August 31, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Eric Nilsson, (EN), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Don Chase, (DC).




(DM) Safety Health & Wellness Fair; (FH) Library Wall, Town Hall Floor, Volpe Plans for Building Main Street, Prophecy Tattoo, Driveway – Catamount Road, Ambulance Runs; (PS) MS-1 Extension, Transfer from Capital Reserve to General Fund, Update on Tax Deed for Tax Map R11, Lot 27, Safety, Health and Wellness Fair, Invitation to Bid – Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation.


6:00 P.M. Interview-Planning Board Recording Secretary

(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (e). (EV) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 6:02 P.M.



Interview with Douglas Potter – Planning Board Recording Secretary

General Discussion:

Mr. Potter explained to Board a little concerning his history in the United States Air Force, residency, current working situation, his interest in Town Government, making friends and the learning experience. He noted he is able to type 180 wpm. He explained his flexibility for meeting attendance and compensation. (PS) noted that a background check would be pending. Mr. Potter was advised that Board would make a decision very shortly.

(EN) Motion to return to Public Session. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:12 P.M.

Non-Public Session Minutes of August 31, 2010 were not sealed and therefore, become part of the Public Session Minutes.


(EN) Motion to approve Douglas Potter for hiring as Planning Board Recording Secretary contingent upon background check at $11.00 per hour effective September 2, 2010, 7:00 P.M. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Action on Tax Deed Properties

(EN) I would like to hold off on these for another meeting as I will not be here for the whole meeting. Board agreed.

2. Transfer of Funds from War Memorial Fund to General Fund

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $300 from War Memorial Fund to General Fund. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(FH) How much is left in that fund? (DM) Fund account balance is $1,790.51 as of 7/31/10.

3. Abatement of a Portion of Sewer Fee for Account No. 6781

(PS) This was due to an incorrect reading by Pennichuck.

(EV) Motion to approve abatement of sewer fee for $30,731.02 Tax Map U04,
Lot 35. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

4. MS-1 Extension

(PS) The State has not yet given us the utility values. Board needs to ask for an extension which is due by September 1, 2010.

(EV) Motion to approve request for MS-1 extension. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Transfer from Capital Reserve to General Fund

(PS) A transfer is requested via authorization Article 8 of the 2010 Town Meeting for $10,000. (PS) explained to Board the various departments which received computer replacements, updates and server replacement. (EN) Did this go out to bid? (PS) This is through a company that the Town has developed a relationship with and which also created a long-term plan for the computer systems. Many communities utilize just one company for this service. However, we periodically check and compare prices. (DM) Have you heard from Keith Gargiulo? (PS) No, I have not received anything from him yet. I would estimate that he would have to pay a visit to office to see what Town personnel do. (EN) requested a copy of the paperwork for replacements and updates of computers which (PS) noted he would provide.

(EV) Motion to approve transfer of $10,000 from Capital Reserve to General Fund. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. Update on Tax Deed for Tax Map R11, Lot 27

(PS) Tax Collector has provided this to me today so the Board understands that this property is being acquired by relatives effective September 8, 2010 at which time all taxes will be paid. It is requested that Board postpone any action on this at this time. Board agreed.

7. Invitation to Bid – Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation

(PS) A Bid has been put together after discussion with (EN) regarding the window frames replacement at the Town Hall. If agreeable with Board, this will be put out to solicit bids. Board reviewed bid request and had several questions about the actual repair and supply process.

(EV) Motion to approve Invitation to Bid – Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) questioned whether there is a State site on which we can post this bid.
(EN) agreed that he would check and get back to him. The bid will be published in newspaper, Website and via direct mailings.

8. Safety, Health and Wellness Fair

(DM) The Safety Committee along with the Local Government Center has put together a Safety Health and Wellness Fair which will take place on September 29th from 10:00 A.M. till 2:00 P.M. here at the Town Hall. Several towns have been invited including Epsom, Barnstead, Northwood and the BCEP.

(PS) I think this is a good thing for employees which has not been done in a long time. (DM) LGC is quite excited about coming to this.

9. Library Wall

(FH) Are you going to be using existing blocks? (EV) Yes. (PS) Rosa from Library called regarding water in the basement after the rains. Ron Vien and I went over to inspect and someone had taken off the black plastic pipe which was put back on and should resolve the problem. (FH) Was there any damage at the Library? (PS) Wet carpet.

10. Town Hall Floor

(FH) There is a sub-floor (luan) under the rug which would be a good base if you wanted to lay another floor on it. I think the original floor might be half-way decent to repair. Paul, have you contacted the prison yet. (PS) No. Board discussed the possibility of using industrial carpet squares. It was noted that the same problem we have now would result (mold/dirt). (EV) We could have someone come in and measure and maybe we could tear up the old carpet and get floor ready. (PS) All the rugs could be removed so they are accessible. (FH) I think I can do that. It would take about two hours some night.

11. Volpe Plans for Main Street Building

(FH) Does the Building Inspector have plans for the building and if so, can we see them? (EV) As far as I know, he has plans. (FH) He is landlocked in the back. (EV) If the conditions as requested by Zoning Board are not met, then he does not get it. (FH) Regardless, the area on Main Street should be barricaded as soon as possible. (DM) suggested sending the Building Inspector out and (PS) to write letter to Mr. Volpe.

12. Businesses Within Town

(EV) According to the Chamber Website, there are about ninety businesses listed. Could we have Liz print this out? (FH) That will be a start. As far as businesses coming in to introduce themselves when new in Town, businesses do not do that.

13. Prophecy Tattoo

(FH) The tanks are still there. The two in back have been there 3-4 months.
(PS) An E-Mail has been sent to Chief Johnson requesting information on them.

14. Driveway Catamount Road

(FH) Paul, have you looked at that yet. (PS) Not yet.

15. Ambulance Runs

(PS) I had requested from the Chief the ambulance runs and he has submitted the information that you each have. (FH) I would like to see just the Ambulance runs. (PS) to request again.

16. Waivers

(FH) Reading from the Minutes of last week, what are the Waivers for? (PS) We can waive not taking the property. (FH) We can still have the individuals come before this Board to discuss. In the past, we had people come in and talked to them about a payment plan. (DM) We can discuss this when doing the property liens.


1. Letter dated 8/26/10 Merrill Vaughn Re: Appropriation Ethics
2. E-Mail Laura Spector Re: Pennichuck Proposed Rate Increase
3. Letter 8/17/10 Jeff & Stacie Weaver Re: Purchasing Tax Deed Property
4. Letter 8/19/10 to Barnstead BOS Re: Perambulation Town Lines
5. Letter 8/25/10 to Don Chase Re: Domicile
6. Letter 8/17/10 to Steve Aubertin Re: 14 Depot Street
7. Incident Report Chief Johnson Re: Number of Responses/Time of Day
8. Fire/Ambulance Shift Schedule – September 2010
9. Copy of Bid Advertisement for WWTF Upgrade
10. LGC Legislative Policy Conference (READ Folder)
11. New Release 8/12/10 Executive Councilor John D. Shea (READ Folder)


1. Capital Improvement Program Pending
2. Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals and Objectives Pending


1. Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R17, Lot 4-2

(FH) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R17, Lot 4-2.
(EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Application for Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R50, Lot 7-6

(FH) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit, Tax Map R50, Lot 7-6.
(EN) Second. Carried 4-0.


(EN) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

(EV) noted that the overtime for Police Department is down.


(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of August 24, 2010. (EN) Second. Corrections noted and Motion and Second amended to include corrections. Carried 4-0.


Page 2, next to last sentence: (FH) His attorney……but he could double cover it should read “but he could also cover it with tarpaper.

Page 4, #3 Domicile….., Second Line should read “(FH) I called him, …”

Page 6, Second Paragraph, next to last line should read: “Department to Salt Shed area?”

Page 8, Third Paragraph, Third Line should read “(FH) …..inspect all those businesses for a floor plan.”

Page 10, Fifth Paragraph, Second Line should read: If he does not show up on a work day, he should take this as an annual or sick day.


Ted Mitchell: Is there a State or Federal law that requires that we need to have three departments (Fire-Police-Ambulance) respond to a call? (PS) No. (FH) Not happen every time, and only the ambulance if more manpower is needed. It is standard for the Police to be there. (DM) We can’t have procedures because emergency response is always different. Mr. Mitchell: I do not see the need.

Mr. Mitchell: Zoning – Mr. Volpe: I talked to him just recently and he just got the Building Permits for the apartments. He must have proven to the Building Inspector the conditions as noted by the Zoning Board. (FH) Does he have to go back to Zoning? (EV) No. Mr. Mitchell: You might want to check on the permits, it might be true or not. (FH) He is landlocked in the back and needs a right-of-way. Mr. Mitchell: Behind the building, Mr. Volpe owns two spots. (EV) The conditions of approval were that these parking spaces had to be deeded, not leased. (FH) The Building Inspector should check on this.

Close Public Input (7:00 P.M.)


1. Action on Tax Deed Properties

Tax Map R20, Lot 12: (PS) His attorney originally wanted Town to waive the taxes, but BOS did not agree.

Tax Map R11, Lot 13: (PS) Mr. Blackey continues to be delinquent.

(EV) Motion to approve taking by Tax Deed. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

(PS) to send letter.

Tax Map R26, Lot 9: (PS) to send letter for Mr. Bowes to come in and possibly arrange a payment plan.

Tax Map R34, Lot 30-T07: (EV) I think this individual lives in Rolling Green and the home is either rented or uninhabited. We need to clarify that it is empty. Someone may be renting it and if so, Ms. Brickner should be able to pay on the taxes. (PS) to send letter to owner requesting she enter into a payment plan with a date to respond by. It was agreed that HSA would be asked to check on this.

Break 7:20 P.M. Resume at 7:22 P.M.

Tax Map U01, Lot 93: (PS) to send letter requesting a payment plan be arranged.

Tax Map R34, Lot 18: (PS) to send letter request a payment plan be arranged.

Tax Map R14, Lot 37: It was noted that there is a name variation on the Statement of Account as opposed to the Tax Card. (PS) to check and send letter requesting a payment plan be arranged.

Tax Map R14, Lot 17: (EN) recused himself and was seated in the audience. Board agreed that the potential for sale is eminent and no action will be taken until October 30, 2010.

(EN) returned and was seated on the Board. (7:27 P.M.)

(EN) requested that the Board not decide on the rest of Tax Deed Properties as he would like to be present. Board agreed.






(EN) Motion to adjourn. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 P.M.

Approved: September 2, 2010

___________________________ ______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I do hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on August 31, 2010 and transcribed and publicly posted on September 3, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes