August 21, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

MEETING MINUTES OF August 21, 2007
Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kennison (LKe),
Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
(EV) Municipal Trash Pick-Up, State of NH Visit, Homeland Security;
(LS) Cable channel; (JL) Merrimack Valley Water District Meeting
(8/16/07); (LKE) Air Ducts Services payment, Welfare Lien Tax Map R-35,
Lot 26, Staff Minutes meeting of 8/21/07.
6:10 P.M. – Ken Farmer, Concerns with Historic Cemetery Markers
Mr. Farmer questioned why the Town would come on private property and
place a post on a private grave. (LKe) noted that the individual who did this
was not aware it was private only and regrets the error. Other markers were
being put out at that time and apologizes for their error. Mr. Farmer noted
that people should be informed. Putting the post in could disturb the
gravesite. This Town is known for no communication whatsoever. This is
one of the reasons I moved out of town. (LKe) noted that the Town
Historical Society member was placing posts on certain graves to identify
them and this one was placed in error.
Mr. Farmer related that his father has been dead for quite a few years and
then this marker shows up. It is not just a mistake, but someone was not
paying attention. (LKe) noted that it was done by a Historical Society
volunteer. It was done in error and regrets his mistake. Mr. Farmer noted
that these things should be brought up at Town Meeting. He noted that not
everybody gets to read the paper and knows what the Historical Society
wants to do. (AM) related that the Board had explained as best they could
what happened and has apologized. Mr. Farmer noted that, perhaps, he
would have been fine with it if he were notified. (AM) related, “I
understand your concerns.”
(NOTE: At a later point in the meeting, (LK) noted that it would be
appreciated if matters which are scheduled on the Agenda, have
accompanying information concerning the request. This would allow Board
members to acquire any pertinent data for resolution.)
6:30 P.M. – Cross Country Appraisal, Jeff Waterhouse, Waterfront Issues
(JL) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
Mr. Waterhouse related that he had searched the Jenness Pond properties
and State records regarding non-buildable, waterfront lots for sale and could
not find any to use as comparisons regarding square footage, bedrooms/
baths/frontage on water. To find a suitable unit of comparison, I used three
common denominators, which was waterfront, non-buildable, and those
which offer basic access. A good estimate was $16,400 not that all provided
basic access to the water. I think that $16,000 would be appropriate with a
tax of $l,600. Once the property owners receive their tax bills, they can file
abatements, which will probably be granted since they were erroneously put
into current use.
(AM) What about other lots on Jenness Pond? Mr. Waterhouse noted that
he did look at other lots that met the same criteria as those on Jenness Pond
and only found one other off of Berry Pond, which is still in its natural state.
The others on Jenness Pond should be corrected at some point.
However, I kept the scope limited to the ones we were specifically dealing
with and would wait until an overall update of values is done throughout the
(AM) Are you saying to let it go until someone notices it? Mr. Waterhouse
noted that this would be true. (AM) noted that this would not be fair unless
we do all. (LK) noted that right now, it will be just the three we are working
on. (LS) noted that all should be checked as suggested by the Assessor and
when we update the properties, we should do them all. (AM) wanted to
make sure that he correctly understood Mr. Waterhouse, and reiterated that
Mr. Waterhouse after looking through the Town records, found that only one
other current use meets the same criteria. Mr. Waterhouse noted that is
correct – non-buildable/waterfront/and land in current use. This should be
raw land with no improvements. (AM) questioned about how many in Town
have unbuildable, waterfront, properties with current use. Mr. Waterhouse
estimated about a few dozen. (AM) noted that his thoughts concerned
properties which did not have current use parcels. Talking from experience,
I do not think this is fair that these are being put down to $16,000 while
other buyers/owners are assessed greater amounts. Mr. Waterhouse noted
that he was assessing the property itself only and those involved at the
present time. “I do not know if all lots on Jenness Pond are over assessed.”
He noted that by updating values on all lots in that particular area, you are
exposing yourself to every other property in Town. If you start expanding
the scope, you would have to look at every value in Town. If you all agree
on the current use issues concerning these three properties –Lachlin Grey,
Thomas Hogan, and James Bapple, your signature would be required on the
documents provided. Board members all agreed.
Mr. Waterhouse then referred to his letter of August 21,2007 regarding Land
on Lily Pond Road LLC; Map R-4, Lots 2C, 2R, and 2 X.
Larry Konopka recused himself as an abutter on Lily Pond Road.
Mr. Waterhouse made reference to the Board regarding his letter of
August 21,2007 to the Board. He noted that he would recommend denying
any abatement request for this land use change tax, as abatement request is
ten months overdue. The law is very specific regarding time periods for
filing tax abatements.
The second aspect is regarding a fax, which was sent in July suggesting that
the tax be redistributed to 23 different property owners. There has been no
record of change of ownership to individual property owners with notation
on their deeds to this effect. Mr. Aversa needs to assign ownership to these
property owners. No Board action is required. (LS) noted that we should
follow recommendations of Jeff Waterhouse.
(EV) Motion to deny Daniel Aversa’s request for abatement on
Tax Map R-4, Lots 2C, 2R, and 2X. (LS) Second. Carried 3-1 (LK recusal).
(AM) opened to Public Input. Mr. Hogan wanted to know what are the next
steps we need to take? Mr. Waterhouse explained the paperwork being
signed tonight would start the process. You will need to file for abatement
within two months, as property does not qualify for current use. Mr. Hogan
noted that he thought all were going to “redraw their property.” Mr.
Waterhouse assured him that if they could do this, they should feel free to do
so. I have valued the properties at $16,000, which would be dependent upon
how you draw these. Mr. Hogan noted, “You are making me redraw the
whole picture. The Town misinformed me.” I agree with Art that this is all
unfair to the other property owners. Mr. Waterhouse answered other
questions posed by Mr. Bapple and Mr. Hogan. He suggested that they get a
copy of the Current Use Booklet to review.
(EV) requested that all the submitted paperwork be reviewed with the Board
when they are filed.
(LS) Motion to approve value of current use properties of Lachlin Grey,
Thomas Hogan, and James Baffle at $16,000, penalty charge of $1,600 each.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-1 (JL) recusal.
(AM) questioned whether a cover letter should be sent when the tax bills
come out? (LK) suggested that only the criteria be sent to them.
Action Items
1. Central NH Regional Planning Commission – Sharon Wason
request to discuss recent activities and changes in the State
Transportation Plan
(LKe) noted that Ms. Wason would like to come in and discuss with Board
the Commission’s activities and update. Scheduled for September 11, 2007
at 6:00 P.M.
2. Resolution regarding Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association
Infrastructure Improvement Plan
(EV), (AM) and (JL) recused themselves and were seated in the audience.
(LS) read the resolutions to the Board and audience.
(LS) Motion to accept resolutions as read and to be signed by Arthur Morse
as Chairman. (LK) Second. Carried 2-3 recusals – (EV), (AM), and (JL).
(EV), (AM) and (JL) returned and were seated on the Board.
3. Johnson (Thompson) Road/NH107 Driveway Permit – AHG
(LK) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
(LKe) noted that this should be Thompson Road, not Johnson Road. He
noted that, in this case, Town is applicant. I have checked with Planning
Board and they are in agreement with this. (LS) noted that there is no
response from Town attorney, which was submitted a while ago.
(AM) noted that he recalls previously that Board had authorized him to sign
it after approval by Town attorneys. (LKe) to check on Town attorney’s
(LK) returned and was seated on the Board.
4. PMHS Booster Club request for Homecoming Float Judges on
September 14, 2007 (Friday) at 5:15 P.M.
(AM) noted that a volunteer from the BOS was requested to be a judge.
(JL) volunteered. (LKe) noted that Liz Hast has also volunteered for this.
5. Proposed agreement with Central NH Regional Planning
Commission for Economic Development Circuit Rider Services
(EV) noted that this was brought up at a recent Economic Development
Committee meeting and everyone was fine with it.
(LS) Motion to approve Central NH Regional Planning Commission Circuit
Rider Services. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
6. Raffle Permit Application – Pittsfield Area Senior Center
(AM) suggested that Town Administrator can henceforth approve/not
approve raffle permits.
(LK) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to approve/not approve raffle
permits. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
7. Approval of PSNH Invoice for Electrical Service – Town check
#007283, $333.
(LK) Motion to approve Check No. 007283 in the amount of $333.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
8. Trash Pick-Up
(EV) noted that at three different times the Highway Department has had to
do trash pick-up. I think we should contact Shaver to pick-up trash and bill
Town accordingly. It is not fair to ask the Highway Department to do these
pick-ups. (LK) Send a letter and request costs. (EV) I think they could do it
cheaper than the Highway Department. (LK) noted that we could put a
clause in the landlord agreement, if Town has to do it, the Town will need to
be reimbursed. If not done, then it would be up to tenants to make
arrangements. (LKe) to request costs through private concern for this.
9. Air Ducts Services
(LKe) noted that this company has completed the work regarding the mold
in the air conditioning system, which included replacing and cleaning air
ducts. There is nothing else that they have contracted for, though Town is
not pleased with the quality of works. However, the specs were not more
(LS) Motion to release check to Air Ducts Services. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LKe) to forward letter to company noting Town’s displeasure with quality
of services.
10. Welfare Lien
(LK) Motion to accept welfare lien Tax Map R-35, Lot 26. (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Board agreed in the future, perhaps all welfare liens should be accepted/not
accepted by Town Administrator. (LKe) to check into this.
1. NHDOT Bridge Inspection Reports:
a. Shaw Road over Kelly Brook
b. Bridge Street over Suncook River
(LKe) noted that the State has inspected these bridges and both are in good
shape. (JL) noted that no weight/height requirements are posted. (LKe)
noted that State laws would still apply.
2. DES Letter explaining dam owner filing fees
(LKe) Legislature has increased filing fees.
3. LGC Volunteer Recognition Nomination
(LKe) noted that there are a lot of individuals who volunteer their services to
the Town. It is a way to honor those folks who commit time and energy.
Several individuals were discussed and it was noted:
(LK) Motion to nominate Ernestine Fife. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
4. Copies of letters (3) from Attorney General’s Office
(LKe) Letters were sent to Chief of Police regarding Larry Berube and just
wanted Town and BOS to be aware of them.
5. Police Department Arrest Log August 13-19, 2007
(LKe) This information was carried in local media. This allows people to
know what is going on.
6. Cable Channel
(LS) noted that information on Channel 24 is way behind. I would like
(LKe) to take the ball on this. As you may or may not know, it was
determined that someone from internal staff should update (Dee). (LKe) to
check on this.
7. Merrimack Valley Water
(JL) reported that he had attended this meeting, which was the first meeting
since April. No new information was acquired at the meeting. Hopefully,
some new information will be available in October after the PUC hearing.
The only two towns that have contributed as requested to this fund, is
Londonderry and Bedford.
8. Staff Minutes
(LKe) BOS has been provided with Minutes of staff meeting held today,
August 21, 2007.
9. State of New Hampshire – Homeland Security
(EV) thought there was a meeting regarding this earlier in the week and he
would like an update. (LKe) noted that he is aware of an audit by the State
regarding the 2003 Grant. Information will be provided to the BOS.
1. Parks and Rec Pavilion Damage Repair
(LKe) noted that Mike has discussed this with Parks and Recreation
Committee and they want to get involved in this matter and have funds for
the project. Mike will be conveying the information he has obtained; they
will discuss at their next meeting on September 7th and let BOS know.
2. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption, August 15th letter from Meggin
(AM) recused himself and was seated in audience.
(LS) noted she was unsure as to why they had noted in their recent letter that
BOS never got back to them. At their presentation, they noted the
information that BOS requested and stated that they would get back to us.
We did not hear from them. (AM) noted that he thought the letter was in
reference to their very first application. (LKe) will make copies of all
paperwork and make available to BOS. (EV) noted that the Board had not
yet made a decision on this.
(AM) returned to and was seated on Board.
3. In-Law Apartment Permit
(LKe) related that he had not yet heard back from LGC on this.
4. Police Detail Policy (Copy Included)
(LS) This is information concerning contracts and accumulation policies.
We can get the rest next time.
5. Leave Accumulation Policy
(LKe) noted that he has reviewed the section of the Policy Handbook.
(LS) noted that there are several individuals who have accumulated a great
deal of vacation hours, more than we allow. Employees need to start using
their vacation time. (LKe) will work with Cara to determine list of those
individuals, provide a list to Board and seek resolution.
6. Crime Line Signs
(LKe) Chief is still working on this.
(LS) Motion to accept yield tax, Morency, R-50, Lot 6. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
Discussion: (LS) Landin Financial Services, $167. (LKe) Explanation, this
one can be released. (LS) Also the one for the P/U Truck, Invoice says $300
and check is for $75. (LKe) to check on this.
(EV) Motion to accept Minutes of August 14, 2007. (LS) Second.
Discussion: Two small changes were noted. Carried 4-0.
(LK) Motion to accept Non-Public Session Minutes of August 14, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
Bill Smith requested more information regarding the trash removal. (AM)
explained to him the recent situation regarding an apartment building
possibly going into foreclosure. Mr. Smith related that there are usually
monies in the foreclosure agreement to cover these costs.
Mr. Smith also wanted to thank (EV) for clearing up his original question on
how to make a road a Town Road.
(LK) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 9l-A:3, II (a). (LS) Second.
Carried 4-0.
Break at 7:50 P.M.
Public meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Approved: August 28, 2007
__________________________ _________________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date.