Town of Pittsfield
Budget Committee
August 29, 2007
Members present: W. Abbott, W. Case, L. Deane, C. Keuenhoff, A. MacLellan, R. Morse,
J. Prue, H. Schoppmeyer, L. Small (Select Board rep), L. Vogt (School Board rep).
Members absent: E. Bahr, G. Gilman, L. Okrent
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Keuenhoff.
The minutes of the July 25, 2007 meeting were approved as corrected.
Leslie Vogt brought the committee up to date on items of interest in the school district.
? there are substantial savings in the area of Special Education
? 8 teachers have resigned or retired and have been replaced making the cost lower
? the actual cost of health insurance came in at lower than estimated
? costs of oil/electricity will be more than budgeted
? Mark Jarvis has retired and Tobi Chasse has been promoted to Pittsfield District
Director of Pupil Services
? Lois Stevens has been hired as Coordinator of Pupil Services under Tobi Chasse
? there are now 4 teachers for grades 7-12 in English Instruction plus one reading
teacher for grades 7 and 8.
? Jeff Delois has been promoted to PMHS Assistant Principal. His duties will
include discipline and other administrative duties formerly performed by mark Jarvis.
? PES Library – a support staff position for 3 days a week will be held by John
Freeman. This is a partial restoration of the full time position cut from the budget.
? all positions are filled for this school year
Linda Small noted that the roof is done on the Town Hall and everyone commented on how
nice it looks.
She noted that the Welfare Department has been enforcing the rules and the budget is running
lower than estimated. However, she commented that the people who really need the help are
still getting it.
The Town Administrator has asked all departments for their budgets by September 1, 2007.
Chairman Keuenhoff urged all members to attend a Budget/Finance Workshop to be held
on Sept. 25 at CR Sparks in Bedford and again at the Mt. Club at Loon on Sept. 27. The
time is 8:30-4:30. Cost of $35.00 per person includes morning coffee and snacks, lunch,
and all materials. Selectman Small will ask the Select Board to okay paying the fees for
members of the committee to attend. Cut off date for reserving a space is Sept. 18, 2007.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 7PM in the Town Hall.
The new Town Administrator will be introduced at that meeting.
There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting adjourned
at 8PM.
Joan M. Prue, secretary