April 4, 2008 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
4/08/2008 (draft)
The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on April 8,
2008 in the children’s room of the library.
In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia Wallace
Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of March 11 were accepted as written.
Election of Officers: The officers were elected for the coming year. Mary Schelble, chairperson; Bill
Provencal, treasurer; Sylvia Wallace, secretary.
Old Business:
There was discussion about applying for a grant from the Jameson Trust in order to have surveillance cameras installed in the library. The cost would be about $2000. This would allow us to have less staff (one librarian) during very slow hours. This would save money and perhaps allow the library to remain open more hours. We would make every attempt to get good volunteers to be the second person during the times there would be only one librarian on duty.
Mary moved we get a quotation and make the application to the Jameson Trust for surveillance cameras.
Bill seconded the motion. All approved.
Leslie said the electricians were here and will be back next week to finish the job.
Leslie has begun weeding the collection in preparation for the book sale.
The Library received a $200 gift in memory of Evangeline Bachelder.
The monthly and quarterly financial reports were discussed.
The motion was made, seconded and approved to accept both the director’s report and the treasurer’s
New Business:
Internet access policy revision. The revised policy draft was discussed and a couple minor changes were made. The motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the revised internet policy draft with changes.
Mary talked about the upcoming annual meeting of NHLTA on May 14th in North Conway. Everyone has an application.
Bill and Sylvia agreed to take care of replacing the shrub that died on the library banking.
The next meeting will be on May 13, 2008 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Wallace, secretary