August 19, 2014 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Gerard LeDuc (GL), (Arrival at 5:05 P.M.), Albert Douglas (AD), Michael Williams (MW), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




1. RSA 91-A, II(b)

(AD) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – The hiring of any person as a public employee. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 5:02 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 5:20 P.M.

NOTE: RSA 91-A (III) – Minutes of proceeding in non-public session shall be kept and the record of all actions shall be promptly made available for public inspection, except as provided in this section. Minutes and decision reached in non-public session shall be publicly disclosed within seventy-two (72) hours of the meeting, unless, by recorded vote of 2/3 of the members present, it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than the members of the Board, or render the proposed action ineffective. In the event of such circumstances, information may be withheld until, in the opinion of a majority of members, the aforesaid circumstances no longer apply.

Shall the Minutes be publicly disclosed? No.

Motion made by (LS) and Seconded by (GL) to not publicly disclose the Minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board.
Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Promotion of Officer DiGeorge

(LS) Motion to approve promotion of Officer DiGeorge to Sargent position as recommended by Chief Cain at Step 4 pay rate effective immediately.
(AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

Chief Cain and Officer/Sargent DiGeorge left meeting at 5:22 P.M.


No public was present.


Board did not address.


1. Erica Anthony, Town Clerk – Tax Deeding Follow-Up

Erica Anthony: I just wanted to give the Board an update on the properties for Deed consideration. The Deeds will be dated September 16th. She presented the completed Deed Waivers and advised the Board that the property deeds each require either a signed Waiver or to be filed to Deed. (MW) to review and offer recommendation to Board prior to the 16th.

Hawkers & Peddlers License – Boosters Club

Erica Anthony: I am the Treasurer of the Boosters Club which supports the Athletic Department at the High School. We have an individual from Chichester who has offered to donate some of the profits from the sale of ice cream sold at the carnival and we are requesting that the fees from the Hawkers and Peddlers License be waived. She will be available to sell the ice cream for only a two-hour period. (MW) to follow-up on this.


5. Delegation of Deposit Authority

Erica Anthony: The Treasurer has to officially give me permission to make deposits. (See Below.)

3. Stephen Rush Resignation

(EN) Motion to accept resignation of Stephen Rush. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

A letter of Thank You will be sent to Officer Rush.

4. Certified Computer Contract

(MW) This is the Certified Computer Contract which needs to be signed by either Chair or Town Administrator.

(EN) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to sign Certified Computer Contract. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Delegation of Deposit Authority – Continued

(LS) Motion to accept recommendation of Town Treasurer to allow Erica Anthony to make deposits on behalf of the Town of Pittsfield.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


Parade Permit – Booster Club

(EN) Motion to approve Parade Permit Booster Club with authorized signature of Police Chief Cain. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

Hawkers & Peddlers License – Booster Club

(MW) Board can waive fees for Hawkers & Peddlers License and/or direct a background check (cost $25.) (EN) I would recommend getting a background check because of the kids involved. (MW) I will give this information to Erica.

(EN) Motion to waive fees Hawkers & Peddlers License fees for Boosters Club Carnival but not background check fees for ice cream salesman. This will be subject to approval and verification by Town Administrator.
(AD) Second. Carried 5-0.


6. Ambulance Billing

(MW) Board has approved having Concord Hospital submit bills for collection. The Town has to approve each item going to collection. This can be handled by a Town policy. I will check to make sure this is possible. Hardship cases are to be approved by the Board. Perhaps we can roll this over to the Welfare Department and let her determine. If the bill is due to the Town, I do not know if Welfare can be involved because of confidentiality rules. (GL) If it goes to Welfare, it becomes a confidential matter. I believe now it is public record.

We currently have three items for collection.

(EN) Motion to approve sending the three bills to Concord Hospital for collection. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.




7. Pittsfield Center Development Charitable Exemption Application

(MW) This is a matter that came before the Board a few weeks ago. Avitar recommended against Pittsfield Center Development charitable exemption request. However, after reconsideration, Avitar has now recommended that they do qualify for the charitable exemption on these properties (U04, Lot 16 and U03, Lot 15.)

Bill Elkins: Since the original letter from Lauren, I have the supplemental documents she requested. (LS) If I understand, there are two properties – one on Bridge Street and the other Cram Avenue and also the Day Care. Bill Elkins: Yes, these are the only outside sources of income funding the Community Center. Income from these properties goes to fund the Community Center which has occurred since we bought the buildings. Originally, there were three but one of the properties was sold because we did not need it. (LS) So this is to offset expenses – the day care and community center. Bill Elkins: It could go to either one and usually covers both.

(LS) Can we look at the Charter? Bill Elkins: Yes, I can provide you with a copy of that. (MW) If you will forward a copy to me, I will dispense to the Board.
Bill Elkins: There are a lot of things in the PCDC Charter which we can do.
(LS) A lot of this is new to me. A whole new concept. What you are doing is like a property management situation. Bill Elkins: The Community Center is not self-supported and the rental fees do not cover these costs. (LS) The taxpayers should have a say in it.

(LS) Motion to table this matter until further research can be acquired.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. William Abbott Veteran’s Credit Abatement

(MW) The application for Veterans’ Credit was approved in 2012, but inadvertently was dropped in 2013. This $1,400 abatement is for the credit he did not receive last year but is entitled to.

(LS) Motion to approve abatement $1,400 for William Abbott Veteran’s Credit for 2013. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(EN) Second. Carried 5-0.


9. Public Session Minutes of August 5, 2014

(EN) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of August 5, 2014.
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0. (LS) Abstain.

10. Non-Public Session Minutes of August 5, 2014

(EN) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of August 5, 2014.
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0. (LS) Abstain.

11. 7 Depot Street

(EN) Could we request that the Fire Department keep an eye on 7 Depot Street to make sure the CAUTION tapes remain in place? (MW) to do.

(MW) As an update on 7 Depot Street, I have been in contact with Mr. Dudek and he is currently looking for a contractor to demolish the building which is estimated to cost about $39,000. I have offered him the name of the company which took down the Rocky Point Road structure which was not as costly. The building should be taken down before winter and he is actively working on accomplishing this. I think we should give him another month. (GL) The building will not sustain snow loads.

12. BOS Meetings

(LK) With the Budget season coming, the Board will be meeting at 5:00 P.M. every other week as scheduled, except at 5:00 P.M. Board was agreeable to this.

Break: 5:55 P.M. Resume: 6:02 P.M.


6:02 P.M.: Second Public Hearing Concerning Safe Routes to School

Sparky Gordon and George Bachelder were present to answer any questions from the public.

Mike McNally was also present.

John Fraser: How far back from the road can the Town utilize? Mike McNally: This is a three rod road, so about twelve (12) feet. John Fraser: Is this a 50 ft. road? Mike McNally: The road is not perfectly straight.

(LK) Is there any new information? Mike McNally explained the project to the public for those who were not in attendance at the last meeting. He noted that there were some concerns from the Berry Avenue residents namely those residing at 11, 17 and 19 Berry Avenue because it would be close to the structures. “At 17 and 19 the driveways are longer and cars would be close to road.” Either Berry Avenue or Manchester Street could have grass strips in some areas and in others there would be none.

Diane Lammont: Can George tell us why Manchester Street is not an option; there are sidewalks there already. George: We looked at Manchester Street but the sidewalks go up and down with steep banks; so we are looking at retaining walls, fences, etc.

Gordon Hackett: I have been interested in this project for a couple of years because of my rock wall. I was told that the road was going to be rebuilt and brought up to minimum code. I was told that the road was going to be moved over and that this would all be one project. The road is horrible. What happened to that idea? It seems like this would work if it was all one project. George: Nothing happened. We were going to try to do the roads at the same time and is originally what I wanted to do. I do not know if we can separate it and widen the road on your side of the road. Mike McNally: It is possible for Town to separate these two issues and depends on the funding manner.

Chris Cheney: It is good to know why Manchester Street is out of it. Historically, Manchester Street is the walking route. Down on Catamount, the sidewalk is broken up, why can’t we extend the sidewalk? Why not rebuild the sidewalks? On Berry Avenue, we should not do the grass strips. I would love to see the reconstruction of Berry Avenue – it really should be done and include Tilton Hill. My concern in going forward is that it should include reconstruction of the road which will add value to the neighborhood. The roadway is a safety issue. George: The kids do not use Catamount. The State is “rebuilding the draining system” in that area which has occurred several times. I agree with you about the roads; the roads should be done in conjunction with the sidewalks. We should do it all at once. If we do the sidewalks first and then all the materials would be the same.

Chris Cheney: I would like to see some serious discussion about doing the road work at the same time. (EN) We would have to do a Warrant Article. Chris Cheney: Is there a time issue? (MW) This project is to be done next spring. (LK) We might have to look at the whole project. George: Paying Federal wages would cost a lot. Gordon Hackett: My point was that the whole project should be done as one with minimum impact on everyone. George: The grass strips allow for a place for the snow when plowing. Gordon Hackett: This would impact neighbors close to road.

John Fraser: Fifty feet would put you right in my backyard. My doorway would be two feet from road and I would have no driveway. I would be losing two parking places. Gordon Hackett: If it was engineered all at once, maybe road could be farther away from the Frasers. George: I would need 14 ft. for the pavement. Gordon Hackett: When school gets out, the kids fly down there – need speed bumps or something. You can’t see them.

(MW) When adjusting road widths, are the moving of utility poles paid for? Mike McNally: Yes. It is a long process to do all this. We cannot wait till March; we need to have the design now. This project should be ready to build next spring. We need to process this with roads we currently have and where the road is.

(LK) George, how would it work with Berry Avenue being one-way? George: We could do that but people on one side would have all the snow during plowing and would have to go around to get home.

Chris Cheney: I would love to see the main thoroughfares in Town rebuilt which would include all the streets around Main Street revamped. This would be a benefit to the whole Town. (EN) We could make Manchester one-way and Berry Avenue one-way the other way. George: I would rather no go that route. It would be a nightmare for the Highway Department to have to go around to do the plowing. We would be subject to the same rules as everyone else and could not go back and forth on a one-way road. Only emergency vehicles can do that and plowing would not be considered an emergency.

(LS) I live on Berry Avenue. This is a wonderful project but Berry Avenue is a big concern. How wide is the road on Manchester Street? George: Same as on Berry Avenue. (LS) Why not take out the sidewalks on Manchester Street and revamp that road to make the least amount of impact. Sidewalks could be on the opposite side of the street. George: It would be too steep. You can’t move it closer, there would be too many problems.

Nancy Fogg: The house on the corner of Maple Street, the house is six feet from the road. I love the trees there and would like to see them saved. As far as the one-way street, the kids are out at 2:00 P.M. and it is miserable on Oneida Street. I would hate to see it as a one-way street.

Ron Fowler: I have no problem with the sidewalks but with the grass strips as far as parking and snow removal. Because of the grade, snow always ends up on my side of the road. Also, 44 MPH is average for traffic on Clark Street. We need to calm down the traffic. There is no sight line. Sparky: We need more speed signs around there.

John Freeman: The project would be an asset to the community and safety for the kids. This project was actually started about 15 years ago. (LK) Time is running short. Is there any time to consider another one? Mike McNally: Yes, there are things out of our control. (LK) As a Board member, I am glad to hear that it is not going up Catamount. Gordon Hackett: I have no problem with it being one-way. George: Highway Department cannot go wrong way on a one-way street.

Lisa Hackett: Can the Town decide not to do the road and just go with the sidewalks. (LK) We would need to figure out all the costs. (MW) Can we go forward as though we were going to get the funding and make a last minute adjustment? Mike McNally: Actually it is the other way, we can go forward with the sidewalks as planned and if the road goes forward, we can make the adjustments. (AD) Based on the adjustment, do you have to go back to the DOT? Mike McNally: If you move to a different street – yes.

Lynn Roberts: I was wondering if the project can be split out into two separate projects – Tilton Hill first and then Berry Avenue? Mike McNally: No. Lynn Roberts: If you have to move the power lines, then I would like to have you consider burying the power lines. George: Now you are talking serious money. Lynn Roberts: By just putting in the sidewalks, it would not look great.

Sparky: I do not agree with moving the sidewalk to Tilton Hill. First of all you would have to reconstruct and secondly the sidewalks would never be open because of the snow. What we have is the best plan for our money. We should do Tilton Hill road the same time as construction; open up the site distance to Bow Street. I was the one who suggested the change from Catamount to this and when I explained it to Brian Lynch at DOT, he agreed. George: I hope the Board will make the decision tonight. (MW) We need to approve the plan and then discuss how we are going to fund the road construction. George: We need to move forward with the sidewalks.

Ron Fowler: I agree; we need to push this forward for the kids. George: Marston Transportation asked me several times when Town was going to do something to get the kids out of the street. We spend big money on the schools. John Fraser: As mentioned, any part of the project can be left out and go forward with the rest of it. Mike McNally: If the sidewalk does not connect to the front door of the school, you can leave it out.

(LS) With all due respect, I appreciate the fact that we would be adding value to the school but also taking people’s properties would not make everyone happy. We can take out the construction part but where people’s properties are concerned, we should search all options. We need to compromise here and try and protect these people’s properties. I would like to see what happens before we approve the plan. Berry Avenue is one piece that needs to be reconsidered.

Sparky: It was all looked at. The numbers made it go the other way. (LS) I would not like to forget about the property owners in approving this project. If the road does not get funding, then we can go forward any way. (LK) There is not too much other action we can take. George: We can put in the sidewalk but the street should be fixed first.

John Fraser: We do not need some sections of the sidewalks like the four foot grass section all the way up the road. If we can do that, we should consider that. Mike McNally: Part of the design project would be looking at every piece of property including grading and trees. We need to have a survey done first. Until the route is approved, we cannot do the next step.

Chris Cheney: One of the goals is to try to determine the impact on Berry Avenue. It increases the impact on everyone on that side of the street. I am adamantly opposed to the grass strips which includes another four feet. Gordon Hackett: I wholeheartedly agree. If we move the road, then grass strips would be okay and have a snow area. If we cannot get the Warrant Article, then put sidewalk on curbing. Do not want Town to lose the funding. George: By losing the grass strips on Tilton, people will be getting more snow on the sidewalk area and losing access for the kids. John Fraser: We are only talking about four months out of the year. (LK) If the Warrant Article dies, then eliminate the grass strips. Is that okay with you George? George: As long as we do not lose funding.

Diane Lammont: The kids walk in the road anyway. Walkers are supposed to use Manchester Street.

(LK) Thank you all for coming in.

Close Public Input

Public Hearing closed at 7:05 P.M.


(EN) Motion to adjourn. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:07 P.M.

Approved: September 2, 2014

_________________________ ____________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on April 19, 2014, transcribed and publicly posted on August 27, 2014.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

No Attachments

Olympus: 1:29.45