April 27, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Conservation Commission
27 April 2009

Call to order: 7 PM

Present: Mark Wallace, Nancy Bates, Paul Metcalf, Nancy Christie,
Absent: Donna Keeley, Jon Greenwood

Minutes: December’s minutes were read.
Motion: Paul Metcalf, 2nd: Nancy Bates; Unanimous

Treasurer’s report: General Fund: $650
Conservation Commission Fund $82,981
Paul Metcalf motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as read.
Nancy Christie seconded. Unanimous.

Public input: None

Old business:
a. Management plan update: PCC has not received an update. Mark Wallace will email Mr. Moreno requesting a progress report.
b. The report was originally due May 31, but was postponed due to weather.
c. Kimball easement –PCC will contact Johnson Brothers Farm to arrange final inspection of lines in December.
d. Conservation members agree to keep meeting dates the third Monday of the month. Nancy Bates will adjust the town calendars as necessary.
e. The chairman will write delinquent members inquiring as to their future commitment.
f. During the planning phase the High street storage has agreed to screen their business with evergreens. This has not been properly done. Conservation will monitor their progress and bring observations to the May meeting.
g. Progress on signs for Dustin Barker Town Forest was tabled due to the absence of Jon Greenwood.
New business:
a. Old Home Day is scheduled for Saturday, 18 July. Conservation will have its usual table. Paul Metcalf has volunteered to donate 300 pens with conservation logos to enhance Pittsfield conservation awareness. Members mark that date for volunteer time.

Meeting adjourned:

8:40 PM

Mark Wallace