August 18, 2009 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
August 18, 2009

The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on August 18, 2009, in the children’s room of the library.
Present: Chair Sylvia Wallace
Treasurer Mary Schelble
Secretary Dana Sansom
Director Roza Benoit

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of July 21, 2009 were accepted as written.

Friends Report-Given by Judith Maclellan

1. The Friends of the Library ordered a Diaper Changing Table and it will come
soon. The cost was 444.00, including shipping donated by the Friends.
2. The Friends would like to Repair the front door –
. The Trustees gave our approval for Dave Provencal to do the work.

Director’s Report
• The recent plumbing issues were immediately addressed by the appropriate Town Departments. Everything that can be done from within the building has been done. Several options for exterior maintenance, upgrade or preventative measures, that may be necessary, will be handled by the Town officials.

• The former magazine rack is now the location for displaying our newest titles from those received within the last three months. New titles received between three and six months are still shelved in the front reading room before going to the stacks. The New York Times Bestseller List is now posted on that rack as well.

• This month’s Community Outreach Coffee (to the Town Hall employees, committee members and volunteers) is off to a slow start. Four individuals from this group, who were here on other business, were invited to partake. The invitation was re-sent last Thursday, as a reminder.

• The SILC (Suncook Interlibrary Cooperative) is hosting a Trustees’ Night on Monday, September 14, 2009 to be held at the Epsom Public Library beginning at 7 PM. Mary will attend.

Treasurer’s Report-The report was reviewed
The Treasurer’s report and the director’s reports were accepted.

Old Business:
1. Building Maintenance update-Insulation and Furnace haven’t been done yet. Trustees voted to remove the Japanese Barberry from the side of the building due to the fact that that they are on the invasive plant list
2. Personnel Policy-Sylvia presented the job description and classification, performance review and procedures and grievance procedure portions of the personnel policy This will be discussed at the September meeting
3. Directors Job description –The trustees voted to accept as written and revised
4. Review year-to-date Budget
5. Continued planning for 2010 Budget
• Warrant article-.Roza presented drafts of two warrant articles one for a capital reserve fund/expendable Trust Fund for refurbishing windows and a Capital reserve fund to replace the outdated automation system.
• Roza presented 3 budget plans Plan A 4% salary increase, Plan B $4% salary increase and increase in Vacation Pay Plan C same as Plan B with increase. A discussion ensued. It was recommended by the Trustees to go with Plan C which would include a 13% increase and to include salary line items for different personnel categories. Mary moved that we accept budget C with these changes.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on September 8, 2009.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dana M. Sansom