August 23, 2010 Minutes

Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Meeting Minutes
6:30 pm at the Pittsfield Youth Workshop
August 23rd

In attendance: Zach Powers, Sarah Sadowski, Denise Morin

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.

The goal of tonight’s meeting was to follow up on the strategic planning meeting held 8/09.


I. Media Power Youth
a. The group starts filming their PSAs tomorrow, one anti drinking and one anti smoking.

II. Rx Take Back Day is September 25th
a. Sarah confirmed that the PD is participating and will forward a press release to the chief.

III. NH Charitable Grant Submitted
a. Requested $49,500 in bridge funds
b. Used school and police contributions as match funds (Anne and John’s positions)
c. Second year requires a 50% match. Only funding evidence-based initiatives off the Federal Registry. Consulted with Shannon and agreed that the activities of the past year fall squarely under the CMCA model (Communities Mobilizing for Change Against Alcohol)
d. Will hear if the proposal is successful the 2nd week in September

IV. Odds and Ends
a. Denise announced that the town is expanding the drug testing pool for its 25 employees. All employees are now going to be in the pool for random testing.
b. Expanded drug school zones through Safe Routes to School. Signs have been ordered and now we are waiting for poles. Denise will ask about that.
c. Using 211 for grant research- e.g. how many calls are substance abuse related?

V. Strategic planning areas to concentrate on:
a. Baseline data for emergency calls, domestic violence, etc. and how often alcohol or drugs is a factor. How can we get a box to check on the form? What is the procedure now if minors are caught? Tracking data will not only help us prove an association, but also publicize enforcement efforts
i. Data- update on compliance checks?
b. Grow representation
i. Need school representation- meeting with John Freeman and the new principal
ii. Follow up with original participants to show what we have done, ask them to get re-involved
iii. Group went through minutes from first few meetings (available online) and identified people to pull back in, most likely through a newsletter. The idea is to start with headings, e.g. “Did you know Pittsfield has it’s own coalition?”, “Did you know there is an AA group that meets every week?” also maybe include a timeline of accomplishments. Denise will bring in her notes from those early days as well.
iv. Jamie is going to think over the themes that came out in tonight’s meeting and have a follow up meeting with Sarah in which she will review recommendations for the strategic action plan.

The next PDAC meeting will be Monday, September 13 at 6:30 pm at the Pittsfield Youth Workshop.

Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Sadowski