August 21, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting


ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Rich Hunsberger, Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present: Rich Hunsberger, (RH), Chairman, Gerard Leduc (GL), Vice-Chair, Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex-Officio, Fred Hast (FH), Robert Elliott (RE), Marilyn Roberts (MR), Dan Schroth (DS), Alternate, Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent:

Daniel Greene (DG)

Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate seated.

ITEM 3. Continued Public Hearing for Site Plan Review for new office building with accessory garage space located at 100 Barnstead Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R-15, Lot 27). The property is owned by Peter J. Osborne, PO. Box 217, Pittsfield, NH 03263 and is located in the LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Zone.

(LK) Motion to accept Site Plan Checklist as complete. (GL) Second. Carried 7-0.

(RH) All have had an opportunity to review plans. (GL) I am glad to see that there is plenty of distance from the well and enough parking spaces; also, the lighting on the building.

(LK) Motion to approve Site Plan by Brown Engineering for Peter and Janice Osborne, Tax Map R-15, Lot 27 conditioned compliance with all State and local permits. (TH) Second. After discussion: Carried 7-0.



(FH) I have some questions. Is this going to be paved? Mr. Osborne indicated just the parking space. (FH) What is the width of the entrance? Mr. Osborne noted about 100-150 ft. It has been there a long time.
(FH) What is going to be the sign size? Mrs. Osborne noted that they had not really thought much about this yet, though signage is indicated on plan. Mr. Osborne noted it would be about the same size as the one on the mechanic shop now. (FH) noted that there currently is no sign. Mike McLaughlin related that it is indicated on the plans should they want one in the future. (RH) noted that the changes would be made in three phases. (GL) noted that it is safer to put one on now should the sign ordinance change. (RH) This should be done subject to all State and local permits as indicated in the Motion. (FH) This is going to be done in three phases? (MM) “Possibly,” as it will be dependent upon finances.

ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of August 7, 2008

(GL) Motion to approve Minutes of August 7, 2008. (LK) Second. Carried 6-0, (RE) Abstain.

ITEM 5. New Business


ITEM 6. Selectman’s Report

(LK) advised that a new Town Administrator, Paul Skowron, would be starting the end of September. (RH) What do you know about him? (LK) noted that he had been here on a temporary basis last year through MRI and we have worked with him before.

I also have some literature regarding the 33rd Annual Law Lecture Series if any Board members would like to attend. (Brochure was provided to all members.)

ITEM 7. Building Inspector Report

(RH) noted that Building Inspector has provided a written report but is also present tonight.

(MM) explained that there was a problem with Pittsfield Self Storage site in regard to the sign location. They have violated the ten-foot buffer zone. They did dig the hole for the sign, but have stopped installation prior to the footings being place. They are right on the stonewall. (RH) questioned whether the abutter is in opposition to this, and it was noted that he was. Board cannot approve of placement on a property line. (MM) also noted that they are cutting trees on State property and State has been notified. (FH) Didn’t they agree to leave the buffer zone untouched? (MM) “Yes.” (RH) They can move the sign and still keep ten foot buffer. (MM) “I have stopped that until I have confirmation from the Board.

Board further discussed whether DOT and State Forrester had been notified and the course of action (MM) would take from this point. (MM) noted he would send a letter to all abutters regarding amendment of sign location. (RH) noted that this should include approval of new location is required.


(DS) noted that while working on Planning Board budget and since there is not a lot of building going on right now, that some thought be given to cutting the budget. (RH) reminded him that Planning Board does not have a large budget and there will be a lot of printing charges coming up with the suggested new ordinances. (LK) reminded Board that there are monies raised from the raffle fund, which might pay for the printing. (DS) noted that he just wanted the Board to be aware of this.


Ms. Mary Schelble as a representative of the Carpenter Library presented their Capital Improvement Plan.

(RH) “Though it is not on the Agenda tonight, since you are here, we will proceed with this. “

Ms. Schelble presented a written report on the library projections for the future. It noted that for the future, the library is envisioned as a computer based library and will not be expanding physically though changing its venue to the public including electronic capabilities rather than “books”
per se. She indicated that there would be no physical change to the structure but that it would need to be protected. She explained some of the needs they felt would be advantageous such as windows, heating system, and basement leak repair. (RH) noted that radiators can last up to 200 years. (MM) noted that he was not concerned about the heat but felt that the windows would need to be replaced.

(TH) “The library will be growing electronically and the need for computers is there. Books are nice but we need to go to the next medium.” Ms. Schelble noted that they have increased the number of computers available and they plan to keep up-to-date.

(FH) suggested putting in the budget an amount such as $5,000 a year so that in the future you will have the monies necessary to make these repairs, etc. Ms. Schelble noted that they had wanted to use the excess funds from the roof replacement to utilize for windows, but this was denied by BOS. (FH) noted that the estimate for replacement windows was a quote from last year and that this would probably change or already has changed due to the economy. (TH) questioned whether any grants had been pursued for keeping it as a historical building. Ms. Schelble noted that the building is owned by the Town. We can suggest this. (RH) reminded her that this is a twenty-year plan, so minimal funds can be asked for each year. Board offered some thoughts on estimates and how some improvements could be made through grants.

(GL) noted that this report gives guidance to the Budget Committee to help all departments. We can give some recommendations for these improvements. Ms. Schelble noted that some things needed to be done just for general usage such as window replacement.

Board related that they would take under advisement.

No other representatives were present in regard to the CIP.

(RH) noted that the school had responded via a letter and they would be submitting one in the future. (MM) noted that any incoming CIP reports have been submitted to Leon Kenison, Town Administrator. (RH) This is really not his job. (LK) noted that there have been no CIP for a couple of years.

ITEM 8. Members Concerns Continued

(RH) I have received a letter from one of our members regarding policy. Any discussion or comments on this, the Board should go into non-public session. (FH) related that the individual concerned could be asked as to whether they would like to have session in non-public.

Don Chase, a member of the audience, noted according to RSA 91A:3 II (c) the person has the right to have discussion in public if they agree. “It is their right under the law, that is my point.” (RH) Until the Board has discussed it, they would not be available to say Public or Non-Public. Mr. Chase noted it would be up to this Board to determine if it is that person’s right or the public’s right. (RH) It would be hard to weigh this point.

(RE) noted that there are two issues here, the person involved and the person writing the letter. We should give each individual the opportunity to decide Public or Non-Public.

(LK) “I will be recusing myself.” (LK) left the meeting.

(RH) noted that the letter was addressed to Leon Kenison and that other members of the Board had not received a copy of it. If we discuss, it should be done in non-public session. (RE) “If we talk about just the letter, we could discuss in public but if it involves the individuals, we should go into non-public.”

Don Chase noted you cannot go into non-public without justification. “Read RSA 91 A:3 II, any school kid can understand that.” Because Mr. Chase’s cell phone rang several times, and disturbed the meeting, (RH) requested he leave. Mr. Chase, “You as Chairman of this Board for the Town, have no right to tell me to remove myself.” (RH) suggested he turn his cell phone off as it continues to ring. (Board member explained to him how to turn it out or put in vibrate mode.) Mr. Chase, “I know my rights under the law and you cannot legally take this meeting into non-public. I will contest it and sue the —- out of you all.” (RH) explained that the use of profanity or threatening would not be allowed at meeting. “We will decide on going into non-public. Please turn your cell phone off.” Mr. Chase explained, “This is not rocket science. The RSA tells you when you can go into non-public. You are opening yourself up for a lawsuit.” (RE) After reading the RSA, the way I read it, we cannot go into non-public as it sets precedent as to when it will allow us to do so. Mr. Chase “That is what I have been trying to say.”

Five-minute break was called by (RH). 7:52 P.M. via (RE) Motion and (MR) Second. Carried 7-0.

Meeting resumed at 8:00 P.M.

(RH) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per 91 A:3 II (c). (RE) Second. Carried 5-1 (FH). Members of the Board were polled individually and all agreed except (FH). Motion carried. (MM) was requested to be part of the Non-Public Session.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:40 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of August 21, 2008.
(RE) Second. Carried 6-0.

ITEM 9. WORK SESSION – Cancelled

ITEM 10. Public Input


ITEM 11. Adjournment

(GL) Motion to adjourn. (RE) Second. Carried 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M.

Approved: September 4, 2008

_____________________________ _________________________
Rich Hunsberger, Chairman Date

I Tape