August 20, 2007 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:35
P.M. on August 20, 2007 in the children’s room of the library.
In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia Wallace
Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of July 10, 2007, were accepted with one addition.
Old Business:
Mary informed the Trustees that thank you notes were sent to Dana Sansom and the
Linda and Bill Provencal for their work on planting the shrubs on the banking by the
library entrance.
It was decided to again postpone discussion of the library meeting policy until the
September meeting due to a heavy agenda for tonight.
Review of draft investment policies: Mary handed out two draft policies that had already
been approved. After much discussion, the Board accepted one of them with a couple of
revisions. Mary will have a final copy for approval by the Board at the September
Roof: The new roof is now complete. They did not do the downspout, but should be back
to do it later.
Window replacement: Bill received an estimate from Pella Windows at a material cost of
Director’s Report: After discussion, the Board unanimously approved giving Leslie the
ok to purchase a computer for the children’s room for searching the library catalogue
(within budget constraints).
Leslie said that Mike Sullivan (building inspector) looked at the tile by the front entrance.
He thought the easiest way to fix it was to put in mortar to replace the broken tile. This
was approved by the Board of Trustees.
The financial report was discussed. The Board unanimously accepted the Director’s
New Business:
Budget: The Board looked over the updated Salary Estimate for 2008 developed by
Leslie. She is going to try to maintain the hours at 29 by taking the hours on Friday
herself. Salary increases were discussed. Leslie explained that this was essential to keep
the quality help and to comply with the minimum wage law. She also recommended
paying employees for two holidays per year ( for work days lost because of holidays).
Salaries would total $41,409.77.
The Board discussed the proposed operating budget in detail. They adjusted money from
CD from $240 to $340, and the library Trustees from $989 to $889.
The total came out to $66,226.00.
Leslie will draft explanations and give to the Board for approval.
Capital improvements: Leslie developed a long range list of capital improvements. The
Board discussed this in length. The Board decided to ask for $6,000 to upgrade the
electrical wiring for the service entrance, for installation of ceiling fans, and where there
are serious problems, and $25,000 to replace as many windows as possible in 2008. The
Board agreed that these were high priority items.
The Board unanimously agreed to accept the operating budget and capital budget with
adjustments discussed.
The next meeting will be on September 18, 2007 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Wallace, secretary