August 10, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
August 10, 2011

1. Meeting opened at 5:29.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Matt Monahan
from CNHRPC (MM), Clayton Wood (CW), Carl and Valerie Anderson

3. Minutes from July 27, 2011 accepted and approved

4. Wi-Fi information from Clayton Wood
A. Free Wi Fi was intended for business people on occasional basis
B. Single Digits has ability to prevent users from using it for extended periods
C. Need to advertise that it is downtown (on Route 28) and on EDC and town web site
D. Do not have enough advertisers paying for ads to sustain the cost
E. CW will get reports from Single Digits to see how many repeat users and how many new users
F. Can scan to see which businesses get Wi-Fi, see if they will advertise

5. Plan NH Charette
A. Offer available dates: September 24, and October 1
B. Put date of it on Chamber of Commerce sign on Rt 28
C. Put on town website, Channel 24 information, and Facebook page
D. What is best way to implement it
1. Want to include property owners-find out what they intend to do with property
2. Contact other members of SVRDC

6. Park and Ride discussion (Carl and Valerie Anderson)
A. Mr. & Mrs. Anderson own property on other side of state property
B. Concerned about pond being polluted from asphalt then salt and sand from winter plowing
C. Cost of plowing and maintaining property will be town’s responsibility
D. Do not think people will come into town to spend money-just get in their cars and go
E. Showed pictures of Tilton Park ‘n Ride-few cars and not a help to local economy
F. Additional comments
1. State will not sell property
2. Engineers have ways of modifying rain run off so it won’t go into river
3. Can do partial build out with 50 parking spots then add later if needed

7. Next meeting August 24, 2011.

8. Meeting closed at 6:55 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary