April 28, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
April 28, 2010

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ted Mitchell (TM),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Linda Small (LS), Matt Monahan (MM) from CNHRPC,
Scott Spradling (SS) from the Spradling Group, and Scott Ward from Exit Realty.
Linda Small was voted in by the Select Board to be an active member of EDC.

3. Minutes from April 14, 2010 accepted and approved.

4. Signage update
A. Select Board scheduled a public hearing to appropriate $1,000 to pay for signs
in town (for businesses that are not on main road)
B. After some discussion it was decided that all businesses should pay for their own signs
C. A motion was made by LS to rescind the letter to the Board of Selectmen, then
seconded by TM
D. SS will contact the state DOT to find out which businesses have paid for their signs
and tell them to start making up the sigsns.

5. Rustic Crust follow-up
A. EV and MM spoke to the owner about RSA 162N.
B. Had to request an addedum to the area so it would include Barnstead Rd
C. Need to talk to DRED about getting a tax benefit
D.They are willing to sponsor a youth group at the Balloon Rally
1. They will provide the pizza for the kids to sell
2. The organization will get to keep all the proceeds

6. Wi-Fi sign at Exit Realty
A. Wi-Fi part is difficult to see-small and at a bad angle
B. We can tear that part off and have the printer sew a new piece over it with
larger print andon the right side

7. Grants
A. Plan Charette
1. 6 other towns are competing
2. Representatives came to discuss it with EDC and other town officials
3. They wanted to get a better idea of what Pittsfield wanted them to do
4. Suggested a larger area – downtown as well the 5 corners
5. They are looking for a town that will implement their suggestions
B. EPA Brownfields Corridor pilot program
1. Application needs to be filed by June 1, 2010
2. It would be a joint application from the town, EDC and SVRDC
3. Clean up the area and put it to productive use

8. Web Site
A. Everything is done except to get pictures of Rustic Crust
B. Need approval from Scott Ward from Exit Realty to link commercial properties

9. Meeting closed at 6:37 P.M.

Submitted by:

Ellen Barbasso, Secretary