August 7, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.

Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Arthur Morse, Chairman.
Arthur Morse (AM), Chairman, Larry Konopka (LK), Vice-Chairman, Linda
Small (LS), Ed Vien (EV), John Lenaerts (JL), Leon Kennison (LKe),
Town Administrator, (Arrival at 6:17 P.M,) and Delores Fritz, Recording
Don Chase wanted to know if a letter had been sent regarding the matter
from last week and if there was a response? (AM) advised him that this
would be addressed as an item on the Agenda tonight.
Close Public Input
(LS) Crimeline Signs, Name Badges, Drug Awareness and Education
Committee, Air Quality Testing, General Union Negotiations. (LK) Fire
Department Roof. (AM) Letter from Lester Firstenberger, which I would
like to address before we continue this meeting and which will address Don
Chase’s questions.
(LS) Motion to accept resignation of Lester Firstenberger from the
Economic Development Committee. (EV) Second. Carried 4-0.
*6:15 P.M. – Larry Berkson, Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association
(AM) Since it is not yet 6:15 P.M. and Mr. Berkson has not yet arrived, we
will continue with the rest of the Agenda.
Action Items
1. Jim Pritchard 7-31-07; Cost of Copies
(AM) I believe this letter now has no bearing since Town policy on cost of
copies has changed. Will advise (LKe) to write letter. (LK) has discussed
this with (LKe) and he will do some research to determine what State
charges for copies.
*Appointment – 6:15 P.M. – Larry Berkson
Mr. Berkson related that he is here tonight representing Pittsfield Youth
Baseball Association.
(AM) clarified that this is just an informational hearing to advise the BOS
what is planned for the Pittsfield Youth Baseball Field on Tilton Head Road.
Mr. Berkson agreed that this was for informational purposes only.
Mr. Berkson related that the Pittsfield Youth Baseball Association would
like to initiate this large project, which will take 2-3 years to complete. (Mr.
Berkson displayed maps of present configuration and proposed plans of
project.) He related that they would like to enlarge the field to include a
Babe Ruth size field, as there is often a scheduling conflict of events for
soccer and the high school baseball team. Originally, we were just going to
remove the dirt and build the one field, but after discussing with our
contractor, we have decided that would only be half the job and we would be
neglecting the present three fields. These fields have no drains, water pools
up and there have been some major washouts with past rains. We decided to
do it once, and do it right and this will cover it for 25-50 years. He related
that fill would be brought to the other existing fields to “crown” these fields
to assist with the pooling that occurs there. There will be no retaining wall,
but a swale will be constructed so that water will flow into a holding pond.
There will be:
. Paved organized parking and additional parking for buses.
. Soccer field* for younger players.
. This field* can double as parking area when we are hosting Babe Ruth
Tournaments, which will also boost our concession stand sales. These
monies are utilized for maintenance and equipment.
. A “Beautification Committee” to dress up the front of the park.
I am here tonight to just inform the BOS what we are going to do. This
project will not go forward unless the community is behind it. This will
accommodate 300 kids per year and 32-35 more kids in the 15-16 age
bracket. We have received an anonymous donation of $100,000. and
$30,000 has also been donated without solicitation. We have a long way to
go but we believe that this can be done. Some of the services will be
donated and we are looking into military participation for movement of dirt.
Other services, we believe, will also be donated.
There will be underground water and lighting to the two fields and a sign has
been donated for the Babe Ruth field.
(LS) noted that it sounds like a wonderful project and asked when it would
begin. Mr. Berkson noted that it would start essentially on September 1,
2008. We will remove the old building, cut the necessary trees, and do the
destumping. Our goal is not to do this piecemeal as it will be necessary to
shut down the fields for one year, and 13 teams will have to arrange to play
additional away games until the fields are completed.
Mr. Berkson related that the Committee would be assessing the donations
before they actually begun and would not even begin if they did not have
sufficient funds to complete it. He noted that it is possible to apply for a
$5,000 matching grant for any involvement with the Baseball Association.
He noted that he has been and will be speaking to clubs, businesses, Trustees
of Trust Funds, and the greater part of Pittsfield infrastructure. It was
suggested that it be placed in the Concord Monitor and the Manchester
Union Leader to generate interest. Mr. Berkson related that they would first
like to get the necessary permits in place before they begin this process.
2. Consider Welfare Lien on Property Map R-35, Lot 26
(LS) Motion to accept Welfare Lien on Map R-36, Lot 26. (EV) Second.
Carried 4-0.
3. Consider Welfare Lien on Property Map R-25, Lot 48
(LS) Motion to accept Welfare Lien on Map R-25, Lot 48. (JL) Second.
Carried 4-0.
4. Dan Schroth 8(7)-29-07, Lester Firstenberger
(AM) This has already been taken care of at beginning of meeting.
5. Fire Department Roof
(LKe) Michael McLaughlin (MM) has received a bid from J.J.P. & Sons
LLC for $l,675 which includes removing and matching and replacing
damaged tiles.
(LK) Motion to accept bid from J.J.P. & Sons LLC in the amount of $l,675.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.
1. Welfare Department Monthly (July) Report
(LS) Another good report.
2. NHDOT, District Six, 7-31-07 Letter Requesting DES Permit to
Replace 30 Inch Culvert on NH Route 107
(LKe) related that NHDOT is looking to replace the culvert at the bottom of
the hill, which has been undermined due to erosion. This is a routine request
and work will be accomplished sometime in the fall.
3. Crimeline Signs
(LKe) to get update from Chief Wharem regarding placement of crimeline
4. Name Badges
(LS) requested that (LKe) look into when individuals will be getting
picture/name badges.
5. Drug Awareness and Education Committee
(LK) related that to date they have had two meetings. He related that he
feels that they need a couple more citizens on committee. Committee is not,
as yet, aggressive enough. (LS) questioned who he would like to see on this
committee and whether meetings have been noticed and minutes
accomplished? She related that BOS would like to support his efforts and
suggested (LK) funnel through (LKe) the agendas and minutes for the future
to assist him in getting these matters accomplished. It was noted by (LK)
that he would like to have a definite scheduled meeting day/location.
6. Air Quality Testing
(LS) related that there is a check to the company for testing downstairs,
which failed the first time, and there has been no re-inspection. (LKe)
related that substandard work was done with poor workmanship. He will
check on the two checks that are outstanding – one for the work
accomplished and one for the testing that has been accomplished but lacks
resulting report. He noted that they did the re-test but to date no results have
been received. (LS) requested that check be held until results received.
(LK) noted that there are now 2 x 4’s holding up the ductwork.
7. Union Negotiations
(LS) requested information on recent meetings. (LKe) related that a meeting
was held today. Paul Skowron led the meeting, which covered estimated
wage/salary study and spreadsheets. After this is completed, union
proposals will begin. (LS) would like to be notified of these meetings so she
can attend.
1. Proposed Pitney Bowes Postal Machine Lease
(LKe) all information on this will be available next week.
2. Park & Recreation Pavilion Damage Repair
(LKe) MM has been soliciting some bids from the same individuals that
will be doing the firehouse roof repairs, but has not yet received any
responses. (LK) suggested, perhaps, Jesse Pacheco could make presentation
to Board to explain what necessary repairs would involve.
3. Sex Offender Ordinance
(LKe) noted that there was nothing new to report on this. (LS) wanted to
know since we have now received the maps as requested, do e want to act on
this? (LK) noted that he still remains back and forth on this issue. He
suggested Board table this for six months. (LS) noted we should keep the
information and keep watching and if it comes back we will review it again
and for now it will be taken off the Agenda.
4. Pittsfield Players Tax Exemption, Tabled 4/17/07
(LS) advised Board that she recently received the final package on this and
will pull it all together in the next few weeks. She will notify (LKe) when it
is ready for BOS review. Copies of her findings will be forwarded to Board
prior to that time.
5. Shingle Mill Brook Road – Legal Review
(LKe) related that Chief Wharem had reviewed the information in the
archives and will be sending it off to Town counsel for their
Mr. Smith related that this is exactly where we were last week, sending it to
the attorney. Chief Wharem said that it was being sent to the attorneys.
(LKe) noted that Chief meant to say it was being looked at and then would
be sent to the attorney. Mr. Smith wanted to know what the $1,500-2,000
was spent on that was allocated for this per Chief Wharem. He related that
he had missed that BOS meeting. “The question being asked of the attorney
is what are the rights of the people who reside on Shingle Mill Road.” (AM)
noted that BOS is not sending this to counsel with a particular question, but
rather looking to find all information on this matter. Mr. Smith questioned,
“What do we want to know?” (AM) noted “How bankruptcy effected that.”
(Mr. Smith presented part of the Minutes, which he believes were from the
BOS meeting on the 31st of July.) (AM) explained that what is noted in the
Minutes is not necessarily what is going to happen but rather is a discussion
among the Board members and Chief Wharem. The Board decides what it is
that they want to ask the attorney. Mr. Smith noted that he felt “We are in
exactly the same place we were four weeks ago. I was told the same thing
last week and have been each time.” This has been going on since 1986. He
wanted to know if anybody from BOS had done any research on this matter?
(LS) related that there are two separate issues – a civil dispute and who owns
the road. We do not want to duplicate what the Chief has already done. Mr.
Smith related that this is a BOS issue, not a police issue. The property is not
being taxed. (LK) noted that six weeks is not unreasonable length of time
for information to be acquired and sent to attorneys. Mr. Smith asked,
“What do we have to do to make it a Town road?” (LS) noted that until we
have all the information, we cannot give you a decision. (EV) noted that
there are two ways to accept it as a Town road. One is to Petition voters to
approve it, or request BOS to accept as Town road. Before we can do that,
we need to know who owns road and then we can decide if we want it as a
Town road. I will not vote on this matter until I have all the facts. Mr.
Smith related that five years ago the Town counsel said that residents own to
the center of the road. (JL) And maybe they will again. (EV) noted that we
will try to push this through with Town counsel as soon as possible. (AM)
noted that this will be taken off the Agenda until we have something further
to discuss. Mr. Smith related that he felt that he had to attend the BOS
meetings because “things go on and then I have to read it on the Internet.”
6. Zoning Board of Adjustment, Alternate Vacancy
(LKe) noted that to date we have not had any submissions. It was decided
that rather than re-advertise, a letter regarding vacancy would be sent to the
Suncook Valley Sun.
1. Sewer User Billing, Second Quarter
(EV) Motion to accept Warrant for Sewer User Billing, Second Quarter in
the amount of $106,010.90. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
(LS) Motion to accept Accounts Payable. (JL) Second. Carried 4-0.
Discussion: Hold check 7214 and 7250 for now regarding the Air Duct
(LS) Motion to accept Payroll. (LK) Second. Carried 4-0.
Discussion: (LS) I have two questions. 1. Is the Rotary billed for special
detail hours for Balloon Rally? (AM) related that he doubted that they were.
(LS) questioned why wouldn’t they be billed? (AM) noted that because it is
a Town function. And 2., I believe it is a policy that vacation hours cannot
be accrued over so many hours. I believe that we have a use or lose policy.
(LKe) to check into this.
(LK) Motion to accept public session Minutes of July 31, 2007.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0. (AM) abstain due to absence on July 31st.
(LK) Motion to accept non-public session Minutes of July 31, 2007.
(LK) Second. Carried 4-0. (AM) abstain due to absence on July 31st.
(LKe) was requested to write letter to Jim Pritchard regarding new policy for
copying requests. He will also check with State in regard to their copying
(LKe) discussed Appointment Application to be used. BOS will review and
discuss next week. (LK) “If I get two more members for the Drug
Awareness and Education Committee, can I ask them to fill out this
application?” BOS agreed that this form could be used.
(LKe) noted that he had received information from Department of Safety
regarding Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Operation Plan. This will be
considered and should be submitted, if Town is interested, by September 15,
(LKe) noted that Town has received notification from Town of Newfields,
as they will be adding ten feet to cell tower. Towns are now required to
notify if within 20 miles. This is for information purposes only.
(LKe) noted that he had an E-Mail from Donna Keeley noting that she heard
on the radio that there has been an environmental resolution regarding Upper
City Road.
(LKe) Letter from Laura Spector noting that she will be viewing Hillsen
Leasing property with Building Inspector and Fire Chief, which was
scheduled for yesterday. This matter is before the Court in regard to noncompliance
with regulations.
(LKe) noted that a letter had been received from David Blackey in regard to
taxes. He has reviewed this with Liz Hast. She related that she would be
coming before BOS with four cases of taxes in arrears, past due for at least
three years, and seeking advice of BOS. (AM) questioned what happens in
this process if we do nothing, are we essentially doing what he asks. (LKe)
noted that “Yes, this would be the case,” and BOS should be aware of what
is on property and any other matters regarding property before consideration
for taking property is given. (LK) noted that this individual had called him
to discuss this matter with him. He advised him that he could not discuss
this with him and that he should consult with the Tax Assessor, Liz Hast.
(LKe) was questioned by (LS) regarding traffic light at Route 107 and Route
28 junction. He related that he would call tomorrow. (AM) noted that
installation was long overdue.
(LK) Motion to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, II (a) and (b).
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0. Board was polled individually and all agreed.
Adjournment of Public Session was at 7:25 P.M.
Break of 5 minutes was called.
Approved: August 14, 2007
_________________________ ____________________
Arthur Morse, Chairman Date