These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.











Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Linda Small, Chairman.




Linda Small (LS), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Denise Morin (DM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Fred Hast (FH)








(EV)  162N New Map Approval; (LK) Basement Bathroom, Revenue Expenditure; (PS) Spreadsheet Non-Union Wages for 2010.




          6:05 P.M. – Ron Vien – Septage Meeting


Ron Vien noted that he had been thinking about the public meeting with the State and a representative from Barnstead, Chichester, Epsom, Strafford, Alton and New Durham concerning Pittsfield ceasing accepting their septage effective December 31, 2009.   He noted that after receiving the letter from DES, which he felt to be a little “hostile” that he called and offered the same presentation to them as he presented to the Board.  He related that rather than have a public meeting with the concerned Town members, that a letter would be sufficient offering the reasons for cessation.  Board and Ron further discussed the need for hauling permit, amount of septage accepted from 29 different Towns, including Pittsfield of which 50% was accepted from these Towns, and how septage would be dealt with by these Towns after December 31st.  He related that this project has never been a good revenue source.  He noted that the haulers usually go the “cheapest” place, wherever that may be so they still can make money.”


Board discussed whether a public meeting or a letter would be appropriate.  It was determined that a generic letter should go out to all towns and should they inquire further, we will be happy to answer any questions they may have.  The letter will not be construed as an indication that they can alter Board’s decision on this matter.  (PS) to do.


Ron Vien noted that representative from DES while at the plant today related that septage should not affect the system that is there now and that the system is adequate to accept all Pittsfield septage. 


(PS) requested that Ron update the Septage Hauling Guidelines now to accommodate the changes effective January 1, 2010.  It should make it clear that Town will accept septage from Pittsfield resident which should be indicated on the hauling manifest.  It should also denote the consequences for dropping off non-Pittsfield septage.  Ron noted that there is a Haulers’ Handbook.  (PS)  “The Guidelines should be very clear” in this respect. 


For Board information, he noted that he had discussed this previously with Ron that 4,000 gallons consume one truckload and it takes 8-12 hours to process these 4,000 gallons advantageously. 


(PS)  Please bring in these revised “Guidelines” and have Board adopt them.




Board requested an update on the bathroom facilities at the Library.  He related that he has checked out the problem and that there are roots from the trees growing in the partial clay piping.  He noted that the pipes would have to be dug up, break into the line and take care of the root invasion.  Though no formal estimate has been acquired, it is felt that it might cost anywhere from $3-5,000.  Board discussed other potential options, but agreed that this method would be the easiest.  Ron will discuss with Ken McGoon to get a broad overview of what the project would entail and costs. 



          ACTION ITEMS


          1.  LGC Job Descriptions


(PS)  These are the Job Descriptions from LGC that they were contracted to provide to the Town. 


Board discussed the factor evaluation system methodology applied to each position and the grading steps, though at this point they do not apply.  (PS) noted that there are few non-union employees involved and it might be beneficial to do a comparison with other communities.  Some position responsibilities were not weighted “heavy enough,” such as accounting which is a very important aspect.


(LS)  The reason that the Board wanted these done was so we know exactly what each position is responsible for and to make sure that we are matching up what we expect from these individuals.    Some are responsible for and carrying more than they are comfortable with.  (EV) Pittsfield is a small community and the division of duties may not meet standards because of lack of personnel.  This study should be less generic and more logical for Pittsfield.  (PS) will evaluate these to determine if a more Town specific edition can be developed.  Board noted that these are position job descriptions and do not apply to the individual.



          2.  162N Tax Incentive Application/Map


(EV)  related that DRED had denied the previous application and a revised map has been developed.    If Board agrees, the resolution and map should be adopted and signed tonight.  (PS) read into the Minutes the Resolution.  (See Attached)


(EV)  Motion to adopt the Resolution and Map for the 162N economic revitalization zone.  (DM)  Second.  After Discussion:  Carried 4-0.


(LK) questioned the cost to taxpayers?  (LS) There will be no cost to the taxpayers.  (EV) noted that businesses would apply directly to the State for business tax credits, not to the Town.    (DM)  This would give back to the business owner if they take advantage of this.  (EV)  It is a selling tool.









          1.  Basement Bathroom


(EV) offered an update on the improvements in the basement bathroom, which is only for Town employees.  He noted the progress that has been made and estimates that it would be completed, hopefully, by this weekend.


          2.  Revenue Expenditures.


(LK) suggested that Building Permit fees be increased.  The Building Inspector will be contacted as to his suggestions as to what the increases should be.  This had been thought about in the past, but has not yet occurred.


(LK) also noted that he would still like to see someone either hired or volunteer to do light repairs or accomplish “pick-ups” around Town rather than tying up Kyle with these tasks.  Perhaps, someone would be willing to volunteer to work approximately ten hours per week to do these tasks.  (LS) suggested that Board first look at fees increase.  (PS) will contact Kyle to have him work on fee schedule.



          3.  Non-Union Wage Updates


(PS)  Cara has provided a spreadsheet for 2010 Budget for Non-Union Wage Schedule.  He noted that the union employees average a 2.8% increase and these are rounded off to a 3% increase.  He related that the Fire Chief contract expires on December 31, 2009 and this is also a matter that the Board needs to review.  He noted that the majority of Town employees are covered by the Union contract and these would incorporate those that are not covered by Union.


(PS)  Board is reminded that the Town’s insurance premiums are being reduced for 2010. 


Board decided they would review information and approach at a future Board meeting.










          1.  Town Hall Improvements-Life Safety Codes            Pending

          2.  Capital Improvement Program                                 Pending

          3.  Sidewalk Improvement Plan                                              Pending

          4.  Generators                                                                Pending

          5.  Fleet Fuel Charge                                                      Pending

          6.  LGC Job Descriptions                                                        See Above

          7.  Selectmen/Town Admin.Goals & Objectives            Pending








(DM)  Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifests.  (EV)  Second.  After Discussion:   Carried 4-0.


Discussion:  (LS) The “No Parking” signs – were they temporary or permanent and where they are (2 @ $16.)?  (PS) to check.


(DM)  Also, are we releasing Check 10791 from last week.  (PS)  Check was not sent.  (PS) to check on status.


(DM)  Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposits.  (EV)  Second.  After Discussion:  Carried 4-0.


Discussion:  (LS) noted that on Monday and Wednesday of last week it was witnessed that several employees between 9 and 9:30 A.M. were not at their stations but did not clock out for these periods.  (PS) to check.


(DM)  I do not recollect from last year at the Balloon Rally how charges for the Police Department were itemized.  Does it go under detail and the budget reflects it accordingly?  I would like to see that.  Board agreed that this should be a separate line item for budget purposes in the future.  (LS)  Events like this should not be at detail rate, should not exceed $3,000 and hours should be reviewed by BOS prior to the event.







          1.  Public Session Minutes of August 4, 2009


(DM)  Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of August 4, 2009. 

(EV)  Second.  Several corrections were noted and Carried 4-0.


          2.  Non-Public Session Minutes of July 21, 2009.


(DM)  Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of July 21, 2009. 

(EV)  Second.  Carried 4-0.


          3.  Non-Public Session Minutes of August 4, 2009


(LK)  Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of August 4, 2009. 

DM)  Second.  Carried 4-0.




          1.  Generators


(LK)  Any update on the generators?  (PS) noted that Chief Wharem will be here next Tuesday and an update can be given at that time.


          2.  Tax Deeds


(EV) questioned whether Town Clerk had moved forward on the two Tax Deeds as accepted by Town?  (PS)  I will advise the Town Clerk accordingly.  Dee is working on the information regarding the other ones.


          3.  Cash Drawer – Town Clerk/Tax Collector


(DM) noted that Memo from Liz indicates that the Town Clerk drawer funds and the Tax Collector funds have always been separate.  (PS)  This Memo was given to me for Board today.  The drawers are separate to the person not function.












(EV)  Motion to adjourn.  (LK)  Second.  Carried 4-0.



Meeting adjourned at 8:44 P.M.



Approved:  August 18, 2009





_____________________________                   ________________________

Linda Small, Chairman                                                  Date



II Tapes




I certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on August 11, 2009 and publicly posted on August 13, 2009.



Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary