August 27, 2008 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
August 27, 2008

1. Meeting called to order at 5:30.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Deb Jordan (DJ), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS)
Ellen Barbasso (EB). Also attending Linda Small (LS), Matt Monahan representing CNHRPC.
and Veronica Francis from Wicked Wi-Fi.

3. Minutes from August 13, 2008 reviewed and accepted.

4. Wicked Wi-Fi update
A. Veronica gave us an update of what has happened
B. Wireless routers and antenna installed on the library chimney and the Masonic Temple (in back)
C. There is strong coverage from the police station to Elm Street, down to Depot Street and up
Carroll St to Citizens Bank
D. The next step is to see where people are using it
E. If people are using it from the restaurant they may want to get a booster (cost $450.00)
F. Use the header from the Town web page for the first page
1. Put terms of agreement on that page
2. Have to log in or create an account -we can track who is using it-ask for name and address
3. Put sponsors ads around the edge. Can have about 10 ads
G. Sub committee created to kick off the event-HS will head that committee
1. Sponsors can cover basic expenses
2. Ask for $20.00 per month – pay full year up front get 2 months free ($200.00)
3. Invite congressmen, governor, senator-see who can come
4. May be able to get public announcement from WOKQ
5. Wire cutting event to be held sometime at the end of September

5. Budget
A. In 2006 we had a warrant article for $25,000. That money lasted through 2008.
B. We need a new warrant article for 2009.
C. Some discussion about whether we need 2 articles to cover current expenses and new ones or
just one for all of them.
1. We want to continue with CNHRPC and CRDC

6. Other
A. MM advised us that he knows of a non-profit agency that lists foundations who donate grant
money for projects

9. Next meeting Wednesday September 10, 2008 at 5:30 P.M.

10. Meeting closed at 6:38 P.M.

Submitted by ____________________________________
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary