August 22, 2006 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Meeting Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, New Hampshire
August 22, 2006
Present – Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Linda Small, Edward Vien, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Maurice Wells, Dan Schroth, Dan Greene, Michael McLaughlin, Fred Hast, Merrill Vaughan, Diana Vaughan, Nick Abell, Ron Vien, Robert Wharem, Police Chief, Pam St. Laurent, and Pat Heffernan.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Vice-Chairman Lawrence Konopka.

Public Input
Dan Schroth spoke on behalf of Deborah Magliozzi and the Housing Standards fine that she was issued. He felt that the fine was inappropriate and should have been less. Selectman Konopka stated that the fines were set by the Housing Standards Board. He proposed contacting the Housing Standards Agency for an explanation of the fine schedule. The Board discussed having the Housing Standards Boards meet with the Board of Selectmen on the matter. Deborah wanted to discuss the fine levied against her. The Board informed her that they could not discuss the fine because she failed to appeal the fine before the deadline passed. Selectman Konopka stated that she could send a letter to the Board of Selectmen if she felt that she had not been properly notified of the deadline.

Agenda Review
The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Appointment – Michael McLaughlin

Michael McLaughlin, Building Inspector, went over his memos to the Board on a replacement boiler for the Town Hall, the roof repairs, problems he saw when inspecting the Fire Station, the office relocation, and converting an old police cruiser into a vehicle for him to use while doing inspections for the Town. The Board discussed his memos and approved replacing the lights in the basement office area. Fred Hast stated that he thought that one of the fire station doors was still under warranty because it had been recently replaced.

New Business – Action Items

Library Trustee – A motion was made to appoint William Provencal as a Library Trustee to fill the vacant seat until the March 2007 election by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.
PSNH Street Lights – The Town Administrator explained the situation with PSNH. He stated that he was waiting to find out what type of lights were on the bridge. Once he found out what type of lights they were, he would contact PSNH and see what could be done to change the billing for those lights.
WWTP Fence – Ron Vien stated that he was looking to expand the area inside the fence by moving the fence back so that he could address safety and storage issues at the plant. Ron went over the quotes for the fence work and recommended accepting the quote from Penney Fence. A motion was made to accept the quote from Penney Fence by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Food Pantry – The Board discussed transferring the food pantry accounts from the Town’s control to the Food Pantry’s control. A motion was made to approve transferring the money for the food pantry to the Food Pantry’s control by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Old Business

1. Local Health Committee – The Town Administrator presented the proposed committee list. The Board tabled consideration of the names until the September 5th meeting when the full Board would be present.

2. Traffic Light on Route 28 – The Town Administrator updated the Board on the situation. He stated that the Town had been asked to send a letter to DOT stating that the Board wanted to address the light now so that they could avoid having to wait for a corridor study involving Chichester and Barnstead to be done. The Board agreed that a letter should be sent to DOT to avoid more delays in getting the traffic light on Route 28.

3. York Rake Liability – The Town Administrator reported on what the insurance company had told him. The Town could be liable if the rake was loaned out, but the insurance company would not cover the Town if that happened. The Board discussed the possibility of donating the rake to a local organization and the need to stop allowing people to borrow the rake. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to cease allowing anyone other than the Town to use the york rakes, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Town Administrator was asked to draft a response letter for the Shingle Mill Brook Road request informing them of the Board’s decision.

Applications and Warrants

1. Land Use Change Tax – A motion was made to approve a warrant for collection of land use change taxes from Patricia McManus in the amount of $141 and Lily Pond Road LLC for three lots in the amounts of $6,500, $6,500, and $6,500 by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable Manifest except for checks numbered 5084 and 5102 for checks dated 8-22-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0. Selectman Vien asked Chief Wharem about the film processing. Chief Wharem stated that the department was switching to using digital cameras for most photographs so the processing costs should decrease. Selectwoman Small asked when the Town was planning to complete the conversion to having a GASB 34 compliant audit. The Town Administrator stated that the plan was for this to happen with the audit for the 2006 budget year.

A motion was made to approve the Payroll Manifests for checks dated 8-22-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of August 15th – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the public session minutes of August 15th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of August 15th – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the nonpublic session minutes of August 15th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.

Public Input

1. Fred Hast stated that he felt there should be more detail in the minutes. He also brought up that there were lights out in the front of Town Hall. Fred asked for an explanation of what several Old Business items were about. He stated that he felt the Board should have a PA system so that Board members could be heard by the public.

2. Dan Schroth asked if the revaluation would be completed this year. The Town Administrator stated that they were planning to complete it this year.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 7:15PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (c) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 3-0. The Board returned to public session at 7:52PM.

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:56PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 7:56PM.


August 15, 2006
Present – Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Linda Small, Edward Vien, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Maurice Wells, Judith MacLellan, George Bachelder, Laural Collier, Don Chase, Christine Topham, Shannon Benoit, Jim Dodge, Ambulance Director, Jen Tedcastle, Lenny Deane, Interim Fire Chief, Pam St. Laurent, and Pat Heffernan.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Vice-Chairman Lawrence Konopka.

Public Input
Shannon Benoit asked about the status of 7 Marshall Court.
Laural Collier about a parcel for sale on Governors Road and expresses a concern about illegal dumping occurring off of Mountain Road. Selectwoman Keeley stated that she would contact Pennichuck about the dumping issue.
Maurice Wells asked if 16 Manchester Street had been inspected yet. The Town Administrator stated that the information had been given to the HSA Inspector, but he did not know if it had been inspected yet.
Pam St. Laurent stated that she did not believe that the salary of the Fire Chief should be more than what was budgeted.
Appointment – George Bachelder

Selectman Konopka asked George for his opinion on letting people borrow the spare york rake. George stated that he did not have a problem with people borrowing it to work on the roads. Selectwoman Small stated that her concerns were regarding the liability if something happened, who would fix the york rake if it was broken, and who determined who was allowed to use the york rake. The Board discussed the use of the york rake and other options for it if the Town did not keep it. The Town Administrator was asked to look into whether a waiver of liability could be done and whether or not the waiver would be effective.

George spoke to the Board about the Shaw Road Bridge. He stated that FEMA was only giving the Town $17,000 to fix the bridge so he recommended posting it with a three ton limit. George felt that the Town should then apply for a grant for bridge aid and start putting money aside for the Town’s share of the grant.

Appointment – Jim Dodge and Lenny Deane
A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 6:28PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 7:00PM.

Agenda Review
The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

Old Business

1. Fire Alarm Digitizer – Selectwoman Small stated that she had checked on the concern and found that the concern was about the service, not the system that was proposed so she was okay with going ahead. A motion was made to approve purchasing the new digitizer for $18,950 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

New Business – Action Items

Annual Audit Contract – The Town Administrator stated that the current contract had expired with the completion of the audit for 2005 and asked how the Board wanted to proceed. Selectwoman Small requested that the Town Administrator get a quote for the annual audit cost from the current company that included GASB 34 reporting in the audit.
Legislative Policy Conference – The Board did not have any amendments.
Fire Chief Process – The Town Administrator was asked to do a synopsis of the hiring process for each department.
MS-1 Extension – A motion was made to approve filing the request to extend the MS-1 Report filing period until November 1st with the Department of Revenue Administration by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.
NH Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Loan Contract – The Board did not have a problem with the contract for the loan for the septage-receiving project being signed.
Letter from Don Chase – Selectman Konopka felt that this should be addressed at the September 5th meeting. The other Board members agreed. Don Chase read the letter into the record (see Attachment A).
Town Buildings – Selectman Konopka proposed having the Building Inspector oversee the building repairs. The other Board members were okay with this so long as it did not interfere with the building inspection duties. The Board asked to have the Building Inspector meet with the Board the next week.
Maternity Leave – Selectwoman Small requested that the Town Administrator make sure that people in the Town Hall were cross-trained. The Board felt that guides should be written on how to perform tasks like payroll so that people can learn if Cara is unavailable and the tasks need to be done.
Traffic Light – The Board requested that the contact information for the person in charge of the traffic light project be forwarded to the Representative Langlois and Senator Barnes.
New Business – Informational Items

Fuel Bids – Selectman Konopka spoke about a conversation he had with someone at Rymes and requested that the next fuel quote be for the day of the meeting instead of for two weeks. The Board set September 5th as the date to review the pre-buy price again.
Old Business (Cont.)

1. Roof Project – Selectman Konopka wanted the Building Inspector to handle this matter and the Town Hall furnace.

2. Local Health Committee – The Board requested that the Town Administrator set up an appointment with the Police Chief and the Board to discuss this.

3. Food Pantry – The Town Administrator stated that the State had approved the application and the Food Pantry was now a separate entity.

4. Revaluation – Selectwoman Small requested that Purvis Associates provide the Board with a timeline for completion.

5. Winsunvale Dam – The Town Administrator explained that the available grants required the Hazardous Mitigation Plan be completed in order for the Town to apply so they would have to wait until the Plan was completed.

6. Library Trustee – The Board requested a letter of interest from the person who had expressed interest in filling the position.

7. Magliozzi Request – The Board reviewed the Town Administrator’s memo and discussed whether or not to hear the appeal. A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to deny the request to reconsider hearing the appeal because the appeal was late and the lateness of the appeal was not due to errors committed by the Town, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Applications and Warrants

1. Abatement – A motion was made to approve an abatement for Sarah Anne Perry in the amount of $6,695 by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Veteran’s Exemption – A motion was made to approve a Veteran’s Exemption for Gerald Vallee by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

3. MS-2 – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the MS-2 Report, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

4. MS-5 – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the MS-5 Report, seconded by Selectwoman Keeley. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Check Manifests
A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 8-15-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of August 8th – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the public session minutes of August 8th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of August 8th – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve and unseal the nonpublic session minutes of August 8th, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Public Input

1. Laural Collier apologized to Don Chase for outburst the previous week. She asked Selectwoman Keeley to review the tape from the August 1st meeting because there was more to the issue than what happened on the 8th. She stated that she was angry at the last meeting because she was lied to by the Board of Selectmen about concerns she had raised at the August 1st meeting.

Selectwoman Small stated that she had asked Selectman Vien if the Food Pantry Board of Directors had addressed the confidentiality concern and he had answered that the Board of Directors were looking into it. Selectman Vien stated that he was upset at being called a liar. Laural apologized to the Board for calling them liars.

2. Pam St. Laurent had a complaint that the bathrooms were not being cleaned. She stated that the Board had been asking for the creation of operations manuals for a long time and she hoped it was done. Pam asked a question about the audit which Selectwoman Small answered.

3. Pam asked if the Welfare Department would still have the Food Pantry as a resource. The Town Administrator stated that they would. Don Chase explained the Food Pantry’s application process.

4. Christine Topham asked what the Board would be addressing on September 5th. The Board responded that they would address Don Chase’s letter.

5. Shannon Benoit asked about 7 Marshall Court’s status now that Magliozzi’s appeal was denied. She was directed to speak with the Town Administrator the next day.

6. Don Chase spoke about his research into starting a community help center. Selectman Konopka asked him to prepare a written proposal

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:22PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) and (c) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 9:10PM.

A motion was made to adjourn at 9:10PM by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board adjourned at 9:10PM.


August 8, 2006
Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Donna Keeley, Linda Small, Edward Vien, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Deborah Magliozzi, Todd Drew, Laural Collier, Tom Hitchcock, Jesse Pacheco, Bill Elkins, Dan Schroth, Lenny Deane, Interim Fire Chief, Pam St. Laurent, and Maurice Wells.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Public Input

Dan Schroth addressed the Board about the letter that he and Tom Hitchcock had drafted to place in the newspapers. He also stated that he did not agree with the policy of having public comment at the beginning and end of the meeting.
Maurice Wells stated that he liked how the meetings were being run.
Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

New Business – Action Items

Sewer Ordinance – The Board reviewed the proposed consolidated Sewer Ordinance. The Board set a Public Hearing date of September 12th for the ordinance.
Fire Alarm Digitizer – Lenny Deane spoke about his research into what happened three years ago and stated that the system under discussion now is a phone line with a satellite backup instead of just a phone line. He stated that Pembroke and Allenstown use this system currently. Selectwoman Small stated that she wanted more information on what was presented to the Board in 2003. Selectman Vien gave Lenny some questions that he wanted to have answered about the digitizer system.
Appointment – Deborah Magliozzi

Deborah Magliozzi addressed the Board about the HSA fine that was levied against her. She stated that she had failed to get notice of the fees being owed because she had moved and the mail was not being sent to the right place. The Town Administrator was asked to research the timeline to determine if this was correct. The Board would then determine whether or not to allow the appeal to proceed.

New Business – Action Items (Cont.)

Police Administrative Assistant Thank You Letter – The Board signed the thank you letter.
Police Administrative Assistant Ad – The Board reviewed the ad and approved posting it.
Health Officer – The Board discussed appointing Mike McLaughlin as the Health Officer. A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to appoint Michael McLaughlin as the Health Officer, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Draft Board Minutes – The Board discussed the procedure used in drafting the Board meeting minutes. The Board asked the Town Administrator to label the draft minutes as ‘draft’ minutes in the future.
Fire Chief Ad – The Board reviewed the ad. The Board discussed how the process should work. The Board approved posting the ad.
Welfare Office Relocation – The Board discussed the price for moving the offices downstairs. A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve spending up to $1,500 to move the Welfare Office downstairs and rearrange the upstairs offices, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Medical Leave – A motion was made to approve the medical leave request by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
New Business – Informational Items

Welfare Assistance Levels – The Town Administrator presented the Welfare Assistance Levels and asked the Board to review them. He recommended keeping the levels the same as the current levels. The Board discussed the assistance levels. A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the Welfare Assistance Levels as presented, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.
Food Pantry – Selectman Vien updated the Board on Food Pantry’s Board of Director’s meeting. He stated that Christine Topham had been chosen as the Chair and the Food Pantry Board had voted to have Don Chase serve as the Food Pantry Director. The Board discussed access to the food pantry and who should have keys to access the downstairs.
Department Head Meetings – Chairman Morse asked about getting the Department Head Meeting Agenda in advance. The Town Administrator stated that the Board had received the agenda for the upcoming meeting.
New Selectman’s Handbook – Chairman Morse suggested that the Board should have a handbook for new Selectboard members. Selectwoman Keeley volunteered to work on one.
Old Business

1. Roof Project – The Board discussed having a sign-in sheet for people working on Town Hall so that they could keep track of who was in the building.

2. Town Hall Furnace – The Board discussed the quote that had been received from the Turner Group. The Board decided to send them the quote from Irving Oil and get their opinion on the quote.

3. Ethics Code Sign-offs – Chairman Morse asked if everyone at the Police Department had signed the form. The Town Administrator said yes.

4. Revaluation – The Town Administrator provided an update and asked for the Board’s opinion on purchasing the Proval update. The Board discussed the situation and agreed not to purchase the upgrade to Proval.

5. Winsunvale Dam – The Board discussed the estimate on the impact to property values that would happen if the Winsunvale Dam were removed that had been received from the assessors.

Applications and Warrants

1. Elderly Exemption – A motion was made to approve the Elderly Exemption application by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 4 to 0.

2. Sewer Bill Warrant – A motion was made by Selectwoman Keeley to approve the Warrant for Collection of Sewer Fees for the second quarter in the amount of $75,200.74, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests for checks dated 8-8-06 by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectman Vien asked about a check involving the Conservation Commission. Selectwoman Keeley explained what it was for. Selectman Vien asked to find out how long the HSA inspections took the inspector to do. Motion passed 4 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of August 1st – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of August 1st, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectwoman Keeley abstaining.

Nonpublic Session Minutes of August 1st – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the nonpublic session minutes of August 1st, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0 with Selectwoman Keeley abstaining.

Public Input

1. Laural Collier asked about the Food Pantry Director’s access to confidential information and how this would be monitored. Selectman Vien asked her to meet with the Food Pantry Board of Directors to discuss her concerns.

2. Maurice Wells asked if the bathrooms downstairs had been disconnected from the wastewater system. He then asked about the Building Inspector’s rate of pay. The Board explained what the rate of pay was.

3. Bill Elkins stated that he would ask Fred to provide a report on the time he spent on inspections. Jesse Pacheco stated that they took between fifteen and twenty-five minutes when his apartments were inspected. Todd Drew stated that it depended on the building.

4. Pam St. Laurent asked about whether bathrooms were required downstairs. She asked if job descriptions were posted at the Local Government Center. The Town Administrator stated that they were. Pam asked about updating job descriptions as jobs became vacant and what was being done to conserve fuel. She also asked about transferring the USDA food program over. The Town Administrator stated that this would happen.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 8:00PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) by Selectwoman Keeley, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 8:20PM.

A motion was made by Selectman Vien to seal the nonpublic minutes of the August 8, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could render a proposed action ineffective, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 4 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:20PM by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 4 to 0. The Board adjourned at 8:20PM.


August 1, 2006

Present – Arthur Morse, Chairman, Lawrence Konopka, Vice-Chairman, Linda Small, Edward Vien, Selectboard, Jeremy Lamson, Town Administrator, Al MacLellan, Judith MacLellan, Jim Dodge, George Allen, Laural Collier, Michael McLaughlin, Lenny Deane, Interim Fire Chief, Pam St. Laurent, and Maurice Wells.

A meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order on Tuesday, August 1, 2006 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall by Chairman Arthur Morse.

Public Input

Laural Collier expressed a concern about whether or not confidentiality was being preserved in the Food Pantry.

Agenda Review

The Board members discussed items to add to the agenda.

New Business – Action Items

Exhaust Removal System – The Board reviewed the quote Jim Dodge had provided. Selectman Vien stated that he had seen the system in Epsom and also contacted the Belmont Fire Department about the system. He stated that both departments were very happy with the system. The Board discussed what other systems were looked at and whether or not to hold a public hearing on the system. A motion was made to approve purchasing the Plymovent exhaust removal system with the 10hpr motor, performing the related electrical work, and the tail pipe modifications for $47,714.17 by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Fire Alarm Digitizer – Jim Dodge went over his memo outlining the savings that would be realized each year from converting to the new digitizer and not having to pay the monthly fee for the communications tower. The Board discussed the new system and how quickly it could be installed if the Board approved it. Selectwoman Small asked that it be tabled so that she could get some additional questions answered. The Board tabled the discussion until the following week.
Four-wheeler – Jim stated that he would be hearing from the insurance company tomorrow about the Town could make use of a private four-wheeler at the Balloon Rally.
Personnel Policy – A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to approve the Personnel Policy as revised, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Welfare Office Relocation – The Town Administrator went over the proposal to shuffle the offices and move welfare downstairs. Mike McLaughlin went over the cost to put a ceiling in downstairs. Chairman Morse stated that it would be good to have the Town Administrator be more visible and improve the privacy for the Selectboard’s baskets. The Board discussed the idea. The Town Administrator was asked to get the total cost to rearrange the offices and find money in the budget for the work.
Shingle Mill Brook Road – The Town Administrator asked the Board if they wanted to allow people to borrow the spare york rake or end the policy. The Board discussed the matter before deciding to have George Bachelder meet with the Board in a few weeks to discuss the matter.
Legislative Policy Conference – The Town Administrator requested that Board members have any floor proposals that they wanted to have the Local Government Center address at the conference in September in for the Board meeting on August 15th.
Badge Donation Request – The Board signed the thank you letter.
Wastewater Ad – The Board was okay with the job posting for the Wastewater Department.
Letter of Resignation – A motion was made to accept with regret Wendi Kitson’s resignation as the Police Department Administrative Assistant by Selectman Konopka, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectman Konopka stated that the Board should send a letter of thanks. Motion passed 3 to 0.
Library Trustee Resignation – The Town Administrator stated that Douglas Andrews had resigned as a Library Trustee and that the Board of Selectmen would appoint a replacement until the next election. Chairman Morse stated that he had asked the Library Trustees to forward the names of any people who were interested in the position.
New Business – Informational Items

Labor Department Letter – The Town Administrator stated that he had met with Cynthia Flynn and Inspector McCabe at the Department of Labor this morning. The fine had been reduced to $200. Chairman Morse thanked the Town Administrator for getting it reduced.
Old Business

1. Ethics Code Sign-offs – Chairman Morse stated that he had spoken with the Police union about getting the signoffs turned in.

2. Revaluation – The Town Administrator was asked if he had spoken with the State about the situation with the revaluation. He stated that he had spoken with Guy Petell earlier in the day about it. The Town Administrator was asked to send a letter along with a copy of the letter from Purvis Associates to Guy Petell at the Department of Revenue Administration.

3. Fuel Bids – Selectman Konopka brought up the updated bid that the Town Administrator had received on the pre-buy. He asked if the Board wanted to pre-buy now because the price had gone up by $.07 since the June quote. The Board discussed it and decided to wait. The Town Administrator was asked to follow up again at the end of the month.

Applications and Warrants

1. Open Container – The Town Administrator presented an Open Container request filed by the Pittsfield Rotary and stated that they had provided proof of insurance as required by the Town. A motion was made to approve the Open Container request filed by the Pittsfield Rotary by Selectman Vien, seconded by Selectwoman Small. Selectwoman Small stated that she felt it was inappropriate for the Town to support drinking alcohol in public because substance abuse is one of the Town’s biggest downfalls and therefore not a good example to set. Selectman Konopka stated that he felt that the Pittsfield Rotary should pay to have a police officer at the event. Selectman Vien stated that he felt it should be approved because they provided the required proof of insurance. Motion failed 2 to 2 with Selectwoman Small and Selectman Konopka opposed.

2. Raffle Permits – A motion was made to approve Raffle Permits for the Pittsfield Skatepark, Pittsfield Rotary, and New Hampshire Highway Patrol Benevolent Association by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Chairman Morse stated that he did not believe that the Town should promote gambling by allowing raffles. Motion passed 3 to 1 with Chairman Morse opposed.

Check Manifests

A motion was made to approve the Accounts Payable Manifests for checks dated 8-1-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to approve the Payroll Manifests for checks dated 8-1-06 by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 3 to 0.


Public Session Minutes of July 25th – A motion was made by Selectman Konopka to approve the public session minutes of July 25th, seconded by Selectman Vien. Motion passed 2 to 0 with Selectwoman Small abstaining.

Public Session Minutes of July 25th – A motion was made by Selectman Vien to approve the public session minutes of July 25th, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 2 to 0 with Selectwoman Small abstaining.

Public Input

1. Maurice Wells stated that the Town should not do any work on Shingle Mill Brook Road. He spoke about a concern he had with a condo near him. Maurice then stated that the Board should not have waived the connection fee for Tom Hitchcock or allowed John Topouzoglou to connect his cellar pump to the wastewater system.

2. Laural Collier suggested that signs be posted stating that Shingle Mill Brook Road is private at each end of the road.

3. Pam St. Laurent stated that the Town should check to see if bathrooms would be required downstairs. She also stated that there would be more traffic to the Building Inspector’s Office than to the Town Administrator’s Office. Pam commented on the Open Container policy and stated that the Town should make sure that they spoke to the USDA and the Capital Region Food Program about transferring things over to the Food Pantry once it became separate.

4. Maurice and Pam gave their concerns about access to the rear of the building if offices were moved downstairs.

5. Selectman Konopka stated that Mr. Topouzoglou had been allowed to connect to the system on a temporary basis due to a hardship.

A motion was made to enter nonpublic session at 7:52PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(a),(b), (c), and (e) by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Roll call vote. All in favor. Motion passed 4-0. The Board returned to public session at 8:53PM.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Small to seal the nonpublic minutes of the August 1, 2006 Board Meeting on the grounds the minutes could damage the reputations of persons other than members of the Board of Selectmen and render a proposed action ineffective, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0.

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:57PM by Selectwoman Small, seconded by Selectman Konopka. Motion passed 3 to 0. The Board adjourned at 8:57PM.