August 19, 2010 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting


August 19, 2010 6:30 pm


Present: Sylvia Wallace, Chairman, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary


Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded (Sylvia/Mary) to accept as corrected the minutes for the June 8, 2010 meeting.


Old Business:

  • We still have not received word from the NHLTA regarding a new lawyer to represent the organization and then our having the Personnel Policy reviewed by that appointee.
  • Maintenance report:  

              The meeting began with Dick Munn giving a description of the work he would do and a quote in order to have the water spigot attached so the library can water the grass and flower boxes. 

              Further work on the walkway is on hold pending notification by the Town.

              Andy Roeper replaced glass in the front door and weatherized the door and also measured the windows for Allied Windows.  He also discussed with Sylvia Wallace (who has been his trustee contact) which windows will be done in order of need and importance.  Since the telephone wires have to be redone for the storm window installation, Mr. Roeper suggested a box being attached to the building to cover up the extensive wires.  After Sylvia finds out the dimensions needed for the box, Roza will contact a carpenter to make one. 

              Mr. Roeper also made a number of suggestions regarding the building: re-grouting of the front entryway floor tiles, re-varnishing the inside of the front door and considering work on the 2 pillars on either side of the entrance which are eroding and at some point, restoring the attic front window which is part of the historic façade.  He also suggested  that we might want to have the half windows in the front of the library made able to be opened so that there would be better air flow and temperature control.  

  • Grant Applications: Sanderson Fund grant:  Dana and Roza completed the grant request to the Fund and it was reviewed by the trustees and will be submitted.  Moose Plate Grant: Sylvia explained that that grant would give a check of $5000 for start up of window restoration and $5000 at completion for the total of $10000 which we were awarded in June, 2010.


Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports:  Reviewed and accepted as written. 


New Business:  

  • Reinstitution of library fees and increasing fees for copier/printer/FAX services were considered and will go into effect October 1, 2010, giving patrons time to know of these new charges.  The fees will be: late charge for books 25 cents per day, late charge for video 50 cents per day, copier use 25 cents per page, printer use 25 cents per page and  FAX fee 75 cents per page.
  • The Budget Proposal for 2011 was considered at length and prepared for presentation to the Town as requested.  Roza will prepare the final copy and the trustees will be able to review it by e-mail before Roza sends it. 


Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 9:45 pm. (Mary, Sylvia)


Next Meeting:  September 16, 2010    6:30 pm.


Submitted by:  Mary Schelble, Secretary