April 8, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.



Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Vice-Chairman,
Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Denise Morin (DM), Leon Kenison (LKe), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Pam St. Laurent inquired as to the removal of garbage material on Prescott Road home. Is someone being billed for that? I know in other locations where trash has been removed that others have been billed. (LKe) explained that three small truckloads of garbage had been removed noting that there was a great deal of garbage on the porch as well as outside the house. “Yes, someone is being billed for that removal.”

Close Public Input


(LS) Agenda, Bid Policy, Audit, Union Spreadsheets; (EV) Suncook Valley Regional Association; (LK) Town Hall Meeting Room; (LKe) Police Department Schedule, Rejection of Oak Street Parking, Officer Interview Appointment, and one Non-Public.


Chief Wharem and Part-Time Police Officer Jason Darrah.

Chief Wharem introduced Jason Darrah to the Board explaining that he had completed the lie detector test and psychological testing today. He is requesting a position as part-time police officer and comes highly recommended. He is currently a Corrections Officer at the New Hampshire State Prison and has recently graduated from the Corrections Academy. He related that Jason is married with children, resides in Pittsfield, and has many family ties here. He is the first to have scored 100 on the written test. He has signed the Employment Contract. Contract is for three years at $8,000. (LS) questioned whether Mr. Darrah would remain with the State as a Corrections Officer to which Mr. Darrah replied affirmatively. Chief Wharem related that he has an excellent reputation, enjoys living in Pittsfield, and would be an asset to the Town. He requested it would be helpful to know about approval as soon as possible as Police Academy begins May 3rd and if possible, would like to begin the necessary paperwork to accommodate that enrollment.


1. NH Route 28 Corridor Study – Support Letter

Regional Planning has submitted an application to DOT to conduct a study on Route 28 in various ways from Epsom Circle to Alton Circle to develop information for economic development interests. (JL) questioned the letter noting that it states “competing solicitation interests….” (LKe) This would be to essentially compete with other towns, but right now it is in the planning stage. (LK) and (EV) questioned whether it would cost? (LKe) indicated, “Not this year.” (EV) noted letter indicated, “assist in any reasonable manner.”

(DM) Motion to accept NH Route 28 Corridor Study. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Welfare Lien, Map R-35, Lot 30T3

(LS) Motion to accept welfare lien Map R-35, Lot 30T3. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Chris Conlon Resignation from Economic Development Committee

(EV) Motion to accept resignation of Chris Conlon from Economic Development Committee. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) noted that Chris Conlon was unable to make majority of meetings and committee needs more “hands on” participants. In the summertime, because of his job, it is likely that he would not be able to make most of the meetings. (LKe) to send thank you letter for service rendered.

4. CRDC Proposal

(LKe) noted that this is as a result of the new director of Capital Regional Planning Committee. He has appeared before this Board previously and at several other Town meetings and has made a proposal and would like to become engaged as proposed for a six-month period to include 20 certified hours per month. He will work closely with the Economic Development Committee as well as with other businesses within the Town, which will not be part of the Town’s certified hours.

(EV) Motion to accept CRDC proposal. (DM) Second. After brief discussion: Carried 5-0.

(EV) related that the EDC has seen this proposal and is in agreement with it as proposed. (LK) Where will the money be coming from? (EV) noted that it would be from the EDC budget. (LS) related that any of the 20 hours not used can be rolled over. “EDC is at the point that they need this kind of assistance. It is money well spent.”

5. Requested Waiver of Bid Process – Ambulance Equipment

(LKe) “As you may recall at the Town Meeting approval was granted to acquire a new ambulance and they are working now to “supply equipment for the ambulance.” This unit will be equipped similar to those used at Concord Hospital.

Chief Johnson explained that there are two manufacturers with prices compatible within a couple $100. The ZOLL equipment used for cardiac patients requires a type of pad per patient at about $35.00 each. There are a number of reasons we are requesting this type of equipment, namely, it matches our other unit as well as Concord Hospital’s, the units perform well, and basically it is the unit of preference. (EV) suggested he offer a quote. Chief Johnson indicated it would be about a couple hundred dollars less. (DM) noted that the bid policy is there for a reason and should be utilized. (EV) noted that in the future, several bids could be acquired it would make it easier to justify to Town citizens.

(LS) Motion to waive bid for new ambulance equipment. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) suggested Board have a Waiver form and execute it.

(JL) Motion to approve $20,000 ZOLL ambulance equipment purchase. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Part-Time Police Officer – Jason Darrah

(LS) Motion to approve hiring of part-time police officer, Jason Darrah. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

7. Town Hall Meeting Room

(LK) The Town Hall meeting room floors are now done. It would be nice to have some new tables and chairs. The floors were completed at a cost of $5,200 and there is about $1,278 remaining, which would be returned to the general account minus the cost of the chair feet. Ed and I would be willing to check this out.

(LS) Motion to approve $1,100 for purchase of new tables/chairs.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Staff Meeting Notes of April 1, 2008

(LS) questioned that per staff meeting notes there are three police officers out due to health issues, who are the three? Chief related that there were three officers out due to health issues and noted who they were.
(LS) questioned the third officer and whether position was still open. Chief Wharem related that it was.

2. Truck Purchase Information

(LKe) related that last Wednesday, truck prices were solicited replacing what is offered for purchase – one in Vermont and Maine and two in New Hampshire. Only one responded, D’Caprezio, who offered $1,300 more.

3. Workers Compensation Insurance

(LKe) Jon Steiner of the LGC has provided a memo indicating his recommendations as our insurer. It notes that sole proprietor is not required to have Workers Compensation insurance and Town can waive this requirement. These individuals are independent contractors and not Town employees and can elect not to carry Workers Compensation insurance. However, the law is very specific and even if they have one employee, W/C insurance is required.

(LS) Motion to accept LGC’s recommendation. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Letter to NHDOT Regarding Traffic Control Issues

(LKe) noted the letter to DOT is addressed to the head of the department that controls lines/lights/signals/signs and is in relation to the Route 107/28 traffic intersection. It is recommended that the speed be dropped from 50 to 40 MPH (State Police are working on this) and suggestion is made for a new signal (yellow arrow over turning lane). Also request for change of STOP signs at Carroll/Main Street intersection.

5. Letter to NHDOT Regarding old Patrol Shed/Fueling Station

(LS) noted that this is a great letter.

6. Welfare Department Monthly Report – March

(LK) noted that things are running smoothly and Betsey is doing an excellent job which are indicated by the monthly stats. (EV) “Is she still on extended hours?” (LK) noted that she was and Board will address this soon. Betsey currently will be gone for several days.

7. Police Department Schedule – April

(LKe) For Board’s review.

8. Oak Street Parking Rejection Letter

(LKe) The gentlemen requesting to lease three spots in the Oak Street Parking Lot has related that he no longer wants them. Due to poor economy, he has changed his mind. (LK) How does the Board feel about allowing Town Administrator to approve these – $30 per month or $300 per year. (LS) noted this should be on calendar year and as long as we follow this.

9. Agenda

(LS) noted that (LKe) was doing a great job in getting information to Board. Information is very thorough and helpful. “Thank you, Leon.”

10. Bid Policy

(LS) We need to come up with a revised Bid Policy. (LKe) to re-write.

11. Audit

(LS) Now that the timeframe has been completed, when will we get that information from them? (LKe) to check.

12. AFT Union Spreadsheet

(LKe) noted that copies of all information would be available for tomorrow’s meeting.

13. Suncook Valley Regional Association

(EV) The Committee has completed their research for Towns of Pembroke, Epsom, Chichester, Pittsfield and Barnstead joining together for bulk purchases and better pricing. This is something that probably will not happen this year, but possibly next year. It would be a means by which costs could be cut by purchasing in bulk or splitting costs for such items as paving, ladder truck, salt/sand, fuel, and possibly even a central maintenance garage if logistics can be worked out. This works for the BCEP. (LKe) will discuss with George.


1. Acquisition of Fire Department Storage Container

(LKe) Chief Johnson has looked further in the possibility of rental of storage container negotiating with Trailer Tom at a cost of $100 per month – $85.00 of which would be applied to the purchase price.

(EV) Motion to approve rental with option to purchase. (JL) Second. After discussion: Carried 5-0.

(LS) When is the $1,500 due (Public Service)? Chief Johnson related that the rental runs through a calendar year, January to December, and since is will now be through the end of April, about $500. Board further discussed how it would be budgeted, purchase options, and location of placement of storage container (WWTP).

2. Capital Improvement Plan

No information available on this yet.

3. Space Needs Committee

(LS) noted that a lot of information had been gathered but has not yet been compiled into a report. (LKe) noted that two of the three original committee members had responded so far. (LS) What should we do, talk to the members? (LKe) related that he would call Donna Keeley and talk to her about possibility of compiling a written report. (DM) suggesting setting up a new committee and allowing others to be on committee. (LS) noted that Board was now just trying to pull together what is out there. Board agreed that (LKe) would contact Donna to see if she could follow-up on this and compile a report.

4. WWTP Plan Status

(LKe) related that Joe Ducharme has done what he needs to do and Town needs to do the rest.

5. Towing Company Insurance

This was covered previously in the meeting. (Information Items #3)

6. Sidewalk Improvement Plan

(LKe) noted that he had received an E-Mail from Matt and that there is a safe kids grant to improve sidewalks, which is centered around school, areas and other areas where kids oriented services exist. The individual who assists in writing grants will be getting back to us.


1. Junkyard License Renewal, Feeny Enterprises

(LKe) This is a renewal of the junkyard license. Mr. Feeny is now deceased but Mrs. Marjorie Feeny has opted to continue.

(EV) Motion to approve junkyard license renewal for Feeny Enterprises. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Veteran’s Tax Credit Application – Timothy Ahern

(LKe) related that with the increase in the Veteran’s Tax Credit as approved at Town Meeting, all individuals will have to be completing new paperwork.

(LS) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit for Timothy Ahern.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable. (DM) Second.
After discussion: Carried 5-0.


(LS) Last year Board discussed Sam’s Club memberships. There is a check for $140 for membership fees which I would like to see go away. There is not a need for everybody to have a membership. I think the check should be voided and those memberships be cancelled. One membership should be issued per department head.

Chief Wharem related that it is his department and that he and two secretaries have a membership, which is only for chargeable items, not cash. It is beneficial to do it this way, as it is not feasible for me to run up to purchase small or housekeeping items. (EV) related that he felt that there were some cases where it is more efficient to have it done this way.
(LS) noted that it is totally unreasonable to pay all these fees and that maybe only one of the secretaries could have a card instead of Chief. (EV) Maybe it should be one person per department rather than each department head. (LKe) to address with individual department heads. Check to be pulled until further information accumulated.


1. Public Session Minutes of April 1, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of April 1, 2008.
(JL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of April 1, 2008

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of April 1, 2008. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.




(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a) and (b). (DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed.

Board into Non-Public Session at 7:15 P.M. Short break at 7:15 P.M.
Board resumed Non-Public Session at 7:25 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:20 P.M.

(LS) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of April 8, 2008.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


(EV) Motion to adjourn. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Approved: April 22, 2008

__________________________ _________________________
Larry Konopka, Chairman Date