April 29, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.



Call to order at 6:02 P.M., by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Denise Patterson noted that she would like to first address the feral cats that have survived the winter. I would like to let all of the Board members, some who are new, that this is still a concern. Some of these wild cats are big and wooly and getting rabies and they are not friendly, if wild. They could possibly bite a child or someone in Town.

She also noted that Pittsfield is in a “train wreck” with the School Budget. The people in charge there get everything they want every time they ask for anything in the budget. I love children but it really is out of hand. There is foreclosure after foreclosure and it is getting bad and we need to do something about it. Someone in authority needs to watch what is going on.

Dan Schroth noted that in follow-up, the Board needs to really consider not impacting the tax rate from the Town’s point of view.

I have a question also, “I want to know if Town is prepared for pandemic situation. The expense of food is high and staying with us. I would like the Fire Department, Police Department and Town Hall to write a short paper on what everyone is responsible for; otherwise it is not going to work. Make it simple so people can understand it.” If you put together something like this, I will never bother you again about this. It can be put together and we can get it out there. I leave it with you, Ed.

(LKe) noted, “If you wish, I can request the person from Concord Hospital Pandemic Assessment come and offer something to the Board in this regard.” Mr. Schroth noted, “It would not hurt. Ed, you are part of the Pandemic Committee.” (EV) noted that he had been taking notes though I would like you to know that it is not as simple as we want it to be.

Denise Patterson noted, “I told you guys before where to get this information – out of the Fire Department. They have a whole plan noting different companies and different areas.” Dan Schroth noted that it would be nice to break it down to one package.


(LS) Some Follow-Up questions and two non-public; (JL) one non-public; (EV) Update on discretionary easement?; (LK) Letter from Board of Selectman and incoming Suggestion Box letter; (LKe) Coin operated license for Village Pizza, and HB 145.


7:00 P.M. Ron Vien

To be addressed later in meeting.

Action Items

1. Timber Tax Levy – Ralph & Gail Tucci, Tax Map R-17, Lot 2

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy – Ralph & Gail Tucci,
Tax Map R-17, Lot 2 for $610.62. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Pittsfield Youth Soccer – Field Proposal

(LKe) PYS, like many other organizations, is suffering from a shortage of facilities of outdoor fields. One possibility would be the space behind us. They are asking BOS to consider their request for use of this space. This matter was raised at a staff meeting and it was noted that in the past, for another occasion, by petition abutters were opposed to use. Consideration should be given to notifying the abutters and having a public hearing. PYS has volunteered to mandate only parking on one side of Joy Street but I would also suggest utilizing the Town Hall parking lot, if approved.

Mr. Anthony, PYS, noted that at one time, there was a ball field down there. We would have to take down the swing set that is presently there, it is old and rusty, to utilize it as a soccer field. Previously, the abutters rejected it because it would include a permanent structure, but this would be left as a field and only used for practices. The practices would be done before dark and on Saturdays but not early in the mornings. We are looking for any flat space that would be available. (EV) questioned whether the dates and times presented were pretty accurate. Mr. Anthony’s response was affirmative and the age group would be first through sixth grades. (EV) Supervised? Mr. Anthony noted, “Yes, the coach would have his team there and soccer insurance would cover participants.” (EV) “How many teams and how many kids?” It was noted that it would probably be third and fourth graders and 10-12 kids. (LK) I agree with (LKe) that we should contact the abutters. (DM) “How long ago did they practice on that field?” We should also keep in mind that we are meeting here on Tuesday nights. Mr. Anthony related that it was quite a few years ago that they used the field. He also noted that there would be about ten kids at a time there and that you would not even know they are there. (EV) “I think we should check with abutters.” It was noted that this is occurring because of the Pittsfield Youth Baseball field shutting down for reconstruction purposes. Mr. Anthony noted that this request is coming in early, as the teams would be using field from mid-August through mid-October.

It was agreed that abutters would be contacted and public hearing accomplished.

3. Highway Safety Agency – Grant Acceptance

(LKe) related that this is a grant that would be for speeders on Route 4 and 28 area and would be 100% reimbursable using police personnel requiring two officers and two cruisers. (LS) noted that we are currently short staffed and overtime is an issue, and I am concerned about taking two officers off routine patrol. (LKe) noted that this would be outside of their normally scheduled time. They would be on overtime and it would be coordinated with Epsom. It would give us an opportunity to check on some speeding on Route 28 and those going in and out of the community. (LS) noted, “I understand it is above their normal schedule but there is a lot of overtime now due to short staffing. How would it affect the everyday patrols?” (LKe) noted it would be from May lst through September 15th. (LS) “That is the entire summer.” Chief Wharem noted that it would involve one cruiser, not two. He explained further the logistics of how this would work and the scenario if cruiser/officer was called to respond to a Pittsfield matter. (JL) stated “It notes that patrols will result in 5-10 offenders per hour. Is this realistic?” Chief Wharem explained that realistically it is about 5-7 stops. (LS) How are we set for regular scheduling? Chief Wharem explained that it will all be scheduled for and explained coverage. (LS) “How will it affect us getting more foot patrols and cruisers in-Town?” Chief explained that this would never be a problem as if not full staff, then we would just not run it. We do have flexibility.

(DM) Motion to approve Highway Safety Agency Grant. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Proposal for Police Department Non-Classified Pay Schedule

(LKe) explained this pay schedule was overlooked during negotiations and concerned individuals who were uncertified and then become certified. The Board noted that this seemed like a reasonable proposal and the Board discussed the graduation of pay and how it would work. It would allow all personnel to move up at same rate and makes sense as long as Union concurs.

(LS) Motion to approve pay schedule as presented by Chief Wharem as long as Union concurs. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Proposal for Police Department Administrative Assistant Pay Adjustment – Post Probation

(LKe) As discussed previously, this is proposed similar compensation, which will aid in keeping a valuable employee and is a fair schedule. Board discussed how it would be “cleaner” to move her up to Step III and would have the same effect noting it would be better to keep her on a pay scale we already have. Chief reviewed contract at meeting and will get back to Board in a few minutes to offer his suggestions on this.

6. Proposed 2008 Summer Pool/Recreation Area Employees

(LKe) The majority of these are returnees and two are new ones.
(LK) questioned whether there were any background checks done. (LS) noted that Board had requested this for the last three years. (LK) There are kids down there and we would like to know who is down there. We can approve all except the two new ones for now. (EV) “I have a question, it is noted that they are getting a pay raise of $.50, if we lose one of them as employees, do we start the new employee at that rate or at the lower rate?” Board agreed that this probably should happen.

(LS) Motion to approve summer pool/recreation area returning employees at rate request and two new employees with request for background information. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Resignation – William Provencal as Webmaster

(LKe) noted that after wearing several hats in community, he has decided to step aside as Webmaster and will continue on committee.

(DM) Motion to accept resignation of William Provencal as Webmaster. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Resignation – Henry K. FitzGerald, III, Ethics Committee

(LKe) related that Hank FitzGerald has left Town and will not be back in the foreseeable future.

(LS) Motion to accept resignation of Henry FitzGerald, III from Ethics Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LKe) to send letter of thank you.

Larry Konopka left meeting at 6:47 P.M.

5. Continued

Chief Wharem informed Board that after looking at contract, that basically moving her up to Step III ($14.10) would be the “cleanest” way to do it and would not affect the contract. (LS) “Have you discussed this with her or the Union?” Chief Wharem related that he had not discussed this with either but would do so now that he has discussed it with Board.

(EV) Motion to approve moving current Administrative Assistant up to Step III provided Union approves. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

This will be effective on the 13th week with everyone else.

Larry Konopka returned at 6:52 P.M.

9. Letter from Board of Selectman

(LK) comprised a letter from the Board of Selectman for residents and requested Board’s approval to send letter out. All Board members approved and it was suggested that it be published in paper 2-4 times a year. (LKe) to do.

10. License for Coin Operated Amusement Devices – Village Pizza

(LKe) I believe this is the last of the unlicensed coin operated amusements to be licensed in Pittsfield.

(DM) Motion to approve license for two coin operated devices for Village Pizza. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Chief Wharem related that reminders would be sent out when re-licensing is necessary.

11. Letter – Senator Barnes – HB 145

(LKe) It has been noted that the Retirement System is in trouble. This Bill was the result of a community study and has passed the House and it is now in the Senate and will be going into negotiations. The Town should address Senator Barnes on this to let him know that we are concerned. (EV) noted that Pembroke did the same thing in support of this and you can see the difference. (LS) noted that the actual Bill increases the cost. (LKe) related that it would not affect the current members but future members would be affected. (EV) agreed that it was a good letter and should be sent. When Senator Barnes gets our requests, he pays attention to it.

(EV) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to send letter regarding
HB 145. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Police Department Arrest Log April 13th – 19th

(LKe) for Board’s review.

2. DRA Ruling Warrant Article #30

(LKe) As you know, Warrant Article #30 was an amendment made and approved at Town Meeting. DRA has ruled that this is not an appropriate amendment and is not valid. After the Town Meeting, financial information is sent to DRA concerning the information on the Warrants. (LK) suggested starting a file for this for next year.

(LS) noted that this might be a good time to inquire about the clock again and the status. It is still not working. A letter can be published in the paper with an explanation. (LKe) agreed to do.

3. New Town Website Release

(LS) related that it will be easier to get around on the Website. (EV) It will be up and running on May 1st.

4. Police Department Employment Candidates

(Lke) Board has inquired about how we are doing selecting candidates. One or two have “washed out,” and we are going forward with several other candidates.

5. Suggestion Box Incoming Letter

(LS) read letter into Minutes indicating, “We need a new Planning Board….”

6. Update Discretionary Easement

(LKe) noted that he had not yet had the opportunity to contact the property owner.

7. Follow-Ups

(LS) noted that she had several follow-ups she wanted to check on. Namely:

Police Department Update – goals and objectives and May Schedule.
Chief Wharem related that he is working on goals and objective and has just completed the May schedule today.

Bid Policy – (LKe) It is being typed.

Waiver – (DM) working on this.

Workers Compensation Waiver and Committee Member Lists – In progress.

Audit – (LKe) noted that the audit begins tomorrow. (LS) requested (LKe) pressure them into getting the Management Analysis Report to us as soon as possible.


(LK) explained that there is a 7:00 P.M. Appointment which is going to be Non-Public, so Public Input would be accomplished first to allow audience to not have to wait.

Denise Patterson wanted to remind Board that last year during the Balloon Rally, people parked on both sides of River Road. It was very difficult to get through and it would be better if only one side of road was utilized for parking. This would not only be for River Road but for other streets also.

Regarding the upcoming Zoning Board hearing on Lighthouse Church of God sign request, I would support this. They administer to a lot of people and would do a good job. They maintain the area beautifully and are hard working.

I am also happy to hear about the Grant for the Police Department concerning speeders. Cars travel from Bridge Street to River Road and the speeding trickles down to where I live and they go right onto Bridgeview. It is a comfort to me that there are extra patrols.

I am happy to see all the work the Board is doing and Chief Wharem. Thank you, Bob, for all your hard work.



(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of Board were polled and all agreed.

Board to go into Non-Public Session after short break at 7:17 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:46 P.M.


Approval Signature AFT Union Contract

It was agreed that (LK) would sign contract. (LKe) noted Teamsters Contract would be available for signature next week.


1. Capital Improvement Plan
2. Space Needs Study
3. WWTP Plan Status
4. Sidewalk Improvement Plan Status
5. Review of Goals and Objective

Nothing new on any of these.


1. Sewer User First Quarter – 2008 – $90,410.62

(LS) Motion to approve Sewer User First Quarter – 2008 in the amount of $90,410.62. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LK) noted that he would like to see Accounts Payable and Payroll information available by Monday afternoon with the deadline for accounts payable being Friday night. (LKe) to discuss with Cara as to how this could work out. (EV) questioned how it would work out if done every other week. (LK) noted that he would like to have it available at least a day earlier. (LKe) to review and come back with a plan for this.


(EV) Motion to approve Public Minutes of April 22, 2008 with one amendment. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 22, 2008. DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Minutes of April 22, 2008. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) noted that he thinks Dan Schroth is asking for a generalized one-page information sheet on Pandemic issue. (LKe) noted that there are about five different centers individuals can be directed to and to be quarantined. “This might be for the Public Health Officer.” I believe he just wants something to include only one page for direction. (LK) offered to supply (EV) with the information he has acquired on this.

(DM) noted that she would check with Chief Wharem and get her ID badge. She briefly offered some information on the criteria for the suggested Employee of the Month proposal.


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-1:3 II (a).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Non-Public Session at 8:07 P.M. Return to Public Session at 9:25 P.M.

(LS) Motion to Seal Non-Public Session of April 29, 2008. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

APPROVED: May 6, 2007

______________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date