August 14, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kennison (LKe),
Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
(EV) Broadway Extension One-Way; (JL) Letter from Merrimack Regional
Water District dated July 15, 2007; (LS) Follow-up on the Police Detail
Policy and Vacation Accumulation Policy. (LKe) Acceptance of Slate,
Purchase of sonic solution algae control unit for WWTP, letters from Jim
Pritchard, Michael McLaughlin Memo regarding repairs to gazebo.
6:15 p.m. – Pat Heffernan, Bridge Street Bridge Lighting
Appointment has been cancelled by Pat Heffernan.
INFORMATION ITEMS (Taken out of Sequence)
7. Paul Skowron Memo of Negotiation Status Regarding Collective
Bargaining Agreements
(LK) Motion to go into closed session with Union negotiator. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Non-Public Session 6:10 P.M. to 6:55 P.M.
Action Items
1. Approval of proposed response regarding tax abatement to
J.K. Mullikin & Sons Homes LLC
(LS) Motion to approve letter. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
2. Approval of proposed response to Mr. David Pollard of the First
Congregational Church regarding Town participation in repairs to
church steeple
(LS) Motion to approve letter. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
3. Proposed agreement with Central NH Regional Planning
Commission for Economic Development Circuit Rider Services.
(LKe) This came up at our meeting. (LS) We need some written agreement
that encompasses what is above and beyond the contract with Town.
(LKe) Economic Development Committee to review and make changes.
4. Final approval of Appointment Application
(LS) Motion to accept approval of Appointment Application as amended.
(JL) Second. Carried 4-0. Bill Provencal to put on Website.
5. Acceptance of painted slate – 2007 Balloon Rally from Pittsfield
Rotary Club.
(EV) Motion to accept 2007 Balloon Rally painted slate from Pittsfield
Rotary Club and the Police Department slate. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
6. Chichester proposal for Regional Committee response
(AM) noted Town should put as much effort as possible into this. Towns
help one another. (LS) noted that Town of Chichester has put a lot into it
already. I think we should support this. (LKe) noted that a member of Board
should be appointed as the “point person.” It was agreed that (EV) would be
a part of that Committee.
7. Broadway Extension – One Way Street
(EV) noted that this is a one-way street. Citizen Eckhardt had complained at
a previous BOS meeting that several of his customers had gotten tickets for
going the wrong way on the street, but Town officials came in the wrong
way when they were visiting him on another matter. (EV) noted that while
he was there talking to Mr. Eckhardt, the Fire Chief came in the wrong way.
Mr. Eckhardt suggested that maybe marking it a little better would help.
(EV) Perhaps a letter to all Department Heads reminding them that is a oneway
street unless used for emergency. Chief Wharem related that they
would be more diligent in this regard and suggested that maybe the sign
needs to be “spruced up and maybe putting in some road lines.” I will talk
to George and get back to the Town Administrator.
8. Merrimack Valley Regional Water District
(JL) related that as Town representative for this, he had received a letter
asking the Town to contribute $5,000, which was also requested last year.
However, Town of Pittsfield did not comply last year. He related there is an
upcoming meeting this week, which he plans on attending. (EV) related that
we need to get a feel for what they are doing, and going to be doing. (AM)
related that his understanding was that it was in reference to eminent domain
with Pennachuck with several towns and Nashua coming in as one district.
The State Supreme Court says that this is not possible since the towns are
not adjacent to one another. (JL) related that it is his understanding that
there are three water companies and that Nashua cannot make a case for the
other towns involved. (AM) noted we will wait to hear back from (JL).
9. Purchase of Sonic Solution Algae Control Unit – WWTP
(AM) noted that the plan was to rent this unit and then if we decide to
purchase it, the rental fees would be applied to the purchase price.
(JL) Motion to purchase Sonic Solution Algae Control Unit with rental fees
being applied to purchase price. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
10. Pritchard Letters
(AM) noted that (LKe) was to respond to his letter regarding copying fees
since we now have a new policy. (LKe) noted that any Minutes need to be
available within 144 hours. The Board approves them and then they are in
their final form. (AM) noted that Minutes do not need to be posted but need
to be available to the public. (LK) We do not need to change our policy.
(LKe) noted as we improve our Website postings, perhaps all Boards can use
similar form and remove “Draft” from Minutes when posted on Website.
(LKE) to do.
11. Gazebo Repairs
(LKe) related that Mike has forwarded information for Board’s review
regarding a California firm that makes plastic columns which cover interior
treated wood. Cost is $1,400. He noted that Mike had checked with roofers
and they estimated their cost would be $2,600. The blocks at the bottom as
well as the posts have deteriorated. (LS) noted that I thought we were going
to make temporary repair, which has been done. (LKe) We can budget in
2008 for this and seek bids. (LS) I think we should wait until we know what
our budget is and if it is safe for now, address it in 2008. (LK) noted that he
had checked it and the entire post is rotting and I do not think we can wait
that long. (LKe) noted that contractors are very busy at this time of the year
and later in the season prices might be better. (LK) I think we should give
this information to Parks and Recreation to check available monies for this
project. (EV) We will need to put it out for bid or agree on a Waiver.
(LS) noted that (LKe) noted the cost of this repair might come down in a
couple of months, we should wait. (AM) Information should be forwarded
to Parks & Recreation to see if monies are available for this and maybe some
Town monies towards it also. I remember early in the 1970’s it was
vandalized and the roof fell down. I am concerned that we could lose the
structure and someone could get hurt.
1. News release OK procedure for Town Committees
(AM) There should be a procedure of how committees do press releases so
they are all uniform. (JL) related that they should agree to go through Town
Administrator. All agreed.
2. Budget for 2008- Selectman Board of Expectations
(AM) related Board should start thinking what our expectations are in
accepting budget for next year.
3. Periodic report from Town Administration on Department
(AM) noted that rather than the BOS waiting for information at meetings
that every so often Board could be advised as to what is happening.
(LKe) proposed this happen on a monthly basis. I currently have weekly
staff meetings and you have the Minutes from that.
4. Town Administrator Memo regarding installation of signals at
(LKe) noted they are working in Laconia and should be doing this shortly.
5. NH Civil Liberties Union letter of 8/6/07 regarding sex offender
ordinance proposal
(AM) related that WGIR had contacted him and he related to them that the
proposed ordinance is no longer on the table at this time.
6. Confirmation of MRI Exit Interview for August 30th at 4:00 P.M.
(AM) All confirm that date and time is agreeable. It will be here at the
Town Hall and will be Non-Public Session.
7. Paul Skowron Memo of negotiation status regarding collective
bargaining agreements.
This was taken care of in Non-Public Session earlier in the meeting.
8. Minutes of 8/7/07 staff meeting
(LKe) Members of Board have a copy of this. It was noted that this is an
excellent way for BOS to be aware of that is happening.
Break 7:30 P.M. Resume at 7:40 P.M.
1. Proposed Pitney Bowes Postal Machine Lease
(LKe) The question was what would be the acquisition cost as buy out and
the age of the machine. It was acquired in January 2003 and is almost five
years old. A buyout is possible but it carries a lot of caveats with it. It is
used quite a lot over the course of the year for various mailings, tax bills and
water bills.
(LK) Motion to lease new Pitney Bowes Postal Machine. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
2. Parks and Recreation Pavilion Damage Repair
This was covered earlier in meeting.
3. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption – tabled 4/17/07
Nothing new on this as yet.
4. In-Law Apartment Permit
(LKe) We are still waiting to hear from Local Government Center.
5. Picture Badges for Selectpersons and Employees
(LKe) working with the Sgt. Cane at the Police Department, who has
volunteered to take these pictures. He is available for this purpose on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
6. Crime Line Signs
Chief Wharem noted that he had discussed with Pat Shalou and signs had
not yet been ordered. He noted he would follow-up on this tomorrow and
advise. (AM) suggested that something could be noted in newspaper
regarding this. It was suggested that bumper sticker prices also be reviewed.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. After discussion,
Carried 4-0.
(LKe) noted that check for the firm that did the air testing can be released.
Mike has the results and Town Hall did pass air testing. The check for Air
Duct not to be released yet. (LS) Also, Public Service check #7283 should
be held – it is for a Welfare payment and is a high amount. (LK) to check.
(LK) also noted that George helped him fix the “indent in floor” in basement
and he wanted to offer a thank you for that service.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EV) Motion to accept Public Session Minutes of August 7, 2007.
(JL) Second. Several corrections were noted by (LS). Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of August 7, 2007.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91A:3 I (c).
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Each Board member polled individually and all
Pubic Session was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Approved: August 21, 2007
__________________________ ________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date