pacheco’s appeal on April 25th at 6PM by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Merrill Vaughan Letter – Mr. Vaughan asked the Board to pass over his letter while the Board took a short recess.
Forester Contract – Selectwoman Keeley presented the Board with copies of the contract for Charlie Moreno to serve as the forester on the proposed timber harvest at the Dustin-Barker Town Forest. The Board was to review it and discuss the contract next week.
Deputy Fire Warden Appointments – A motion was made to approve Deputy Forest Fire Warden Appointments for Richard Fowler, Jr., Nicholas Abell, and Donald Tyler by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
West Meadow Development Road Bond – The Town Administrator presented the Board with a memo from Charley Mewkill regarding approval of a bond amount for the road bond. The memo requested that the amount be set at $276,000. The Board requested that they be given the minutes from the approval and information on whether or not the Louis Berger Group was okay with the figure. The issue was tabled until the next meeting.
SolarBee Engineering Contract – The Board was given copies of the contract with TTG Environmental Consultants for engineering oversight of the pilot project to review for next week’s meeting.
Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Payroll and Accounts Payable Manifests for checks dated 4-6-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to approve the Payroll and Accounts Payable Manifests for checks dated 3-16-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Chairman Morse. Motion passed 2 to 0 with Selectman Konopka, Selectman Vien, and Selectwoman Small abstaining.


Public Session Minutes of March 10 – A motion was made to approve the minutes of March 10, 2006 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Chairman Morse. Motion passed 2 to 0 with Selectman Konopka, Selectman Vien, and Selectwoman Small abstaining.

Public Session Minutes of March 28 – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the public session minutes with the amendment that a reference to a second being made by “Selectman Morse” be changed to “Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of March 28 – A motion was made to approve the nonpublic session minutes of March 28th by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Applications and Warrants

1. Application For Current Use – Selectman Vien stated that he had visited the site with Selectman Konopka and the Town Administrator last Friday and found that it should be granted. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to approve the application for current use file by Nicholas Miseirvitch, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Elderly Exemption – The Town Administrator stated that the applicant’s assets were above the income limits. A motion was made to deny the Elderly Exemption application by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. Veteran’s Exemption – A motion was made to approve a Veteran’s Exemption for Charles Morrell V by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Intent to Excavate – The Board reviewed an Intent to Excavate filed by Paul Metcalf, Jr. and Jill Metcalf. The Board discussed the process and whether or not the Town had copies of a plot plan and a closure plan for the pit area. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to table the application pending receipt of more information on the process, a copy of a plot plan for the excavation, and a copy of the closure plan for the pit, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Old Business

1. Topouzoglou Issue – The Town Administrator stated that he had sent the letter to Mr. and Mrs. Topouzoglou.

2. Roof Project – The Town Administrator stated that he had attempted to contact Therrien Roofing about a date to fix the roof, but he had not been able to speak with the contact person yet.

3. Revaluation Contract – The Town Administrator stated that the contract was all set now.

4. Pittsfield Aqueduct Company – Steve Densberger from Pennichuck had contacted the Town about setting up a meeting with the Board. The Board chose to set up a meeting with Pennichuck on May 2nd at 6PM. The Board decided to discuss the issue more at a work session before the May 2nd meeting.

Other Business

1. Selectwoman Small brought the issue of comp time. She presented the Board members with information on the accrued time for employees. Selectwoman Small stated that there was a problem with the way the Town handled comp time and it was not in compliance with the law. She had spoken with Primex3 and the Local Government Center. Paul Sanderson, an attorney with the LGC, had said that the Town needed to be proactive in managing the time down. The supervisors needed to monitor the need for overtime to bring the comp time down. The Board needed to decide how to address the issue going forward. Selectwoman Small said that the Board needed to stop the accumulation, have the time currently accrued burnt off, and have policy regarding comp time in the future. The Board discussed the comp time issue. Selectwoman Small stated that vacation time needed to be shown as a liability on the financial books. The Board discussed possible methods to address the comp time problem so that the Town came into compliance with the law. Selectman Morse stated that the first step would be to correct the accumulation so that the numbers do not go up anymore. The Town Administrator stated that several of the people on the list could not accrue more time until their hours dropped below the sixty-hour limit. The Board discussed trying to slow the accumulation down. Selectwoman Keeley suggested addressing it at a work session and putting the item under Old Business. The Board agreed to both suggestions.

2. Selectman Vien brought up the question of whether or not the ice cream truck that was going around town had a valid Hawkers and Peddlers Permit. The Town Administrator was to check into it.

3. Selectman Vien and Selectwoman Keeley had each received requests to dispose of trash at the BCEP. Selectman Vien had received a request from the PTO about dumping tires at the BCEP from a clean up around the elementary school. Selectwoman Keeley had received a request from the Fire Department to dispose of some items at the BCEP as well. A motion was made to approve a BCEP fee waiver for the Pittsfield Fire Department to clean up the white garage by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0. A motion was made to approve a BCEP fee waiver for the elementary school PTO Earth Day clean up by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. Judith MacLellan stated that there would be an Open House at the BCEP on April 27th. She stated that the Board would get a formal invitation soon.

5. Fred Hast asked on the status of the junkyard letters. The Town Administrator stated that the Building Inspector would be sending out new letters to people with more than one unregistered vehicle this year. The Board asked to be notified when the letters were sent out.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:40PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a), (b), and (e) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:40PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to seal the nonpublic minutes of the April 4, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Selectwoman Keeley motioned to adjourn the public session at 9:40PM, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.