August 7, 2012 Meeting

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
August 7, 2012

The Committee met at the home of Theresa Riel.
Carole opened the meeting at 7:10 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Theresa, Nicole, Paula, Gail, Ted, Nancy, Carol, Dawn

Members Absent: Ida, Jason

Treasurer’s Report:

The budget was reviewed. 100 mums have been purchased and 19 have been pre-sold so far.

Old Business:

It was decided that we would dig up, divide and sell the perennials that are in the Washington House lot. Nicole will supply the pots and print pictures of the flowers to stick on them. Nicole will also make a sign that now is the time to plant perennials. They will be priced to sell, $0.50 or $1.00. Anyone who is thinning out their garden is also welcome to bring perennials to sell.

Nicole will ask Joe Darrah if his crew can dig up the plants this week. Ted and Nicole will be there to put the plants in pots. Carol will join them, depending upon the day of the week. If Joe cannot do it, members of the committee will meet on Sunday the 12th at 8 am to dig them up. Nicole will email us as soon as she hears from Joe.

The plant sale is set for Saturday the 18th 8-12. Paula will write an article for this week’s paper, explaining where we will be selling the plants etc. and will also let pre-pays know they can pick up their flowers at the Aranosian Lot.

For the plant sale, Ted, Carol, Gail, Tina and Theresa will all work at the Aranosian Lot. Nancy, Carole, Nicole and Dawn will work in front of Jitters. We will all meet at the Aranosian Lot at 7 am. Plants are scheduled to be delivered at 7:30. We will also price and divide the baked goods at that time.

Carol and Nancy will each bring a canopy. Nancy is bringing bottled water and Carol will bring a big bucket and ice. Anyone with tables should bring them and Ted will bring a couple of chairs. Tina will bring cash for change. Carol and Nancy will both bring cash boxes, if needed. Both Ted and Nancy will bring labels for the food. Everyone will be responsible for bringing baked goods, individually wrapped.

Ted will make a large sign for the Jitters table indicating that this is a Pittsfield Beautification Committee function. We have one banner which we will use at the Aranosian lot. Ted will also make pricing signs for the mums, $5 and $9. Paula will help him with the smaller signs and perhaps tent cards for Jitters and Jacks.

Theresa will pick up several of the donation boxes so that we can put them at the tables and indicate that proceeds will go to the Washington House Lot reconstruction which will begin on September 4th.

New Business:

A new member was introduced, Dawn McGill, welcome !

Ted has approached the Select Board about removing all non-shrub perennials at town hall.

There was an extensive discussion about the Aranosian lot when Ted made a suggestion to bring in a new layer of top soil. Nicole asked if we wanted to make the lot it similar to Lyman Park; inviting for the public to sit in and enjoy, maybe even include historical facts about the lot’s origin. Ted and Nicole have agreed to work together on design or maybe consult with a local landscape designer.

Carole is going to contact the owners of the lot about putting in a water spigot. We could have it separately metered and he could have a tax deduction

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.