April 9, 2008 Minutes

Economic Development Committee
1. Meeting called to order at 5:35. In attendance: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (DJ), Lyn
Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Ellen Barbasso (EB). Also attending Susan Muenzinger (SM)
2. Minutes from April 2, 2008 approved.
3. Exit Realty-Chris Ward
A. They are listing industrial and commercial property
1. Wants to know how the EDC can help sell the town to prospective buyers
2. He is willing to let us know when commercial property is available
3. There can be links from real estate agents to the EDC website
4. He suggested that we contact other agents to see if they would also let us know
when commercial properties are available.
5. Is it possible to put a map on our site showing which lots or properties are available?
a. A link can lead someone to the agent who is selling the property.
4. CRDC contract update
A. Contract signed last night at Select Board meeting.
B. The town bought 20 hours of CRDC time
5. Wicked WiFi update
A. Four companies have been contacted
1. Three are planning on visiting Pittsfield to give us an estimate
B. A suggestion was made to promote WiFi
1. Contact Andi Riel and have it in the Concord Monitor
2. Contact WOKQ to have it promoted as a public service
3. Have information available at the Chamber of Commerce Business Expo
A. May 13 at 12:00 PM Ed V and Matt M will meet with YMCA officials
B. They will present the survey we took and explain what the people think we need
C. A suggestion was made that Steve Heavener attend also
7. A letter of resignation was received from Chris Conlon
A. It is hard for him to attend meetings, and in the summer it will be more difficult
B. He is willing to work on projects or a committee
8. Susan Muenzinger would like to be a member of the EDC, application is going before the Select
9. Other topics
Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
April 9, 2008
A. UNH and Central Planning is doing a traffic study from Epsom Circle to Lakes Region
1.Studying growth pattern
2. Traffic accessability
3. Speed limits
We can use this information when it is available
B. Make sure business property owners are aware of 79E so they can improve their
C. Buidings downtown need help-Union Block, Green Block and Tannery
D. Deb Jordan received an e-mail regarding the bike race from Canada to Boston area
1. Can we influence them at all to come down Rt 28 through Pittsfield?
E. Helen’s idea of giving a survey to business is a good one. Suggested their answers be in
paragraph form so she can put them in a newsletter better.
F. Sign on Rt 28-Can the EDC help to finance a change for the sign. (Chamber owns it)
1. May try to go with a reusable sign and need to buy letters
2. May be able to rent it to businesses as advertising
9. Next meeting Wednesday April 16, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.
10. Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 P.M.
Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary