August 16, 2007 Minutes

Pittsfield School Board
August 16, 2007
Pittsfield Middle High School
Members Present: Scott Brown, Chairman
Christopher Ward
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Others Present: Dr. William Compton, Superintendent of Schools
Peter Roche, Business Administrator
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Dr. John Freeman, Principal, PES
Member of the public
Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Dr. Compton added a non-public session under legal matters and AASA National
Conference. Mr. Roche added food services and the audit. Dr. Freeman added an
introduction and a resignation. Mr. DeLois added coach nominations and
exchange students. He deleted Second Start from the agenda until Ms. Erlandson
is present.
Dr. Freeman introduced Karen McCue who has been hired to fill the preschool and
Kindergarten position. Mr. Brown welcomed Ms. McCue to the district.
A motion was made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby to approve the
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minutes of the July 19, 2007 meeting. “Mr.” Paradise was changed to “ Ms.”
Paradise in the second paragraph of page three. The motion to approve the
minutes as amended was passed with Ms. Vogt and Mr. Brown voting in the
affirmative and Mr. Colby and Mr. Ward abstaining from the vote.
Mr. Ed Patterson distributed a document entitled PMHS Metal Shop New
Curriculum Proposal. He explained that after writing a letter to the editor, a former
Industrial Arts teacher had called him and offered him advice regarding a metal
shop class curriculum. Mr. Patterson explained that he is concerned that the
students will not have the opportunity to learn metal work and presented further
information to support his position. He explained that the document represented a
proposed curriculum.
A. Support Staff Resignations
Dr. Freeman explained that Arna Jalbert, Food Service Director; Gary Noyes,
Educational Assistant; and Claire Drew, Educational Assistant have submitted
their resignations. He recommended that the Board accept the resignations.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to accept the resignation of Mr. Noyes.
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Jalbert.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to accept the resignation of Ms. Drew.
B. Handbook
Dr. Freeman called attention to the Pittsfield Elementary School Staff Handbook
and asked the Board for their approval. Discussion ensued regarding the
concept of “non-negotiables”. A motion was made by Mr. Colby and seconded
by Ms. Vogt to approve the handbook. Mr. Brown called attention to a
typographical error on page 35. The motion to approve the Staff Handbook with
the correction was passed unanimously.
C. Library Staffing
Dr. Freeman reminded the Board that due to budget cuts, there is no librarian
position planned for PES. He requested that the Board, in considering budget
savings that have occurred over the summer, also consider re -establishing the
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librarian position for three days per week. This proposal would cost no more
than $10,000.
Mr. Brown invited Mr. Roche the opportunity to review the FY2008 budget
status. Mr. Roche distributed a list of the savings that have been realized as of
July 20, 2007.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted
unanimously to authorize Dr. Freeman to hire someone fo r the PES library for a
total cost not to exceed $10,000. Dr. Compton recommended notifying the
Budget Committee of this change. Ms. Vogt agreed to do so.
D. Mentoring
Dr. Freeman explained the mentoring program that was initiated during the
2006-2007 school year at Pittsfield Elementary School. Ms. Chassie elaborated
further by describing the components of the mentoring program and the benefits
derived from its implementation. She explained that the research proves that
an induction program is instrumental in recruiting and retaining new teachers.
Ms. Chassie suggested that the mentoring efforts could be expanded to PMHS.
Mr. DeLois and Ms. Chassie have had initial discussions to that end.
Dr. Compton explained that there are issues that should be ad dressed as the
mentoring program continues to evolve. Guidelines should be developed to
govern the implementation of the induction program.
E. State Assessment Comparisons
Dr. Freeman reviewed state assessment comparisons with the three school
districts recently identified as likely comparisons: Colebrook, Farmington, and
F. Follow the Child Institute
Dr. Freeman explained that a ten-person district team participated in the
Institute in late July. As a result, the team drafted three district liter acy goals:
(1) Ensure consistent and aligned curriculum, instructional practices, and
assessments across the PK-12 continuum, (2) Increase each and every
students reading proficiency, and (3) Increase each and every students’ writing
proficiency. The team plans to meet in September to continue to develop the
district’s plan.
A. Coach Nomination
Mr. DeLois nominated Samantha Haverman-Payne to coach middle school
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volleyball and Peter Pszonowsky to coach junior varsity soccer. On a motion
made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board unanimously to hire
Mr. Haverman-Payne and Mr. Pszonowsky.
B. Resignation
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted
unanimously to accept the resignation of Sheryl Daigle as of July 16, 2007.
C. Appointment Summary
Dr. Compton reviewed the appointments that have been made since the
previous Board meeting: Karen McCue – Preschool and Kindergarten Teacher,
Pamela Baker – High School Special Education Teacher, Denise Mason – High
School Biology Teacher, and Susan Ingerson – Middle School Science
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board vote d
unanimously to accept the appointments that have been made by
Superintendent Compton for the teachers listed.
Dr. Compton nominated Samantha Haverman-Payne as the permanent
substitute teacher at PMHS. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by
Mr. Ward, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Haverman-Payne.
Dr. Compton nominated Gloria Krochmal as the secretary/receptionist at
PMHS. On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board
voted unanimously to hire Ms. Krochmal.
Ms. Chassie nominated Nancy Fournier and Donna Young as educational
assistants at the high school and Susan Pappecino as educational assistant at
the middle school. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby,
the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Fournier, Ms. Young, and Ms.
D. Exchange
Mr. Delois reported that two students, one from Spain and one from Viet Nam,
have requested admission for the 2007-2008 school year. The Board was fully
supportive of the students entering PMHS for the school year.
D. Industrial Arts
Mr. Colby and Mr. Ward both reported that they had received a phone call from
a citizen regarding the elimination of the metal shop program. Mr. Brown asked
Dr. Compton to research the decision to eliminate several industr ial arts
courses for the benefit of providing the public with some details. He explained
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that there were very few students taking the courses that were cu t and that the
vocational program in Concord remains in place to meet the needs of the
interested students.
A. Capital Request
Mr. Roche distributed a list of summer 2007 facility projects. The two major
projects are a telephone system at PES and the security system at PMHS. He
requested additional time to further investigate the bids that have been
B. Superintendent’s Goals and Objectives
Dr. Compton reviewed his goals and objectives for 2007-2008, which includes
(1) Strategic Plan 2007 – Action Planning, (2) SAU Withdrawal and Transition,
(3) Development of 2007-2008 School Budget, (4) Administrative Mentoring, (5)
2007 Follow the Child Leadership Institute, (5) Professional Improvement
C. AASA National Conference
Dr. Compton presented information regarding his attendance at the AASA
National Conference.
D. School Opening
Dr. Compton reported that there will be an orientation for all staff on Monday,
August 27, 2007. He will be joined by Chairman Brown in welcoming staff to
the 2007-2008 school year and will review the newly developed strategic plan.
Also, Dr. Compton will be recognizing staff, who have been here for 10, 20, and
30 years. New staff members will be introduced.
E. High School Annex HVAC
Mr. Roche explained that there was an error in the installation of the HVAC
system in the Technology Education Annex. He suggested that the current
system be repaired for the time being until decisions are made about the
permanent utilization of the space on the lower level of the Annex.
F. 2007-2008 Expenditure Report
The expenditure report was reviewed with the Board by Mr. Roche.
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G. Gymnasium Lighting
Mr. Colby inquired about the changes in lighting of the gymnasium that have
been planned for some time. Mr. Roche reported that the work has finally been
scheduled and will be completed in the near future with as little interference with
classes as possible.
H. SAU Study Committee
Mr. Brown stated that he and Mr. Colby were representatives on the SAU Study
Committee. The final report was disseminated at the last Board meeting. The
plan includes a (1) full time Superintendent, (2) full time financial
manager/administrator, (3) part time bookkeeper, (4) full time administrative
assistant, and (4) part time secretary. The changes that have been made in the
organization of special education will also impact the plan, according to Mr.
Brown. He explained that the committee worked to plan an organization with a
full time educational leader who would continue to work on the unification of the
PK-12 continuum.
Mr. Brown explained that the committee anticipates a $70,000 to $100,000
increase in the operating budget, with the first-year costs likely higher due to
expenses associated with setting up the new office. It has been suggested that
the SAU offices be housed in the high school, possibly in the Technology
Education Annex. Ms. Vogt suggested that further investigation occur about
space utilization in order to answer potential questions from the public. Dr.
Compton informed the Board that if a building was purchased or renovated, the
State of NH would reimburse the district for 40% of the cost.
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board voted
unanimously to accept the recommendations of the SAU Study Committee and
begin the process of reorganizing. Mr. Brown publicly thanked Patricia Houle,
Cher Keuenhoff, Robert Moulton, Denise Patterson, and Harry Vogt for their
service on the committee. Mr. Colby requested that the Superintendent send a
formal letter of appreciation to the participants.
Dr. Compton will inform the Barnstead School Board of the decision to accept
the plan. Ms. Vogt suggested developing a draft of an SAU budget in order to
better guide the development of the individual school budgets.
I. Food Service
Mr. Roche reported that he is investigating the possibility of working with a food
service company in the future and will inform the Board of future developments.
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A. Drake Field & Facilities
Mr. Colby stated that work has been completed and that things seem to be
running smoothly at the skate park.
Mr. Colby will request that the cement blocks left form the Balloon Rally BBQ be
removed in time for fall sports.
Mr. Colby will contact PSNH to turn the pole light on for an additional $10 per
Mr. Brown stated that the Balloon Rally was a success and that the aftermath
was cleaned up in a timely fashion. He explained that permission had been
granted for the school’s parking lots to be used. Some people were concerned
that it cost $5 to park in a public parking space. Mr. Brown explained that the
$5 was to defray the cost of the shuttle bus and that next year the fee may be to
ride the shuttle, as opposed to a parking fee.
Ms. Vogt reported that it has been brought to her attention that the toddler
swings are losing their shape and may be less safe than preferred. Mr. Colby
agreed to investigate the purchase of replacement swings.
B. Selectman Liaison
Mr. Brown advised the Board that there is a new Town Administrator, Leon
C. Other
Mr. Brown explained that there are substantial improvements being planned for
the Pittsfield Youth Baseball fields on Tilton Hill. On September 20, 2007, Larry
Berkson will be invited to address the School Board as the improvement may
impact the school. Mr. Brown stated that he thought it would be a good time for
the PMHS staff to discuss shared endeavors, such as mowing.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 6, 2007. The agenda will include
FY2009 budget planning and SAU reorganization.
XI. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)
Kathy Corliss thanked the Board for the work that has been done at Drake Field.
She asked if the School Board has considered a solution for the lack of parking at
the field. Mr. Brown summarized previous attempts and some fut ure possibilities.
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Ms. Corliss asked if PMHS has ever had an active parent-teacher organization.
Ms. Chassie stated that there was a short-term parent advisory committee under a
previous administration but that for unknown reasons it had ended. Ms. Corliss
asked if there was a possibility of a newsletter to inform parents of upcoming
events. Mr. Brown stated that improvements could be made to district’s w ebsite
but that there were limited resources to do so. He suggested that the local
newspaper might be a more effective means of communication.
On a motion made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Vogt, the Board was polled
and voted unanimously to enter into a Non-Public Session under the provisions of
RSA 91-A:3 II (b) to discuss a legal matter at 7:50 PM.
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Ward, the Board was polled
and voted unanimously to exit the Non-Public Session at 8:20 PM.
On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board voted
unanimously to file an Unfair Labor Practice complaint through the Public
Employees Labor Relations Board (PELRB) against the Education Association of
Pittsfield (EAP), for their efforts to file a grievance/arbitration to claim for retroactive
pay calculations, and filing a motion for a temporary stay related to the same issue.
On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary
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