August 5, 2009 Agenda


August 5, 2009
___________________ 5:30 pm Pittsfield Town Hall___________________

1. Approval of Meeting Minutes

2. Park & Ride Update

3. Liquor Store Update

4. Marketing & Promotional Ideas

5. Other Items?

6. Next Meeting________

7. Adjournment

Outstanding Items: Plan NH Charette; Member Projects; Building Painting/Street Scape Contest; Medical Van Service letter to Concord Hospital, Brownfields/NHDES Local Revolving Loan Fund (using EDC $); Plan NH Discussions (action?); CDBG Opportunities (action?); Business Plan Development Services (Does EDC want to help with this service?) ; WiFi: direct mail to businesses/marketing; Are we still interested in YMCA (new director, looking to meet?); Signage (action?); REPP program for ILU; Recreational Trails