August 5, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
August 5, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:33.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), James Hetu (JH), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Deb
Jordan (DJ), Susan Muenzinger (SM), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Linda Small (LS), and Paul
Skowron (PS).

3. Minutes from July 22, 2008 approved and accepted as written.

4. Park and Ride update
A. EV was in contact with the DOT Commissioner’s office
1. EV let them know several town boards are interested in getting it
2. CNHRPC is also interested in it
3.The Commissioner will review it and get back to EV
B.EV also saw Senator Barnes and let him know the town is interested

5. NH Liquor Store
A. There are 77 stores in NH, ours is 70th on the list
B. The Commissioners will be closing 12 of them
1. 8 licenses will be given to privatize the liquor stores
2. Town Clerks in the town and surrounding towns will be notified, so someone can
put in a request for the license.
3. The commissioners will decide who gets the licenses.

6. Marketing and Promotional Ideas
A. 162N was denied because the map area was too extensive
B. MM redesigned the map
1. To eliminate as many residences as possible
2. Some businesses were partially cut from the designated area
C. DJ made a motion to accept the map, after we get clarification about the business that
were partially cut
1. JH seconded the motion
2. The motion was approved unanimously.

7.Wi-Fi Advertising
A. The first mailing was sent out.
1. 2 businesses have signed up-Maxfield’s and TC’s.
2. A second mailing will be sent out this week.
3. A letter will be sent to Metrocast
B. Scott Brown will put up a “Free Wi-Fi” sign on a tree on a lot next to his house on
Main Street.
C. A suggestion was made to use the portable political signs. They can be moved to
different areas on Rt 28.
D. A question was asked-Is Pittsfield listed on the Wi-Fi hot spots on the internet?
E. Single Digits
1. We received a bill for the$1,200 annual fee .
2. Someone will call them to see if it can be reduced since we do not use them often
3. A suggestion was made to charge for usage over 1/2 hour.

8. Scott Spradling
A. He came to the Select Board meeting and told them what he hopes to accomplish
B. He is a catalyst to keep things going, we have to come up with ideas.
C. The Town can cancel the contract at any time.

9. Next meeting WednesdayAugust 12, 2009 at 5:30 P.M. Scott Spradling will attend.

10. Meeting closed at 6:36 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary