April 3, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town
Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.





Close Public Input


(LS) Department Safety, Media Letter; (PR) Coverage – Town Hall, Office Area for HSA, and two Non-Public issues; (LK) Deputy Welfare Director, Welfare Hours; (PS) Draft Police for Waiving 15% Penalty on Sale of Tax Deeded Property, Public Hearing for Donation of Labor and Materials for Improvements to the Fire Station, Letter of Resignation Re: Police Officer Emerson. Information Items: Memorandum from Fire Chief Re: Decorum at Prior Meeting, E-Mail from Police Chief Declining Appointment to the Capital Area Public Health Network, E-Mail from Fire Chief Declining Appointment to the Capital Area Public Health Network.


(LK) Before we begin, we would like to address the time schedule for certification of the Town Clerk.

(LS) Erica, can you offer a time schedule on your certification. There are some duplicate costs and we would like to monitor it closely. I sympathize with you as to what you need to learn, but we would just want a timeframe.

Erica Anthony: I would assume within a month or so; that is assuming everything goes well. I checked with the Chair of the Town Clerks Association and I am going to be able to observe the Town Clerk in Epsom to watch her procedure. I have been reaching out for assistance and they have been very supportive. (LS) I know that you are trying. Thank you, Erica.


1. 6:05 P.M.: Suncook River Nomination – Vanessa Goold – CNHRPC

Vanessa Goold, Regional Planner, CNHRPC offered a presentation regarding the Suncook River Nomination Process. She explained the river designation process, resources worth protecting, river classifications, Local Advisory Committee, river corridor management plan, State protections, and the need for public support.

(LS) This is totally an advisory process and non-regulatory. Ms. Goold: Yes, and though there are some protection provisions in the corridor. She noted that there would be a 250 ft. buffer zone for treated sewage.

Public Input:

Paul Vien: Is this going to impact the WWTP in any way or change things there? Ms. Goold: I do not believe so, but I will have to check. (LK) questioned whether a public hearing would be necessary? (PS) I believe the CNHRPC would sponsor any necessary public hearings. (LK) I think we should send this to Ron Vien for review.

Ms. Goold left meeting at 6:30 P.M.


1. BCEP Appointments

(PS) Board has three appointment forms, each for individual classification of members. The BOS’s representative is Linda Small and a citizen representative and alternate representative is needed. Tom Marston is Citizens Representative and Mark Riel is the Alternate Representative.

(LS) Motion to appoint Thomas Marston as Citizens Representative and Mark Riel as Alternate Representative to BCEP. (PS) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Parks and Recreation – Expenditures

(PS) There are a couple of items Nick Abell wanted to review with Board which deals with the dredging of the swimming area and playground swing set purchase.

Nick Abell: Pool will be opening day after school ends for the summer. We need to advertise for the seasonal positions which are usually filled by high school seniors. As far the dredging is concerned, George’s equipment does not reach the area and in the past it has been too wet to dredge in the diving board area. LGC notes that 12 feet are required for a diving board area and we now have only 6 feet. We believe that attendance of the older kids has declined because of this. We did have a quote a while ago for $3,400. The swing set needs much repair and it would cost about $1,800 for a new one. We will need to advertise and do background checks on the new hires, which have to be done each year.

Easter is our most popular event and it is necessary that we purchase some additional candy and we are short some prizes. This was all scheduled prior to the Board’s memo.

(LK) We could try and have George dredge. (PR) Does this change our liability coverage with the diving board the way it is? Nick Abell: That is a good question and someone would have to check with LGC. (PR) Are you going to still have it at “your own risk?” Also, what is the likelihood of rehires and then maybe no background checks would be necessary. Nick Abell: Background checks are required yearly. He explained the rehires procedure. (PR) But, we can save on training. Nick Abell explained how the lifeguards are reimbursed for training. (LK) So it would be about $140-150. (LS) This is seasonal hiring so would be alright to hire.

(LS) Motion to approve hiring seasonal help for swimming pool and the expenditures for the Easter supplies. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) to check with George about the dredging.

3. Contract for Tax Deeded Mortgage Search

(PS) Annually, Town enters into contract with a company who does mortgage search and liens for Town Clerk. This is the same company that we have utilized for the last two years.

(LS) Motion to approve contract for Jane Sanders Searches. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. Policy – Media Coverage Contact (Not Drafted)

(PS) This has not yet been drafted for Board’s review.

5. Policy – Condition Waiver for Tax Deeded Properties (Not Drafted)

(PS) This policy has been drafted and been sent to the Town Attorney since she was the one most concerned about the policy. I have not yet received a response.

6. Policy – Town Hall Work Area Access

(LS) Motion to approve Town Hall Work Area Access Policy. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (PR) There are quite a few people who walk in on Cara that have nothing to do with the Town.

(LS) What about keys? Do we get back the old ones from elected/appointed officials? (PS) Yes, I believe so. (PS) to check.

7. Deputy Welfare Director

(GL) Motion to approve Board of Selectmen as Deputy Welfare Director.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Welfare Hours

(LK) read into Minutes an E-Mail from Welfare Director requesting to work hours as needed. (See attached.) This is nice of Diane to work with us on this. (LS) It is thoughtful of her to work on a week-to-week as needed basis. (LK) noted that she could be called for coverage when necessary. (LS) As long as you are watching and are comfortable with this. Board agreed.

9. Draft Policy for Waiving 15% Penalty on Sale of Tax Deeded Property

See No. 5 above.

10. Public Hearing for Donation of Labor and Materials for Improvements to the Fire Station

(PS) In your packet of information, there is a letter from the Pittsfield Firefighters Association explaining the nature of a donation to the Pittsfield Fire Department. (See attached.) A Public Hearing to accept the donation will be scheduled to take place within the next few weeks. Public Hearing scheduled for April 17th.
(LK) and (LS) Thank you for your generosity.

11. Letter of Resignation Re: Police Officer Emerson

(GL) Motion to accept resignation of Police Officer Tanya Emerson.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PR) Paul, please send a thank you letter for her years of service. (PS) to do.


1. Memorandum from Fire Chief Re: Decorum at Prior Meeting

(PS) A Memo from Fire Chief responding to Memo sent to him regarding his presence at Board of Selectmen’s meeting on March 20, 2012. (See attached.)

2. E-Mail from Police Chief Declining Appointment to the Capital Area Public Health Network

3. E-Mail from Fire Chief Declining appointment to the Capital Area Public Health Network

(PS) There is an E-Mail from Chief Wharem and Fire Chief Johnson declining the appointments to the Capital Area Public Health Network. They have declined these appointments as they are concentrating on their full time jobs as Police Chief and Fire Chief. As noted in their E-Mail: “With the budgetary constraints, it is placing more time on the Department Heads to help pick-up the coverage in an effort to help cover the cuts made at the Town Meeting.”

(LK) The letter from the Capital Area Public Health Network noted “Not only does the Town of Pittsfield benefit from representation on behalf of the citizens of Pittsfield, but we counted on the technical expertise afforded the region by your employees, namely Chief Johnson and Chief Wharem,” and we would like to see them as part of the network. How many actual meetings are there?
Chief Wharem: Recently there has only been about two or three meetings, but they are currently updating the POD (point of dispensing) and there will be about two or three meetings a week for the next six months. (LK) Do you have any recommendations? Chief Wharem: I do not have the time to put into it.

Board agreed they would advertise for interested parties with Letter of Interest. (LS) In event of emergency, you should be prepared whether you attend the meetings or not. The expectation is that public safety will be covered. (LK) noted that their resignations would not be accepted until the positions were filled. Both Chief Wharem and Chief Johnson noted they would not leave the Town “high and dry.” It was suggested that, perhaps, they could attend a meeting a month.
(LK) If there is anything the Board can do, let us know.


1. Selectmen Representative t Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition

(PR) I was appointed to that position and starting in June, I will be able to attend meetings. It was because of the time change of their meetings that there was a conflict previously on my attending.

2. Schedules: (LS) Thank you for the work schedules. I will take the time
to look at them to see if we can help with efficiency. I know the Chiefs are struggling.

3. Media Letter: (LS) read into the Minutes a letter regarding the letter to
the Editor, Concord Monitor, April 2nd. (See attached.)

4. Office Area HSA: (PR) Regarding the HSA office and it being moved
to the front office as a shared office with Building Inspector. (GL) I checked the office out and there appears to be enough room. (LK) Is Jesse okay with that? Jesse Pacheco: I am still looking at the office. (PR) They can check it out and maybe within two weeks this can be accomplished (April 17th.) (LK) Jesse and Fred can work it out. A computer hook-up will be needed. Jesse can discuss with Fred.




(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (LS) Chief Wharem, I have one question. Did you go to Police Association Meeting or a Conference? You initially told Board that the Police Association meetings would be at no cost to the Town. Chief Wharem: He explained that he had gone to a meeting on grant writing and several other matters that would benefit the Town. (LS) The part-time officer has resigned. Have you submitted any paperwork for Board to rescind that resignation? (PS) He did not send another letter. Chief Wharem: I requested a re-appointment form.
(PR) Has it been issued? (PS) No.

(LS) We would like to see something that this conference would benefit the Town. Chief Wharem: Anytime we go to a conference are we going to have to provide documentation? (LK) We asked and we have told the public that it would not cost the Town anything for your attendance at Police Association meetings. (LS) Bob, could you pass along that information to (PS) tomorrow.


Joseph Darrah: I am concerned about the 24 hour Fire and Police Department coverage. I was informed that the 24 hour coverage is adequate. As a business owner, I am concerned. It will not take long for people to realize that there is not coverage. I talked to Paul and he said we will close the doors rather than pay the overtime. Now, another police officer has resigned.

I would like to know “Yes or No” if we have 24 hour coverage. Where do we stand on this? (PS) I did not say that we would close the doors but rather that the Board of Selectmen has mandated that the Fire Department, Police Department and Highway Department shall have no scheduled overtime. In emergency conditions, it would be different.

Joseph Darrah: Last week there was one night where we did not have coverage. (LS) I would defer that to Chief Wharem. Joseph Darrah: Police officers are running pretty slim. We should have 24 hour coverage no matter what. My concern is if there is adequate 24 hour coverage. (LS) We froze the $40,000 scheduled overtime. Joseph Darrah: My problem is safety. (LS) Did you go to the Town Meeting? Joseph Darrah: Yes. I feel misinformed. Do we have 24 hour coverage? (LS) Ask the Police Chief. Joseph Darrah: I heard at the Town meeting there is a plan in place with no reduction of services. This is not what I voted for. (LS) Out of five full-time officers, three were sick and two were on vacation. There is inefficiency in the departments.

Robert Freeze: I am asking the question – are we assured coverage? We cannot rely on State Police. Do we have coverage? (LS) Ask the Police Chief. Chief Wharem: We have been directed to shut the doors if anyone takes sick time or vacation time and we cannot cover it. The Town filed the MS-2 that there would be no overtime. We are complying with the directive and there are times that there will be no coverage. Robert Freeze: I am asking that you guys get together and that there be coverage. We were told there would be coverage. (LS) If it had been me, I would have had other alternatives. I believe there should be coverage and we are working on it. Robert Freeze: I am going to hold your feet to the fire on this. I will not tolerate this level of service. (LS) We froze $40,000 out of a $3.5M budget. Whose responsibility is it?

Bill Abbott: As someone with a degree, I never in my life heard about guaranteed overtime. There has to be a better way to do it. Help me understand, this is a built in factor which is out of control. (LS) We are going to be looking at schedules, working on it to see if we can maximize efficiency in the departments.
Bill Abbott: You all do a great job.

(LK) All through my campaigning, I heard that taxes, taxes, taxes were the issue. We are trying to tighten the reins. It is a work in progress. We have put a Memo out to Department Heads if they have any suggestions or can help us with the budget we will be happy to review their suggestions. I do not like to see non-coverage – we all want services. We are trying to tweak the budget but there are road blocks.

George Freese, III: How quickly can we expect a plan; we were told there already was one but there does not seem that there is one. (LS) We are looking at schedules. George Freese: It does not seem like there is a plan. Robert Freese: That is exactly what you said; you said you had a plan. I heard you. I want more insurance that you have a plan.

Joseph Darrah: Summer is coming and crime increases; people are hungry.

Chris Riel: You cannot use the excuse we are working on it. That is not acceptable. (LK) I did not know there was no coverage and I am saddened that there was none and we are working on it.

Chief Wharem: We found out when you found out about the coverage but you cannot schedule sick time. It was a last minute issue. Holidays are scheduled as overtime. There are not enough part-timers to cover. The Highway Department and departments like Welfare are Monday through Friday organizations. I am looking at the impact and we have another vacancy coming up in about three weeks which will create another problem. (LK) We will have to do what we can.

Joseph Darrah: Is there a timeframe? (LS) We are working on it and will look at work schedules. Joseph Darrah: You are pushing everyone out of Town with no coverage. (LS) I empathize with what you are all saying, but I am also trying to empathize with the taxpayer. I am just floored that with such a large budget that
the Police Department is going to close down over $40,000. Bill Abbott: Is the $40,000 in overtime; is that supposed to be in overtime? Chief Wharem: Of the $43,000 that was cut from the Police Department about $19,500 was already expended.

Mike Wolfe: The Ambulance – are they paid out of the Ambulance Fund and doesn’t it include overtime. (PS) What you voted on was overtime expended would get reimbursed up to a certain value. If no overtime occurs, then there would be no transfer of funds from the Ambulance to the General Fund. The Board of Selectmen by Statute is not supposed to over extend the budget no matter what the revenue is. That is how the State Law reads. (LK) Even selling all the property that is up for sale would not help. Mike Wolfe: It does not make sense to cut the budget so severely without a plan.

(LS) If I deceived anyone, I am sorry. Departments have to run more efficiently. This is only our third week in office and we are trying to look at everything.

Robert Freese: I am mystified since we were told that there was a plan.
Stan Bailey: The taxpayers cut $125,000.

Joseph Darrah-Robert Freeze-George Freese all emphasized that they were told that there was a plan. (LS) I did not say that I had a plan.

Stan Bailey: It does not matter; the people voted for that. It has got to be cut. If you cut budgets, people get angry. The Board of Selectmen is trying to spread it out the best they can. (LK) If anyone has any recommendations, please let us know.

George Freese: You are elected officials. I was under the impression there was a plan. So you have no plan; I run a business and I set goals and deadlines. You work for me and I am going to put your feet to the fire on this as to when.
(LK) We are working on it.

Gary Mullen: Safety now and then is too bad. Ken White: You should know that Mutual Aid is the last resort and it costs the Town more.

Joseph Darrah: Could you read the resignation letter of Tanya Emerson. (PR) read the letter into the Minutes. Joseph Darrah: That’s pretty sad. (PR) She is no longer in the community and was talking about this for a while. She has a position in Connecticut. Joseph Darrah: If you do not replace her position, we will be down another police officer. Chief Wharem related that possibly another full time officer may be leaving. They were/are full time police officers. Joseph Darrah: I appreciate all that you do but I just want a plan. (LK) Who is the other officer? Chief Wharem: I will let you know as soon as I know more.

Close Public Input (7:39 P.M.)


(LS) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a). (PR) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Break 7:40 P.M. Resume 7:43 P.M.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:43 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:00 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal the Non-Public Session Minutes of April 3, 2012.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Break 9:01 P.M. Resume 9:07 P.M.


1. Public Session Minutes of March 20, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of March 20, 2012 with corrections. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Page 3, Paragraph 1, Line 1 & 2: Should read – (PR) I nominate Larry Konopka.
(PR) Withdraw Motion ………
Page 3, Paragraph 1, Line 3 & 4: Should read – (LK) I nominate Linda Small
(LS) I nominate Larry Konopka as…….
Page 14, Paragraph 2, Line 2: Should read – …. hires. (GL) Second.
Page 14, Paragraph 3, Line 3: Should read – l….our department schedules to maximize efficiency and have them……….
Page 14, Paragraph 1, Line 3: Should read – (LS) Chief can you tell us how you can work with this Board with the money we have?
Page 14, Paragraph 2, Line 5: Should read – (LS) I am hard pressed to believe that no overtime would interfere with the operation of the Town.
Page 14, Paragraph 2, Line 10: Should read – (LS) Appreciate the fact that positions were retained.

3. Public Session Minutes of March 27, 2012

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of March 27, 2012 with corrections. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Page 2, Paragraph 4, Line 1: Should read – (LS) ……..with the way the “mileage payment given to George was accounted for.
Page 3, Paragraph 5, Line 1: Should read – No. 6. Sheriff’s ……… Withdrawn by Larry Konopka.
Page 7, Paragraph 2, Line 2: Should read – …..Carried 2-0. (LK) & (LS) Abstain. (LS) I am abstaining because I was not part of the Board at the time the decision was made.
Page 8, Paragraph 2, Line 1: Should read – …..about this Board’s directives. I would like to see employees go to their supervisors and the supervisors to the Town Administration. This is the proper chain of command.
Page 8, Paragraph 3, Line 4: Should read – …them to come to Board of Selectmen meeting on Town time, we would request it.
Page 9, Paragraph 5, Line 1: Should read – ….I am giving the staff the benefit of doubt that the overtime was scheduled prior to the Board’s Memo.
Page 10, Paragraph 3, Line 4: Should read – (LS) Department heads have been directed to what needs to be done in emergency situations and can use part-time individuals when available.
Page 11, Paragraph 2, Line 1: Should read – ….would act as Health Officer
Page 11, Paragraph 3, Line 1: Should read – …..Board of Selectmen as Health Officer…….

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of March 20, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of March 20, 2012.
(PR) Second. Carried 3-0. (LK) Abstain.

4. Non-Public Session Minutes of March 27, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of March 27, 2012.
(PR) Second. Carried 3-0. (LK) Abstain.


(PR) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

Approved: April 10, 2012

________________________ _______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on April 3, 2012, transcribed and public posted on April 5, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes