August 20, 2015 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mike Wolfe, Chair
Gary Mullen, Vice Chair
Linda Freese, Secretary
Bea Douglas

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent of Schools
Melissa Brown, Director of College and Career Readiness
Tobi Gray Chassie, District Administrator
Derek Hamilton, Dean of Operations
Danielle Harvey, Dean of Instruction
Donna Lehmann, Director of Student Services
Kathy LeMay, Director of Interventions
Ross Morse, Community Liaison
Members of the Public

Chairman Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.


The following items were added:
· FY17 Budget (Dr. Freeman)
· Biomass Project (Dr. Freeman)


On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas, the Board unanimously approved the agenda, as amended.


A motion was made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas to approve the minutes of July 17, 2015. On page 2, paragraph 1, change to James “Prichard.” The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.



Dr. Freeman suggested going into a non-public session to accommodate a member of the faculty.

At 5:38 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Mullen to enter into non-public session to discuss an employee leave request pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (c). The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Douglas, yes; Ms. Freese, yes; Mr. Mullen, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to enter into a non-public session.

The Board met with an employee and agreed with the concept of leave request with the expectation that the employee will return to the Board with details once finalized.

No action was taken in non-public session.

At 5:44 p.m., a motion was made Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Freese to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Douglas, yes; Ms. Freese, yes; Mr. Mullen, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session.


A. Music Grants

Ms. Harvey explained that two grants have been received through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Globe Manufacturing Fund for Pittsfield Arts. One grant has awarded the district $1881.86 for instruments and other equipment for a PMHS guitar class and $1452.78 for instruments and other equipment for a PES ukulele program. On a motion made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Ms. Freese, the Board accepted of two grants as described.

B. I3 Grant

Ms. Harvey reported that she participated in the final Summer Institute for the Investing in Innovation grant. She expressed her appreciation for the presentation made by Warren Billings, PMHS Spanish Teacher, and Ryan Marquis, Class of 2015, at the conference.

C. Smarter Balanced Assessment Results

Ms. Harvey shared that the New Hampshire Department of Education has released a draft timeline for release of the results from the state’s spring assessment program. Ms. LeMay attended a training for the district. Preliminary results will be available at the beginning of September and complete or actionable data will be available later in November.

D. Performance Assessment for Competency Education (PACE)

Ms. Harvey reported on the PACE Summer Institute, in which she participated.


Tucker Wolfe, student representative, reported there were three meetings of the PMHS Site Council over the summer. The turnout was good, allowing the Site Council to conduct business, including the approval of the PMHS Handbook.


A. PES and PMHS Family Handbooks

Mr. Hamilton reviewed the changes that have been proposed to the PES Family Handbook. The areas of changes include arrival to school routine, attendance, curriculum, handbook amendment and updates, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), newsletters, and tier two interventions. He also reviewed the changes proposed to the PMHS Family Handbook. The areas of changes include advisory, alterative learning plans, class meetings, class standing, Concord Regional Technology Center, course audit, class ranking, grades and grading, National Honor Society, safety procedures, transcripts, class withdrawal, and withdrawal from school.

On a motion made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Mullen, the Board unanimously approved the changes that have been made. Dr. Freeman acknowledged the hard work of Mr. Hamilton to promote student centered learning and represent progress in the handbooks.

B. Drake Field Update

Several events were held at Drake Field over the summer, according to Mr. Hamilton’s report. He reviewed the accommodations made to the field for the Balloon Rally and reported minimal damage resulted. A meeting will be scheduled with Rotary representatives to prepare for next year.

Mr. Hamilton explained the work that has been done at the basketball court. The informed the Board that it will cost $3,500 to paint over the tennis court lines and paint basketball court lines.

Mr. Hamilton informed the Board of the installation of the security camera system at Drake Field. All cameras are operational and recording footage.

C. Drug and Alcohol Prevention Event

Mr. Hamilton reported that Chris Herren, a former professional basketball player who battled addiction throughout his playing career, will be coming to Pittsfield on Wednesday, September 2, 2015. A community event will take place from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. and a school assembly will occur in the afternoon.

D. Emergency Management Team

Mr. Hamilton explained the training that has been taken by several district personnel and representatives from both the Pittsfield police and fire departments. He requested taking time at the next meeting to show a film describing some possible changes in procedures.

E. Fund Balance Purchases

Mr. Hamilton thanked the School Board for allowing money in the fund balance to be used to replace the antiquated phone system, a nurse’s station at PES, new furniture at PMHS.

F. Progression of Supports

Mr. Hamilton informed the Board of the work that is being done to track and support struggling students. He stated that district policy will continue to be followed relative to truancy.


A. Extended School Year

Ms. Lehmann reported twenty-five students with special needs participated in extended school year services. The average attendance at PES was 73%, and at PMHS it was 30%. Considerations will be made for program improvement next year.

B. Out of District Placements

Ms. Lehmann informed the Board of four potential out of district placements, one of which is court ordered.

C. Preschool Classification

Ms. Lehmann explained that the district’s preschool program is designed to benefit students with disabilities. However, in order to provide the least restrictive setting, typically developing students are selected through a lottery system to attend the preschool program.

D. Paraprofessionals

Paraprofessionals are being interviewed and hired to fill vacated positions.


A. High School Promotion Numbers

Ms. Brown provided the Board with data relative to promotion and retention for each grade level. She described the process that she and Ms. Harvey followed to review individual cases. Remedies to be implemented for PMHS students include a guided study, intentionally altering students’ schedules, developing competency recovery plans, and informing parents by letter of changes made in the schedules. Dr. Freeman thanked Ms. Brown and Ms. Harvey for the work they have done to put these supportive plans in place for students.


A. Progression of Supports

Ms. LeMay distributed a document representing a newly-designed progression of support system. Steps include 1) teacher reflection; 2) CPT consultation; 3) intervention meeting; 4) implementation of intensive supports. Monitoring progress throughout the system will ensure implementation fidelity. Dr. Freeman acknowledged his appreciation for the hard work of Ms. LeMay in developing this system of support. Ms. Douglas also thanked Ms. LeMay and the team.

B. Title I Summer Program

Ms. LeMay reported attendance rates for students participating in the Title I summer school program: incoming kindergarten, 75%; incoming first graders, 82%; incoming second through sixth graders, 78%; and incoming seventh graders, individual tutoring.

C. Update on Vacant Position

Ms. LeMay stated that a candidate has been selected for the math intervention position.


A. School Board Policies

Dr. Freeman presented policies for the School Board to consider, including: Policy KBC, Communication Protocol – rescission recommended; Policy KBC-PES, Elementary School Family Involvement – amendment recommended; Policy KDA, Public Information Program – no change recommended; Policy KDF, Drake Field Use – no change recommended; Policy KEC, Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials – rescission recommended; Policy KEC-R, Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials – rescission recommended; Policy KED, Facilities or Services – amendment recommended; Policy KF, Use of School Buildings and Facilities – amendment recommended; Policy KFA, Public Conduct on School Property.

On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Freese, the Board unanimously approved the policy recommendations as presented.

B. Literacy Support for Young Adults of Pittsfield

Dr. Freeman recommended to the Board a proposal to investigate ways in which adults in our community can be supported in literacy skills. He has asked Ms. LeMay to conduct a search of ways in which adults requiring literacy intervention can be assisted and to develop a proposal for such supports.

On a motion made by Ms. Douglas and seconded by Mr. Mullen, the Board approved the idea of investigating the possibility of further support for adults in Pittsfield requiring literacy support. A sum not to exceed $25,000 was suggested by the Board, but will be confirmed when a proposal is brought forth by Ms. LeMay. Ms. Douglas applauded the innovation represented by this idea.

C. Organizational Charts

Dr. Freeman distributed newly revised organizational charts.

D. Student Progress Monitoring System

Dr. Freeman shared a draft of the Administrative Leadership Team’s plan to monitor student progress, including key roles and tasks as well as communication pathways. Regular reports to the Board on student academic pacing, attendance, and behavior have been scheduled throughout the year.

E. New Hires

Dr. Freeman distributed a list of employees hired during the summer. He provided resumes for each of the individuals hired since the July meeting.

F. Second Start

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with the annual report of Second Start’s activities at PES and PMHS.

G. FY 2017 Budget

Dr. Freeman distributed a timeline for development of the FY 2017 school district budget.

H. Biomass Project

Dr. Freeman distributed information received from Froling Energy on biomass heating solutions. Froling Energy has provided the district with a cost projection for a biomass heating system and comparisons with alternatives.


A. Budget Committee – None

B. Drake Field and Facilities – None

C. Negotiating Team – None

D. Foss Foundation – None

XV. PUBLIC SESSION (2nd Session)

Mr. Ross Morse informed the district that he attended the New Hampshire Department of Education Summer Institute. He stated that he participated in a strand on community engagement. The highlight of Mr. Morse’s attendance was a meeting with two members of the National Governors Association and a representative from the New Hampshire Governor’s office. The meeting was also attended by Susan Bradley and Ms. Chassie.

Mr. Morse expressed to the Board his appreciation for the work of Ms. Bradley and Ms. Chassie, who maintain meticulous documentation of the district’s transformation to student centered learning. Ms. Bradley stated that the meeting was a remarkable opportunity to share Pittsfield’s success story and thanked Mr. Morse for his perspective and hard work in the school’s and district’s transformation.

Mr. Eric Nilsson thanked the School Board for reaching out to Taylor Edwards to offer assistance in continuing her work on literacy skills. Ms. Harvey answered Mr. Nilsson’s question about competency recovery.


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 3, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pittsfield Middle High School.


At 7:03 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas to enter into non-public session to discuss employee compensation pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a). The Board was polled and voted unanimously to enter into a non-public session (Ms. Douglas, yes; Ms. Freese, yes; Mr. Mullen, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes).

The Board discussed the support staff salary placement guide and recent concerns expressed regarding support staff compensation.

No action was taken in non-public session.

At 7:31 p.m., a motion was made Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Freese to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session. The Board was polled and voted unanimously (Ms. Douglas, yes; Ms. Freese, yes; Mr. Mullen, yes; Mr. Wolfe, yes) to exit the non-public session and to re-enter into open session.


On a motion made by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Ms. Douglas, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary