April 8, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
April 8, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:35.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Susan Muenzinger (SM),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Skowron (PS), Scott Ward (SW), Clayton Wood (CW),
Linda Small (LS), and Matt Monahan representating CNHRPC.

3. Minutes from March 25, 2009 approved and accepted as written.

4. Zoning Ordinance and Site Plan Regulations
A.. Make a presentation to townspeople
B. Try to maximize tax base so homeowners do not bear most of burden
C. MM provided an outline of points to cover
1. Discussion on graph showing property values and percentage of commercial/industrial
a. Might generate more confusion
b. We would like to see which dot is Pittsfield and a few others showing low property values
and high property values
c. PS said the more affluent the community, the more zoning regulation there are
D. Ideas we want to convey with the presentation
1. Sense of urgency – revise regulations now rather than later
2. Define the problem, or problems
3. Need to write regulations that will work the way we want them to
4. Outline the process involved
E. Have Sharon Wason give the presentation-not personally involved with EDC
F. The Selectboard should invite Sharon to do this
G. Find out dates Sharon is available, get a date when there is no Planning Board meeting
H. Publicize it and invite all boards and interested individuals to attend

5. Wi Fi
A. Clayton Wood presented a letter regarding ways to modify the front page
1. Log in page is controlled by Single Digits-they can redisign it and add sponsors
2. Currently there are 2 pass-thru links Town Web site and Chamber of Commerce
a. We could create a sponsor link on a special page on the Town site
b. Single Digits would have to code the link and Website Committee would manage it.
3.Change the landing page (currently we have Google Search)
a .It can be changed to a page on the Town server showing all sponsors or random sponsors
b. Single Digits would have to code the link and Website Committee would manage the page.
4. He recommended doing a combination of all three.
B. Questions followed the presentation
1. Can the landing page be randomly be rotated between 10 sponsors?
2. Has Single Digits done anything else for others that they have not told us about?
3. Want to minimize interaction with Single Digits
C. Possible list of advertisers
1. We have list of employers but it needs to be updated
2. Helen has a list but she was not at this meeting

6.Park and Ride
A. A motion was made to include the Park and Ride in the STIP (Statewide Transportation
Improvement Program) and the Regional Improvement Program (TIP) in CNHRPC’s request
for State funding for regional projects.
B. Vote was taken and motion passed.

7. Next meeting Wednesday April 22, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

8. Meeting closed at 6:35 P.M.

Submitted by
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary